The Running Thread - 2018

Visited Nomad for the first time recently. Could not get inside so we sat outside. I liked the environment, but the review of the food have been less than stellar so we just enjoyed our drink and company. (I'm assuming we are talking about the same place near Pandora in AK?
Yes it’s attached to Tiffins. Not sure why the food would be bad. It uses the same kitchen at Tiffins. Tiffins is my favorite in park restaurant.
ATTQOTD: My DH doesn’t drink or I’m with my daughter so I don’t get to visit lounges/bars. I have been to Mizners twice, but man is it loud when the band is playing! Hurricane Hannah’s is the only other place I’ve been to. I need to go to the parks by myself more.
ATTQOTD: As of last weekend (when I first visited it), my favorite is Nomad Lounge. The food was out of this world. Seriously, I would eat there every day (and quickly gain 100 lbs). And I was very pleasantly surprised by the Kungaloosh beer (which I ordered for the name, because Adventurer's Club, and actually enjoyed the heck out of it).
Yes it’s attached to Tiffins. Not sure why the food would be bad. It uses the same kitchen at Tiffins. Tiffins is my favorite in park restaurant.
Tiffins is incredible. I can't fathom a place sharing the same kitchen having poor food.
@jennamfeo I'd love to get on the state list although I'm a little sad that Canada isn't included :(

US States: NH, MA, OH, FL, VA, MI -- I think that's it.
Canadian Provinces: ON, SK
Countries: Italy, India, Israel, Germany

There may be more but that's what my memory serves!
only took an hour to catch, you really can't let this thread go a while, can you?

QOTD: Do you wear your running shoes for anything other than running while they are still in your rotation as running shoes or your only pair?

Not while they still have miles left. If they're new, they're for workouts/races only. Afterwards, they get relegated to if-I-need-sneakers stuff/the color run.

I have wide feet with high arches and a high instep, so I don't usually have a lot of selection with shoes. I've followed some of the conversation regarding having different pairs of shoes, but I really don't feel like it's necessary. I've also never had any trouble breaking in new shoes. Once I find a pair of shoes that doesn't physically squish my feet in some way, I'm pretty much good to go.

OMG what shoes do you use? The wide feet/high arches has been a problem for quite some time now...

QOTD: We have about a week to go to register for marathon weekend. Are you running any of the races? If so, which ones? Have you decided you are running but not sure which races yet? Anyone going to make a impulse decision

Nope. Underemployment sucks.

QOTD: Lets discuss chafing today! Everyone's favorite conversation that we have all experienced at least once, but rarely discuss... except maybe here or with a runner friend. So tell us your stories, what works and what doesnt, how to treat existing areas when attempts to prevent failed, ect!.

So much body glide, sometimes even when not during a race/workout (chub rub is a real pain, and I have the worn-out jeans to testify :( ). I used to body glide my feet, but then they'd need additional stuff on-course (one race didn't have popsicle sticks for their Vaseline, had to use my hands, was a very messy last few miles after that...). So far, a decent layer of Vaseline at the start seems to be doing the trick, especially in the usual trouble spots (some toe pads, the ball of my right foot, and all along the insteps of both feet), although I've occasionally still needed to re-up while on course for a half marathon.

QOTD: For todays topic I wanted to discuss running while on a diet. For those who have done it, what was the plan? What are some lessons you learned that you wish you knew before learning it the hard way? What worked vs did not work?

Dieting is not a thing for me. I need to lose the weight, but disordered eating has been a problem for a long time. So right now, it's about building up strength/endurance and trying to develop a healthier relationship with food. The first part of that is going decently, if slow. The second part, well, it's a process.

QOTD: What is one of the craziest decisions you have made regarding running?

Other than doing it in the first place? ;)
Signing up for my first half marathon, thinking, "hey, they give you 5 hours to finish, that's plenty of time!" "They're trying a new thing where you add on the separate 5k beforehand too, what's another 3.1 miles?" "Nah, the hills shouldn't be too bad."
And then doing the same damn thing the next year.

Fun Friday QOTD: I'm working on my off Friday and I am not happy about it, plus my lack of sleep is catching up! So lets think of something that is needed after a long work week... a bar or lounge. What is your favorite bar or lounge to hang out or relax at while at WDW?

I love me a good drink (albeit less and less these days), but:
ATTQOTD: I don't drink alcohol and stopping at a bar or lounge for a non-alcoholic beverage isn't really my type of thing. So my favorite place to relax is riding Gran Fiesta Tour as many times as I need to cool down and rest.

^ This. Would much rather be spending my time on a dark ride or in a theater.

