CSE-- Pg. 74 SATAN'S HAMMER, Ch.18, pg.160 "Goodnight Sweetheart" epilogue


Did he call because he wanted to talk to yours truly? Not really. He was bored people! Nothing to do. Nothing on the idiot box. And then... I was an afterthought only when Thumpy wasn't home. You know what I was? A desperate act of desperation for something... anything... to do!

And if that wasn't bad enough, as soon as he hears Hoppity is home he quickly ends the conversation and goes running off to the other man.

I feel so.... so.... used.

Ok, as long as we understand each other.

I think I'm going to have to cut all ties to this TR now. I don't want to get a reputation of being cheap.

well, since I'm already here, I'll just finish up commenting... but then that's it!

Goodbye cruel TR!!!


Come to think of it, your voice did get more and more normal sounding. And you started to throw in a lot of "eh"s and comments about snow and windchill.

Oh, and BTW folks... Sure he talked to 'us' for an hour... but it was 5 - 10 minutes with pkondz and then TMan phoned and it was see ya Canada, hello New Mexico.

I hope everyone saw how I rhymed that last bit. This is the kind of brilliant repartee you'll all miss when I'm gone!!

Canada rhymes with New Mexico?


Torpedos normally come out the front... full steam ahead implies... you know... ahead. So... "out the back end"?

I think not.

Your torpedos come out the front?

I don't know about that. So you took the boat... let's say you waited 20 minutes for one. Then you had ports of call at Boardwalk and Park Place, Swolphin and... okay I got nothing either for Yacht and Beach Club. I thought maybe Aughta Impeach Club but a: too vague and b: it's stupid.

After years of being stupid, I've finally adopted the "If I have to think about it twice" then it's already in the too stupid category. Now, if I can only apply that philosophy!

Anyway so let's assume 15 minute stops at all those and we're up to one hour and twenty minutes. Then add in travel time. Let's say 30 minutes and we'll round it up to an even two hours.

With you walking you have to factor in the speed you walk at. The stops to smell the roses. The inevitable accident and trip to the ER. Photo ops. People you'd meet who recognize you... And that adds up to six to eight hours... assuming the ER isn't too busy.

ergo, the boat's faster.

When you're right, your're right.

I'm thinking even with the boat empty you probably would've been met with either the "blank stare" or the oh-so-condescending "smile and nod"

Yes, that too, and it's the smile where no teeth show.

I think you outlasted me given the same situation.

I just re read that part now, of Jackson changing his mind a couple times and it sounded pretty funny to me, the "went and sat down" part, but it wasn't funny to me at the time, that I remember.

so... kudos.

how did baby kangaroos get in here?
Oh wait, is that the plant that takes over everywhere in the south?
NO, I got it, from a Star Trek episode,, Kudos the Executioner! Oh that's right, you're not the Star Trek nut like I was/am.


See? So that works great! You worked up a sweat but the fans are there to cool you off...

... or to hang yourself from out of sheer frustration.

I'm not kiddding, I wasn't sure I'd make it , I was lookiing for a rest area.
With vending machines!

really, it was more than a little disconcerting to find myself that out of shape. I might as well start smoking again.


Actually that sounded like a line from Monty Python.


You either know it... or you don't.


Yeah, but I'm sure he took it all in.

Oh, I have no doubt about that!

That struck me as funny.

Two intrepid explorers decide to explore the vast reaches of the scorching Sahara Desert. Miles from the nearest town or oasis, their jeep develops a mechanical problem and they are forced to choose: Stay with the jeep and risk never being found, only to eventually succumb to the desert heat... or, make the long trek to the nearest water source and maybe perish in the attempt.

They chose the latter.

After several days of staggering through towering sand drifts and suffering wind and sun burns, our heroes finally stumble into a small town. With raw throats, one is able to choke out "Water! For the love of God, man! Give us water!" His partner lays a restraining hand on his forearm and says...

"Wait... We'll split one."

I had no idea where you were going with this, but yeah, I guess it does sound funny. But it's true, even then I knew I'd never finish a whole pop, but I desperately needed SOME! The only time I can really start going through the sodas is sometimes sitting at the pool, befrore i turned into wimpy table/umbrella people.

You didn't trip over the wall, smash a body part against it or otherwise injure yourself on the way to it or on it! Way to go, Nebo!

