Cruise's (Chris) Accountability/Sap Journal :) (comments welcome)

Ok, got on the scale this morning and I was down another .5 pounds and TOM arrived on time, as usual!

So I was happy about that. DH told me this morning that the egg noodles actually didn't have egg and only had 1 gram of fat and had about 30 calories less and less carbs than regular egg noodles (he had taken the garbage outside before I got home last night) and I told him next time to let me see the package before he throws it out (I do it for him). But I'm not going to adjust any of my numbers, just too hard.

Hope everyone has a good day. It's a busy one for me.
Keep on :banana: :banana:
Great job on your meals! I use wheat "egg" noodles. They are way higher in fiber and usually they have something served over them, so you can't tell the difference. I also use wheat pasta for the same reason.

As far as working out right after eating, that is entirely up to you. I know bodybuilders always eat protein before to help build muscle but I've heard that to burn fat you should work out on an empty stomach. But if that makes you queasy, do whatever is best for you!
Well yesterday was an okay day. I wasn't able to keep writing everything down because the day got away from me. I feel like crude today. My head is not feeling well and my cramps are horrible today. I'm so bloated I can't get any thinner pants on so I'm wearing a pair of my old big pants. My scale was up too but I'm not thinking about it or recognizing that.

I'm just going to be in my own little world today because I feel like such dog doo. I'm going to try to be good but eating just is not at the top of my game today. We'll have to see. I did put some potatoes and ham in the crockpot this morning for scalloped potatoes and ham for dinner. I don't even know if I'm going to be able to eat that tonight. I haven't felt this icky in a long time. And I had to be at work today because one of my secretaries is out. UGH. Oh well.

Hope everyone has a good day and I'll get on probably tonight if I feel okay. I may just need to go home and sleep tonight as I haven't slept well the last two nights.

Keep on :banana: :banana:
Hi Chris-

I'm so sorry you aren't feeling well. Remember it's temporary. You've been doing so well lately.

Hope you feel better soon. :flower3:
Well, so far what a weekend. Friday I was not feeling well and then all of a sudden around 10am I was starving, I was even shaking. So I started to eat. By 11:30 I had eaten a granola bar, my fat free yogurt, a fruit cup, an applesauce cup, an orange, a cheese stick and 5 crackers. I just could not stop eating. Went home ate lunch, still hungry so had a handful of peanuts hoping that would stick better to my stomach. Went back to work and ate a snack in the afternoon. Plus drank 84 ounces of water. Ate two helpings at dinner plus a salad. It was like I had a tapeworm or something. Went and got groceries (so didn't have to do it in the rush today of all the college students coming back to town) and got some fat free fruit slices, ate about 8 of them, got some Weight Watchers coconut things (in chocolate) and ate two. That seemed to have done it. I gained two pounds because of all of this.

Yesterday started out good and ended bad. We went out for dinner and after I had a salad I had a garlic roll, an 8 ounce sirloin, 1/4 cup of garlic mashed potatoes, and onion straws - and ate all of them. This was on top of chugging down 32 ounces of water during dinner. I was so sick last night on our way home and during the night. Today I feel much better.

So yesterday I went up 2.5 pounds from Friday and this morning I'm down 3 pounds back to what I was before TOM hit. So I'm starting today new. I'm really going to try and watch what I'm eating. I seemed to be eating this weekend without care. I noticed a bit of depression hitting me too - I was in bed on Friday night at 8pm and asleep. Last night I was in bed at 7:15 but because I had to be curled up in a ball to feel better. I didn't go to sleep until 10:30. I was really beginning to scare myself that this month was going to be worthless and that maybe this wasn't the right time in my life to be going past what I've done. Then I woke up this morning and have a whole different outlook and feel somewhat better. I've already had 10 ounces of water and I'm going to go down and eat a granola bar and orange before going to church. I'm sure some of it is stress. Since the beginning of December I've had this spot on my right side of my throat and we thought it was when I started having drainage due to my sinus infection because it was like that feeling. Well sinus infection went away but this bump feeling hasn't. Saw doc last week and he put me on the strongest antibiotic he could and it's not gone. I have to go see him tomorrow for a check up and he said if it wasn't gone then he's referring me to an ear, nose and throat specialist with a request to have a scope done because he feels it might be one of my lymph nodes - which scares me. But I'm sure it's nothing, could just be from drainage which hasn't stopped despite all the meds I've been on lately. I'm hoping that's what it is. It hurts to swallow and that does get better when I take ibuprofen. But once that wears off, about every 6 hours, then it's back. UGH.

