CSE-- Pg. 74 SATAN'S HAMMER, Ch.18, pg.160 "Goodnight Sweetheart" epilogue

dwheat, only YOU could catch nebo .. I was lost myself....(sometimes he loses me at home too), i just nod my head and pretend I know what he's talking about.. it's easier that way.....

I know how that is. That's when you silently pray that he doesn't quiz you on it later.
oh man, danielle, we should move to CA instead of fla,ccause you and ia would be buddies..

see, nebo only stuck with me cause he could hear me (I,um, I'm kinda loud)

so after all these years.. all the mumbling under my breath stuff (which, in my defense... I am used to,, my whole adult life!) so NOW he can hear me!!! sheesh.

and he the a memory like a trap. and it's SO annoying!!! but ,lately, I can blame it on the whiskey....
and anyone around ponzi's age (a little older , a little younger) will NOT get this at all!!

and.. I feel so sorry for you all... sob sob.

of course, I was a participant on another thread recently, about classic rides at WDW, where someone thought those of us who went to disney with our grandkids were seeking simpler times when cotton candy was new and the tilt A whirl wasn't invented yet!!! :lmao:
I knew Daniel was making fun of my Tigers cause her SF Giants beat us.

I was waiting for enough time to pass so we could be friends again before speaking to her.

Not enough time has passed yet.
you are such a silly goose!!! you have no idea!!!!what a major dork I am!!! (at least my sons tell me I am)
psst... don't tell anyone, but I wear a... fanny pack!!!!.

of course, there will be NO luriking now. you're part of the gang!

hehehe, a fanny pack, didn't know they still made them. Well then I guess you won't mind my crocs:rotfl2:, although I don't wear them with socks:confused3
have you 2 NO romantic feelings at all?
see, yes they both were going to cheat, but they were not comunicating AT ALL! and then were tempted to cheat.. but!! fate intervend.. because !!!! they belonged together from the start!! and realized that after fate shoved them back together in their attempt to cheat on each other.

Okay, okay. It's two weak willed people who can't even bother to talk to each other for fear of being drawn into a long drawn out conversation about stuff they don't really care about. But then fate intervened and said to itself, "These two losers deserve each other. What a couple of maroons!"

Is that what you meant? See I can be romantic, too!

I know, a patent is for invention type stuff, and a copywright is for written material.. but I still think it's kinda romantic.

Yes, patent and copywrite laws are very romantic.

How am I suppose to understand ANYTHING on this thread?

It is not a requirement to either.

But it is a requirement to either/or.

Read at your own risk, comment if you dare and PRAY that you don't give Nebo or pkondz anything to go with, cause go with it they will.

Who? Us?


dwheat, only YOU could catch nebo .. I was lost myself....(sometimes he loese me at home too), i just nodmy head and pretend I know what he's talking about.. it's easier that way.....

The other day I was driving Elle (DD15) and a friend of hers home from school. Her friend mentioned that it's not cool to laugh at your Dad's jokes. I said, "Elle has to laugh at my jokes, or she doesn't get supper."

Elle laughed.

Ummm.... Wait.
Better late then never I always say!

The other night I was bored and nothing was on tv and I
felt like talking Disney while she was at work, so I gave Thmper man a call.. I got his voice mail instead, so with my Disney appetite still un satiated, I tried Ponzi on the phone; he answered. While talking to him, TMan called me back and after I finished talking to Ponzi, I called Mike back up.

Later on, I realized that I just spent an hour talking to two guys i've never met before, one in New Mexico and the other in Winnipeg. How strange, and you want to talk about running the Accent gamut?

:rotfl2: I laughed when I heard Mike, in his telephone voice (yes, his voice seems to go like 2 octaves deeper when he talks to people on the phone) randomly say "Hey Nebo!" It took me a minute to realize he was on the phone since I was in the dining room and he was in the bedroom. He hangs up almost immediately and I look up and ask what happened, he tells me Nebo is on the line with Ponzi and he'll have to call back. When he does call back, once again I am greeted with the, "Hey Nebo" line, and I again do a double take. This is like the 2nd or 3rd time they have talked on the phone. I have yet to hear what the infamous Nebo sounds like, I am not authorized to partake in these conversations, but everytime they talk, Mike answers the same, and I think to myself. He knows Nebo's real name...and yet, still calls out Nebo. I'm wondering if on the other line Nebo is calling out, "Hey bunnyboy" or "Hey T-Man". :rotfl:

On another note...We don't have accents...;)

It's friday morning, I think we left off with Smidgy worrying that either she, or Jackson, would fall to their death on the top row of Soarin'.