Hmmm, you were expecting maybe Humpty Dumpty?

Well since she's with someone, you could always say, "Why yes! We met at the (fill in your own blank here... the cruder, the better) fetish convention."

Then see how many shades of red she turns.

Yes, I could have done better, I wasn't ready for it.

Yeah, there comes a time when it's pretty much pointless trying to correct people... especially when you'll possibly never see them again.

One time I went with Smidgy to one of her class re-unions, where nobody knew me. They had class picture Id's with the person's name in the hallway, and after a while I noticed this one id still sitting there, unclaimed, and so, I became Bill Stein, or something like that. This then turned a very boring night for me into a great fun "having a blast" night, pretending I'm Bill Stein.
My favorite line? "Bill, except for your hair, you haven't changed much at all."
"Yeah? Maybe on the outside, but I've changed lots on the inside, prison will do that to you. "

Yeah, poor Bill if he runs into any of them again.

Hey! Just a thought. You know what you need? A vacation. Maybe Disney World.

Just a thought.

Do not bring out that picture!!!

How about from just the waste down?

:rotfl: I remember that! Still has the same watch, huh?

Oh yeah, and guess what? Tonight, we move our clocks back an hour, do you too?

Yeah. But it's Disney booze. So it's special.

At least the prices are.

oh and thanks to dwheatl... I never watched the Dick Van Dyke shows.

DVD is the greatest sitcom of all time, for me, that' s inarguable.
M*A*S*H is number 2.
Rounding out the top 5 are Friends, Cheers, Seinfeld, and the Andy Griffith Show.

Was there dust on the bottle?

that could be why it cost so much,, For Seagrams 7 it was now aged much longer than normal.

And now you're Ozzie and Harriet?

No, we changed into James and Honey West. Hey, if you're going to play, play. And I'll be lucky if just ONE of the names I mentioned are recognized, who really were unrelated, at least I think they were. Hmm

So you started that section with quotes like you were talking to Todd and Kim then you sort of changed to reminiscing. How much of that did you actually say to them and what was their response?

Really, the response I DID get after I started naming off stuff they didn't do was, Well, yeah, but thos eweren't things we really wanted to do anyway.
Remember Aesop's Fables? "Those grapes were probably rotten anyway."

To this day, probably one of my most favorite things to do in all of Disney is something we did NOT do the first few trips there, Beauty and the Beast.

Didn't we just talk about poking the sleeping bear?

Oh Monica's a Cuddly Panda, not a Grizzly. Right?

How much do you tip somebody that's just driven 1200 miles, anyway?

I'm thinking you HAVE to give them an extra fifty cents!

Thanks for the fun chapter, dude. :goodvibes

you are such a silly goose!!! you have no idea!!!!what a major dork I am!!! (at least my sons tell me I am)
psst... don't tell anyone, but I wear a... fanny pack!!!!.

of course, there will be NO luriking now. you're part of the gang!

When you're right, you're,,,,,

40 something!

What? What kind of guess is that? What is this Horseshoes? Come on, a little more specific please.

I've found that "everything" is in the eye of the beholder at Disney. I've never done Indiana Jones or the People Mover... which I'm sure several people on here would say those are must dos... if not at least do every other time you go. I think I may have done the Peoplemover once... but I know I've never seen the Indiana Jones show.
On the other hand, I could do RORC probably 20 times in a row, TSM maybe 3 times in a trip and do nothing else but eat and see the castle and at least 1 parade and I'd say the trip was still a success.
But, to some people, like my husband, parades are a waste and the only thing their good for is to thin down the lines for the popular rides for a bit.
Like I said... doing everything is in the eye of the beholder.

So tru Rebecca. And we have found that our tastes are constantly changing, we might even just spend some time on our next trip walking around Tommie's Island.
By the way, am I the only person that's wanted to bring in a pea shooter to Hall of Presidents for the ones I never liked?

The Yeast Club thing was hilarious!!! I almost spit out my chocolate milk!!! And then it tried to go up my nose!!!

Are you planning a stop in Vegas on your DL trip next year?
Beacht Club! Natch!

I've only ever done rope drop once but I just can't figure out how you are able to fit so much pool time into your vacations. Between travel time (buses) and park time I barely have time to (oh I just cracked myself up with something I want to write but can't, Nebo and Ponzi you slay me) remember to take pictures. How do you pack so much in in a day?

