Iraq Shows Dead and Captured U.S. Soldiers


DIS Veteran
Dec 4, 2000
BAGHDAD (Reuters) - Iraqi television showed film on Sunday of at least four bodies, said to be U.S. soldiers, and five prisoners who said they were American.

Two of the prisoners, including a woman, appeared to be wounded. One was lying on the floor on a rug.

They were the first U.S. prisoners known to have been taken by Iraq (news - web sites). The prisoners were questioned on air and gave their names, military identification numbers and home towns.

The bodies and prisoners were shown on Iraqi television, relayed by Al-Jazeera, which said the dead and wounded came from a battle near the southern Iraqi city of Nassiriya, where U.S. Marines are fighting for control.

The first prisoner shown gave his name as Miller and said he was from Kansas.

Asked why he had come to Iraq he replied: "Because I was told to come here. I was just under orders. I was told to shoot -- only if I'm shot at. I don't want to kill anybody."

Earlier, Iraqi Vice President Taha Yassin Ramadan said that enemy soldiers captured at the southern town of Souq al-Shuyukh near Nassiriya would soon be shown on state television.

General Richard Myers, chairman of the U.S. Joint Chiefs of Staff, told ABC television some Americans -- fewer than 10 -- were missing in southern Iraq.

Souq al-Shuyukh is southeast of the southern Iraqi city of Nassiriya, where U.S. Marines have reported resistance on their northward sweep from Kuwait.
:( :( Very sad about the situation and the way they are being treated
Saddam said he is following the Geneva Convention. However, since this war is "unjust", he is not acknowledging the soldiers as soldiers, he says they are mercenaries.

:mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad:
I don't think Saddam cares if he violates the Geneva Convention. Why would he? He'll soon be out of power and had nothing to lose.
I hate to point this out but we are also in violation of the Geneva Convention on this point. I have seen plenty of CNN coverage of Iraq POW's being marched down a road.
"Article 13 of the Third Geneva Convention says clearly that prisoners of war must at all times be protected...against insult and public curiosity," said ICRC spokeswoman Nada Doumani.
As the International Red Cross spokewoman said, the American prisoners have been subjected to insult and public curiosity. I would say the Iraq prisoners have been reported about, and in news footage and pictures, but not subject to similar treatment, only as a news item. The ICRC has ALWAYS been VERY quick to condemn such actions, by any nation, and, as far as I have heard, have not said anything negative regarding our treatment of prisoners.
Here is Article 13. I don't feel that we are in violation.

Article 13

Prisoners of war must at all times be humanely treated. Any unlawful act or omission by the Detaining Power causing death or seriously endangering the health of a prisoner of war in its custody is prohibited, and will be regarded as a serious breach of the present Convention. In particular, no prisoner of war may be subjected to physical mutilation or to medical or scientific experiments of any kind which are not justified by the medical, dental or hospital treatment of the prisoner concerned and carried out in his interest.

Likewise, prisoners of war must at all times be protected, particularly against acts of violence or intimidation and against insults and public curiosity.

Measures of reprisal against prisoners of war are prohibited.
Originally posted by WebmasterAlex
I hate to point this out but we are also in violation of the Geneva Convention on this point. I have seen plenty of CNN coverage of Iraq POW's being marched down a road.

FOX and CNN reporters have come across those iraqi p.o.w.s and are reporting it. That other network was soley brought in to video tape those soldiers for sole propaganda porposes.
This doesn't really surprise anyone does it? Did you think they would give them a shower and feed them?

Americans don't seem to understand that other countries don't think like we do. They think absolutely NOTHING of killing another person over minor things. The Geneva Convention means nothing to them. As far as they are concerned, we are there, uninvited, trying to shove our beliefs down their throats and take over their country.

If you want to win this war, you need to fight it on their terms. They are not going to fight it on ours, that's for sure.

I know this is not the popular opinion, but I won't apologize for it. War is not humane. It is a last resort. It is ugly. People will and have died.

If that was my son, I would expect an eye for an eye. I'd be pissed and expect that my government and my armed forces take immediate action. I certainly don't think we should be giving the prisoners we have taken three square meals and a razor to shave with and a hot shower. This is one of the many reasons why they have no respect for Americans and our ways - we are too "kind".

Go read the book or see the movie Black Hawk Down and pay attention to what the officer said to the American pilot that was taken prisoner.
Originally posted by WebmasterAlex
I hate to point this out but we are also in violation of the Geneva Convention on this point. I have seen plenty of CNN coverage of Iraq POW's being marched down a road.
Give me a break Alex,you really believe that?
against insults and public curiosity

Showing them marching down the road isn't a matter of public curiousity? What other usefull function does it serve? The excuse that our media "found them" doesn't wash. It is the duty of the military to stop it.
Actually I think that excecting the Iraq's to do any less is nuts. I think you chalk it up to that's just the way it is in war.
I never expected anything less from them.But I think America ,especially protesters,should see what they have done to our soldiers,maybe it will give them something to think about when they think we shouldn't be there because Saddam isn't such a threat.
I still don't see how marching them down the road is against the GC. How else were we supposed to get ALL of them to the prisoner camps?
Jules marching them down the road is NOT.... it's allowing the media to film them doing it!


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