We have never managed to get 1st row, at least not that I can remember. But i would probably be doing the same thing. I love that ride, but even in the 3rd or 4th rows, I get a little dizzy when it lifts us up.

It seemed to me that now we are really in no hurry to have to be anywhere, so since we were taking the back door out to the Friendship Boats anyway, we can get on Imagination with now wait, or maybe catch Captain E O.

The main goal is still to make sure we catch Light's, Motors, Action at the Studios, so Ok, out the back end we go, Damn the Torpedos, full steam ahead!

Why is it that when you say "out the back end we go" I start thinking about your infamous "Code brown?" :confused3

No, I have'nt yet gotten a shortened nickname for Yacht and Beach Club resort like the Swan and Dolphin, everytime I try to to do that I end up with the Yeast Club, and, well, that would just be wrong. :sick:

I don't think I even want to try my hand at this name game...

We sat on the very back bench seat outside, and I looked forward to explaining a bit like a tour guide this section of Disney that Todd and Kim have never seen before.

The boat was packed, Todd and Jackson way on the port side, Kim had the starboard rail with Smidgy and myself betwixt them.

I tried my spiel firtst to the left with no response, then I figured that I had a captive audience off to the starboard side but still got virtually no better results.

"Good afternoon everyone, My name is Nebo, and I will be your tour guide today. As we make our way to the beautiful Disney Hollywood Studios, you will notice...hey...HEY! I'm talking here!"

At the Studios, timing was about perfect to catch the next Car Stunt Show, but they also wanted to get a few fasties for TOT, with Kimi the runner this time.

Then Jackson changed his mind and they quickly called her on back.

Then he changed his mind again, said he wanted to ride it.

She took off again.

Then he changed his mind again and they called her back.

I went and sat down.

She, finally, left again, although walking this time.


You know, I can honestly picture everyone watching her run off, then calling her back, then watching her run off again, then calling her back...And as everyone is making up their minds or getting dizzy, nebo wanders to the nearest sitting area and plops himself down waiting for the decision to be made. :rotfl:

Kim caught back up to us near the entrance of the stunt show, and then I heard the most terrifying words I was to hear the rest of the trip.

A cast member manning the ropes, said that the coolest seats were at the very top of the stadium where the overhead ceiling fans were.


He then opened the gates immediately after that and I ended up in the rear immediately, not realizing that Todd took what he said to heart.

I was almost dead by the time we got and pulled into the second,,,, SECOND,,, very row from the top. And yes, the fans were much needed by that time, as were my new
EMT buddies that I had made friends with.

I'm sure the CM's have to say that in order to get people to move up to that area, but that's a huge walk, I would have plopped myself down at the nearest seat I could find at the bottom and said to heck with it!

I realize the idea was to watch it with them, but that's just nuts!

I made sure to keep an eye on Jackson most of the time, and I have to admit, the kid is something else.
He never really took his eyes off the action, and the dialog explanations didn't bore him at all, but he also never changed facial expressions either, which at first would have surprised me, but not by now in the trip.

At least your getting used to his expressions...or lack there of. I'm always amazed at kids and how they react to things. They can look like they are having the time of their lives and when you ask if they had fun they reply with, "It was OK", or vice versa.

I am definately under the impression that the Lights, Motors, Action Stunt Show has been a bust for Disney, they are usually now down to only 2 shows a day. Even we say you only need to see it once every few years,
it's not as personable as the Indy show is, that makes you
want to come back more often. Plus there's the French/European influence effect on the show that is just not
warm and cuddly enough for Americans.
My opinions, anyway.

I don't think we caught this the last time we were there. And if we did, it wasn't memorable enough for me to remember.

They were then going to try and wait for AeroSmith's coaster and to TOT again, so once again, Smidgy and I called it quits with them for the day.

That climb to the top of the mountain really wiped me out, my head was starting to pound again and since Smidgy didn't do the rides they were going to do now, we went on back home.

All the way back to Illinois? I realize that you are a little disappointed but to just up and leave like that is cra...oh...wait...you mean home as in back to the room...nevermind...

While I'm sitting there, a couple goes past in a hurry,a nd the woman glances at me, takes a few more steps and then stops.

I have nothing else to do right now but watch people and so I'm following her actions.
Yes, I'm the reason she stopped.

Walks up to me and says, " Excuse me, do I know you? "

Don't you just love vagarisms like that? How do you respond?

I opted for, "Maybe you do and maybe you don't, I'm not tellin'."

Now, her partner comes back wondering what the holdup is.

She turned to him and said, " Look, it's the trip reporter guy, remember I told you about him? " "The one that's always hurting hims,,,,"
He said, "Yeah, well we have ten minutes to make Rock and Roller Coaster's fastpass", and with that, they both just turned and ran off again.

