Any "crunchy" type people here??

I am "crunchy." :hippie: We do selectively immunize, though.

I also have been a member of the boards at for years. :) Are you a member over there, too? Just curious.

Some of these things I did and some I didn't. Our girls slept with us for the first year of their lives, what a great thing when nursing. I also had a sling and they were carried anytime they wanted. But, what is crunchy? I can't figure out what it stands for.
Crunchy refers to crunchy granola, as in, food that hippies like to eat. It is extrapolated to non-mainstream.

earthfaries, that's so scary! I'm higher risk now, for different reasons, but ultimately the statistics say I'm safer doing it my way rather than in the hospital (even though fear-based feelings urge many to do different), so that's the way I'll do it.

Of course, I gotta get pg first. Sigh.
the kids and I are Vegan........not so unusual here in new england.....i see you are in texas, must really stick out as "different" around there!!!

If we were in Austin, we'd fit right in...Austin is, in general, crunchy (relative to the rest of Texas). There are lots of veg-friendly restaurants there.

However, we are in the Dallas area, and my one veg friend moved to California a few years ago. So, I feel pretty "out there" sometimes. I do have an acquaintance that started on the veg path (not her kids, though) and she was inspired by me (which I find funny!), so I might have to get to know her better!

Thanks for speaking up!
A few of the above, not all. I didn't use cloth, did circ., did vaccinate with only some vaccines, but I do eat Vegan mostly, do co-sleeping, homeschool, do organic and such.

Hopefully this will stay a positive thread.:goodvibes
Like others who have posted, I do what is best for my children given my circustances. That meant breastfeeding DS8 and DD4 for a year (DS12 is my step-son) and they slept with me as infants because that is how they slept better. As they got older, they slept better in their own beds, so that is where they sleep.
We are working on the food thing and have come a long way, but it can be a financial challenge.
I was all for natural childbirth, but that quickly changed with the days of excruciating labor and the emergency c-section! (Some things you can't control.)
As far as baby wearing, I tried with DD4. She hated it. She would scream like a banshee. Independent from birth, that one. :lmao: So, that was the end of that.
Homeschooling sounds like a nice idea, but without the dual income, we'd be out on the streets.;)
Anyway, keep up the great parenting everyone and Merry Christmas!:santa:
i would say i'm partially crunchy. ha. i'm going to breastfeed until my son self-weans (which at nearly one, he is already seeming to start to do), i cloth diaper, babywear, eat organic when there is an option, & didn't circ. & i only use natural household cleaning products.

i don't however cosleep anymore, did it for the first 6 months of his life though, nor am i a vegetarian. i also didn't have the natural birth that i intended. my son was sunny side up & stucker than stuck so i'm thankful i caved into that epidural during my actual 11th hour of labor.
Just want to correct some misinformation...there is no radiation produced from dopplers...they use sound waves only. If you think that is safe or not is up to you! Also.. some OBs are not THAT bad and often work with Doulas and support natural labor and delivery (like me!!).:love:
I'm a pretty crunchy mom.

I extended nursed all 3 of my kids, I homeschool, we used to cosleep, we don't circumsize, vegetarians,etc.
I'd like to add my name to the psuedo crunchy moms on here. I had natural deliveries, nursed as long as was physically possible which unfortunately wasn't as long as I'd have liked. I wore my kids occasionally as it suited their needs-and while I wouldn't consider myself an attachment parent-nor would those parenting by that technique (I'm a working mom) My 2.5 YO still sleep with me which I get endless grief over from people whose lives are not affected in the least by it. I have been going through a tough time financially so don't eat as much organic as we'd like although you won't find a single chemical cleaner or fake smell in my house. I'd like to be more crunchy and feel in the future our level of crunchiness will increase. So any tips for small changes is much appreciated. Props to those of your who've adopted a more organic lifestyle and those of you trying.

We are the polar opposite of you -- use Pampers only, don't even know what baby wear is??, kids go in their own beds (we all need sleep!), no breastfeeding, DS was circumcised, both kids were definitely vaccinated (doctors in our family strongly advised that this is necessary), c-sections, and only buy organic if it's the same price or cheaper than the regular stuff, and only for certain produce/milk.

We do have one thing in common though...both in NC! :)
:goodvibes hi mama's!

we practice AP, that's usually considered crunchy, but I just think it's normal! i was AP'd before it had a name.
we are in and out of the mainstream depending on what the subject is.

It would be fun to hear how other people did WDW crunchy style, I was a bit worried about co-sleeping at the Poly, but it looks like there are bed rails to request/use. Has anyone CD for a trip? This seems like a time the sposies would come in handy. Are there organics anywhere on the WDW premises?

PS I couldnt find any DIS threads on mothering, anyone know where they are at?
Sorry to be dumb....what's AP??

No problem! It's sort of a "style" of parenting if you will. This article explains better than I can but I will give it a try. For many people it's just doing what we feel is right, simple as that. Breastfeeding, Babywearing, Bedsharing, that sort of thing. You dont have to do all of these to qualify or anything, and some people are more hardcore than others.
Forming an "attachment" or close bond with your child is really the whole point of it.
I should point out that my toddler sleeping in my bed isn't the result of any kind of parenting technique but rather just the way the situation progressed. I nursed and rocked my babies to sleep and this one, well...she just hasn't seperated from me as easily as the first. I do aspire to reclaiming my bed someday but not if until it can be done in a smooth transition, I haven't the stomach for "ferberizing" if you will.

:goodvibes hi mama's!

we practice AP, that's usually considered crunchy, but I just think it's normal! i was AP'd before it had a name.
we are in and out of the mainstream depending on what the subject is.

It would be fun to hear how other people did WDW crunchy style, I was a bit worried about co-sleeping at the Poly, but it looks like there are bed rails to request/use. Has anyone CD for a trip? This seems like a time the sposies would come in handy. Are there organics anywhere on the WDW premises?

PS I couldnt find any DIS threads on mothering, anyone know where they are at?

I have never cloth diapered at Disney. We travel with sposies. Sposies take up so much less room and you don't have to cart them around with you in the park after they are dirty.
Yeah, I have two in diapers so there is no way I would be doing cloth at WDW.. Sometimes you just gotta use sposies! I do plan on wearing my baby though. I am taking a double stroller, so when Ryan falls asleep and he just gets too heavy to carry I can lay him down and my toddler will ride in the front. He hates the stroller though.. I have spoiled him to the sling. :D

Anyone else here baby wear in the parks? Can you wear them on rides like dumbo and such? Rides that don't move real fast I guess I should say. lol
Well I guess I am about a couple of things. But I had 1 induced delivery with pain meds and 2 scheduled c-sections;my husband's work schedule is/was crazy and I wanted to look nice at/after the birth! LOL But no one should have to go through labor if they don't want to. I tried breastfeeding the oldest 2-I made it 6 weeks with both,but it creeped me out. I didn't even bother with my last one and he was born on Dec 30th and I wanted champagne for NYE. I did use cloth diapers for my first child via a diaper service and then the last 2 pampers. I never wanted to even think about homeschooling;I'm a nurse and never wanted to be a teacher. I don't bother with organic foods. And I totally believe in vaccinations. I didn't want to circumcise either of my 2 boys but my DH veto'd me-saying it's dirty and the kids in future lockerooms would make fun of them! We do co sleep whenever it suits them-the youngest 2-the oldest is 15 and I did sleep with her when she was young. I think all of us love our kids and as long as they know how much we love them the rest is gravy.

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