CSE-- Pg. 74 SATAN'S HAMMER, Ch.18, pg.160 "Goodnight Sweetheart" epilogue

Kinda of strange.

The other night I was bored and nothing was on tv and I
felt like talking Disney while she was at work, so I gave Thmper man a call.. I got his voice mail instead, so with my Disney appetite still un satiated, I tried Ponzi on the phone; he answered. While talking to him, TMan called me back and after I finished talking to Ponzi, I called Mike back up.

Later on, I realized that I just spent an hour talking to two guys i've never met before, one in New Mexico and the other in Winnipeg. How strange, and you want to talk about running the Accent gamut?

It's friday morning, I think we left off with Smidgy worrying that either she, or Jackson, would fall to their death on the top row of Soarin'.
(and yes, that apostrophe is starting to annoy me as well.)

It seemed to me that now we are really in no hurry to have to be anywhere, so since we were taking the back door out to the Friendship Boats anyway, we can get on Imagination with now wait, or maybe catch Captain E O.

The main goal is still to make sure we catch Light's, Motors, Action at the Studios, so Ok, out the back end we go, Damn the Torpedos, full steam ahead!

We could have walked to the Studios faster, even with me!

From Epcot, the order of "Ports of call" the ship stopped at were, I believe,,, Epcot, the Boardwalk, across to Yacht and Beach Club, then over to the Swolphin, and then finally, the Studios.

No, I have'nt yet gotten a shortened nickname for Yacht and Beach Club resort like the Swan and Dolphin, everytime I try to to do that I end up with the Yeast Club, and, well, that would just be wrong. :sick:

We sat on the very back bench seat outside, and I looked forward to explaining a bit like a tour guide this section of Disney that Todd and Kim have never seen before.

Yeah, right.

The boat was packed, Todd and Jackson way on the port side, Kim had the starboard rail with Smidgy and myself betwixt them.

I tried my spiel firtst to the left with no response, then I figured that I had a captive audience off to the starboard side but still got virtually no better results.

At the Studios, timing was about perfect to catch the next Car Stunt Show, but they also wanted to get a few fasties for TOT, with Kimi the runner this time.

Then Jackson changed his mind and they quickly called her on back.

Then he changed his mind again, said he wanted to ride it.

She took off again.

Then he changed his mind again and they called her back.

I went and sat down.

She, finally, left again, although walking this time.

On our way there though, we got lucky, and one of the green army guys was out there signing and posing.

It took a little bit to get Jackson to go up to him, in this case the shy kid does NOT get the the oil, or the auti, but eventually we did get a picture of him and the greenie.


Kim caught back up to us near the entrance of the stunt show, and then I heard the most terrifying words I was to hear the rest of the trip.

A cast member manning the ropes, said that the coolest seats were at the very top of the stadium where the overhead ceiling fans were.

He then opened the gates immediately after that and I ended up in the rear immediately, not realizing that Todd took what he said to heart.

I was almost dead by the time we got and pulled into the second,,,, SECOND,,, very row from the top. And yes, the fans were much needed by that time, as were my new
EMT buddies that I had made friends with.

I had to admit, I had a great view of the castle from up here,


I made sure to keep an eye on Jackson most of the time, and I have to admit, the kid is something else.
He never really took his eyes off the action, and the dialog explanations didn't bore him at all, but he also never changed facial expressions either, which at first would have surprised me, but not by now in the trip.


Remember last time I wrote about this , and the hero guy couldn' t get the jet ski started? Well, you'll be happy to know that they have since filled it up with gas again.

I am definately under the impression that the Lights, Motors, Action Stunt Show has been a bust for Disney, they are usually now down to only 2 shows a day. Even we say you only need to see it once every few years,
it's not as personable as the Indy show is, that makes you
want to come back more often. Plus there's the French/European influence effect on the show that is just not
warm and cuddly enough for Americans.
My opinions, anyway.

They were then going to try and wait for AeroSmith's coaster and to TOT again, so once again, Smidgy and I called it quits with them for the day.

That climb to the top of the mountain really wiped me out, my head was starting to pound again and since Smidgy didn't do the rides they were going to do now, we went on back home.

Well, we headed on out, but we were both dying of thirst, and she got in line at a "kiosk" to get us a pop to split.

I went and sat on a cement wall while she did this and it took a lot longer than you would have expected to just get a Coke.
While I'm sitting there, a couple goes past in a hurry,a nd the woman glances at me, takes a few more steps and then stops.