I'm going to try to get to some journals today. I need to work on cleaning up my office, it's horrendous! And I have some Habitat work I have to do as well. Hope everyone has a good day and I'll chat with you all later.

Keep on :banana: :banana:
I am glad to hear you are feeling better about things today! DON'T GIVE UP!!! Everyone goes through that "why even bother" stage and it is SO important to be able to get past that and get back on track. I know writing it down always helps me. Did it help you?

Hang in there, YOU CAN DO IT!!!! :cheer2: :cheer2: :cheer2:
hi chris--dont give up!! i feel that way too sometimes and we just gotta push through it.
I hope your appointment goes well--i loved my ear,nose and throat specialist-he was able to tell me what it was without wondering the "what ifs"

have a great week

Well, I am being referred to an ENT about my throat and ear issues, they have not gotten better. See that doc on Thursday.

Yesterday was my gain-1-pound-on-last-day-of-TOM day. Today I'm back to my 0/5 amount and where I was the other day. So the week is continuing well. Yesterday I drank 135 ounces of water!!!! :eek: :eek: And felt every bit of it during the day (having to go the bathroom every 15 minutes is NOT fun, especially when you are in the dentist chair and the doctor office being examined). But that was a good thing. My TOM cravings seem to have subsided now, finally and I feel more under control than I was last week. I think I may have hit a good mode finally. I'm really shooting for hitting that 5 pounds off this month.

I did not write things down this weekend, it was just too hard, but I was very conscientous about what I was eating and how much. I'm sitting at 48 off again and holding.

Hope you all have a good day - didn't get to journals. I apologize. I'm trying to get things in order in my house, got my office cleaned and reorganized except for one table, will work on that this week.

Keep on :banana: :banana:
Hi, Chris! It sounds like you have everything under control again. Good job, kiddo! :sunny:

As for the throat thing, I am glad you are seeing an ENT. I had something similar years ago and it turned into a peri-tonsilar abscess because of the drainage from multiple sinus infections and sinusitis. I am glad you are not letting this go unaddressed.

Have a great day! :hug:

Got up this morning and the scale finally moved in the CORRECT direction - DOWN!!!!! I was down only .5 but .5 is .5 in my book and I'll take it!!!!!!

Tonight going to workout again - I worked out Monday and last night and my legs are feeling it but that's okay. Probably going to go workout tomorrow night too but haven't decided yet. Depends on how I feel after tonight.

I have been in a chill factor the last couple of days and I hope I'm not getting sick. I'm trying to think positive thoughts. I have an appt with an ENT tomorrow morning and I'm actually excited to go and see what he has to say.

Pluses from yesterday (haven't done this for a few days):
I drank 128 ounces of water
I had 5 fruits and veggies
I went to Jazzercise

I'm feeling really good lately and I know it has to do with the exercise. Monday night I was just on fire and had so much energy, it actually was funny for me. I know it had to do with something called sleep!!!! :) This weekend is going to be another low-key weekend so I'm hoping to get caught up on some more stuff and some sleep. It's amazing how much getting up in the middle of the night to go to the bathroom plays with your sleep patterns and disrupts you.

Hope everyone has a good day - suppose to be cold here today, then warm tomorrow (between 45 and 50) then rain/snow mixed on Friday with up to 2-3 inches on Saturday. Gotta love Illinois I guess (I'd rather be in Florida right now!).

Keep on :banana: :banana:
Exercise can do wonders for your energy level! I always feel better about things when I am consistently working out. Keep it up!