Glad to hear you have decided to do another TR. I keep getting anxiety attacks thinking I will have to actually start reading books once your writing days are over.

And my guess is 46.
I've been Left Behind! (Just like Kirk Cameron)

So much to comment on-- forgive me for being a day late & a dollar short...

ok, I'll do my best. tee hee

I'm wondering if Smidgy has to put a quarter in a jar every time she "tee hees" around Nebo?

since our son is divorced, he only gets to see his son every other weekend,, and a couple weeks in the summer. whoopee! oh, and a week in dec and a week in spring.. wow!

and we , as grandparents, get the shaft, also!

anyhow, my point here is that Todd was also trying to make as much time as possible with his SON , and was also allowing us, grandma and grandpa, into that "alloted" time.

I can't even fathom having to "share" my boys. That has to be rough on all of you.

nebo said:
Oh of course I know those two, and all too well. When we go back now in late November, Test Track still won't be open because it's not phinneas, it's still being furbed.

I'll be there Dec 12th. I'll report back on if the Furb was Phinne. (shielding myself from rotten tomatoes now!)

And your B I L has got to be a riot when he orders a Pina Colada! My buddy Kris whom I just recently mentioned, not only used the word you were talking about, but also the female word that's not too far from Colada when he ordered one. You know, the one Jerry hoped rhymed with Dolores? Back then, those drinks were rare, so I stopped going to the Hawaiian styled bars with him.

My DH likes to make all songs sound dirty... He's done quite a number on Jimmy Buffet's Pina Colada song! Usually sings it under his breath to me in a venue where inappropriate laughter is frowned upon.

It's friday morning, I think we left off with Smidgy worrying that either she, or Jackson, would fall to their death on the top row of Soarin'.
(and yes, that apostrophe is starting to annoy me as well.)

It seemed to me that now we are really in no hurry to have to be anywhere, so since we were taking the back door out to the Friendship Boats anyway, we can get on Imagination with now wait, or maybe catch Captain E O.

nebo said:
No, I have'nt yet gotten a shortened nickname for Yacht and Beach Club resort like the Swan and Dolphin, everytime I try to to do that I end up with the Yeast Club, and, well, that would just be wrong. :sick:

:scared: I didn't spew my coffee all over my keyboard when I read that, but more of a violent dribble. Spibble?

We stayed there when my oldest DS was learning to read, and he pronounced "Yacht" as "Yak." So DH now refers to it as "The Yak and B&$*h Club." Makes it sound like a sorority. Or a Mom's group?

nebo said:
Then Jackson changed his mind and they quickly called her on back.

Then he changed his mind again, said he wanted to ride it.

She took off again.

Then he changed his mind again and they called her back.

I went and sat down.

You, my friend, are a paragon of patience and fortitude. I think I would've blown an O ring.

nebo said:
A cast member manning the ropes, said that the coolest seats were at the very top of the stadium where the overhead ceiling fans were.

He then opened the gates immediately after that and I ended up in the rear immediately, not realizing that Todd took what he said to heart.

I was almost dead by the time we got and pulled into the second,,,, SECOND,,, very row from the top. And yes, the fans were much needed by that time, as were my new
EMT buddies that I had made friends with.

I had to admit, I had a great view of the castle from up here,


okay... OKAY!!


The age thing.

So Nebo posted a question a while back wondering what my age was and I think maybe one or two people responded.

I didn't really think much of it. My age isn't a secret or anything... but it doesn't normally come up in conversation either. Think about it, how often do you wander up to somebody and say, "So how old are you anyway?"

If you're lucky you'll get an answer. If you're unlucky, you'll get a punch in the snoot.

About a week ago... well actually it was October 29th. I remember the date for a reason. Anyway, on October 29th, Nebo's bored out of his mind and desperately trying to find something... anything... to do. In an act of desperation, he calls me.

We chit chat for a bit then he says, "So how old are you anyway?" :rotfl: That's our Nebo... always as subtle as a brick dropped on your head (Which I'm going to assume actually has happened to him at some point.)

Anyway, I tell him.

And then he doesn't even remember!

I so should leave him hanging... I mean it would probably drive him nuts, right?