I have nothing else to do right now but watch people and so I'm following her actions.
Yes, I'm the reason she stopped.

Walks up to me and says, " Excuse me, do I know you? "

Don't you just love vagarisms like that? How do you respond?

I opted for, "Maybe you do and maybe you don't, I'm not tellin'."

Now, her partner comes back wondering what the holdup is.

She turned to him and said, " Look, it's the trip reporter guy, remember I told you about him? " "The one that's always hurting hims,,,,"
He said, "Yeah, well we have ten minutes to make Rock and Roller Coaster's fastpass", and with that, they both just turned and ran off again.

Yup, that was it!
Good thing they did, cuz I didn't have a pen on me to sign an autograph.
Trust me, being a celebrity isn't quite what the mags say
it is like.

It reminded me of a long time ago when I first started doing the reports, and one evening at a dumb DIS meet Smidgy joined at Pop back in 06, this one woman kept going around and telling people that i was ZZUB.
He is a lawyer from Alabama I think, and I'm sure our accents sound alike!

But after a while I gave up saying I'm really Nebo, and I became ZZUB.

Hey, by the end of the night, I had 3 phone numbers of people that wanted me to represent them. :lmao:
Nebo couldn't have done that well.

And then, once again we are back tat the Nebo Memorail Hippy Dippy Pool, just in time for:

Pick one:

1. The Yellow Jackets Show
2. Real Yellow Jackets there to sting me again.
3. Thunderstorms to roll back in.
4. Both thunderstorms and yellow jackets show.
5. All of the above.

No, the correct answer is 4.

We got our typical pool spot again, and two hours later they closed the pool again,

This is now at least 5 times the pool has been closed on this trip!
I , we, always knew this could be a problem this time of year,
holy cow, this is ridiculous.
It would 't be so bad if you could just stay at your table when it got a little dicey, but no, they have to clear out everything and everybody!

Once again we find ourselves sitting at a table outside the food court under the over hang wondering what we should do now.

I looked at my watch, it said 2: 30.
Smidgy's watch said "Your guess is as good as mine".

And I'm in the mood now of , "Last day, I tried to be good, at least for a while, oh well, no sense in putting off the inevitable.

One problem though, I had maybe one shot of whiskey left, and I wasn't in the mood for Rum or Vodka.

Heck with it, I wonder how much it is in the gift shop?

Wow, I know now.
I bought a pint bottle of Seagrams 7, which I'm not a fan of, for 13 bucks!
Ok, it's the size that we USED to call a pint bottle, now I'm sure it's some species of mililiters or milimeters or
milivanilli or milihelpers.

What kills me about buying liquor at Disney is you can tell it's not something that is sold often.
First the clerk has to go and find an employee who is old enough to sell it, then they have to get the manager who has the keys to open the glass cabinet behind the counter where the booz is stored, and there are no prices;
you don't have any idea until that bottle is scanned to see what comes up.

After she scanned it and it came up 13. 29 or something I yelled out,, "Ok, two out of three? Let's try it again."

But as expensive as it is, it's still cheaper than two drinks at the bar!

It rained again that late afternoon and evening, we gave up waiting for better weather and went and changed.
We did see the family at one point when they got back from the park, and they were just going to take it easy tonight too, in their room.
Kim found out that they changed their flight time tomorrow, they were going to go to a park in the morning I think,now, there really wasn't enough time before Magical
Depress hauled them away.

We talked briefly about the trip, and Todd and Kim said they did everything at the parks, and one week really was enough. Unlike what I had said originally, that you can't see everything in a week.

I cracked at this point, and said, "Hold it, everything?"
Let's start with the studios, where you say you did everything.
"You didn't see the Little Mermaid show, or the incredible Beauty and the Beast show, or American Idol, or the parade, or Fantasmic, or even Muppetvision!
That's 5 hours right there and I'm not sure about the Backstage Tour if they did that.

Not to mention almost nothing was really done at Epcot,
I never even got to show Jackson the little trains in Germany.

Oh well.
We then basically said our goodbyes then after reminding them that we are going to check out early and go over to Animal Kingdom in the morning to meet up with What's-her-face.

Later on it had stopped raining, and we went down to the food court again, and I was looking to try a NEW Mom's Night Out meal, they rotate them every two or three days, but no, even though it's always fried chicken on Fridays, they are still doing the turkey meal like I got last night.
Although at our house, the second night of turkey has a lot less white meat and a lot more dark meat. :headache:
And that sweet Gramma I told you about? Uh oh, hmmm,
that might have been on Mony or BunnyBoy's thread, anyway, the Granny that got me going on boilermakers wand whiskey? She was the one who always was the first one to request the NECK!