Oof, that's been a lot to get through! And I'm getting a bit nervous for my fall races, as there's been a lot of upheaval on the personal/work front lately (am at my parents' house for the next 3 weeks, getting ready to teach at a camp in NYC -- finally, some real bagels!) and getting ready to move my sister to NOLA in August ( :sad: she's moving out, :crazy2: we'll be driving to the swamp in the middle of August, :yay: we'll be taking our time driving down there)

DLR Trader Sams, no contest. Though only drank outside as we have kids. Had a couple of fantastic drinks/snacks there and have a tiki mug to prove it. Never made it to Cove Bar. Did get drinks to take back to the room from Hearthstone Lounge, once again kids foiling in bar drinking (it was late)

WDW Hurricane Hannah’s for sure, if only because it means we were at Beach Club and therefore enjoying cocktails by the pool, one of my favourite things to do. Didn’t really drink anywhere else at WDW...
A little more on the diet topic for me. The diet for now is just that, a diet. It's being used to kick start things, and after a while I will go back to the healthier lifestyle that I was living about 1.5 years ago. I just let it get out of control and need to make a drastic change to swing things back in the right direction. Things I need to stop are drinking soft drinks daily, fast food, baked goods, and white carbs (for now). I found after a while of eating healthy and then one day getting some McDonald's just how bad that stuff makes me feel. But when I am living a unhealthy lifestyle I feel terrible most of the time without even really noticing it, and the food from McDonald's doesnt stand out as something bad, it just continues my overall not feeling well.

I think a lot of people get so used to feeling like crap from the food they eat they don't realize there is another way to live.

QOTD: What is one of the craziest decisions you have made regarding running?

ATTQOTD: I registered for the WDW marathon yesterday without a POT that will probably do much for me and basically no base mileage over the last 12 months. I am looking at 1 or 2 10 mile races (August 25 and Oct 7) to turn in to improve my current and only half in the required timeline of 2:40:01. The August race is a trail run that is very easy but the race is at night and the only lighting is the head lamp you bring with you. It's semi local race so it is most likely to happen. The other race is October 7 in Houston which is just before the deadline to update POT. Hopefully they update race results with the quickness, but that race may not be needed if the first one goes to plan. So, its a little crazy I've stacked all this stuff on my plate and have little to no room for error to get prepared!

I began running in March of 2014. I did my POT race for TOT in June and during that 10K I decided i could do a marathon so I went home and signed up for my first marathon that October, which was just 2 weeks after TOT. My blister from TOT hadn't healed completely so they got much worse during the marathon. So I went from coach potato to marathoner in 7 months. It worked out but looking back, probably not the best route to that goal.


Signing up with a team to do Texas Independence Relay. 200 miles, overnight, 2 vans, no showers, etc. Ended up being an amazing experience and have done several other realys since. My wife is a lot like the lady in this video

That's funny. You know non runners look at all of us like we are crazy, right?

That should prove to be interesting.

I blame the wonderful people in this very community for my craziest running decision ever. "It's so amazing finishing a marathon." "I love the marathon distance." "Dopey was such an amazing experience. One of the best things I'ever done."

The Star Wars races were my biggest gateway drug. While I had run 3 half marathons before, Star Wars offered the carrot of a single weekend challenge medal themed to Star Wars. One thing led to another and here I am training for Dopey.

Oh good. I'm not the only crazy one around here. My little sister is joining me for Dopey as well and it will be her first marathon also. We both ran all 3 Dark Side races as a test of sorts for Dopey.

9 - Sleepless Knight - Walt Disney World 5K (Finish)
10- Sleepless Knight - Walt Disney World 10K (Finish)
11- Sleepless Knight - Walt Disney World Half Marathon (Finish)
12- Sleepless Knight - Walt Disney World Marathon (Finish)

The good news here is that if I complete Dopey, I also get a guaranteed PR for the marathon. And since I probably won't take 90 minutes to run a non Star Wars 5K, I should PR the 5K as well.

Marathons are life changing events. It will be awesome.

For many years, I said if I ever run a marathon, it will be at Walt Disney World. I figure there will be enough there to distract me from the distance even as I see the mile marker number increase.

Once Star Wars races started at Disneyland, I figured that I would never run a marathon because I will always choose a Star Wars race at Disneyland over marathon weekend. Every time I thought I'd love to run a marathon someday that thought always perished during the long runs leading up to the half I was training for.

And then the runDisney west coast hiatus happened. With the announcement that they wanted to bring the races back to the west coast, I saw a very limited window in which to run a marathon. Except this time in my training for half, I found the thought of running a marathon no longer intimidating. And then I got to thinking. What if I finish the full? Will I want to come back for Goofy? And what about coming back a different year for Dopey? Except that's a whole lot easier said than done for me on the west coast. Will I regret not attempting Goofy or Dopey if I only run one marathon? I talked with other runners about this idea. And received a lot of feedback saying that Goofy or Dopey as part of a first marathon isn't as insane as it seems. It would just require training. I spoke with a lady in line for character photos after the Dark Side Half this year who provided more encouragement and her experience about the marathon as part of a weekend runDisney challenge.