:rotfl2: That would have been something i would do...More than likely it would have been, "Do I know you? Yes I know i know you, Oh My God, do you know who you are?!"

Sorry that RnR got priority.

Yup, that was it!
Good thing they did, cuz I didn't have a pen on me to sign an autograph.
Trust me, being a celebrity isn't quite what the mags say
it is like.

Don't tell me the mags photoshop that information too? :sad:

And then, once again we are back tat the Nebo Memorail Hippy Dippy Pool, just in time for:

Pick one:

1. The Yellow Jackets Show
2. Real Yellow Jackets there to sting me again.
3. Thunderstorms to roll back in.
4. Both thunderstorms and yellow jackets show.
5. All of the above.

A test? I didn't study! I'm not ready? I'm gonna fail and I'm not even enrolled in this seminar!

No, the correct answer is 4.

Oh...Well that was simple enough, it was the obvious answer!

We got our typical pool spot again, and two hours later they closed the pool again,

This is now at least 5 times the pool has been closed on this trip!
I , we, always knew this could be a problem this time of year,
holy cow, this is ridiculous.
It would 't be so bad if you could just stay at your table when it got a little dicey, but no, they have to clear out everything and everybody!

It's inevitable, the moment one person is sitting out there during a storm, they will be the ones to get hit with lightening, or complain later to staff that they were allowed to stay out there during the storm and could have gotten injured. At least this way, if no one is there, they don't have the chance of someone suing them for something they had no control over.

Once again we find ourselves sitting at a table outside the food court under the over hang wondering what we should do now.

I looked at my watch, it said 2: 30.
Smidgy's watch said "Your guess is as good as mine".

:rotfl2: I wonder what time that would be back home?

And I'm in the mood now of , "Last day, I tried to be good, at least for a while, oh well, no sense in putting off the inevitable.

One problem though, I had maybe one shot of whiskey left, and I wasn't in the mood for Rum or Vodka.

Wait a minute, if you've been putting off the inevitable, then how come you only have 1 shot left?

Heck with it, I wonder how much it is in the gift shop?

No need to wonder...that would be $1,000,000 per ounce.

Wow, I know now.

See, told ya!

I bought a pint bottle of Seagrams 7, which I'm not a fan of, for 13 bucks!
Ok, it's the size that we USED to call a pint bottle, now I'm sure it's some species of mililiters or milimeters or
milivanilli or milihelpers.

If your getting milivanili, then your getting gipped, it's fake!

What kills me about buying liquor at Disney is you can tell it's not something that is sold often.

Because no one can afford the $1,000,000 price tag per ounce. Otherwise, there would be drunk parents all over the hotel areas, with kids running around on their own. This is Disney's way of putting a stop to the insanity before it begins.

First the clerk has to go and find an employee who is old enough to sell it, then they have to get the manager who has the keys to open the glass cabinet behind the counter where the booz is stored, and there are no prices;
you don't have any idea until that bottle is scanned to see what comes up.

You wonder if there is one particular person each day that is put on the schedule only because they can sell liquor. They don't do anything else in there except help out when a customer comes in to buy said liquor. The rest of the time they are in the back, trying to figure out a way to drink said liquor without being caught.

After she scanned it and it came up 13. 29 or something I yelled out,, "Ok, two out of three? Let's try it again."

That's a lot less than I would have expected.

We talked briefly about the trip, and Todd and Kim said they did everything at the parks, and one week really was enough. Unlike what I had said originally, that you can't see everything in a week.

I can almost see the steam coming out of your head at this point.

When we went with some friends the last time, we had told them that we usually go 2 weeks and I think there are still some times we don't get a chance to see.They laughed at us, and decided to come along for the whole time just to see if it was true. At the end of the trip, we talked about what we still didn't get a chance to do, and they both agreed that they will have to come back again someday to tackle it all again.

I cracked at this point, and said, "Hold it, everything?"
Let's start with the studios, where you say you did everything.
"You didn't see the Little Mermaid show, or the incredible Beauty and the Beast show, or American Idol, or the parade, or Fantasmic, or even Muppetvision!
That's 5 hours right there and I'm not sure about the Backstage Tour if they did that.

Not to mention almost nothing was really done at Epcot,
I never even got to show Jackson the little trains in Germany.

I guess to each their own. We can do everything we can to get people to see what we see when we are there, but the magic hits us all a bit differently.

We then basically said our goodbyes then after reminding them that we are going to check out early and go over to Animal Kingdom in the morning to meet up with What's-her-face.

I can only imagine who we will be in December when you meet up with us! The whositdosits...