Geesh, between that and pork shanks and saurkraut and smoked butt and fried liver and HEARTS, and cannibal sandwiches and pork hocks and all those disgusting really green vegetables,,,, no wonder I like Oncore Salsbury Steaks trays!

Whoops , ignore this last rant, I have disjointed the trip report again.

And that was just fine with me!
Hey, we have leftover Thanksgiving meals at home the next night, right?
I ordered it the same way, and it was served just like last night. Yep, good stuff, I wish they delivered to Carpentersville.
Na, it would probably be cold by then, and then I'd still have to tip him.
Oh well.
We then basically said our goodbyes then after reminding them that we are going to check out early and go over to Animal Kingdom in the morning to meet up with What's-her-face.

You better watch yourself. Mony will get even with you for the "what's-her-face" comment. :sad2:
So, what you are saying is that we are going to suffer eternal darnation together. But yeah, that was pretty much what me french toast platter was,,,,but I know I got two peices of sausage, maybe they just felt generous that morning. But know what's funny?
I REALLY enjoyed the applesauce that morning!
So now that we've cleared that up, let's talk about you.

I think this is your second post now on this thread, but you seem right at home doing it, what gives with that?

Was there something in your past that makes you shy away from Nebo threads?
You can talk to me, pretend it's just us two, which, lately, pretty much describes things here.
Are you maybe in the witness protection program? Is that
why you are so quiet?
Or, was it something Ponzi said?
If he's the reason, we can make him an offer he can't refuse.

Thanks for posting lurker, yes, you got it right, i'm bored right now.

I'm pretty sure I'm not gonna suffer eternal damnation from eating a kids meal, but I suppose there could be another thing or two that might get me there:thumbsup2

As for the applesauce, I think it's just that there's very little vegetable or fruit eating going on in Disney, and we fool ourselves that this counts as a fruit, so we suddenly feel like we're eating healthy:confused3

I'll have to admit that it can be a bit intimidating to post on a Nebo thread. You and Smidgy are like celebrities on these boards. I'm afraid I might not be cool enough and asked to leave the thread:cool2:

And what's this nonsense about not writing a report? Who's being shy now? Where will I lurk?
mmeb144 said:
You better watch yourself. Mony will get even with you for the "what's-her-face" comment. :sad2:

That's ok I'm working on my next chapter where I meet up with some really great disers!

Nebo too!

Wink! wink!
Isn't San Antonio like a stone's throw from the gulf? if I was there, it COULD happen!

No, wish it was close to the gulf, I love the ocean. SA is in the middle of the state and trust me, Texas is a BIG state. From someone (me) who grew up in New England it seems odd to live in a state that is so huge.

Also, I'm proud of you for drinking water before you had your labs drawn. I personally never touch the stuff - do you know what fish do in it? :lmao:

Now I need to read the next chapter!
:rotfl2:Millihelper! I got it. When I was home alone, sick with pneumonia (where's a pity pot smiley when you need one) after our WDW/Boston trip this summer, I indulged in some Dick Van Dyke shows. I think I saw the one where their son, Richie left his walkie talkie at Jerry and Millie's. Much comedy ensued!
Do you even remember what you wrote?

"Do you know who was the biggest dissappointment? Monica.....Mony,,,,,"

If you are scanning that comes across all wrong. Just saying.

And it was in maroon bold.:snooty:

Were you expecting something more like Zsa Zsa Gabor?:cool2:
Whew!!! I am finally caught up!! These damned people I work for forcing me to do actual work the last few weeks!!

Sorry the weather didn't cooperate with you on this trip. I was there along with you two Decembers ago during the arctic cold front so I know how crappy weather can effect a trip.

I'm more sorry that you didn't have a chance to really share your trip with your family the way you wanted to. It's tough when others don't have the love for WDW that we do. It has happened to me in the past as well. That's why for the last 5 years we have only gone as a family, just the 4 of us. We WDW vets are so set in our ways that it can be tough!

I bet Jackson will have some small memory of something, that you probably didn't even notice, that will spark his WDW love. I always say to my wife that my dream is for our kids to carry on the tradition and take their children to WDW each year and share the love that we have with them.

That's what it's all about and I hope they get the love that you and Smidgy have!!