But then everybody starts throwing out guesses. Well I can leave Nebo hanging, but I can't do it to the rest of you.


All right everyone, remember when we started guessing Ponzi's age? like we did with Buzz? Well time to chime in again on it, I had originally guressed 42, now I need to hear from all of you, ok?

So there it was and here we go.

I'm giving an honorable mention to Marita for either a) being diplomatic or b) being technically correct while being wrong 9 times out of 10.

40 something!

So Nebo phones and asks me how old I am... and I look at my watch.
No, not because I was wondering how long the conversation was going to last (well, okay. maybe that too.) but was it midnight yet.

Ya know it's not everyday that when someone asks you your age, that you can give two different answers.

So I told him, "Well, I'm 47 now, but in a couple of hours I'll be 48.

Congrats to sewmess for getting it right. Although she was kind enough to say I looked like I was 53-56. :sad1:

I'll play: I'd say. . . .48. If I'm too high, I'm going to blame my genetics. I still look about 5-8 years younger than I actually am, so I tend to over age people.

Please contact Nebo for your prize (It's a new car! Whoops, I think that was supposed to be a secret. Don't tell anyone else. But make sure you collect!)

Shoot. I'm at work til late tonight so I have to wait until tomorrow for the youtube video.

Canada rhymes with New Mexico?

Well of course. But you have to speak in French and Spanish.

Your torpedos come out the front?

:lmao: Ouch!

I just re read that part now, of Jackson changing his mind a couple times and it sounded pretty funny to me, the "went and sat down" part, but it wasn't funny to me at the time, that I remember.

No. But a lot of the stuff that you write about may not be funny while it's happening.

But later...

so... kudos.
how did baby kangaroos get in here?
Oh wait, is that the plant that takes over everywhere in the south?
NO, I got it, from a Star Trek episode,, Kudos the Executioner! Oh that's right, you're not the Star Trek nut like I was/am.

There's a cell phone provider in Canada called Koodo, too.

And while I'm not a "nut" about Star Trek like you are... Yes I've seen every episode of the original series. Every episode of STNG. Every movie. But only a few DS9 (meh) or Voyager (double meh). And none of the last incarnation (hasn't it already been cancelled?) with Scott Bakula leaping leaping through time... or something like that.

True story. Last night I took my youngest to Central Canada Comic Con. I've never been to one, but she's hooked (currently) on Spiderman, so as a surprise, I took her. It was a lot of fun with tons of stuff to look at; both merchandise and people in costume. I round a corner and who should be sitting at a table, signing autographs? Nichelle Nichols (Uhura). (Patrick Stewart was at the convention, but not at the same time we were there.)

Oh, and while I did buy some Spiderman stuff for DD, I bought myself something just 'cause it reminded me of the Dis.

Actually that sounded like a line from Monty Python.


You either know it... or you don't.


Ah. I'm at work so I can't post the link. But Google <Monty Python Burma> and click the first video (Monty Python - Exploding Penguin - YouTube)
It's around the two minute mark, I think.

My favorite line? "Bill, except for your hair, you haven't changed much at all."
"Yeah? Maybe on the outside, but I've changed lots on the inside, prison will do that to you. "


Oh yeah, and guess what? Tonight, we move our clocks back an hour, do you too?


DVD is the greatest sitcom of all time, for me, that' s inarguable.
M*A*S*H is number 2.
Rounding out the top 5 are Friends, Cheers, Seinfeld, and the Andy Griffith Show.

Interesting list. I can't comment on DVD 'cause I haven't seen it. Oh, bits and pieces, but that's it. And yet from those bits, I know I've missed out on a real gem.

As for the rest... same remark to Andy Griffith.

What about All In The Family? or Taxi?

No, we changed into James and Honey West. Hey, if you're going to play, play. And I'll be lucky if just ONE of the names I mentioned are recognized, who really were unrelated, at least I think they were. Hmm

Had to Google Honey West. I can say I'm pretty sure it wasn't broadcast up here. As for James West.

There was a James West who used to play linebacker for our pro football team. Anytime he'd sack the quarterback or make a great play, the loudspeakers would blare out "Wild Wild West".
Nebo and Ponzi you slay me

Hey look, Nebo! We killed another one off! At this rate, only a few more weeks and there'll be nobody left.