Later on it had stopped raining, and we went down to the food court again, and I was looking to try a NEW Mom's Night Out meal, they rotate them every two or three days, but no, even though it's always fried chicken on Fridays, they are still doing the turkey meal like I got last night.

As long as it wasn't last nights meal tonight, then you should still be oK.

Although at our house, the second night of turkey has a lot less white meat and a lot more dark meat. :headache:

I'm a white meat girl myself and this tends to be the same thing at our house. Which isn't a big deal for T-Man as he likes the dark meat, but doesn't make for a happy Lady H.

And that sweet Gramma I told you about? Uh oh, hmmm,
that might have been on Mony or BunnyBoy's thread, anyway, the Granny that got me going on boilermakers wand whiskey? She was the one who always was the first one to request the NECK!

There's one in every family.

Geesh, between that and pork shanks and saurkraut and smoked butt and fried liver and HEARTS, and cannibal sandwiches and pork hocks and all those disgusting really green vegetables,,,, no wonder I like Oncore Salsbury Steaks trays!


Whoops , ignore this last rant, I have disjointed the trip report again.

You don't have to ask me twice...

And that was just fine with me!
Hey, we have leftover Thanksgiving meals at home the next night, right?
I ordered it the same way, and it was served just like last night. Yep, good stuff, I wish they delivered to Carpentersville.
Na, it would probably be cold by then, and then I'd still have to tip him.

I'm glad you at least had an enjoyable meal. This trip really hasn't panned out like you planned. Between the concussion, not getting as much time with Jackson as you hoped and not doing the things you enjoy due to either of the above, plus the weather, I am with the others who say you need a re-do!
I posted the earlier on FB, Diane said I should post it here and feel free to embellish. But I am not a great lia,,, ahem, storyteller, so if anyone wants to tell the real story, please feel free to:

Helpful hint: When trying to color hair, do not let the bottle (open while trying to mix) slip out of you hand. thereby splashing all surrounding areas with hair color and landing in the toilet, thereby rendering the entire purchase of said hair color unusable.
Bonus: you get to clean the entire bathroom

:lmao: I'm sorry...I didn't mean to laugh...

Do I dare ask what color this was? I just recently dyed my hair, and the first time around i did it myself and was close to doing something just like this. I always wondered why they made you take off the tip of the bottle before shaking it, when they should have added a simple cap to put on the bottle for shaking purposes, and then allowed you to add the cap with tip for application.

Please tell me that you weren't already mid way through the coloring process when you had to get the second bottle mixed?

you are such a silly goose!!! you have no idea!!!!what a major dork I am!!! (at least my sons tell me I am)
psst... don't tell anyone, but I wear a... fanny pack!!!!.

of course, there will be NO luriking now. you're part of the gang!

hehehe, a fanny pack, didn't know they still made them. Well then I guess you won't mind my crocs:rotfl2:, although I don't wear them with socks:confused3

I wouldn't call you a dork Smidgy, I did the same thing for the longest time. I loved my fanny pack, I still have at least one or two of them at home. I used to wear them all the time in Vegas, before I found the small across the body purse I use now. And I believe the first time we went to WDW, I used a fanny pack. These last trips, we've found the backpacks and that makes it a little easier. but we also now wear a slimmer version of the fanny packs for the simple things like ID's, cash and Credit Cards that can be hidden beneath your shirt and doesn't have to be taken off on rides.
okay... OKAY!!

I'm giving an honorable mention to Marita for either a) being diplomatic or b) being technically correct while being wrong 9 times out of 10.

So I told him, "Well, I'm 47 now, but in a couple of hours I'll be 48.

Congrats to sewmess for getting it right. Although she was kind enough to say I looked like I was 53-56. :sad1:

Please contact Nebo for your prize (It's a new car! Whoops, I think that was supposed to be a secret. Don't tell anyone else. But make sure you collect!)

I don't remember saying that you look like you're 53-56, but I might have.

Nebo: you can keep the carp. They tend to creep me out (especially after a day or two.

I don't know about the two of you. I've seen at least one episode of every version of Star Trek & we (DH & I) own all three seasons of "classic" the last three seasons of DSN (DH's Favorite) and all three seasons of ENTERPRISE (The one with Scott Bakula & my favorite incarnation) as well as all the movies, including the new one. I can't pull character names out of various orifices like DH, but I can follow along when he does.

James West was played by the every manly Robert Conrad in the Wild Wild West. Trivia: he actually broke his back during an episode and finished the season.

DH also likes westerns. I like spy stuff, so that's all good in the case of the Wild Wild West (please note that in the original series, there was never a giant steampunk spider. That was just in the hideous movie.)

