Iraq Shows Dead and Captured U.S. Soldiers

Well they showed the clip here on our Sky news earlier and thankfully I didn't see it (way too upsetting) but I was also upset to learn that they had actually shown it. When they later showed clips of the same footage they blurred out the faces of the POW's. Also the pictures that I have seen of the Iraq's surrenduring have either shown just the backs of the heads or again blurred out the faces as they walk down the roads - but I did feel that this was somewhat different to showing dead US troops and those poor, poor troops who were captured. I also wanted to commend those troops who have to search those that they capture - so far the pictures I have seen of these captures have shown the US troops to be calm, not shouting and treating the Iraq soldiers with due respect.

It's just been such an awful day for the Coalition and I am praying for everyone.
I don't think anyone here is suggesting that what the Iraqi regime did was anything but abysmal, low, contemptable and sick (but unsurprising) however a line has to be drawn somewhere about what is acceptable and what isn't - you can't just move that line to suit, and you can't justify it either by the argument that what they did was worse. To take the high moral ground, you have to ensure that you are lilly-white yourself.

I did notice tonight that Iraqi POWS weren't being shown in the same way as they have been previously - and I'll be interested to see how the newspapers deal with it tomorrow as that is where I saw many of the pictures.

I agree with Sam though - today was not a good day for the coalition :(
From what I'm hearing, many of the so-called POWs were not held as such. They were simply released with the understanding that they were finished.
There are some that are being asked to just go back to their homes, primarily for people to do <i>before</i> they engage the coalition forces - however, a POW camp for thousands is already being built by, I think Umm Qasar I heard.
And if the cameras start filming at the POW camps, then I'll say we crossed that very fine line.
Alas, it's not us mere mortals that decide where that line's the Geneva Convention - and it's already been crossed. we only stuck our toe over, and the Iraqi's leaped and jumped - but it was still crossed by both sides.
I'll have to respectfully diagree, as I do not feel that we have crossed the line. I did read through the GC. I'm eager to hear how the pros will interpret our actions.
I find the pictures that were displayed of our POW's, with the bodies of the dead in the background, to be both disgusting and disturbing. Why am I not surprised, though, since this is representative of the sadistic cruelty of the Saddam regime.

My heart goes out to the families of those men and women who are serving and protecting our country, along with the families of our allies. I pray that any captured soldiers will be treated with the same level of humanity that we treat the Iraqi troops.
I have Fox news on now and they just showed the bodies with a description of what happened during the tape run by Iraqi TV. I am not splitting threads but I think picking up a dead soldier and showing his face to the camera and then dropping him on the floor does cross the line....with that I am done here....
I am disgusted at those pictures, and though I agree with Penny, that there is a fine line, we can not compare. Those pictures can do nothing but hurt the families of those soldiers. I am disgusted that they are still being shown anywhere. What kind of news organization would continue to show them?

I think it is time we throw all the journalist out. We do not need to see this hour anfter hour. War is bad enough and will touch us all soon, these images do not help.

LadyM could not have said it better myself :)
Oh, I definitely feel that Iraq has crossed the line! I am not surprised, but it still hurts to hear it.
We are still on the right side of the line. The pictures we've shown were anecdotal images of detainees, not interrogations of POW's, they were filmed at a distance with no readily identifying features. You saw black hair, tan skin, and some facial hair. They were not subjugated, humiliated, or treated with indignity on camera. You cannot compare that to the up close and personal degrading "interviews" we saw of our people or the close-ups of our soldiers dead bodies, some of which appeared to be execution-style deaths.

Give me a break.
Actually Sonja, early on CNN had groups of POW's marching down the road with their faces clearly visible. That is clearly not allowed.
IF that's true, and they were actual POW's and not merely detainees, then CNN should be ashamed of itself. However, the Geneva Convention remains intact simply because CNN is a free press agent, not an arm of the government.
Sorry Sonja but the Geneva Convention is very clear on this. The Government is responsible and has a duty to stop it. If they fail to stop it, it's a violation.
Alex, were these military personnel? It appears there are a lot of non-military personnel using personal weapons to fight our military as well. I am wondering if there is a difference between non-military and military pow's regarding the GC? This is a different war, civilians are "pretending" to surrender, then attack and kill our military. Why would we be accepting a non-military surrender ? Now, Iraq is using women and children as "human shields"
I just pray for our troops.
Actually Sonja, early on CNN had groups of POW's marching down the road with their faces clearly visible. That is clearly not allowed.

D'ya think that maybe it's because there is no other way to move these people?? I'm sorry, but I don't think we brought any Greyhound buses with us over there.

Also, most of the pictures I saw were of Iraqi's walking TOWARD allied forces, not WITH them. Is it a "Violation" to show an approaching soldier in the act of surrendering?? That's splitting a mighty fine hair...................

The intent of that portion of the Geneva Convention is to protect captured military from HARM from the public. It is to prevent such actions like those taken by the North Vietnamese where American aviators were paraded down the streets of hanoi with the crowds being incited to throw things & attack them.
Alex, can you link me to something that shows that in the GC? I'm reading the articles and they sound pretty vague on face.


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