We stayed there when my oldest DS was learning to read, and he pronounced "Yacht" as "Yak." So DH now refers to it as "The Yak and B&$*h Club." Makes it sound like a sorority. Or a Mom's group?

Ooohh.. I like that. But it's still too long. "The Yakkin' B&$*h" works, though.

Only problem is it only works if you say it. And not in front of children.
Oh, and while I did buy some Spiderman stuff for DD, I bought myself something just 'cause it reminded me of the Dis.

You can't leave us hanging like that... WHAT did you buy that reminded you of the Dis? Tell us, we're your friends or better yet post a picture of yourself wearing it
I posted the earlier on FB, Diane said I should post it here and feel free to embellish. But I am not a great lia,,, ahem, storyteller, so if anyone wants to tell the real story, please feel free to:

Helpful hint: When trying to color hair, do not let the bottle (open while trying to mix) slip out of you hand. thereby splashing all surrounding areas with hair color and landing in the toilet, thereby rendering the entire purchase of said hair color unusable.
Bonus: you get to clean the entire bathroom
You can't leave us hanging like that... WHAT did you buy that reminded you of the Dis? Tell us, we're your friends or better yet post a picture of yourself wearing it

Interesting that you assume it's something to wear. I guess technically you're right. Perhaps I'll post a pic posthaste... possibly.... probably.

I posted the earlier on FB, Diane said I should post it here and feel free to embellish. But I am not a great lia,,, ahem, storyteller, so if anyone wants to tell the real story, please feel free to:

Helpful hint: When trying to color hair, do not let the bottle (open while trying to mix) slip out of you hand. thereby splashing all surrounding areas with hair color and landing in the toilet, thereby rendering the entire purchase of said hair color unusable.
Bonus: you get to clean the entire bathroom

I don't know whether to :scared1: or :rotfl: at your description. Either way, it certainly gave you something to do.
Panda bear? I don't get it? :confused:

My sneezes are nothing like a baby panda's.

That's just cruel of Nebo, rubbing in the whole Tigers' thing.:sad2:

What? Sneezes? Tigers? What is this, Firesign Theater? How did it go from Ponzi saying that you 'll wake the sleeping bear to sneezes and me putting downt the Tigers, who I cheered for?
I feel like Ingrid Bergman.
From Gaslight.

Watch, by tomorrow night that will turn into Tom Bergeron, and America's Funniest Home Gaslight Star Dances.


The Yeast Club thing was hilarious!!! I almost spit out my chocolate milk!!! And then it tried to go up my nose!!!

Are you planning a stop in Vegas on your DL trip next year?

Carrie, I really doubt Vegas will get thrown into the mix, this will be enough expense for us, since we've been over doing the trip thing lately, from trying to make up for "Trips that go wrong, wrong, wrong.."

Beacht Club! Natch!

How about the Yeach! Club?

I've only ever done rope drop once but I just can't figure out how you are able to fit so much pool time into your vacations. Between travel time (buses) and park time I barely have time to (oh I just cracked myself up with something I want to write but can't, Nebo and Ponzi you slay me) remember to take pictures. How do you pack so much in in a day?

Irene, really, the key IS to make rope drop, or especially early entry and knock a LOT of stuff off early, then leave before noon and you are back at the pool by 12:30. The only time that doesn't work so well is whn you are at a non Epcot resort and you are at Epcot that day.
Yes,, way too much trouble to go from say China In World Showcase all the way back out the front to get to a bus to your resort. But at AK or the Studios, you are back in 20 minutes, less if you have your own car.

Glad to hear you have decided to do another TR. I keep getting anxiety attacks thinking I will have to actually start reading books once your writing days are over.

And my guess is 46.

Gasp, I have to do 46 more trip reports?!!!!

I've been Left Behind! (Just like Kirk Cameron)

Ah, subtle, but from what I've heard, I doubt he will be left behind, though nobody really knows what's in the heart.

So much to comment on-- forgive me for being a day late & a dollar short...

Ok, you're forgiven.

Still costs you a dollar though.

I'm wondering if Smidgy has to put a quarter in a jar every time she "tee hees" around Nebo?

Honestly,,,, she doesn't use it at home. She just does it here to annoy me, and get others like you to post it. Come to think of it, have you EVER heard ANYONE actually SAY Tee hee? And I thought Ponzi nailed it the other day when he got on Mony for saying her sons "Giggled" . Yep,,, that will ruin a boy's rep for life in high school to be equated with "giggling"! I forgot to comment on that. Good catch, Old Timer.

