CSE-- Pg. 74 SATAN'S HAMMER, Ch.18, pg.160 "Goodnight Sweetheart" epilogue

And Buzz, sorry about the trick today & your rough shot, hope you're feeling well. Happy Halloween!!

Nancy, you know I had a flash of illumination about that flu shot. It's nothing, nothing at all compared to the big, long needle that will be coming my way soon in the form of an epidural! :scared1:

Tee-hee Nebo! Now, I'm off and running to do what endears me to your heart so much! Lots of consecutive posts to catch up for missed time! ;)

Ok, oh, I have a great name for the baby if it's a boy and you are sure you don't want to go with "Little Nebo". It's Wyatt, I think that's a cool name. Especially for a baby, then you can affectionately call him,
Wyatt Burp.

You know the kids call you Mr. Nebo. The one that sounds funny though......Mr. Pkondz. I don't know why but every time I hear them say that I have this mental flash of Mr. Bojangles. ;)

Wyatt Burp.....that's funny Nebo! :rotfl2:

By the way, I'll go ahead and do this here in this post. Everything's good, I'm getting a little achy and tired more quickly these days and both my parents are sick with some viral cold, fever, chills bug and since they are the caregivers for the kids while we are in the hospital, I need them to get better soon, but it's the season for the crud it seems. Anyway, sorry to be AWOL but literally I have had something every single night for the past week and a half. I hope to just chill this evening. Busy Buzz, that's me!

And by the way, I'm pretty certain the old ute is somewhere in the vicinity of my ankles about now......at least that's where it feels like it is!

Nebo, I thought the HS chapter was hilarious! I read it a few days back, sometimes I have the time to read but not post, but just about everything in that chapter had me in stitches. Maybe it's because, for the most part, the chapter was written in the tone of Mr. Crankypants! ;)

I just really liked the sarcasm, the chapter seemed to be full of it! Thanks for the laughs!

Boy. Ya know when you're on a high and then somebody comes along and bursts your bubble? Yup. That's me.

The other night, I was bored and nothing was on tv and the phone rings. I look at call display and see it's Nebo. Hey! Things are looking up! I haven't talked to him for a while, excellent! And then in the middle of our conversation, he tells me he has another call. I'm on hold for a couple of seconds and he comes back and tells me it's Bunny Boy. Wow! He wants to talk to me even more than TMan. Aren't I the priveledged one.

And then....


Did he call because he wanted to talk to yours truly? Not really. He was bored people! Nothing to do. Nothing on the idiot box. And then... I was an afterthought only when Thumpy wasn't home. You know what I was? A desperate act of desperation for something... anything... to do!

And if that wasn't bad enough, as soon as he hears Hoppity is home he quickly ends the conversation and goes running off to the other man.

I feel so.... so.... used.

I think I'm going to have to cut all ties to this TR now. I don't want to get a reputation of being cheap.

... more cheap...

well, since I'm already here, I'll just finish up commenting... but then that's it!

Goodbye cruel TR!!!

Pkondz, when I read how Nebo phrased the calls to you and T-Man, I knew your response would be worth waiting for. Bless his little heart, our Nebo sometimes goes a bit further than just putting his foot in his mouth. Sometimes, it's like he puts the bottom of his shoe after he's walked through Club Cool at Epcot in there!! ;)
Congrats to sewmess for getting it right. Although she was kind enough to say I looked like I was 53-56. :sad1:

Well, you might physically be 48, but you know the lyrics to Katy Perry songs so that would be the mental equivalency of 13-16, give or take a few years! ;)

You know I'm just kidding with you Pkondz!!

Happy Late Birthday!!!! pixiedust:

Interesting list. I can't comment on DVD 'cause I haven't seen it. Oh, bits and pieces, but that's it. And yet from those bits, I know I've missed out on a real gem.

As for the rest... same remark to Andy Griffith.

What about All In The Family? or Taxi?

I haven't seen DVD either, but I would have to remove Friends from my personal list and add Frasier instead. I liked Friends just fine and it was funny, but there is just something about Frasier! :rotfl2:
Nebo, I thought the HS chapter was hilarious! I read it a few days back, sometimes I have the time to read but not post, but just about everything in that chapter had me in stitches. Maybe it's because, for the most part, the chapter was written in the tone of Mr. Crankypants! ;)

I just really liked the sarcasm, the chapter seemed to be full of it! Thanks for the laughs!