I will never say that my path to deciding to run a marathon as part of a challenge is right for everyone. Because each one of us has to make that decision for ourselves. I will say that when I made the decision, I had been at least thinking about a marathon for a few years and more seriously considering it for a few months. And as much as I jokingly say we enable each other around here, I can also truthfully say that so many people in this community offered great feedback as I went back and forth on the decision. Not just feedback in terms of you can do it, but also feedback in terms of make the decision that is best for you. We'll still be here to support you in whatever that decision is.

Whatever decision you make will be the right one as long as you train for it and just plan to have fun with it.

Fun Friday QOTD: I'm working on my off Friday and I am not happy about it, plus my lack of sleep is catching up! So lets think of something that is needed after a long work week... a bar or lounge. What is your favorite bar or lounge to hang out or relax at while at WDW?

ATTQOTD: My favorite is the Belle Vue Lounge at Disneys Boardwalk. We stayed at the Boardwalk during our honeymoon and more afternoons than not, we would stop here on our way to dinner to have a drink or two. We attempted to go last weekend, but I failed to remember that it opens at 5:00 PM and we needed to be in Hollywood Studious for 5:15 PM. We instead found some seating area on the boardwalk and had drinks out there. I just love the vibe of the Boardwalk! Maybe one day we will find ourselves there for a stay with the kiddos and tell her about Mom and Dad's first Disney trip together.

I'm boring. I don't drink, I don't think I have ever been to one.
ATTQOTD mixed up: I don’t think I have done very crazy things running wise and I haven’t tried many lounges because either I was with the kids, I was too full from meals or I was running the next day. I agree with @Keels on number one so far. Conclusion: Go try a few lounges (and maybe one on course beverage if that still exists) after Dopey 2020... That would pretty much sums up crazy!
ATFFQOTD: DW and I haven't really done the lounge thing. After all, Disney is one of the few places where time really is money! So we're all about squeezing in as much entertainment and ride as we can, especially at the end of the day. However, for a break in Hollywood Studios, we liked the Writer's Stop. Quiet, out of the way, and never crowded. And because we liked it, of course it had to go.

After a day at MK, we like to head down to Contempo Cafe for a snack. It's a nice place to unwind, and we get to watch the monorails swing through.
Behind on the thread as always, but hey guys!!! Hope everyone is having a good weekend! Just jumping back in...

Craziest running related decision: signing up for 1st marathon. And yes, @Waiting2goback is correct: life changing experience.

Favorite bar/lounge:
DL: Trader Sam’s!
WDW: I don’t know if this falls under bar/lounge, but I love the Tutto Gusto Wine Cellar. I don’t know if they have other drinks besides wine, but it’s a cozy spot for sure!
Need to try Nomad on the next trip!
@jennamfeo I'd love to get on the state list although I'm a little sad that Canada isn't included :(

US States: NH, MA, OH, FL, VA, MI -- I think that's it.
Canadian Provinces: ON, SK
Countries: Italy, India, Israel, Germany

There may be more but that's what my memory serves!

I had a lot of time to think about this list on my 10-miler today in the rain. :)

I was realizing that I found out about it just before our annual big hiking trip - next weekend my DH and I leave for Glacier National Park. So of course, that means I can run while I'm there and put Montana on my list.

An additional adventure for this trip is that we are flying from Maryland to Chicago, and then we are taking the scenic Amtrak train from Chicago to Glacier. (Woot!) That means that I could potentially run in the Chicago airport or train station - we have a 4-hour layover - and put Illinois on my list, AND if I run on the train, I could knock off Minnesota and North Dakota, too! (I already have Wisconsin.) I see no problem trying to do this, but I suspect that my husband and/or the train conductors might find a problem with it. :)

And now I've been pondering what the GPS track of someone running up and down the corridors of a moving train would look like. The Wikipedia website for the Empire Builder train says that the average speed is 50 mph, so my running at about 5 mph would be a 10% variation on that. But it would probably register on Garmin as my fastest run ever! Too bad I really couldn't run perpendicular to the train's direction and make a sine curve with the GPS track!

I doubt I'll actually do the train running, but as I said, it was amusing to think about during my long run today. :) Can anyone suggest a good place to run in Chicago Midway?
hi @jennamfeo …….here are my running states if you want to add me to the list:

Virginia, Maryland, DC, Delaware, PA, NJ, WV, NC, SC, GA, FL, CA
HI @Wendy98 …… sounds like you had a great time in Hawaii. Congrats on your finish at the 10k.

We were there at the end of May, hiked Diamond Head too, but spent more time in the water (surfing, snorkeling, swimming) and did no running.
My son also had bad luck with the ocean, he lost his GoPro surfing, ruined his Apple Watch swimming, and lost his sunglasses too.

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