I got no idea about honey. Honey West, that is.
Ya got me here too. I had to scroll back up to see if I did misspell "carp". :laughing:

So many times I have been tempted to change a quote I am copying, I mean a copy i am quoting, but I do try to refrain from doing that, somehow it just seems like it could be illegal to do that. I mean, talk about being able to manipulate a conversation and filling it with falsehoods,,,, and,,, God, I can't wait for the election to be over!

28? Is that Celsius or Fahrenheit?

It's Mayan

But fI'll let you use it too.

I just mentioned this to Ruby yesterday when we got back. Also in attendance was Tia Carrere. She looked, umm... plastic. Not attractive. Looks more like Joan Rivers if you know what I mean.

Nichols on the other hand looked very nice. Elegant, even. Sure, she's older now, but she carries it very well. At least I thought so.

She always struck me as classy, so, anyway, did you remember Kodos the Executioner?

Argh! As soon as I read "I GOT YOU"... I immediately counted the number of shows. D'oh! With a capital D!

Well, I give you kodos for at least admitting it, and I do stand by my choices too.

Originally Posted by nebo
I'm sorry, but do you mean Rupert Holmes Pina Colada Song? I don't know of one by JB.
And isnt' that a delightful song, where two people cheating on each other can find love and romantic excitement when they both get caught doing that.

That's funny. I heard that song (again) just the other day... and thought the same thing, "Oh, isn't that nice. They got to reconnect... wait a sec..."


have you 2 NO romantic feelings at all?
see, yes they both were going to cheat, but they were not comunicating AT ALL! and then were tempted to cheat.. but!! fate intervend.. because !!!! they belonged together from the start!! and realized that after fate shoved them back together in their attempt to cheat on each other.

.. it is soon to be a made into a chikc flick, staring Jennifer Anniston and um, Mark Ruffalo? no, he's too cute. Mathew Mchoughna.....um, can't spell that, let's stick with mark Ruffalo.


And then Kate Hudson shows saying she had Mark" penal dolores right here and she and jennifer battle it out in a cage match filled with Coconut jello. See I can TOO be romantic.

I know, a patent is for invention type stuff, and a copywright is for written material.. but I still think it's kinda romantic.

Ponzi nailed this one. :worship:

it's not like none of us have ever known a couple on the verge of splitting up or anything:rolleyes:.

What, AGAIN? We can't afford it!

How am I suppose to understand ANYTHING on this thread?

Didn't you get the decoder ring?

It is not a requirement to either.

Read at your own risk, comment if you dare and PRAY that you don't give Nebo or pkondz anything to go with, cause go with it they will.

Just be ready if you do.

48? Nebo wishes he could see 48 again!

Nebo wishes he could see anything again. WOw, did I just put the kbosh on any fun we were having right then. I'm just kidding, ignore me when I make stupid comments like that.

I said, "That's just cruel of Nebo, rubbing in the whole Tigers' thing."
Nebo said,"What? Sneezes? Tigers? What is this, Firesign Theater? How did it go from Ponzi saying that you 'll wake the sleeping bear to sneezes and me putting down the Tigers, who I cheered for?
I feel like Ingrid Bergman.
From Gaslight."
You see, Pablo Sandoval's nickname is Panda. so when you compared Mony to a panda, I thought I'd get a little dig in. Geesh! It loses what little humor there was when I have to explain it!
It could have been worse. You could have been halfway through coloring your hair before the bottle got away. Just ask Laura Petrie.
(Nebo, I tried to find a photo of this, but no luck. I did see Laura's toe stuck in the faucet, though.)

Oh that toe episode is absolutely in the Show's top ten , Tons of funny stuff in that entire episode.
While most people will always pick the Walnut show, or the cabin by the lake show at their faves,, I think mine is nemed, "Coast to Coast Big Mouth" where Laura gets tricked into giving away Alan Brady's secret that he really is bald, her standing in Alan's office is just classic.

I knew Daniel was making fun of my Tigers cause her SF Giants beat us.

I was waiting for enough time to pass so we could be friends again before speaking to her.

Not enough time has passed yet.

:happytv::lmao: I didn't make the connection at first, for some reason I pictured her to be a LA Dodger's fan, not a Giant's fan.
But it still sounds like you want to make her a California Angel!:rotfl2:

hehehe, a fanny pack, didn't know they still made them. Well then I guess you won't mind my crocs:rotfl2:, although I don't wear them with socks:confused3

I never got the appeal of Crocs, are they that comfortable? I swear, 5 years ago half the crowds at Disney were wearing them, not so much anymore.

Okay, okay. It's two weak willed people who can't even bother to talk to each other for fear of being drawn into a long drawn out conversation about stuff they don't really care about. But then fate intervened and said to itself, "These two losers deserve each other. What a couple of maroons!"

