DVC “Confessions”

I was a firm believer in the value of owning DVC until all the pay-for-line-cutting programs were introduced. Now you are better off staying off property and the stagnation of the DVC resale prices is a reflection of that.
I’m not crazy about Storm along bay either.

For sure it wasn’t enough of a reason for us to buy BC over BW. Add in that we often visit in cooler months where we may get 0-2 pool days over a week, I’d much rather have the ability to occasionally book BW Standard.

What’s better: a few hours in SAB or a few extra days added on the trip 😂
My thoughts EXACTLY!! 🤣
1.. Thought I wouldn't like HH and surprisingly LOVED it!
2. While I really enjoyed Beach Club Resort (club level) I don't like BCV.
3. I don't want to go to Disney without adding on a stay at DVB... 🤣
4. Even though we own at VGF my favorite resort will always be Wilderness Lodge
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Tangental question: can someone really "like" or "dislike" a resort if they've never actually stayed at it to get the whole experience ?

For instance, I have an aversion towards BLT and thumb my nose at it, without ever having stayed there. I suppose that would be another DVC confession.....I'm bougie. 🙃
Tangental question: can someone really "like" or "dislike" a resort if they've never actually stayed at it to get the whole experience ?

For instance, I have an aversion towards BLT and thumb my nose at it, without ever having stayed there. I suppose that would be another DVC confession.....I'm bougie. 🙃
It's an excellent point. It's not going to stop anyone from giving an opinion, but it's an excellent point!! Although, you've probably seen BLT, and perhaps that still qualifies you to dislike it!
I think its fair to not like a resort without staying there - depending on what you're basing that on. For example, I generally prefer the 1-4 story buildings, or the individual walkup type buildings, as they feel more like condos or vacation homes than 'hotels' when I stay DVC. So I tend to favor OKW, Saratoga, Beach & Boardwalk, Boulder Ridge which either have separate buildings or smaller, lower units. The tower type accommodations I don't prefer in general, though I can still stay in them - so BLT, RIviera, and the new Island Tower are already farther down my list just because of the design...even if the resort grounds are lovely or the rooms are beautiful.
This seems to have turned into a "dump on other resorts" thread!

I haven't stayed anywhere yet that I truly disliked.

My confession is that I go to the DVC website every day and look up various room reservations, for no particular reason, I guess just to check availability and dream about going 😂
My confession is that I go to the DVC website every day and look up various room reservations, for no particular reason, I guess just to check availability and dream about going 😂
No need to "confess". I thought we all do that!

My confession is that 22 years ago I might have given DH the impression that in order to stay at the DVC resort at Hilton Head, we had to be members of DVC, knowing that as a golfer, he'd always wanted to go there.
No need to "confess". I thought we all do that!

My confession is that 22 years ago I might have given DH the impression that in order to stay at the DVC resort at Hilton Head, we had to be members of DVC, knowing that as a golfer, he'd always wanted to go there.
lol, I know! My confession is weak, but I swear it’s all I got!

Yours OTOH, requires some serious absolution 😂
I have another dark DVC secret - I always take home the kitchen sponges (love those sponges) and I always bring my own toilet paper - I’m old and I know what I like and life is too short to use cheap scratchy 1ply TP! 🤪

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