On to healthy living......

Hey wilderness!

I hope that you get better soon! I can only imagine what you are going through. You will get through all of this and come out on top! Try to keep your spirits high for yourself and your friend!

Have the best day possible!:sunny:

Hi Wilderness,
So sorry to hear you are having a rough time :( . My prayers will be with your friend and you. I hope your back is feeling better soon :hug: .
:hug: Wilderness,

You are doing a great job. You are injured, under tremendous stress, and on major meds. The fact that you are not binging and on plan is a tremendous accomplishment. You will get back to exercise when you are healed. Take care of yourself, and don't overdo it. We both know that nurses make the worst patients, so I'll be keeping my eye on you.
Hi there,

I'm glad that you are feeling better. Just remember not to push yourself.
:wave2: Hi Wilderness,
Glad to hear you are feeling better. Wishing you an easy night at work :D .
Hey wilderness!

Considering all that you have been through, you came out on top!!!:D You do sound as if you are on track and feeling much better! I know that back trouble, with lots of pain, is so hard to deal with. I hope that you get 100% better and can just enjoy your time off! Have a great day!

Hey wilderness! I can't bring myself to get on the scale more than once a week! How in the world can you bring yourself to step on the scale more than once a day!:laughing: I hope you are down more the next time you step on them. Have a great day!

Hi Wilderness,

I hope the back is better tonight. There is nothing worse than trying to sleep on a painful back. Congrats on the weight loss. You need to get a clippie. The instructions ar on the main board. It is great incentive.
Hey wilderness!

You make me want to go and get on my scale to see if I have lost any more since Tuesday!!!::yes:: I'm not! I'm not! I'm not! If I go weigh, then I may be discouraged if I don't lose any weight. I will just have to stick with once per week.

I would really love to lose another 70 or 80 lbs, but 60 will be okay. My goal is to give all of my clothes in my closet away when I am too small to wear them. That's a dream of mine that I want to be a reality!:sunny:

I hope your back and your friend are doing okay! Have a great day!:teeth:



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