I'm pretty sure I'm not gonna suffer eternal damnation from eating a kids meal, but I suppose there could be another thing or two that might get me there:thumbsup2

As for the applesauce, I think it's just that there's very little vegetable or fruit eating going on in Disney, and we fool ourselves that this counts as a fruit, so we suddenly feel like we're eating healthy:confused3

You know you're right. I felt like I accomplished something good by eating the applesauce!

I'll have to admit that it can be a bit intimidating to post on a Nebo thread. You and Smidgy are like celebrities on these boards. I'm afraid I might not be cool enough and asked to leave the thread:cool2:

Right, don't be silly.

And what's this nonsense about not writing a report? Who's being shy now? Where will I lurk?

No, it looks like I'll be back again.
So far.

You better watch yourself. Mony will get even with you for the "what's-her-face" comment. :sad2:

Ah I'm not afraid of her, she's way up there with the Yoopers.
I do want you to know, that this report is not far from being finished, it will be kaput before we leave for the next trip in less than a month, but it's really doubtfull there will be a report on the next trip.

Those of you that are savvy, can tell that I'm grasping at straws right now for each chapter to make them funny or interesting, now that the danger has been exposed and passed. And yeah, I can't believe that I did this many reports mainly writing,,, and re-writing about the same thing, and it get's tough, I need a break.
I have done kind of like I said I would and speed things up this report, but still, the well is empty, my brain is empty as well. (hey, that's kind of cool, empty well, brain emtpy as well) See what I mean? It's these things that excite me now!
Anyway, unless something really bizarro happens again, and we really never know, do we, this will pretty much be it for me for awhile.

We do definately plan to take a trip out west next October to the first edition of Disney, so that I'd more than likely like to do a report on.
Ok,,, yeah, for SURE I'd like to do a report on. It will probably be like the bunnies report, and include Universal as well.

I'd also like to include Magic Mountain in there too, another new park, but we'll see.
Yes, I get almost giddy thinking about new things to be ]
able to write about!

Ok, I guess I was just warning you.
Gotta get back to work tomorrow and start the next chapter. While waiting go read Mony's and the Bunny's and Millies and Shan's and,,,,, WINKERS if she has a new one up. See ya'll soon.
Connie, let me know If I need to be more derogatory about Randy to get him to post again.

We're going to the original Disney next October too. I'll have to brush up on what you look like so I'll know you if I see you and can make a fool out of myself pointing at you. Though I'm still convinced you were there this March, sitting at POFQ food court, even though you SAY you weren't......
Don't you dare stop writing trip reports. I've gotten a lot out of this one, because I know how these family things go, and I'm glad to hear someone else expressing the same feelings. You never know what someone else is getting out of what you write! These things are draining to write, but you have a gift for it. I write for a living and I can't do them.
And we still have no power here in NJ. We're the last street in our town. Fortunately, we and just about everyone on our street has a generator.
Kinda of strange.

That's good Nebo. The first step in self examination is to admit your faults.
But I'm glad you stopped at one, 'cause I don't think any of us have the time to read all of 'em!

The other night I was bored and nothing was on tv and I
felt like talking Disney while she was at work, so I gave Thmper man a call.. I got his voice mail instead, so with my Disney appetite still un satiated, I tried Ponzi on the phone; he answered. While talking to him, TMan called me back and after I finished talking to Ponzi, I called Mike back up.

Boy. Ya know when you're on a high and then somebody comes along and bursts your bubble? Yup. That's me.

The other night, I was bored and nothing was on tv and the phone rings. I look at call display and see it's Nebo. Hey! Things are looking up! I haven't talked to him for a while, excellent! And then in the middle of our conversation, he tells me he has another call. I'm on hold for a couple of seconds and he comes back and tells me it's Bunny Boy. Wow! He wants to talk to me even more than TMan. Aren't I the priveledged one.

And then....


Did he call because he wanted to talk to yours truly? Not really. He was bored people! Nothing to do. Nothing on the idiot box. And then... I was an afterthought only when Thumpy wasn't home. You know what I was? A desperate act of desperation for something... anything... to do!

And if that wasn't bad enough, as soon as he hears Hoppity is home he quickly ends the conversation and goes running off to the other man.

I feel so.... so.... used.

I think I'm going to have to cut all ties to this TR now. I don't want to get a reputation of being cheap.

... more cheap...

well, since I'm already here, I'll just finish up commenting... but then that's it!

Goodbye cruel TR!!!

Later on, I realized that I just spent an hour talking to two guys i've never met before, one in New Mexico and the other in Winnipeg. How strange, and you want to talk about running the Accent gamut?

