Any "crunchy" type people here??


Dec 14, 2007
:lmao: :lmao: I know, I know.. :hippie:

Just wondering if there are any other mothers more like myself.. Ones who use cloth diapers, baby wear, co-sleep, breastfeed, no- circ, delay or don't vaccinate, natural childbirth, eat organic, etc..

Anyone? I know those who here practices attachment parenting and all but I thought I would ask!! :goodvibes
I wouldn't say I'm crunchy, in fact I'm about the anit-crunchy, but I'm big into several things you mentioned. :) When DS was smaller, I wore him everywhere. Just about strangled the people who explained to me how DIFFICULT it is to wear a sling for them and that they just couldn't do it. Breastfed for a year, which I know is short for a lot of people, but, it's what I could do. Had a fairly natural childbirth although I gave into Stadol towards the end. But I did fight the doctor when she wanted to start me on Pitocin just because my water had broken.
Ha Ha...guess I'm anti-crunchy too. I nursed my daughter, try to eat at least some organics (working on that), and DD started to co-sleep at age 3 (but that's not by I can't get rid of her!!!). I definately vaccinated. I would have gone natural in childbirth (but I admit that's because I was more afraid of a needle in my back than I was of the pain) but ended up with an emergency C-section...oh well!
but I had a natural childbirth, breastfed for 8 months, used a sling quite a bit, and my 4 year old still sleeps with me, DH sleeps in her bed!
There are lots of ap/crunchy type of folks here. There were some threads about this same subject a while back!!
Well I'm not exactly crunchy. I'm a big believer in vaccinating, don't use cloth diapers, and don't co-sleep. But I did have a natural childbirth with my younger ds and I do eat all organics.
Hmmm, well I didn't breastfeed either of my kids, used pampers, had an epidural with both, I did co-sleep with both till about a year ago, and rarely ate organics. Although most of the food my kids eat is homemade as we really don't eat Mcdonald's or any of that junk. But I do have to say that some of my friends are the "crunchy" type and honestly I see no difference in any of our kids. They're all healthy both physically and emotionally, participate in lots of activities, do well in school and are all around good kids. I honestly don't believe that natural childbirth, co sleeping, or cloth diapers make any difference in any child's upbringing. As long as the child is loved and nourished, that is all that matters.
As long as the child is loved and nourished, that is all that matters.
topics like this can turn quickly, everyone has their beliefs and ways, but the bottom line is, kids turn out healthy from many backgrounds!

co sleep, still do, organic foods ( most ), breastfed.....wore babies......vaccinated, and circ., unschoolers, disposable diapers.
Another crunchy one here. There's also a group of us over on with a Dis community thread, to keep in touch. My 6mo got given BumGenius diapers tonight and I'm thrilled!!!! They're the best we've tried and now he's up to five of them. I'm getting closer and closer to full time with them, rather than the prefolds.
I agree with the previous poster that there are all levels of "crunchiness" and kids tend to do great with parents that think about their parenting (no matter what style it is) and prioritize their children. There is no one style that works for every family...BTW...I am a firm believer in breastfeeding, healthy and natural foods, epidurals for those who want them, and (eek!!, don't slam me) quality daycare. We co-nap (just made that word up) ..but don't co-sleep at night. I think my kids are the kindest, brightest, cutest and most well adjusted children I know - no I am not biased at all!!:love: :rolleyes1 :love:
I consider myself crunchy relative to friends, but it is all relative!

Natural/organic foods, avoid processed foods.

DDs and I are vegetarian (this is a big "crunchy factor" in my neck of the woods).

Breastfed as long as I medically could (5 months for DD#1 and 9 months for DD#2). I had to take a medication that isn't breastfeeding compatible.

I learned about baby wearing too late (and the better non-Bjorn carriers). I wouldn't have worn DD#1 (she just wasn't the type), but DD#2 has always liked to carried. I considered buying a carrier when DD#2 was 18 months, but I thought that it was too late. A year later, at 2 1/2, I was considering it again!

I do vaccinate, used disposable diapers, and had medically necessary c-sections. Everyone sleeps in their own bed (I need my sleep!). And, if we had a boy, he would have been circumcised (DH's decision).

Interesting thread!
another anti-crunch here:laughing: . But, I nursed all 3, wore the kids, co-slept(to a certain age), no circ for our son. But a believer in vaccines and all the other stuff too.
Very interesting! We have people from all over! :goodvibes (I think someone else mentioned this) is a great website for those that are interested in things like not circ'ing and vax'ing, things like that..