I can't even fathom having to "share" my boys. That has to be rough on all of you.

Wow, need to see the eye doctor again.
I kept reading "Shave" my boys, and I got more nervous every time I read it.
I remember once over 20 years ago I had to "shave,, um" no, never mind. :rotfl2:

I'll be there Dec 12th. I'll report back on if the Furb was Phinne. (shielding myself from rotten tomatoes now!)

Oh this is really killing me, we check out on the 5th,,,, the GRAND SPANKING OPENING OF the new and improved Testes Track is the next day!

My DH likes to make all songs sound dirty... He's done quite a number on Jimmy Buffet's Pina Colada song!

I'm sorry, but do you mean Rupert Holmes Pina Colada Song? I don't know of one by JB.
And isnt' that a delightful song, where two people cheating on each other can find love and romantic excitement when they both get caught doing that.

Usually sings it under his breath to me in a venue where inappropriate laughter is frowned upon.

I have found that standing in front of the coffin at wakes works marvelously for this kind of thing.
But when dealing with the grieving widow?
Leave the joy buzzer at home.
And do not, I reapeat, DO NOT, put the fake vomit on the chest of the dear deceased in the open coffin when nobody is looking, no matter HOW tempted you may be! Even if he was a jerk.

Hey, Dear Abbey has nothing on me!

:scared: I didn't spew my coffee all over my keyboard when I read that, but more of a violent dribble. Spibble?

We stayed there when my oldest DS was learning to read, and he pronounced "Yacht" as "Yak." So DH now refers to it as "The Yak and B&$*h Club." Makes it sound like a sorority. Or a Mom's group?

Another guy it sounds like I'd get along with.

You, my friend, are a paragon of patience and fortitude. I think I would've blown an O ring.

whoa, sounds like somebody has worked in the manufacturing business.


okay... OKAY!!


The age thing.

So Nebo posted a question a while back wondering what my age was and I think maybe one or two people responded.

I didn't really think much of it. My age isn't a secret or anything... but it doesn't normally come up in conversation either. Think about it, how often do you wander up to somebody and say, "So how old are you anyway?"

If you're lucky you'll get an answer. If you're unlucky, you'll get a punch in the snoot.

About a week ago... well actually it was October 29th. I remember the date for a reason. Anyway, on October 29th, Nebo's bored out of his mind and desperately trying to find something... anything... to do. In an act of desperation, he calls me.

We chit chat for a bit then he says, "So how old are you anyway?" :rotfl: That's our Nebo... always as subtle as a brick dropped on your head (Which I'm going to assume actually has happened to him at some point.)

Anyway, I tell him.

And then he doesn't even remember!

I so should leave him hanging... I mean it would probably drive him nuts, right?

But then everybody starts throwing out guesses. Well I can leave Nebo hanging, but I can't do it to the rest of you.


So there it was and here we go.

I'm giving an honorable mention to Marita for either a) being diplomatic or b) being technically correct while being wrong 9 times out of 10.

So Nebo phones and asks me how old I am... and I look at my watch.
No, not because I was wondering how long the conversation was going to last (well, okay. maybe that too.) but was it midnight yet.

Ya know it's not everyday that when someone asks you your age, that you can give two different answers.

So I told him, "Well, I'm 47 now, but in a couple of hours I'll be 48.

That's why I was confused, geesh, a simple little question and he has to come back with multiple answers. So, what are you in Metric? huh Huh?
But really, I didn't think you were that old, but don't take that as a compliment, I'm absolutely terrible when it comes to ages, hey, I still think I'm 28.

Congrats to sewmess for getting it right. Although she was kind enough to say I looked like I was 53-56. :sad1:

She said you were that old? I missed that one. That puts you in Nebo League, I'll be 58 in three weeks.
58? How is that possible? Wait, is that right? Maybe it's 57, like I said, I suck at ages. Ok, I was born in '54, so '55 was year one, and '12 is an even year,,, um,,, so,, yep,,, I knew it! I'll be 56 on the 26th!

Please contact Nebo for your prize (It's a new carp! Whoops, I think that was supposed to be a secret. Don't tell anyone else. But make sure you collect!)

