Cruise's (Chris) Accountability/Sap Journal :) (comments welcome)

Good Morning, Chris!

Here's hoping that the work situation diffused a bit overnight.
Good you have the right snacks just in case.

Have a great day!

Well the work situation didn't diffuse overnight and in fact got a bit bigger this morning but it all ended up working out in the end. She fessed up for what happened. There's one small mystery that we are concerned about but right now we're just leaving it as is.

I got on the scale this morning and it stayed the same. So that tells me that I need to cut down under 1500 calories to lose. OR just make sure I workout, which is probably the case but I just can't workout every day - physically and schedually (I know, probably not a word) I can't.

Today I'm struggling with drinking my water. I'm not quite sure why. I woke up and the right side of my throat was hurting again and I'm stuffy (it was getting a bit better with the steriods but I took my last dose this morning). Britt has had a cold and I'm sure I probably have it now - it's that scratchy icky throat feeling when you are getting a cold. So I'm trying to keep my nose open and blown so I don't have any more problems. The CT scan approval has been delayed for more documentation from the doc. UGH

I haven't updated you guys on my wedding ring situation. When I dropped to 50 pounds off this weekend I tried my ring on and it was fitting nicely. However, I am not able to wear it constantly yet as during the day my hands swell, even with drinking the amount of water that I'm drinking. I seem to not be going to the bathroom like I should be - it's wait until the night to decide I'm done and I must live in the bathroom :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: I'm sure this will get better.

I am very excited because I ordered a new bra and it came last night. I didn't get to wear it today but if it fits like I think it will then I am officially down 2 bra sizes and 2 cup sizes. I'm excited for that! I've been through catalogs that I've gotten the last couple of days and I'm so excited for next summer because I WILL be down in a MUCH smaller size and WILL be able to wear so much more cuter stuff!!!!!! I can't wait (I just have to keep that excitement, which I'm not worried about because I have had this since I hit 15 pounds off and it kept coming off).

Hope everyone had a good day and I'll update tonight, hopefully. I'm getting ready to go have my carrots and dip and I'm going to workout tonight.

Keep on :banana: :banana:
1/25/06 night update

I made it to Jazzercise tonight - 60 minutes. I ended up drinking 136 ounces of water with about another 8 to go to take my meds. I ate 5 fruits/veggies today. I'm feeling pretty good tonight. I need to have a small snack because I'm hungry so I'll post my totals tomorrow. I tracked everything on and I really like this site (I know I said this yesterday) and this is only my second day.

See you all tomorrow.

I'm holding at 52 off, scale stayed the same today. I'm really bloating again this afternoon and I am not quite sure what this is all about. It's not all salt bloat - I have drank 80 ounces of water already today and I have hardly gone to the bathroom. I'm hoping there isn't something wrong because all I do during the night is go. I stopped drinking at 7:15pm last night, had nothing else to drink, and was up 3 times last night again and I'm talking wake-me-up-and-hurry-or-I'll-wet-the-bed kind of having to go. And it's not just a little bit. I'm going to have to really watch this and see if it gets any better or gets worse. UGH

Here's what my totals were yesterday -
1506 cals, 270 carbs, 22 fat grams, 42 protein

High on the carbs but pretty good on everything else. I need to get my calories down.

Today is going okay. Been a busy morning and I have two meetings this afternoon. I am feeling really miserable. This cold is a good one - with what feels like a low-grade fever and then chills and stuffy and UGH. But I'm going to try and workout tonight - maybe. The stuffiness is making me a little dizzy too so I don't want to if I'm still feeling like that. My equalibrium feels just off today.

So far my totals today with breakfast, snack, and lunch are:
810 cals, 110 carbs, 27 fat, 17 protein

Tonight is leftover night for dinner so I'm going to have to make good choices because we have lots in the frig.

Hope everyone has a good day.
Keep on :banana: :banana:
That is great that you are fitting into smaller bras!

Keep it up, you are doing a fantastic job! :bounce:
Don't have much time tonight. I didn't go to Jazzercise but Britt and I did the 30 minute, 2 mile tape just now. I needed to be home to be near the bathroom if needed and to be able to breath more comfortably with this stuffed nose. I then also did 100 crunches, 50 leg crunches (bringing my legs up to chest quickly - this really does help the lower flab), and 25 side leg lifts on each side which all took me 15 minutes. So I marked 45 minutes of workout.

My totals right now are:
1273 cals, 156 carbs, 42 fat, 52 protein

but I sure don't feel like they are. We'll see.

Hope everyone had a good night.
Keep on :banana: :banana:
I've got the stuffy nose thing going too! I rarely get sick, it's really a bummer... It's a good thing you got that workout in even if you weren't feeling that great! :woohoo:
Just a quick check in. Not a good day. I was doing fine until I had dinner. I had 2 cups of tomato soup and a grilled cheese sandwich. And I had 2 cups of hearty beef stew for lunch which made my day totals higher than normal. Not a good day. I'm around 1600 calories right now and I am feeling it. Nothing else for me today.

I'm getting ready to workout here at home again tonight. My cold is still here and the stuffiness is worse today, unless I walk around. So I walked around a lot today at work. So I'm going to be doing my 2 miles walk (30 minutes) with 100 crunches, 50 leg crunches, 25 leg lifts on each leg for a total of 15 minutes. This is the same that I did last night.

