Poll- Your Pet peeves

DCL shooting a commercial during our 3 night cruise. The commercial closed down the adullt pool for 3 hours, blocked other areas during the day and had a helicopter circling the ship loudly as we sailed away from Castaway Cay. It may not be a common pet peeve, but after dealing with many of the pet peeves people mention here and not really letting them bother me the commerical interupting our special 50th birthday, just the two of us, vacation on a full price, 3 day cruise, really bothered us.
Nope. I hate hand sanitizer and I wash my hands about 400 times a day. Did I mention I HATE it? Also, do some reading on hand sanitizer. It's not making your hands as clean as you think it is.

Well said. I, too, always wash my hands. I only use sanitizer when soap and water are not available. There are bathrooms EVERYWHERE on the ships. I will wash my hands thank you, and pass on the sanitizer.
People who smoke in the non-smoking sections of the deck. Even worse, smoking a cigar in the non-smoking section.
So glad they eliminated smoking on the balconies. It was very upsetting not being able to go out on your own balcony due to the smokers.
And, don't show up AFTER the show has started and start looking for seats. Sit your butt down in the back row. When you come in, stand around and try to look for seats, you are in our way and disturbing everyone. You should have arrived well before the show began to look for the perfect seat LIKE MY FAMILY JUST DID!!

Soooo rude to show up late, it drives me absolutely nuts!

YES, THIS. I noticed this on DCL more than any other line. People showing up 10, 15 minutes late for a show and trying to cram into a row. I got here 15 minutes early to get the seat I need. If you can't show up on time, start earlier, skip the show, or sit in the back. Preferably the former two.
Housekeeping carts outside your door all day everyday.

This happened to us once, but on Royal Car. cruise. We didn't mind it, he gave us whatever we needed, knew when the boys were in the room across from us and told them once "you're momma has been looking for you two". With that said, he was loud!!!!! He had a booming voice. You could hear him greet everybody!


CHAIR HOGS :furious:
DCL shooting a commercial during our 3 night cruise. The commercial closed down the adullt pool for 3 hours, blocked other areas during the day and had a helicopter circling the ship loudly as we sailed away from Castaway Cay. It may not be a common pet peeve, but after dealing with many of the pet peeves people mention here and not really letting them bother me the commerical interupting our special 50th birthday, just the two of us, vacation on a full price, 3 day cruise, really bothered us.

:thumbsup2 That would annoy me too!
Children on adults shoulders during deck parties.

Not picking on your post, but I have heard this before on the ship. I understand that it would be annoying if someone right in front of you suddenly threw a child up right in front of your face, but my son is 40 inches in a sea of 5 and 6 ft adults. I'm not exactly sure what the expectation is, but I'm not strong enough to hold him in my arms for 20 minutes so up on the shoulders he goes- mostly to keep him from getting stomped by all the milling adults.
Not picking on your post, but I have heard this before on the ship. I understand that it would be annoying if someone right in front of you suddenly threw a child up right in front of your face, but my son is 40 inches in a sea of 5 and 6 ft adults. I'm not exactly sure what the expectation is, but I'm not strong enough to hold him in my arms for 20 minutes so up on the shoulders he goes- mostly to keep him from getting stomped by all the milling adults.

As an adult, I can empathize with the obstruction when a child is sitting on an adult's shoulder. As a parent, I can sympathize that a young child's view in a sea of 5-6 ft tall adults is little more than buttocks. What adults see is a kid in front of them. What a kid see is a sea of rear ends, and I think it's easy for adults to forget what that must be like. An adult can still lean side to side to get somewhat of a view. A kid leans and all he/she sees is just someone else's butt. Sadly, they don't have much of an option.
Buffets are my pet peeve. And thank goodness DCL gives plenty of other food options! I find the thought of other people touching, poking, breathing on my food selections stomach turning.
Buffets are my pet peeve. And thank goodness DCL gives plenty of other food options! I find the thought of other people touching, poking, breathing on my food selections stomach turning.[/QUOTE ]

Yes!! Buffets creep me out. I have been to a couple and all I see are people coughing, sneezing or wiping their noses into/on their hands and then they start picking over the food. I am so glad DCL has other options, and I am sure I will be utilizing them instead of the buffet.
Nothing makes me madder than to see someone sneeze or cough and don't cover their nose or mouth. Some people think their germs aren't germs.... HELLO!!! THis drives me crazy.. pirate::confused3
I can't stand the people who take pictures or videos with there Ipad. I've walked around the ship late at night or early in the morning and used it, but no one was around. Iphone and Ipod much better.