It's been dead a few days now, I'm not really sure she wants to collect.

Shoot. I'm at work til late tonight so I have to wait until tomorrow for the youtube video.

Really, yu are not missing much.

No. But a lot of the stuff that you write about may not be funny while it's happening.

But later...

Yeah yeah, The worst, most scary thing I've wroten about was the driving bit in the tropical storm Lee, but when I knew we survived it and it was time to do the writing, THAT was fun!.
As long as I could keep putting that car repair bill out of my head!

There's a cell phone provider in Canada called Koodo, too.

And while I'm not a "nut" about Star Trek like you are... Yes I've seen every episode of the original series. Every episode of STNG. Every movie. But only a few DS9 (meh) or Voyager (double meh). And none of the last incarnation (hasn't it already been cancelled?) with Scott Bakula leaping leaping through time... or something like that.

Not me. I've tried to watch a couple of Next Gen,,, but I keep bailing out on it, I just feel,,,, so,,,,
dirty. No, never tried Deep Space or Voyager or whatever Scott was "Jumping " into now.

True story. Last night I took my youngest to Central Canada Comic Con. I've never been to one, but she's hooked (currently) on Spiderman, so as a surprise, I took her. It was a lot of fun with tons of stuff to look at; both merchandise and people in costume. I round a corner and who should be sitting at a table, signing autographs? Nichelle Nichols (Uhura). (Patrick Stewart was at the convention, but not at the same time we were there.)

I have seen pics of Nichols latelly, I think from lately, and she lookd absolutely NOTHING like Uhura. Is that the case? But I liked her on the show, a lot.

Oh, and while I did buy some Spiderman stuff for DD, I bought myself something just 'cause it reminded me of the Dis.

Ok, he broaches the subject, then drops it.

Ah. I'm at work so I can't post the link. But Google <Monty Python Burma> and click the first video (Monty Python - Exploding Penguin - YouTube)
It's around the two minute mark, I think.

well do.

Interesting list. I can't comment on DVD 'cause I haven't seen it. Oh, bits and pieces, but that's it. And yet from those bits, I know I've missed out on a real gem.

As for the rest... same remark to Andy Griffith.

What about All In The Family? or Taxi?

Ok, You blew it.
Yeah, you may wimp out and say that you saw it and just ignored it, but I don't think you could ignore it. Nope, Knowing me, knowing you, (Abba?) you would have said something about it, but you didn't and I think you, and everybody else, just missed it!

Originally Posted by nebo
DVD is the greatest sitcom of all time, for me, that' s inarguable.
M*A*S*H is number 2.
Rounding out the top 5 are Friends, Cheers, Seinfeld, and the Andy Griffith Show.

And, um yeah, looking at it again, either way it was really lame, whether you missed it or not. Yes, I listed six instead of five, and this is why I need a break!

And Taxi is right up there with Night Court, but no, even though I respect the Archie Bunker institution, I really wasn't the biggest fan because I really got tired of all the yelling, same thing with the Honeymooners.
You see they modeled Archie Bunker after my dad!

Had to Google Honey West. I can say I'm pretty sure it wasn't broadcast up here. As for James West.

There was a James West who used to play linebacker for our pro football team. Anytime he'd sack the quarterback or make a great play, the loudspeakers would blare out "Wild Wild West".

How in the world did he get out of those jams week after week?
And from what I remember, Honey West only lasted a year or two here.

Hey look, Nebo! We killed another one off! At this rate, only a few more weeks and there'll be nobody left.

dum, dum, dum, Another one bites the dust.

Watch, by tomorrow night that will turn into Tom Bergeron, and America's Funniest Home Gaslight Star Dances.

Nebo likes To get his Burger on in America and thinks it’s Funny when he Lights his Gas from his Farts while he Dances.

You're weird dude.
It's been dead a few days now, I'm not really sure she wants to collect.

Ya got me here too. I had to scroll back up to see if I did misspell "carp". :laughing:

I'm sorry, but do you mean Rupert Holmes Pina Colada Song? I don't know of one by JB.
And isnt' that a delightful song, where two people cheating on each other can find love and romantic excitement when they both get caught doing that.

That's funny. I heard that song (again) just the other day... and thought the same thing, "Oh, isn't that nice. They got to reconnect... wait a sec..."