So I'll talk to you all tomorrow. Got our Girl Scout council annual meeting tomorrow - should be interesting I hope. DH is gone this weekend on business so Britt and I are gonna hang out and watch movies tomorrow night. I can't wait!!!!

Hope everyone has a great day tomorrow and a good night tonight.
Keep on :banana: :banana:
Hi Chris,

Hope the cold is gone and you're feeling much better soon.

Keep up the good work! :goodvibes
I don't think 1600 calories is anything to be ashamed of! It is OK to have a high calorie day every once in a while, it throws your body off so it doesn't get used to living on so few calories.

Hope you get to feeling better! :goodvibes
Thanks everyone. And yes I do remember you Savin4Disney, sorry I haven't been able to get to other journals all month.

Well this weekend was a flop. I started working out after posting here on Friday and I was so congested that I couldn't do it. I couldn't breath through my nose and I'm not much of a mouth breather that I stopped. I couldn't put my body throught that stress. Good thing I didn't do it because an hour later I was almost passed out from exhaustion and not being able to breath. I was so stuffed up that I had no airflow through my nose. So I had dd drive me (thank goodness she can drive now cause dh was out of town) to Walgreens and I got some Afrin. I really hate to resort to that because I got addicted to it once but I had to do something because I knew if I didn't I wouldn't have been able to sleep. So it took me at least 8 squeezes (way too many) in each nostril to finally open up. I slept 3 hours. I kept waking up with snot dripping out of nose (sorry if TMI) and saliva dripping out of my mouth because when my nose would congest or be too snotty my mouth would open so I could breath.

So got up yesterday, went to our GS annual meeting (very interesting and good), and was congested all day long yesterday. I finally gave up at 7pm and used the Afrin. Today was much worse. I was worse than Friday night. I resorted to the Afrin at 11am. I know tonight is going to be bad because I'm going to wake up around midnight not being able to breath (Afrin works 12 hours). But I have been able to blow some really bad stuff out. One of the cautions when I was on the prednisone was to try to stay away from people who were sick because your immune system drops. My dd was sick last weekend when I was on that and I caught her cold immediately.

Eating was not great this weekend - yesterday I did okay for breakfast. Went to Subway for lunch and then went and got a scoop of Baskin Robbins Praline and Creme (met my 100 day challenge by lunchtime). Dinner last night was our favorite item from our fav mexican restaurant but made at home - Nachitos Ole. BAD BAD BAD. Then I had 3 cups of popcorn while watching The Pacifier last night.

Today was okay but not great. We went to Ruby Tuesday for dinner tonight and I went to the salad bar two times for salad - it tasted so good. But I also had a petite sirloin (very good and lean) and half my baked potato.

I finally was able to get my CT scan scheduled for my neck and I'll have that done on Thursday and then make a followup with the ENT. Going to probably have to go to urgent care tomorrow for this congestion. I have tried everything that has worked in the past, including Vicks! And nothing is working except the Afrin - I get colds but I have never had one this bad with the congestion.

Weight is holding steady, up just a bit this morning but I'm going to see if it goes down and not moving anything. My hope this week is I can workout the next couple of nights. It will all depend on the congestion.

Hope everyone has a good week! This is my busy week. I'm ready for spring!
Keep on :banana: :banana:
Being congested is no fun! I was stuffy like that last week, but I have really bad allergies so I am an expert at breathing through my mouth... :goodvibes

I hope you get to feeling better. :wizard: I don't think there is anything wrong with using the nose spray as long as you only use the recommended dosage and stop using it when you are not congested anymore.
Hi Chris,

Sorry to hear that you are not feeling well. That crud is going around. My DH has it as well......

Don't push yourself too hard, you are going to need to rest and then you can get back to it!

Happy Monday!
Well I ended up staying home today. I didn't get to sleep until 3am!!!! When I finally fell asleep, the alarm went off. There was no way I could function so I ended up staying home, I went back to sleep until 10am and then I have been dozing most of the day. Food was okay - I got hungry around dinner time. I didn't overdo it during the day, made sure I drank lots of water and ate my fruits and veggies which was mostly fruits today.

I didn't step on the scale, heck I haven't even made it to the shower yet today. I didn't want to risk falling and hurting myself. That's how drowzy I've been today. The stuffiness is a bit better. I found some meds that were prescribed for an as needed basis and I forgot I still had. I really didn't remember it helping with the congestion before but it did the trick. Haven't used the Afrin since yesterday morning. THAT is a good thing! Back to work tomorrow, UGH :)

Unfortunately not going to be able to workout until Wednesday as I have dinner meeting tomorrow night but that might be a good thing - get some more rest and let my body recoup.

Hope everyone had a good day.
Keep on :banana: :banana:
HI Chris,

Hope you are starting to feel a little better today. Don't push yourself, get well and then refocus!

Happy Tuesday!
hope you feel better t oday---im not feeling too great either--theres definitely something going around here...

DO NOT push yourself though--that will just make it rest rest!
Are you feeling better today? I hope you are well enough to get to your Jazzercise class tonight! :cheer2:


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