Also can't stand the parents who think there kids should be up front for everything and show up right at the start of something. I'm all for letting kids up front, but when your too the side and making sure your not blocking people too much then someone else comes along and stands in front of you and puts the kid on their shoulders:headache:, true it happened and the funny part in there was more space else where, so I moved to see, yeah I'm short

This happened to us heaps at WDW with people and their kids, I know we are adults but we love seeing the characters and watching the parades, shows and deck parties. I get so annoyed when parents push in front with their kids and then put their kids on their shoulders :/ Im sorry but we sometimes wait in our spot for up to 45 minutes and parents think it is alright if their kids can see... I mean if they ask or we see kids behind us we always let the parents know the kids can stand in front of us to see.

I'm actually surprised no one else has said this. I do not frequent Quiet Cove all that much, but kids should really respect the boundaries. Even when our stateroom was forward, we had our kids always go down to mid-ship before going up to the pool deck.

Also, has common courtesy just gone out the back door? Please, Thank you, etc....show appreciation to the CM's, they work so hard and they are always polite.

There were quiet a few rude kids on our cruise, who would rush in front of everyone and not say excuse me, it was really annoying particularly when parents were with them. Why aren't kids being taught manners these days?

We used quiet cove every night after the evening shows and dinner, we found kids would walk through from the forward elevators to the drink machine and ice cream machines. It didn't worry us most of the time, as they were quiet and literally walked straight through. Though one group kept running up and down the stairs and I nicely reminded them it was an adult only area.

People leaving trash everywhere/ making an unnecessary mess.

Adults who forget they are parents when they go on a cruise.

Chair hogs on the pool deck.

People who wear sweats/ pajama type wear to dinner.

Adults who push their children to the front of character lines.

Children on adults shoulders during deck parties.

People who run through the hallways at night or talk loudly in hallways at night.

We found during our 4 night cruise on the Dream most people we generally great with tidying up after themselves, our only issue was on Pirate night after the buffet, people just left their plates and other bits and pieces everyone on deck :/

Parents need to find a balance, I know its their holiday too, but they really need to be able to help take care of their children and not let them run rampant around the ship. We found most kids great, but I understand some parents would just go into a complete holiday mode and not worry about anything, they need to be more considerate of other guests.

We cruised for the first time last October, and I was sad to see DCL change their policy about shorts in the dining rooms. I thought people might out in some more effort during meal times, we saw so many people in just shorts and so many casual attires. We dressed up every night, not formal or anything, just nice pants/skirts and dresses.

I know it is magical for kids to meet the characters and I might be an adult, but I still love meeting the characters and I always get exciting meeting the princesses as well. Im sorry but if Im waiting in line for an hour to meet the Princesses or the fab 5 on board, please don't push in and tell its for your children. You should have gotten in line earlier if you wanted them to meet your children and couldn't wait.

This is my number one pet peeve when adults place kids on their shoulders, i know its a small place, but Im short and I would like to see the show as well, otherwise I wouldn't be there for the show. I got stuck so many times in WDW with issue.

People who show up ridiculously late for the drill as well. :headache:

We had this as well, it was so frustrating CMs took 5-10 minutes calling out for families before they would start, and we were all rushing the sailing away party!! You know you have to be there so please just get there on time so everyone can leave ASAP!

The elevator rush. When you've been standing there waiting for an elevator with enough room for you and your child (who sometimes has to be in a stroller, and does not have the mobility to do all those stairs) and every single time an elevator comes, people run out of nowhere and fill it up. We have literally waited 15 min for an elevator before :-/

OMG this was insane!! We always waited so long for the elevators, cause during our cruise I had a sore ankle, I had actually strained all the ligaments in my left ankle about 4 weeks before our trip, so I had to use the lifts when I could. So many people tried telling me off and saying I was lazy, cause I was young and could use the stairs!n the end I gave up and just waited when people wanted to push in. It worked well cause one time we got out of the elevator and Tiana was getting out of the opposite elevator as we were getting out, It was such a great meeting!

People who talk during the shows. Some try to whisper, some not. It doesn't matter, we can still hear your voice, and it is very disruptive. The bottom line is this: If you open your mouth WE CAN HEAR YOU.