Well done.

Is that what you meant? See I can be romantic, too!

works for me.

Yes, patent and copywrite laws are very romantic.

I already gave you your kudzu on this one.

The other day I was driving Elle (DD15) and a friend of hers home from school. Her friend mentioned that it's not cool to laugh at your Dad's jokes. I said, "Elle has to laugh at my jokes, or she doesn't get supper."

Elle laughed.

me too.

what are we having?

Ummm.... Wait.

Even I remember when there was nothing better in the world than to be the one to get a legitimate laugh out of your own kid/kids.
Like I said it's not a big deal, but...

When I saw this button, I thought about how for a while there, T-Man's Wife and I were dueling smileys. I saw this, and I liked the "whatever" look to it.

So, not a big deal, but it did remind me of the Dis.

:lmao: I'm sorry...I didn't mean to laugh...

Do I dare ask what color this was? I just recently dyed my hair, and the first time around i did it myself and was close to doing something just like this. I always wondered why they made you take off the tip of the bottle before shaking it, when they should have added a simple cap to put on the bottle for shaking purposes, and then allowed you to add the cap with tip for application.

Please tell me that you weren't already mid way through the coloring process when you had to get the second bottle mixed?

It was medium ash brown, which is a lovely color to really contrast well with beige tiles and porcelain...
I had not started coloring yet, I was pouring bottle B into bottle A, so there was no cap on it it, it was nice wide and open to spill all its goodness all over the place.:sad2:
Better late then never I always say!

Don't say that to Buzz right now.

:rotfl2: I laughed when I heard Mike, in his telephone voice (yes, his voice seems to go like 2 octaves deeper when he talks to people on the phone) randomly say "Hey Nebo!" It took me a minute to realize he was on the phone since I was in the dining room and he was in the bedroom. He hangs up almost immediately and I look up and ask what happened, he tells me Nebo is on the line with Ponzi and he'll have to call back. When he does call back, once again I am greeted with the, "Hey Nebo" line, and I again do a double take. This is like the 2nd or 3rd time they have talked on the phone. I have yet to hear what the infamous Nebo sounds like, I am not authorized to partake in these conversations, but everytime they talk, Mike answers the same, and I think to myself. He knows Nebo's real name...and yet, still calls out Nebo. I'm wondering if on the other line Nebo is calling out, "Hey bunnyboy" or "Hey T-Man". :rotfl:

On another note...We don't have accents...;)

Wait, Mikes voice is lower on the phone?
And I don't know if you have an accent or not, but you have kind of heard me a bit from the reports, right? And you KNOW I DON "T have an accent, my English is Poifect!

We have never managed to get 1st row, at least not that I can remember. But i would probably be doing the same thing. I love that ride, but even in the 3rd or 4th rows, I get a little dizzy when it lifts us up.

Ok, all you guys ae going to make me be the bad guy, huh? Fine.
Lady H, there are only 3 rows on Soarin' (apostrophe trademarked), row one is the highest they say about 35 feet up, row three is only about 10 feet high I have heard. But durning the show you cannot tell any of that, but I just contend that row one is still the best ride by a little bit.

Why is it that when you say "out the back end we go" I start thinking about your infamous "Code brown?" :confused3

Ah, it's so nice to be known for something.

"Good afternoon everyone, My name is Nebo, and I will be your tour guide today. As we make our way to the beautiful Disney Hollywood Studios, you will notice...hey...HEY! I'm talking here!"

That's very good, and not far off.


You know, I can honestly picture everyone watching her run off, then calling her back, then watching her run off again, then calling her back...And as everyone is making up their minds or getting dizzy, nebo wanders to the nearest sitting area and plops himself down waiting for the decision to be made. :rotfl:

Once again, you nailed it. I never said a word the entire time, I just tried to stay out of the way and wait it out.

I'm sure the CM's have to say that in order to get people to move up to that area, but that's a huge walk, I would have plopped myself down at the nearest seat I could find at the bottom and said to heck with it!

I realize the idea was to watch it with them, but that's just nuts!

If I had known from the beginning , that the climb wasn't going to end until we were at the top,, Yeah, I would have yelled a resounding, HOLD IT!
But I didn't know. I have learned that if you need to be taken care of in situations out of the ordinary, you can only count for sure on one person to do that, and that's yourself.

But I have to admit now in hindsight, on our way up there to the top, I should have gotten suspicious when they hired the Sherpa.

At least your getting used to his expressions...or lack there of. I'm always amazed at kids and how they react to things. They can look like they are having the time of their lives and when you ask if they had fun they reply with, "It was OK", or vice versa.