I have been told by my one friend that I've gotten pretty good at sarcasm.

Pkondz, when I read how Nebo phrased the calls to you and T-Man, I knew your response would be worth waiting for. Bless his little heart, our Nebo sometimes goes a bit further than just putting his foot in his mouth. Sometimes, it's like he puts the bottom of his shoe after he's walked through Club Cool at Epcot in there!! ;)

Which is not about the only way that "Beverly" will ever cross my lips again. Yechh:crazy2:

¿Que tiene dice hablamos español en Nuevo México? Somos parte de los Estados Unidos. Hablamos a inglés.

Ok, why is there a nose at the beginning of your quote?

Buzz, glad to hear things are going okey dokey, and maybe you can go to Bed, Births and Beyond and pick up some assorted utes to try on.

Ok,now I really need to get to work on new chapter, and this time I mean it! No, I don't have an ETA.
I don't have a UTE either.
Happy Anniversary Nebo and Smidgy!!

Our anniversary is next Wednesday, 11/14, and lucky me, it's my next checkup! One in which, yippee, I will get to be "checked"! :(

My midwives are great about not doing that unless requested but my favorite midwife has a busy Thanksgiving week and she wants to have an idea of where I am. What a great way to celebrate our anniversary! :rolleyes2
Buzz, glad to hear things are going okey dokey, and maybe you can go to Bed, Births and Beyond and pick up some assorted utes to try on.

Ok,now I really need to get to work on new chapter, and this time I mean it! No, I don't have an ETA.
I don't have a UTE either.

Nebo, I'm so very glad you don't have a ute! You just wouldn't be the man I think you are if you did!!! :lmao:
Well, you might physically be 48, but you know the lyrics to Katy Perry songs so that would be the mental equivalency of 13-16, give or take a few years! ;)

You know I'm just kidding with you Pkondz!!

Happy Late Birthday!!!! pixiedust:

Aren't most men at the mental equivalency of 13-16? Depending on what kind of play they are interested depends on which end of the age range they are? Monster trucks or. . .pinup girls, (because it's a family forum)

Oh, and TM - thanks for letting me use my Spanish skills. Yo tengo problemas con frase entera estructura. Muy mal. :worried:
Oh, and TM - thanks for letting me use my Spanish skills. Yo tengo problemas con frase entera estructura. Muy mal. :worried:

Yeah? You do and you'll clean it up!

Ok, hopefully should have the next chapter posted tomorrow night, BEFORE the Bears game. In the meantime,
go read Monymonies chapter, it's pretty much the same thing, I should have just saved time and copy and pasted it here! Yes, I know, I"d have to add some typos.
Nancy, you know I had a flash of illumination about that flu shot. It's nothing, nothing at all compared to the big, long needle that will be coming my way soon in the form of an epidural! :scared1:

Tee-hee Nebo! Now, I'm off and running to do what endears me to your heart so much! Lots of consecutive posts to catch up for missed time! ;)

Try not to think about that ahead of time, because when the time comes you won't care about the needle, only about what it does for you!! ;)

I'll tell you, for me, the needle was nothing, what really bothered me was the tape they put on me to hold the tube. Now THAT was painful!! (I think I was allergic to the tape.)
Since the gang's all here...

Apologies for being AWOL (reminds me of a story, back with that in a bit). I got called in for a midnight shift and I thought, "Great! I can catch up on the Dis!"

It was not to be. It was weird. I got to the first TR I was going to respond to. Read the chapter... and that was it. I couldn't go anywhere on the Dis for the rest of the night. :confused3

Slept today, got up. Found out that my sump pump was burnt out (luckily it was still on warranty). Got a new pump, installed it (only after I dropped the $@$# flashlight in the sump pit), made dinner, watched a movie with the fambly (Seeking a Friend for the End of the World... it has Steve Carell. I thought it was a comedy... not!), and now I'm beat... but had to post here first.

