What did you call your grandmother?

Grandma Lastname and Granny. My mother in law was Mamaw and my mother is Mom. My sister is mawmaw and I’m Grammy. Unless he decides to call me something else when he starts talking. He’s 15 months old tomorrow and I’m in love! 💙 Congratulations on the new grandbaby!
For me, Mom’s mom was Gram/Grammy. Dad’s mom was Grandma. My kids called both grandmothers Grandma. Sometimes would say Grandma first name to distinguish but more often would say “Grandma dad’s mom” or “Grandma mom’s mom”.
I am thinking I might like Nana when it’s my turn. We’ll see.
Grandma. I find other names (that aren’t ethnic) to be as irritating as nails on a chalkboard. Especially Mommom and Poppop.

I can’t decide which are worse, Mommom and Poppop or those gibberish names that grandparents allow to continue past age 3 or so, often into adulthood.
So my oldest DD is expecting. Yay! I never met any of my grandparents. My mom, who was from Ireland, was Nana to my kids, my MIL was Grandma. Just curious what others have liked, I have 6 months (or more until he/she is talking) to decide.

I had a Grandma Ruby, a Grandma Marge, and a Granny (she was my grandfather's 2nd wife).

I am Mimi to my grandsons. One has a Grandma xx and my DD didn't want him to struggle remembering who's who. The other Grandson has a Yeay (or is it Yiey, I can never remember how it's spelled); SOiL#2 is first generation Cambodian-American.
My grandmother was "Gram" to me.

My husband called his grandmothers "Granna" (he and his siblings couldn't pronounce Grandma correctly) and "Meme" (mem-ay).

My son usually calls my mother "Gramma," but lately he's been saying "Grammy" or "Grams." He calls DH's mother "Granna." He has 2 honorary grandmothers as well; his aunt's mother is "Nana" and my mom's best friend is "Grammy Louise."
Congratulations on becoming a grandma soon :goodvibes

I called my Grandma - Grandma
My DGS is 4 months old and he will call me Grandma unless he comes up with something different.
My grandmother was called Momo - pronounced Ma-Moe. I think one of the older grandkids couldn't say MawMaw.

My mother was MawMaw.

I was supposed to be Granny but my grandson turned it into Grammy.
My Grandmother ( my mom's mother) - I called her Granny.. ( my Dad's mom) I called her Grandma.

My Daughter called my mom - Nana

My Grandson calls me - Mimi...

My grandmother was called Nonna - One name from all

My mom was called Nonna - from all the grandchildren

I am called Nonna - from all my grandchildren (my dil's parents - one is called grandma and the other granny).

When my first grandchild was born, the other mom asked me what I wanted to be called. I did not know we had/needed to be two different names. We called everyone Nonna. Does it matter? My grandchildren get mixed up and will say, "grandma, I mean Nonna". What is the difference? I just tell them it's the same thing. It does not matter to me either way.
I called both of my grandmothers grandma. If and when the time rolls around for grandkids, I’d be happy with whatever they call me, as long as it’s not “Mom”, which some of my kids’ cousins call my MIL. That gets a big nope.
This had me wondering if grandparent nicknames are regional.

Oh, they totally are. Mawmaw tends to be very southern.

I just realized that the graphic I'm about to paste is in the link you posted (sorry, I didn't check your link until I was responding). Great minds think alike (and get the same Google results).


It doesn't actually include "Grandma," so I guess the implication is that it's the most common name used, and all others are nicknames.
I think each grandparent need to have their own version of the name.

Mine were Grandma and Grandpa, Nanie and Grandpie.

Nanie was truly evil. So, I told both mom and MIL that they could pick any version that didn't start with an "N". My FIL died shortly before I met him, so my dad is Grandpa.

My mother picked Gram and MIL stuck with Grandma.
Mine were both Grandma but, if we were talking about her, my Dad's mom was always Grandma 'last name." My mom wanted to be Grammy but for the longest time my son called her "Muh." Then one day, out of the blue, he called her Memaw. Now, we are not southern and he had never heard anyone else called Memaw, but that's what he named her. Maybe it was his combination of Grammy & Muh? She LOVED it because it came from him. When my brother's kids were born, he swore they were going to call her Grandma and not that "hillybilly" name. Yeah, she was Memaw to all of them lol.
When my first grandchild was born, the other mom asked me what I wanted to be called. I did not know we had/needed to be two different names. We called everyone Nonna. Does it matter? My grandchildren get mixed up and will say, "grandma, I mean Nonna". What is the difference? I just tell them it's the same thing. It does not matter to me either way.
We referred to our grandparents as Grandma & Grandpa (maternal side) and Grandma LastName & Grandpa LastName (paternal side). We were closer to and spent more time with the maternal side. In person, we just used grandma and grandpa for both, but if we were talking when they were not present we used the last name for the paternal side to differentiate which one we were referring to. I don't think it's necessary to have different nicknames, but sometimes you will need to clarify which person you're talking about if you use the same.

My kids mostly use just Grandma and Grandma FirstName for their two grandmothers. My mom has pushed Nonna in recent years so that's what all the other grandchildren call her, but mine are resistant to change.

Once I started having kids my grandma shifted to being GiGi since that was easier than "great-grandma".


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