Yup, very hard to figure out at times.

:rotfl2: That would have been something i would do...More than likely it would have been, "Do I know you? Yes I know i know you, Oh My God, do you know who you are?!"

Sorry that RnR got priority.

Oh, believe me, I didn't care, least of my worries, it just made me laugh, and that right there made it worthwhile.
I'm expecting it from you and Mike as well:
"Oh, Hi Smidgy and whositdoesits, nice to see you. Mike we do have to hurry now if we are still going to catch the vets removing the golf ball from the cornsnake at Rafiki's Planet Watch."
Ok, bad example, for that I'd go too!:rotfl:

It's inevitable, the moment one person is sitting out there during a storm, they will be the ones to get hit with lightening, or complain later to staff that they were allowed to stay out there during the storm and could have gotten injured. At least this way, if no one is there, they don't have the chance of someone suing them for something they had no control over.

ah, but still, ,,, All the quiet pools at the moderate resorts are NOT policed, we sat huddled under an umbrella at a table one time as this really STUPID family keps swimming at a Port Orleans, Riverside Bayou pool. It was coming down in sheets, and enough lightning to make it look and sound like you were in the middle of Illuminations. We both yelled tat them to get out of the water, but even "MOM" was getting irritated at us.
We didn't leave ourselves, partly because, well, I've never seen somebody lit up and fried by lightning before, and it would be something new for me.

"Well, that was different. I guess we can now knock THAT off our list." :rotfl:

:rotfl2: I wonder what time that would be back home?

13:65, ERA.

Wait a minute, if you've been putting off the inevitable, then how come you only have 1 shot left?


No need to wonder...that would be $1,000,000 per ounce.

You were close.

Because no one can afford the $1,000,000 price tag per ounce. Otherwise, there would be drunk parents all over the hotel areas, with kids running around on their own. This is Disney's way of putting a stop to the insanity before it begins.

Ooooh, wait. I just had an incredible idea, just incredible!:hyper:

No, really, It's GREAT!


Refillable shot glasses!

Huh Huh? whatcha tink?

And they will have a Mayberry RFID chip in them that proves you are old enough, with a multi spigot dispensing station next to the Ice machines in every building.
"If I can dream, of a better land, where all my brothers walk hand in hand tell me why, oh why, oh why cant that land a-pear."

You wonder if there is one particular person each day that is put on the schedule only because they can sell liquor. They don't do anything else in there except help out when a customer comes in to buy said liquor. The rest of the time they are in the back, trying to figure out a way to drink said liquor without being caught.

You saying I can still have a career looming ahead of me, just waiting for my talents?

That's a lot less than I would have expected.

Hold it, hold it right there. Oh my Goodness, do you know what would happen if they heard you say that? In no,,,,uh oh,,, yep, crap, too late.
There was just a mad rush at all the Disney resorts of the managers Knocking people out ot the way to get to the liquer cabinets and double the prices for the scanners.
Well I just hope you are satisfied young lady!

I can almost see the steam coming out of your head at this point.

Yeah, the talking about how one week is enough, conversation. Actually, no, by that time I had pretty much given up, it did't matter anymore.
Nothing really matters, anyone can see, nothing really matters,,,,,,

Yeah, I know I did that before, live with it.

When we went with some friends the last time, we had told them that we usually go 2 weeks and I think there are still some times we don't get a chance to see.They laughed at us, and decided to come along for the whole time just to see if it was true. At the end of the trip, we talked about what we still didn't get a chance to do, and they both agreed that they will have to come back again someday to tackle it all again.

Wow, how cool is that to have t hem be there and verify it?

I guess to each their own. We can do everything we can to get people to see what we see when we are there, but the magic hits us all a bit differently.

So true. We had a friend come back from Disney who bought the dining plan. Before he left whwen we asked him where they are goin to use the table service meals, he just said his wife was taking care of it.
We tried to offer some suggestions but we could tell it was going in one ear and out the other.
When he got back, he said he gad a great time, they stayed at Riverside, and that is where they used ALL the table service meals! He assumed that's what the dining plan meant. I had to go and throw up!

But he said it was great, like having a dinner seating time on a Cruise Ship.
I don't get it.
I'm really fun to talk to; I'm not stuck up, or overly political or opinionated, why wouldn't people come to us when they know that we are incredibly knowledgable concerning all things Disney?
Did I mention I'm humble too?

But they don't, and I just don't get it.

I can only imagine who we will be in December when you meet up with us! The whositdosits...

Oh, I like that, can we be that?

I'm a white meat girl myself and this tends to be the same thing at our house. Which isn't a big deal for T-Man as he likes the dark meat, but doesn't make for a happy Lady H.