Come to think of it, your voice did get more and more normal sounding. And you started to throw in a lot of "eh"s and comments about snow and windchill.

Oh, and BTW folks... Sure he talked to 'us' for an hour... but it was 5 - 10 minutes with pkondz and then TMan phoned and it was see ya Canada, hello New Mexico.

I hope everyone saw how I rhymed that last bit. This is the kind of brilliant repartee you'll all miss when I'm gone!!

It's friday morning, I think we left off with Smidgy worrying that either she, or Jackson, would fall to their death on the top row of Soarin'.
(and yes, that apostrophe is starting to annoy me as well.)


The main goal is still to make sure we catch Light's, Motors, Action at the Studios, so Ok, out the back end we go, Damn the Torpedos, full steam ahead!

Torpedos normally come out the front... full steam ahead implies... you know... ahead. So... "out the back end"?

I think not.

We could have walked to the Studios faster, even with me!

I don't know about that. So you took the boat... let's say you waited 20 minutes for one. Then you had ports of call at Boardwalk and Park Place, Swolphin and... okay I got nothing either for Yacht and Beach Club. I thought maybe Aughta Impeach Club but a: too vague and b: it's stupid.

Anyway so let's assume 15 minute stops at all those and we're up to one hour and twenty minutes. Then add in travel time. Let's say 30 minutes and we'll round it up to an even two hours.

With you walking you have to factor in the speed you walk at. The stops to smell the roses. The inevitable accident and trip to the ER. Photo ops. People you'd meet who recognize you... And that adds up to six to eight hours... assuming the ER isn't too busy.

ergo, the boat's faster.

We sat on the very back bench seat outside, and I looked forward to explaining a bit like a tour guide this section of Disney that Todd and Kim have never seen before.

Yeah, right.

I'm thinking even with the boat empty you probably would've been met with either the "blank stare" or the oh-so-condescending "smile and nod"

At the Studios, timing was about perfect to catch the next Car Stunt Show, but they also wanted to get a few fasties for TOT, with Kimi the runner this time.

Then Jackson changed his mind and they quickly called her on back.

Then he changed his mind again, said he wanted to ride it.

She took off again.

Then he changed his mind again and they called her back.

I went and sat down.

I think you outlasted me given the same situation.

so... kudos.

On our way there though, we got lucky,

All right! Way to go Smidgy!

and one of the green army guys was out there signing and posing.

oh. that's what you meant...


A cast member manning the ropes, said that the coolest seats were at the very top of the stadium where the overhead ceiling fans were.

uh oh.

I was almost dead by the time we got and pulled into the second,,,, SECOND,,, very row from the top. And yes, the fans were much needed by that time, as were my new
EMT buddies that I had made friends with.

See? So that works great! You worked up a sweat but the fans are there to cool you off...

... or to hang yourself from out of sheer frustration.

Whichever comes first.

I had to admit, I had a great view of the castle from up here,



Actually that sounded like a line from Monty Python.


You either know it... or you don't.

He never really took his eyes off the action, and the dialog explanations didn't bore him at all, but he also never changed facial expressions either, which at first would have surprised me, but not by now in the trip.

Yeah, but I'm sure he took it all in.

Oh, dear. Perhaps you didn't notice, but there appears to be some sort of explosion occurring. I do hope no one was injured.

Remember last time I wrote about this , and the hero guy couldn' t get the jet ski started?

::yes:: And I remember the video, too.

I am definately under the impression that the Lights, Motors, Action Stunt Show has been a bust for Disney, they are usually now down to only 2 shows a day. Even we say you only need to see it once every few years,

I wouldn't know.

It's on the 'to-do' list.

They were then going to try and wait for AeroSmith's coaster and to TOT again, so once again, Smidgy and I called it quits with them for the day.

That climb to the top of the mountain really wiped me out, my head was starting to pound again and since Smidgy didn't do the rides they were going to do now, we went on back home.

Gee, sounds like a bit of a bust. Sorry you were so disapointed with how things went.

Well, we headed on out, but we were both dying of thirst, and she got in line at a "kiosk" to get us a pop to split.

That struck me as funny.

Two intrepid explorers decide to explore the vast reaches of the scorching Sahara Desert. Miles from the nearest town or oasis, their jeep develops a mechanical problem and they are forced to choose: Stay with the jeep and risk never being found, only to eventually succumb to the desert heat... or, make the long trek to the nearest water source and maybe perish in the attempt.

