Iraq Shows Dead and Captured U.S. Soldiers

Originally posted by Disneymad
Isn't caring about the GC one of the things that makes us better than them?

Exactly right Penny. The moment that coalition forces start behaving like despotic dictators (eg by ignoring the letter or the spirit of the GC) is the moment that we lose the moral argument for forcing regime change in Iraq. Regardless of the provocation that we face we should fight by the rules, and fortunately both the US and the UK have pretty good records of doing this.


Last night on CNN they interviewed someone from Al Jazeer (sp?) the Arab news agency (which is not state run) As the discusion went to POW's the person from Al Jazeer pulled out a copy of the Washington Post with that picture on the cover shutting the CNN guy right down.
Of course what Iraq did is much worse but we provided them with the excuses.
The news this morning said that two British soldiers are missing. Nothing more was said. Is more being said in the UK?
No news on the two British soldiers. Army spokesman said that it is hoped that they took cover after coming under attack yesterday, and that search teams were trying to locate them.


Originally posted by Disneymad
Isn't caring about the GC one of the things that makes us better than them?

Yes it does Penny and thank the lordy for that!

Originally posted by Disneymad
I'm not comparing our treatment of POW's with the Iraqi's - they are leagues and leagues apart, but that doesn't mean what we did by showing POW's wasn't wrong.

I wrote on an ealier post on this thread about how I had seen captured Iraqi's being searched by members of the Coalition and at how well they were treated etc but there was another soldier with a gun on him and yes I guess that does come under the same rules of the GC so, yup, IMO regardless of the respect I thought those soldiers gave the captured Iraqis the Coalition has also stepped outside the GC boundaries.

It's just such a shame that the majority of Iraqi civilians aren't getting to see both sides of the story and therefore be able to make their own decisions about this war. I do feel that having this being the most filmed war to date means that I am also not just waiting to hear prejudiced briefings from General's in the field and my own Government, and therefore I am able to make my own judgement about what's happening out there. However I have to be prepared for seeing things that will upset me, it is afterall a real life war.
If CNN, MSNBC, FOXNews, ect... is considered a "free" media, when OUR (American) POW's are shown on these news stations, are they, in effect, violating the GC?


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