Hmm, I can tell Mike is a dark meat guy, I'm sure necks too, I can also picture him asking for the face.

There's one in every family.

Well, two in mine, my gram and dad fought over the neck,,,, and "gram" wasn't his mom.

I'm glad you at least had an enjoyable meal. This trip really hasn't panned out like you planned. Between the concussion, not getting as much time with Jackson as you hoped and not doing the things you enjoy due to either of the above, plus the weather, I am with the others who say you need a re-do!

ANd re do we shall, and you will hopefully be a part of it.

Please tell me that you weren't already mid way through the coloring process when you had to get the second bottle mixed?

I wouldn't call you a dork Smidgy, I did the same thing for the longest time. I loved my fanny pack, I still have at least one or two of them at home. I used to wear them all the time in Vegas, before I found the small across the body purse I use now. And I believe the first time we went to WDW, I used a fanny pack. These last trips, we've found the backpacks and that makes it a little easier. but we also now wear a slimmer version of the fanny packs for the simple things like ID's, cash and Credit Cards that can be hidden beneath your shirt and doesn't have to be taken off on rides.

I loved my fanny pack, I still have at least one or two of them at home.

Ok, got it.
Jennifer Aniston buys a magic Fanny Pack while at Disney.
If she would have followed the instructions and rubbed it 67 times on the PeopleMaker, she would have gotten Christian Bale to pop out of it.
But instead, she forgot to do it, so now she is over at the dark side , Universal Orlando with the Disney fanny pack, and all heck breaks out when she now absentmindedly rubs it 65 times while she's looking at Thing 1 and Thing 2, but now, instead of Christian Bale, Gerard Butler shows up almost naked, with 300 of his closest buddies, looking for a good time!

Tell me I'm not romantic, huh? HA!
Ponz,,, how much went over their heads?

Hey Heather, thanks so much for taking the time to chop me up.
It was medium ash brown, which is a lovely color to really contrast well with beige tiles and porcelain...
I had not started coloring yet, I was pouring bottle B into bottle A, so there was no cap on it it, it was nice wide and open to spill all its goodness all over the place.:sad2:

Oh my goodness, I just swallowed my shot glass!
I thought you were dying your hair when this mis hap happened. But you try to match your hair with the wall tiles and color of the commode?

Like I said it's not a big deal, but...

When I saw this button, I thought about how for a while there, T-Man's Wife and I were dueling smileys. I saw this, and I liked the "whatever" look to it.

So, not a big deal, but it did remind me of the Dis.


Thank you for satisfying my curiosity. Your palm is totally rocking that smiley ;)
so, anyway, did you remember Kodos the Executioner?

Oddly enough, no. I read the synopsis and just do not remember it at all. Is it possible that there's 1 episode I haven't seen?

Nah. Probably if I saw it again I'd be, "Oh, yeah. That one."
Oddly enough, no. I read the synopsis and just do not remember it at all. Is it possible that there's 1 episode I haven't seen?

Nah. Probably if I saw it again I'd be, "Oh, yeah. That one."

Maybe not. I 've found that even with Dick V. D., there's an episode that you may catch every 15 years or so, and I think the same thing applies with star trek's Kodos episode.
It's just like they never ever show that one.
NO, it's not that great, Kodos killed a lot of people long time ago, he thinks it's justified, even to the point that in the long term, it SAVED lives. Now, He's an actor on stage, travelling from planet tot planet doing shows, but KIRK, recognizes him,,,, Kirk is one of the only ones still alive that can put the finger on him, as all the other captains and whatnots are being killed off again.
And I won't give the rest away,,, no, not sure why, but I won't unless asked.
Smidgy, loved the DVD clip. I read somewhere that Mary Tyler Moore was in her mid-twenties when she started on the show, which makes her worries about gray hair extra funny, I think.
Nebo, there is no way I could be a Dodgers' fan. I was raised to cheer for the Giants, or whoever the Dodgers were playing. My dad would come down and give me a smack upside the head if I ever said even a kind word about the Dodgers. Also, I live about 50 miles from SF, and about 350 from LA.
Hi Nebo I just had to comment on your observation about Rafiki”s planet watch I was at AK two weeks ago When my better half & daughter or DW & DD as known on the dis persuaded myself that it would be a good option to visit We have been a few times and I hoped to give it a miss this time. But it was well worth the visit an antelope which lives at animal kingdom lodge had lost a horn and as we arrived it was just going on to the table. We stood for 90 mins mesmerised whilst the vet and his team glued it back on where else other than Disney can you see this type of thing on a Holliday. I won’t be so reluctant to visit rafiki next tine. The commentary whilst it was going on was fascinating an hour and a half well spent


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