On to healthy living......

Thanks everyone for the support. You're right Carol it could have been a few doughnuts! I love those.......

Dax- I love the scale explanation. I might just use that someday. I hate that I am addicted to the scale. First thing that I do in the am. I have to get out of that habit.

Hope everyone is having a good weekend.:D
Hi Wilderness,

I just wanted to wish you an uneventful shift tonight. I hope you get time for your snack and a bathroom break.
Have a good one.
Hey Wilderness! I love doughnuts too. I grilled hamburgers this evening and just couldn't fix home fries for my DC. I love those sooo much! It would have been hard not eating a few of those!

I do not like scales! They make me sad!:scared:

I hope YOU have had a great weekend!:D

Hi there,

Can I make a couple of suggestions. Can you keep a couple of shakes or nutrition bars in your locker. OSHA be damned, nutrition is more important than not eating at the desk. I hope you can relax today. Yes, I know, like I'm one to talk.
Hey Wilderness! I already see that planning is soooo important!!! It has got to be so hard to follow the correct eating habits with rules such as at where you work. I hope your have a great day filled with nothing but success!!!:teeth:

Hi Wilderness,

Congratulations on losing 10.5 pounds. You need to get a clippie. They are great incentive to keep losing. It stinks that you can't have stuff at your desk. We hide stuff in all of the drawers. We have cameras to let us know when the supervisors are making the rounds. I hope you enjoyed your workout.
Hi Wilderness,

You are doing a great job. I wouldn't stress about the cake. In the SB book, the author suggests taking 3 bites. Maybe you could try that strategy. Have a great weekend.
Hey wilderness!

That is so sweet. Eating a little cake will not hurt you. The problem with that is not getting back op. That has been a problem for me on all of my diets. Going off, and slipping back into my old ways. I am going on vacation in a month and am really planning on going op, but not totally. Is that crazy? I just do not want to stay off program and want to be able to continue where I left off when I return home. :confused:

Have a wonderful Sunday!

I feel your pain...I have had 3 birthday parties since Friday night, including my wife's. I had to go by the cake for her that, get this, I cannot eat!!!!!!!!!!!

It is killing me. My weight gain problems did not have to do with sweets. I was a 16 coke a day (which i guess is a sugar problem just liquid huh) and quantity of food consumed with no exercise. But bday cake was always a favorite.

Like Carol said, just get back on the horse afterwards and you will be alright.

Another point, 10 pounds in a month is great! Just think, if you kept that up in a year you would lose a supermodel!

The incredible shrinking one!

Hey Wilderness!

11.5 lbs. is such a great accomplishment! I know that you are grieving right now, especially for your friends loss. What a tragedy! Life is soooo precious!::yes:: We all need to be thankful for all of the blessings in our lives! Take care of your friend and yourself. That friend needs you more than ever!

I'm so sorry about the loss of your friends mom. How is she doing? How's your back? Be careful. You know as well a I do that back injuries are tricky and can get worse if you push too hard or too soon. Baby yourself, and don't worry about exercise for awhile.

Congrats on defeating your MD's evil scale.

You and your friends family will be in my prayers.

Take care,
Wilderness, I finally caught up on your journal and it looks like I've missed a lot!

Congratulations on losing 11.5 pounds! That's an awesome accomplishment, especially with PCOS making weight loss extra difficult! You're doing great!

I'm so sorry to hear of your friend's loss. It will be a comfort to her to have you there.

I hope your back is feeling better. As Beth said, please be careful - back injuries need extra care and time to heal.

Sending a :hug: your way.
Hey Wilderness,

I was told not to lift anything heavier than 5 pounds when I hurt my back. Please take care of yourself, and drive safely. I'll keep you and your friend in my thoughts. She is very lucky to have a friend like you for support. Many would use the back injury as an excuse, but you are putting your friend 1st. Just remembet to baby yourself,


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