That's why I was confused, geesh, a simple little question and he has to come back with multiple answers. So, what are you in Metric? huh Huh?
But really, I didn't think you were that old, but don't take that as a compliment, I'm absolutely terrible when it comes to ages, hey, I still think I'm 28.

28? Is that Celsius or Fahrenheit?

I have seen pics of Nichols latelly, I think from lately, and she lookd absolutely NOTHING like Uhura. Is that the case? But I liked her on the show, a lot.

I just mentioned this to Ruby yesterday when we got back. Also in attendance was Tia Carrere. She looked, umm... plastic. Not attractive. Looks more like Joan Rivers if you know what I mean.

Nichols on the other hand looked very nice. Elegant, even. Sure, she's older now, but she carries it very well. At least I thought so.

Ok, he broaches the subject, then drops it.

That's called a 'literary hook'. And I will be posting a pic. But it's really not a big deal. I think it cost less than $2. It just made me grin... so I bought it.

Ok, You blew it.
Yeah, you may wimp out and say that you saw it and just ignored it, but I don't think you could ignore it. Nope, Knowing me, knowing you, (Abba?) you would have said something about it, but you didn't and I think you, and everybody else, just missed it!

Originally Posted by nebo
DVD is the greatest sitcom of all time, for me, that' s inarguable.
M*A*S*H is number 2.
Rounding out the top 5 are Friends, Cheers, Seinfeld, and the Andy Griffith Show.

And, um yeah, looking at it again, either way it was really lame, whether you missed it or not. Yes, I listed six instead of five, and this is why I need a break!

Argh! As soon as I read "I GOT YOU"... I immediately counted the number of shows. D'oh! With a capital D!
Originally Posted by nebo
I'm sorry, but do you mean Rupert Holmes Pina Colada Song? I don't know of one by JB.
And isnt' that a delightful song, where two people cheating on each other can find love and romantic excitement when they both get caught doing that.

That's funny. I heard that song (again) just the other day... and thought the same thing, "Oh, isn't that nice. They got to reconnect... wait a sec..."


have you 2 NO romantic feelings at all?
see, yes they both were going to cheat, but they were not comunicating AT ALL! and then were tempted to cheat.. but!! fate intervend.. because !!!! they belonged together from the start!! and realized that after fate shoved them back together in their attempt to cheat on each other.

.. it is soon to be a made into a chikc flick, staring Jennifer Anniston and um, Mark Ruffalo? no, he's too cute. Mathew Mchoughna.....um, can't spell that, let's stick with mark Ruffalo.

oh man!!! now some scriptwriter is going to make a movie out of that, and I didn't put a patent on it.
I know, a patent is for invention type stuff, and a copywright is for written material.. but I still think it's kinda romantic.

it's not like none of us have ever known a couple on the verge of splitting up or anything:rolleyes:.
How am I suppose to understand ANYTHING on this thread?

It is not a requirement to either.

Read at your own risk, comment if you dare and PRAY that you don't give Nebo or pkondz anything to go with, cause go with it they will.

Just be ready if you do.

48? Nebo wishes he could see 48 again!
I said, "That's just cruel of Nebo, rubbing in the whole Tigers' thing."
Nebo said,"What? Sneezes? Tigers? What is this, Firesign Theater? How did it go from Ponzi saying that you 'll wake the sleeping bear to sneezes and me putting down the Tigers, who I cheered for?
I feel like Ingrid Bergman.
From Gaslight."
You see, Pablo Sandoval's nickname is Panda. so when you compared Mony to a panda, I thought I'd get a little dig in. Geesh! It loses what little humor there was when I have to explain it!
Helpful hint: When trying to color hair, do not let the bottle (open while trying to mix) slip out of you hand. thereby splashing all surrounding areas with hair color and landing in the toilet, thereby rendering the entire purchase of said hair color unusable.
Bonus: you get to clean the entire bathroom
It could have been worse. You could have been halfway through coloring your hair before the bottle got away. Just ask Laura Petrie.
(Nebo, I tried to find a photo of this, but no luck. I did see Laura's toe stuck in the faucet, though.)
dwheat, only YOU could catch nebo .. I was lost myself....(sometimes he loese me at home too), i just nodmy head and pretend I know what he's talking about.. it's easier that way.....


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