They chose the latter.

After several days of staggering through towering sand drifts and suffering wind and sun burns, our heroes finally stumble into a small town. With raw throats, one is able to choke out "Water! For the love of God, man! Give us water!" His partner lays a restraining hand on his forearm and says...

"Wait... We'll split one."

I went and sat on a cement wall while she did this

You didn't trip over the wall, smash a body part against it or otherwise injure yourself on the way to it or on it! Way to go, Nebo!

Walks up to me and says, " Excuse me, do I know you? "

Don't you just love vagarisms like that? How do you respond?

Well since she's with someone, you could always say, "Why yes! We met at the (fill in your own blank here... the cruder, the better) fetish convention."

Then see how many shades of red she turns.

I opted for, "Maybe you do and maybe you don't, I'm not tellin'."

That works too.

She turned to him and said, " Look, it's the trip reporter guy, remember I told you about him? " "The one that's always hurting hims,,,,"
He said, "Yeah, well we have ten minutes to make Rock and Roller Coaster's fastpass", and with that, they both just turned and ran off again.

:lmao: That's hysterical.

Yup, that was it!
Good thing they did, cuz I didn't have a pen on me to sign an autograph.
Trust me, being a celebrity isn't quite what the mags say
it is like.

You and Brad Pitt. You're the same.

It reminded me of a long time ago when I first started doing the reports, and one evening at a dumb DIS meet Smidgy joined at Pop back in 06, this one woman kept going around and telling people that i was ZZUB.
He is a lawyer from Alabama I think, and I'm sure our accents sound alike!

You mean American?

But after a while I gave up saying I'm really Nebo, and I became ZZUB.

Yeah, there comes a time when it's pretty much pointless trying to correct people... especially when you'll possibly never see them again.

And then, once again we are back tat the Nebo Memorail Hippy Dippy Pool, just in time for:

Pick one:

1. The Yellow Jackets Show
2. Real Yellow Jackets there to sting me again.
3. Thunderstorms to roll back in.
4. Both thunderstorms and yellow jackets show.
5. All of the above.

No, the correct answer is 4.

Hah! Gotcha. I picked 4. Whadda I win?

We got our typical pool spot again, and two hours later they closed the pool again,

Hey! Just a thought. You know what you need? A vacation. Maybe Disney World.

Just a thought.

holy cow, this is ridiculous.

Do not bring out that picture!!!

I looked at my watch, it said 2: 30.
Smidgy's watch said "Your guess is as good as mine".

:rotfl: I remember that! Still has the same watch, huh?

I bought a pint bottle of Seagrams 7, which I'm not a fan of, for 13 bucks!

Yeah. But it's Disney booze. So it's special.

Ok, it's the size that we USED to call a pint bottle, now I'm sure it's some species of mililiters or milimeters or
milivanilli or milihelpers.

There's nothing worse than a drunk millipede. All those feet to trip over.

oh and thanks to dwheatl... I never watched the Dick Van Dyke shows.

First the clerk has to go and find an employee who is old enough to sell it, then they have to get the manager who has the keys to open the glass cabinet behind the counter where the booz is stored, and there are no prices;

Was there dust on the bottle?

After she scanned it and it came up 13. 29 or something I yelled out,, "Ok, two out of three? Let's try it again."

"Oh! My apologies! You're right, I've keyed in the wrong amount... It should be $34.99."

It rained again that late afternoon and evening, we gave up waiting for better weather and went and changed.

And now you're Ozzie and Harriet?

We talked briefly about the trip, and Todd and Kim said they did everything at the parks, and one week really was enough. Unlike what I had said originally, that you can't see everything in a week.

Uh, huh. No, no. Go ahead. Poke the sleeping bear. I'm sure it's okay.

I cracked at this point, and said, "Hold it, everything?"
Let's start with the studios, where you say you did everything.
"You didn't see the Little Mermaid show, or the incredible Beauty and the Beast show, or American Idol, or the parade, or Fantasmic, or even Muppetvision!
That's 5 hours right there and I'm not sure about the Backstage Tour if they did that.

Not to mention almost nothing was really done at Epcot,
I never even got to show Jackson the little trains in Germany.

So you started that section with quotes like you were talking to Todd and Kim then you sort of changed to reminiscing. How much of that did you actually say to them and what was their response?

We then basically said our goodbyes then after reminding them that we are going to check out early and go over to Animal Kingdom in the morning to meet up with What's-her-face.