So those of you who are doing TRs (you know who you are) and want to know why I'm ignoring you.... there ya go.

The one that sounds funny though......Mr. Pkondz. I don't know why but every time I hear them say that I have this mental flash of Mr. Bojangles. ;)

You'll never know why... but that put a smile on my face.

And by the way, I'm pretty certain the old ute is somewhere in the vicinity of my ankles about now......at least that's where it feels like it is!

Nothing like having a friendly dog curled up by your feet. I assume you have a malamute that's curled up at your ankles? That's what you meant, right?

Pkondz, when I read how Nebo phrased the calls to you and T-Man, I knew your response would be worth waiting for. Bless his little heart, our Nebo sometimes goes a bit further than just putting his foot in his mouth. Sometimes, it's like he puts the bottom of his shoe after he's walked through Club Cool at Epcot in there!! ;)

Umm... ew. Thanks for that visual. :scared:

Course he's not alone. I've been known to chew on the odd pair of sneakers every now and then.

Does your malamute chew your slippers? Just wonderin'.

¿Que tiene dice hablamos español en Nuevo México? Somos parte de los Estados Unidos. Hablamos a inglés.

You're right, I should only expect Spanish in the Dakotas. Silly me.

Well, you might physically be 48, but you know the lyrics to Katy Perry songs so that would be the mental equivalency of 13-16, give or take a few years! ;)

You know I'm just kidding with you Pkondz!!

Happy Late Birthday!!!! pixiedust:

Hey! Thanks for the Birthday shout out. 13-16? Nah, I'm mentally younger than that.

8-10 tops.


Aren't most men at the mental equivalency of 13-16? Depending on what kind of play they are interested depends on which end of the age range they are? Monster trucks or. . .pinup girls, (because it's a family forum)

Oh, and TM - thanks for letting me use my Spanish skills. Yo tengo problemas con frase entera estructura. Muy mal. :worried:

Well your sentence structure is better than mine... or I should say Google translate's.

And even if it wasn't a family forum, we'd still be mentally equivalent to children... slow learner children.

Oh, and before my fuzzy brain shuts down for the night... the AWOL story.
Back in my teenage days, my sister came up to me with a book she was reading and says, "What's a pow?"
"A pow? What? I dunno, use it in a sentence." So she reads something like, "The man was a pow during the later stages of the war."

"Oh!" I say, "You mean P-O-W! Prisoner Of War."

She replies, "Oh, okay. Then what's A-W-O-L?"

To which I reply, "awol? That's Absent With Out Leave."

Okay, it's a crappy story, but it was funny at the time... Just some of the things you can learn from watching MASH. See, it's educational.

Oh, and since she's on here too... Congrats to O kitty squared for winning this week's caption contest. I think that's her first win.

Nighty night, all.
Originally Posted by nebo
I'm sorry, but do you mean Rupert Holmes Pina Colada Song? I don't know of one by JB.
And isnt' that a delightful song, where two people cheating on each other can find love and romantic excitement when they both get caught doing that.

Yep, that's the song. I have a cover version that Jimmy B did, and didn't realize it was a cover. Oops!

Oh my goodness, I just swallowed my shot glass!

Speaking of swallowing shot glasses...

Just got back from dinner to celebrate a friend's birthday. Nice restaurant, meal was great. We all had those mini desserts in shot glasses, and out of nowhere, my friend Jennifer spits out a half-inch long shard of glass. She thought it was a heath bar or something & gave it a few good crunches before realizing what it was!

The chef came out and apologized profusely, dessert was on the house, and he gave her a $50 gift card. Not sure she'll be back!

ps happy anniversary honey!! 9 whole years together!!!;):cloud9:

um shouldn't we look younger?

Happy Anniversary Smidgy & Mr. Smidgy!

Lady H and I will still be around then. We check into CBR the day before.

Awesome! I'll be at WL with my mom & sons. DH will be sitting this one out-- a little too much "quality time" with my mom for him!::yes::

I'll PM you a picture of us-- say hi if you see me!
pkondz said:
And even if it wasn't a family forum, we'd still be mentally equivalent to children... slow learner children.

Well then consider yourself in good hands cause that is my area of expertise.


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