Some people are so rude!

Just because others don't give up their seats on the buses is no reason to judge them, because they have just as much a right to sit down and why should they be looked at in a bad way because they got on before?
And (assuming they are cultured, civilized men) they have an OBLIGATION to behave like gentlemen and offer their seats to ladies and the infirm.

Well WDW is testing out a new system to prevent that from happening at the Magic Kingdom counter service locations, during the busy times of the year. However when it's not being enforced there is nothing wrong with saving a table, while someone else goes to order. Personally I call that being smart and it's not my fault others didn't think about saving a table if they were able to.
We thought about it, but rejected it as rude and selfish behavior.
i have spent the last hour reading this thread and i would love to add my 2 cents! we tour "off-season" (is there even such a thing anymore) and when we eat at a CS, my DH always grabs a table while I order and get condiments and napkins, etc so that my kids will be ready to eat as soon as i arrive with food. we eat and immediately clean up our table and leave. i never thought of it as rude, but i do make sure that we don't sit there and rest for 15 minutes after we have eaten. we never stake out a place for a parade or show and usually stand at the back behind the crowd and put our kids on our shoulders. but any time that we have been in the front for an event, i usually try to take up just enough space for me and my family. we have let other peoples kids that are behind us come up and sit with our kids. i just think that is a nice thing to do. i think the disney transportation has taken a turn for the worst and we take our vehicle in and park instead of fighting the bus. i see alot of people saying that if people want to complain, they should rent a car. but maybe we should keep in mind that for some families, they have had to save for a while to visit disney and might not have the luxury of renting a car or taking a taxi. the bus may be their only choice. if that is the case, then i think they might be allowed a gripe or two just to vent. and my DS and DD are very well mannered and polite kids. they are expected to use their manners everywhere, including disney. my DH and i try to lead by example. i do not want my kids to think that they can pick and choose when to be polite to others. it gets on my nerves when people are rude and nasty to other people, but i can't change them. i hold my tongue until a situation arises that speaking out is necessary for me. i have to do what i feel is right for me and my family, but i do try to keep in mind that you can make someones day by showing a kind gesture and ruin someones day by being horses a**. i agree with an earlier poster who referenced the golden rule. very appropriate...
I had something like this happen to me at the MK getting on the tram, and believe me, I DID cuss him out!! He didn't push me, he pushed my SON!!! And of course he didn't care, so it was all for not, but cussing him out made ME feel better!! HAHA

A very similar thing happened on new years eve last year. We were all at HS and some huge, behemoth of a woman right from the nearest trailer takes her hamhock arm and shoves my 6 year old to the side and just keeps on walking with her beer. I instinctively shouted "HEY" :eek: but she just kept plowing on through the crowd. I was very angry, but I tried to play it off to my son who said that a scary lady pushed him. I said "Some people just don't have any manners and are very mean and we don't want to be like that right? We know how to behave at Disney." He smiled and let it go. It's very hard when you want to stand up for yourself, but not upset your kids while doing it.

I am just convinced that many, many people just have no manners to speak of at all. :sad2:
Being a host at a local restaraunt, I love watching the host podium at TS restaraunts to see how crazy people get at WDW. I've had some horror stories, but from what I've seen at WDW, I've got it good.

My family likes to go during the Christmas/New Year season, so the restaraunts are usually booked solid. Last time, I approached the podium at San Angel Inn on New Years Eve. The woman ahead of me was turned away for not having a reservation, and she was giving the host a really hard time. When I went up to put my name in, I was told "15 minutes" and got my pager. She gave me the dirtiest look, and then went back to rip into him further. I felt so bad for him. When our pager went off, I told him (in Spanish) that I felt bad that he had to deal with her, and to have a Happy New Year even though he was working. He was really grateful, and it felt good to make someone smile. :goodvibes

The NYE before that...the exact same scene at Rose and Crown, only it was afather with his two sons who was flipping on the host. That time, the host told him that they were book solid six months in advance, and the guy had afew choice words about the ADR system. Not words I would want my children hearing mind you.
At Festival of the Lion King this Sept. four big (tall & wide) people sat in the front row. If you've never been, the theatre is small with metal benches. Most of the theatre is stadium seating guessed it...the first 5-6 rows.

A theatre full of kids and they...sit in the front.

I know it's their "right" but it killed me because doing that wouldn't even have crossed my mind.

So if these people were not "tall and wide" would it hav not been rude? Just trying to figure out the need to post the "tall and wide" part is all.

Also, what is common sense to us may not be common sense to others. We are taught to go to the front of a stadium and fill all available seats. These people could have easily not known that this is diff than any other show. I have not seen FOTLK, but in all other shows Ive seen, it doesnt matter who sits where. I would have probably done the same thing they did becauase I have never heard of this.

I can see how this could be easily misunderstood. But again.....they were tall and wide so it doesnt matter.......
So if these people were not "tall and wide" would it hav not been rude? Just trying to figure out the need to post the "tall and wide" part is all.

Also, what is common sense to us may not be common sense to others. We are taught to go to the front of a stadium and fill all available seats. These people could have easily not known that this is diff than any other show. I have not seen FOTLK, but in all other shows Ive seen, it doesnt matter who sits where. I would have probably done the same thing they did becauase I have never heard of this.