Didn't we just talk about poking the sleeping bear?

And that sweet Gramma I told you about? Uh oh, hmmm,
that might have been on Mony or BunnyBoy's thread, anyway, the Granny that got me going on boilermakers wand whiskey? She was the one who always was the first one to request the NECK!

Ummm..... ew?

Hey, we have leftover Thanksgiving meals at home the next night, right?
I ordered it the same way, and it was served just like last night. Yep, good stuff, I wish they delivered to Carpentersville.
Na, it would probably be cold by then, and then I'd still have to tip him.

How much do you tip somebody that's just driven 1200 miles, anyway?

Thanks for the fun chapter, dude. :goodvibes
Okay, it's official. I'm tired. I've gotta get up in about 6 hours so... tomorrow I'll answer the question that's being driving Nebo nuts... Just how old is ponzi anyway??
I'll have to admit that it can be a bit intimidating to post on a Nebo thread. You and Smidgy are like celebrities on these boards. I'm afraid I might not be cool enough and asked to leave the thread:cool2:

And what's this nonsense about not writing a report? Who's being shy now? Where will I lurk?

you are such a silly goose!!! you have no idea!!!!what a major dork I am!!! (at least my sons tell me I am)
psst... don't tell anyone, but I wear a... fanny pack!!!!.

of course, there will be NO luriking now. you're part of the gang!
Boy. Ya know when you're on a high and then somebody comes along and bursts your bubble? Yup. That's me.

The other night, I was bored and nothing was on tv and the phone rings. I look at call display and see it's Nebo. Hey! Things are looking up! I haven't talked to him for a while, excellent! And then in the middle of our conversation, he tells me he has another call. I'm on hold for a couple of seconds and he comes back and tells me it's Bunny Boy. Wow! He wants to talk to me even more than TMan. Aren't I the priveledged one.

And then....


Did he call because he wanted to talk to yours truly? Not really. He was bored people! Nothing to do. Nothing on the idiot box. And then... I was an afterthought only when Thumpy wasn't home. You know what I was? A desperate act of desperation for something... anything... to do!

And if that wasn't bad enough, as soon as he hears Hoppity is home he quickly ends the conversation and goes running off to the other man.

I feel so.... so.... used.

I think I'm going to have to cut all ties to this TR now. I don't want to get a reputation of being cheap.

... more cheap...

well, since I'm already here, I'll just finish up commenting... but then that's it!

Goodbye cruel TR!!!

:lmao: ya know, whenI read that , I thought to myself.. "nebo you are so short sighted" (oops, no pun intended, sorry dear) how can you NOT realize that you just told ponzie he was second choice?

hhmm no wonder he kept frantically looking at the entrance during our wedding ceremony! both of them!!! he had a back up plan! both times!!! (honey.. dude...you have lousy luck.. you're stuck with me!)

actually, the kids DID see the backstage tour, and they managed to do a LOT more in one week than I ever thought possible. only because Jackson is an incredibly well behaved kid, with NO melt downs at all (no, I dont' consider his depression and quietness and refusal to go in the "pool" at crush and gusher a melt down... he didn't scream, throw a tantrum,e tc. he just was very SAD, and acted sad.)

we had been hoping to have jackson to ourselves for one night, while they went on a "date night". Todd had always wanted to come back to Pleasure Island once he was old enough.. unfortunately, it relaly isn't there anywmore. not like he remembers it when he was 15 and not old enough to enjoy it.

we had suggested they take the car one night and drive the 2 blocks over to the boardwalk... get a burger or some wings and nachos and ESPN club, todd could sing a coupel songs to Kimmy at karaokee at the swan (todd croons like his daddy).. then top it off at Jellyrolls!

well, I guess when you are with the kids day in, day out, you need a night out on vacation.. when you only get to see him a couple times a month.. well, they really didn't want to take time away from him.

about the journey from Epcot to DHS, via boat.:

a few trips ago (a july trip), we were staying at the Beach club Villas. we were on the promenade, sipping on a cocktail, trying to decide whether to go over to Jelly rolls or not (at the boardwalk). It was night time, Crescent Lake was smooth as glass. Lights twinkling all around. from the Beach club, you could see the dolphin, the boat dock, the swan, the lights of the Boardwalk, It all looked SO pretty and I said to Nebo.. "you know, this is a WHOLE section of Disneyworld the boys have NO idea about!! they don't evenknow it exists!

these 3 (or 5, depending how you count) resorts, all the restaurants and clubs, etc. and it's SO PRETTY! if only they could see this view (which has nothing to do with a castle or dumbo or a parade), maybe they would understand why 2 grownups... sans kiddies... would love disney so much."