There are children that are perfectly fine from both ends so there are no right or wrongs.. I was just curious the type of parents we have here! :goodvibes
:lmao: :lmao: I know, I know.. :hippie:

Just wondering if there are any other mothers more like myself.. Ones who use cloth diapers, baby wear, co-sleep, breastfeed, no- circ, delay or don't vaccinate, natural childbirth, eat organic, etc..

Anyone? I know those who here practices attachment parenting and all but I thought I would ask!! :goodvibes

Me!!! I nursed my first for a year and a half, my second two for 3 YEARS!!!!! I only used cloth diapers (bummis) until they were about 2 and a half and then I felt bad because they were peeing in such volume I had to use lots of liner and they had this big wad between their legs:rotfl:
I baby wore all my three babies, co-sleep (and stilll sleep next to them in the same room) Did not circ either of my boys, I didn't vaccinate, had a natural wonderful water birth and have been eating organic and natural foods for 10 years since I started working in a health food store! The last 10 years I have only purchased Bio-kleen and Seventh Generation products for laundry , dishwasher and dishes, Aubrey organic shampoo, soap and lotion. On top of all that I homeschool, more like unschool actually and when my babies were born they didn't get eye drops, I brought and used my own blankets and hats, and they didn't get a bath in the hospital. My youngest now 5 just started wearing regular shoes occasionally (crocs) they always wore robeez and softstar shoes.
I haven't met too many people as "natural" or "alternative" or "unconventional" as us..and I love it and will never change;)
Me!!! I nursed my first for a year and a half, my second two for 3 YEARS!!!!! I only used cloth diapers (bummis) until they were about 2 and a half and then I felt bad because they were peeing in such volume I had to use lots of liner and they had this big wad between their legs:rotfl:
I baby wore all my three babies, co-sleep (and stilll sleep next to them in the same room) Did not butcher, I mean circ either of my boys, I didn't vaccinate, had a natural wonderful water birth and have been eating organic and natural foods for 10 years since I started working in a health food store! The last 10 years I have only purchased Bio-kleen and Seventh Generation products for laundry , dishwasher and dishes, Aubrey organic shampoo, soap and lotion. On top of all that I homeschool, more like unschool actually and when my babies were born they didn't get eye drops, I brought and used my own blankets and hats, and they didn't get a bath in the hospital. My youngest now 5 just started wearing regular shoes occasionally (crocs) they always wore robeez and softstar shoes.
I haven't met too many people as "natural" or "alternative" or "unconventional" as us..and I love it and will never change;)

YAYYYY!!!!!!!:hippie: I know there aren't many of us out there at ALL!! LOL I just didn't wanna post and people get offended.. I didn't mean it in a bad way!!!!! :goodvibes
I'm crunch-a-riffic in every way. Except for in what actually happened at DS's arrival; I hired the WRONG midwives, and they messed it all up. Next time, though, going off to a cabin in the woods surrounded by wolves (to eat any midwives or OBs who might come knocking). :)
I'm crunch-a-riffic in every way. Except for in what actually happened at DS's arrival; I hired the WRONG midwives, and they messed it all up. Next time, though, going off to a cabin in the woods surrounded by wolves (to eat any midwives or OBs who might come knocking). :)

My sister had a bad experience with her midwife also. I was there, it was a water birth and I had some issues with what she was telling my sis to do, I on the other hand had a great midwife who didn't say anything. The whole time she just let me do what I needed to do but my sister's midwife was the complete opposite. She ended up pulling her placenta and a week later she hemoraged and almost died from losing so much blood...then a week after that she got a blood clot in her leg that moved to her lung... which could move to her heart at anytime...thank god that she survived it all.
Now though she can't have another birth like that supposedly. She is now listed as high risk and she can't even imagine having to have a baby the conventional way with doctors and hospitals and ultrasounds, etc.

:goodvibes That's another thing I will brag about...I didn't even let them use dopplers (? right word?) to hear the heartbeat, when I was pregnant... I had her do it the old fashion way with a stethascope because of radiation:)
DDs and I are vegetarian (this is a big "crunchy factor" in my neck of the woods).


the kids and I are Vegan........not so unusual here in new england.....i see you are in texas, must really stick out as "different" around there!!!


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