And, don't show up AFTER the show has started and start looking for seats. Sit your butt down in the back row. When you come in, stand around and try to look for seats, you are in our way and disturbing everyone. You should have arrived well before the show began to look for the perfect seat LIKE MY FAMILY JUST DID!!

Soooo rude to show up late, it drives me absolutely nuts!

We had a group ask us to move down for a family of 5-8 people, 15 minutes into the show! Im sorry but please sit at the back of the theatre. I wish Disney would have a lock our period and have a certain section of the theatre for these groups!

DCL shooting a commercial during our 3 night cruise. The commercial closed down the adullt pool for 3 hours, blocked other areas during the day and had a helicopter circling the ship loudly as we sailed away from Castaway Cay. It may not be a common pet peeve, but after dealing with many of the pet peeves people mention here and not really letting them bother me the commerical interupting our special 50th birthday, just the two of us, vacation on a full price, 3 day cruise, really bothered us.

OMG are you serious? I would have been so annoyed! You should have been told about these events before the sailing, They would have known what was happening weeks before you set sail!
People who show up ridiculously late for the drill as well. :headache:
I hope the CMs were informed of all of us stuck in MCO in a storm and weren't calling out our name trying to find us. We had 3 buses full that didn't get to the ship until after 4.

I found out later the ship wasn't held because of that, it was the tornado warnings and storm. Didn't pull out until about 6 pm.

Stressful day, flying the day before next time.
As an adult, I can empathize with the obstruction when a child is sitting on an adult's shoulder. As a parent, I can sympathize that a young child's view in a sea of 5-6 ft tall adults is little more than buttocks. What adults see is a kid in front of them. What a kid see is a sea of rear ends, and I think it's easy for adults to forget what that must be like. An adult can still lean side to side to get somewhat of a view. A kid leans and all he/she sees is just someone else's butt. Sadly, they don't have much of an option.

But during the deck party, there's a big screen that shows what's going on. I understand the frustration with not being able to see. I'm 4'10" and I couldn't see the stage, either. But I could see the screen just fine...until the person in front of me put their kid on their shoulders.

The next time that happens to me, I think I'm going to stand in front of the parent that does that. They shouldn't mind, right? I mean, I'm shorter than they are and their kid can now see right over my head.

Nothing makes me madder than to see someone sneeze or cough and don't cover their nose or mouth. Some people think their germs aren't germs.... HELLO!!! THis drives me crazy.. pirate::confused3

Indeed. However, many people cover their mouth/nose with their hands, which is just as bad as not covering them at all. Instead you should sneeze or cough into your elbow.
Not picking on your post, but I have heard this before on the ship. I understand that it would be annoying if someone right in front of you suddenly threw a child up right in front of your face, but my son is 40 inches in a sea of 5 and 6 ft adults. I'm not exactly sure what the expectation is, but I'm not strong enough to hold him in my arms for 20 minutes so up on the shoulders he goes- mostly to keep him from getting stomped by all the milling adults.

There are many of us with children. I've got three of them and if they are trying to look up to see the stage over adults heads they can at least see something. An adult with a child on their shoulders prevents them from seeing anything AND blocks the other adults from seeing. If you want to put your child on your shoulders, be sure that you are in the very last row of the crowd. That way you can do what you want without interfering with others enjoyment of the show. Don't do it in the middle or front of the crowd - that's just plain rude.
Nope. I hate hand sanitizer and I wash my hands about 400 times a day. Did I mention I HATE it? Also, do some reading on hand sanitizer. It's not making your hands as clean as you think it is.

No, it's not. But it is better than nothing. It is actually the rubbing of the hand sanitizer that helps more than the actually sanitizer. We only use alcohol wipes; would never ever use anything with triclosan in it. That is scary stuff.
It's not optional. But it just disinfects the service. Hand washing actually scrubs a layer of skin off as well as the germs.

As for putting my child on my shoulders, I stand in the back or towards the back and tell anyone coming up behind me what I'm going to do. I always get an annoyed look but at least they have the option of moving before the show starts.
Sorry, this has nothing to do with actual cruising, but my BIGGEST pet peeve is those people who post their dirty laundry on the forums and then get mad at people who disagree with their whining. Seriously you start out your post I will never cruise with xyz cruise line again because they didn't kiss my butt to my liking. Then they explain what happened and several people think that it is them in the wrong and they get mad and verbally attack those people who didn't agree with them. There are thousands of people on these forums and not everyone is going to agree with you. If you don't want my opinion than don't put it on a public forum and contact xyz in private.

Sorry had to vent



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