That is funny that you think 45-50 degrees is warm. We were unseasonably warm here for the past few weeks (in the mid to upper 70's) and the past 2 days it has only been in the mid 60's and everyone is walking around in sweaters and gloves! :sunny:

I hope you finally get some relief after visiting the ENT. :flower2:
Well today ended on a pretty good note. I'm a bit hungry right now but I'm bloated too so no more food for me tonight (I ate a salad from Culver's tonight and the chicken was very salty so not taking any chances).

Pluses for today:
Scale said down .5 this morning
Drank 124 ounces of water today
Went to Jazzercise tonight and put that as a high priority for today
Didn't stress eat when I had some complications about my appointment tomorrow (was told I couldn't do the appointment by my insurance before lunch, went home at lunch and cancelled appointment, then found out later in the day that I could do the appointment and was able to get the same appointment for tomorrow)

I did pretty well with my food today, tried to quell the hunger as long as I could so I didn't over do it, had a hard time writing down what I was eating but really kept an eye on it. We'll see what the scale says in the morning.

Hope everyone had a good day and I'll talk to you guys tomorrow!
Keep on :banana: :banana:

Quick checkin this morning - weight stayed the same, still bloated. Gotta concentrate on trying to get my water in today which will be hard since I'll be gone most of the morning and it will be hard to be near a bathroom. We'll see.
Had my ENT appointment this morning and it was interesting. He did put a light scope down my nose and said he didn't see anything as far as tumors but wants a CT scan anyway. He said he could see some signs of reflux in my esophagus, possibly caused by all the antibiotics I've been on over the last 6 weeks. When he went to put the scope down he looked at the right side first and said there's no room to put it in, I have a very small passageway and it was very dry. The stuff he put in my nose that had a numbing solution also had neosynephrine in it and opened everything up - my sinus and bronchial passages. I ended up having to stay home this afternoon because all the stuff that has been in my head was draining and all I could do was gag (yuk and sorry if TMI). This was a good thing though because there was stuff coming out that I didn't even know was there and had apparently just been hanging out in my head. I do feel a bit better tonight but I'm very tired from coughing. So now I'm on Prednisone for 6 days (the pack thing) to try to see if that helps with this sensation I've been having. He thinks it may be nerve related in my throat. And I'm on something for the reflux.

I have to wait for a pre-cert to be done with my insurance company and then can schedule the CT scan and then go back to have him see the scan came out and how I'm doing once I get through the Prednisone. This could be challenging - although the last time I was on Prednisone it didn't make me hungry. Just going to have to make sure I have lots of healthy stuff in my desk - but I don't need this right now. Oh well.

Today was a struggle to get my water in but I did it. I couldn't drink or eat anything for over an hour after I had the scope because of the chances of stuff running right into my lungs. So there went about 22 ounces of water. But I've made up for it tonight. I was so hungry for a BLT salad from Cracker Barrel so I went and picked one up and got in 2 servings of veggies but possibly 3 (this thing is HUGE) and ate 3 stalks of celery with 1 TBSP of peanut butter for lunch when I could finally eat. That satisfied me most of the day. I had a 4 ounce steak, 5 ounces baked potato and 1 1/2 cups of green beans for dinner. All I got in this morning was a pop tart and some coffee.

So wasn't a bad day but could have been better.

Pluses for today:
Got 96 ounces of water in
Ate 5 servings of fruits and veggies
Got my appointment out of the way with minimal pain

Hope everyone had a good day!
Keep on :banana: :banana:
glad your ENT appointment is over--ugh to the scope--ive had that done a few times and it is not pleasant!! hope you start to feel better soon

good for you for getting everything in, even with the appointment! keep it up!
Hopefully things will work out with the CT scan. At least there wasn't anything obvious wrong (or maybe that would have been better so it could get fixed right away?!?) Insurance is such a pain - even if you jump through all their hoops, they usually screw up something and try to bill you for something that should be covered, etc. :confused3

Hang in there! :goodvibes


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