I have decided I am never again going to try to impress anybody... with anything.:laughing:
No, not yet.


a few trips ago (a july trip), we were staying at the Beach club Villas. we were on the promenade, sipping on a cocktail, trying to decide whether to go over to Jelly rolls or not (at the boardwalk). It was night time, Crescent Lake was smooth as glass. Lights twinkling all around. from the Beach club, you could see the dolphin, the boat dock, the swan, the lights of the Boardwalk, It all looked SO pretty and I said to Nebo.. "you know, this is a WHOLE section of Disneyworld the boys have NO idea about!! they don't evenknow it exists!

You paint a very pretty picture.

I have decided I am never again going to try to impress anybody... with anything.:laughing:

You just did.
I've found that "everything" is in the eye of the beholder at Disney. I've never done Indiana Jones or the People Mover... which I'm sure several people on here would say those are must dos... if not at least do every other time you go. I think I may have done the Peoplemover once... but I know I've never seen the Indiana Jones show.
On the other hand, I could do RORC probably 20 times in a row, TSM maybe 3 times in a trip and do nothing else but eat and see the castle and at least 1 parade and I'd say the trip was still a success.
But, to some people, like my husband, parades are a waste and the only thing their good for is to thin down the lines for the popular rides for a bit.
Like I said... doing everything is in the eye of the beholder.
:rotfl2:Millihelper! I got it. When I was home alone, sick with pneumonia (where's a pity pot smiley when you need one) after our WDW/Boston trip this summer, I indulged in some Dick Van Dyke shows. I think I saw the one where their son, Richie left his walkie talkie at Jerry and Millie's. Much comedy ensued!

Actually, it was Ritchie's intercom that got left on, and Rob and Laura could over hear Jerry and Millie. this is when Jerry told Millie that Rob is no "Albert Schweitzer", you know, who wa nmed after the famous Schweitzer Falls. Or was it Albert Falls?

Whew!!! I am finally caught up!! These damned people I work for forcing me to do actual work the last few weeks!!

Sorry the weather didn't cooperate with you on this trip. I was there along with you two Decembers ago during the arctic cold front so I know how crappy weather can effect a trip.

I'm more sorry that you didn't have a chance to really share your trip with your family the way you wanted to. It's tough when others don't have the love for WDW that we do. It has happened to me in the past as well. That's why for the last 5 years we have only gone as a family, just the 4 of us. We WDW vets are so set in our ways that it can be tough!

I bet Jackson will have some small memory of something, that you probably didn't even notice, that will spark his WDW love. I always say to my wife that my dream is for our kids to carry on the tradition and take their children to WDW each year and share the love that we have with them.

That's what it's all about and I hope they get the love that you and Smidgy have!!


I don't see it happening in theis case Jay, but there's still another kid left to cultivate.

So when you refer to Nebo, you mean this? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C_Kh7nLplWo

I have in the past, and still do, say What a Maroon! based on Bugs. And to this day I stillhave a hard time going up and down stairs without doing the bugs and either Sam or Elmer, humming a note on each step up or down. Dum dum dum dum dum dum dum dum,,,dum dum dum dum dum dum dum dum,,,,,,,,,dot dot dot dot dot dot dot dot, dot dot dot dot dot dot dot dot". Yep, just like that, up the scale and back down the scale, but I can't seem to find it on Utube. i found something close but it wasn't it, i don't think.
But my favjorite Bugs is when he is the caller doing a square dance routine, he takes over as he unplugs the juke box and has these dudes just beating the crap out of each other. I shouuld go look for that one.

We're going to the original Disney next October too. I'll have to brush up on what you look like so I'll know you if I see you and can make a fool out of myself pointing at you. Though I'm still convinced you were there this March, sitting at POFQ food court, even though you SAY you weren't......
Don't you dare stop writing trip reports. I've gotten a lot out of this one, because I know how these family things go, and I'm glad to hear someone else expressing the same feelings. You never know what someone else is getting out of what you write! These things are draining to write, but you have a gift for it. I write for a living and I can't do them.
And we still have no power here in NJ. We're the last street in our town. Fortunately, we and just about everyone on our street has a generator.

Well thank you Appleofmyeye, but wow, still no power? How much can a generator do for you? Do you feel as if you're in Carousel of Progress? Hope your only damage is some lost food.


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