I can see how this could be easily misunderstood. But again.....they were tall and wide so it doesnt matter.......
I think the persons main objection was that the theatre was "full of kids" so these people had no right to sit in front. Which is just ridiculous. If you want to be guaranteed to see everything, head for the stadium seats. But, of course, some people think everything is all about their children-who cares that everyone else paid a good chunk of change to go to WDW. :confused3
ive jumped from page 5 to here. of course, you can sit at a table while someone queues, when you approach the table, if its empty its FREE. you must always give your seat to a woman, if you are healthy, sitting in front of an elderly woman or a pregnant woman would force me to come up to you and make you move (i did this coming back from typhoon lagoon) dont bother correcting me about political correctness, im not interested. also, in a parade, if someone cuts in front of me, the male member gets physically put behind me. (yes i have done this),he clearly has no morals or respect for others. no i dont care if it is assault. youre going back. anybody who causes unhappiness to a child will really cop the full treatment, no matter whos child it is. lastly i think all wearing of see-through clothing and inappropriate thongs worn by women should be encouraged!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Agree with the point that people may look healthy and not be. I amhealthy and would stand up to give someone a seat but sometimes I am just too tired, pushing a wheelchair around all day while watching young children is very tireing. My sons are taught to stand for other people or sit on my knee.
ive jumped from page 5 to here. of course, you can sit at a table while someone queues, when you approach the table, if its empty its FREE. you must always give your seat to a woman, if you are healthy, sitting in front of an elderly woman or a pregnant woman would force me to come up to you and make you move (i did this coming back from typhoon lagoon) dont bother correcting me about political correctness, im not interested. also, in a parade, if someone cuts in front of me, the male member gets physically put behind me. (yes i have done this),he clearly has no morals or respect for others. no i dont care if it is assault. youre going back. anybody who causes unhappiness to a child will really cop the full treatment, no matter whos child it is. lastly i think all wearing of see-through clothing and inappropriate thongs worn by women should be encouraged!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

There is so much wrong with this post. You don't know who is healthy enough to stand, now, do you. DH's knee brace was worn inside his pants. Are you going to "make him stand" if some woman gets on the bus? You are not in charge of the world. I'm assuming you are young due to your post. Grow up and realize that your way is not the way. I hope you are put out of the park the next time you assault someone. And you've no clue why a child would be unhappy. Are you planning on beating up the next mom you see who refuses to give an ice cream. Talk about a rude arrogant post. Plus you claim to respect women so much but want to ogle. Nasty. There is no respect in that.

(I'm shocked that this thread hasn't been shut down yet...)
I think the persons main objection was that the theatre was "full of kids" so these people had no right to sit in front. Which is just ridiculous. If you want to be guaranteed to see everything, head for the stadium seats. But, of course, some people think everything is all about their children-who cares that everyone else paid a good chunk of change to go to WDW. :confused3

No, read what I wrote not what you "think" I meant. It has nothing to do with my kids. Most of the shows we went to my kids were seating on my lap anyway, but, as a considerate member of society, I try to pick my seat with the target audience in mind and make sure I’m not picking a seat that blocks someone’s view.
And just FYI - I’ve been to Disney 4 times, 3 times as a single adult.

If you want to know were sitting in the stadium seating, as we usually do because I refuse to “fight” for a seat.

I cannot understand the mindset of running in to see … excuse me… an idiotic show which caters to 8 year olds and below, just to get a “good seat” at the expense of the target audience.

And yes, I also think that someone standing an hour to wait for the parade is being knucklehead as well.

Disneyliscious – you’re right. “Tall and wide” has nothing to do it. Since I could lose 50lbs or so I sometimes feel, unjustifiably, that I can make such comments and I apologize.
There is so much wrong with this post. You don't know who is healthy enough to stand, now, do you. DH's knee brace was worn inside his pants. Are you going to "make him stand" if some woman gets on the bus? You are not in charge of the world. I'm assuming you are young due to your post. Grow up and realize that your way is not the way. I hope you are put out of the park the next time you assault someone. And you've no clue why a child would be unhappy. Are you planning on beating up the next mom you see who refuses to give an ice cream. Talk about a rude arrogant post. Plus you claim to respect women so much but want to ogle. Nasty. There is no respect in that.

...I think the post you quoted was an attempt to be sardonic, and you shouldn't take them seriously.
And (assuming they are cultured, civilized men) they have an OBLIGATION to behave like gentlemen and offer their seats to ladies and the infirm.

We thought about it, but rejected it as rude and selfish behavior.

As a woman, I would be insulted if you gave up your seat for me (and would assume you thought I was pregnant :lmao:). Women are just as capable (and probably more capable) of standing as men. If you want to hold open the door for me, fine - I've held the door for many men and women. As for the table situation, one or two of us stand in line, and the rest of us find a table (because it's not always easy trying to find 7 seats together), gather up napkins, straws, and condiments, so our meal goes faster. I'm always paranoid that one of my kids is going to dart away, and knock someone else's tray over. We are in zone defense when it comes to parenting, and this way works for us.
I've never been in a group large enough to warrant getting a table ahead of time at CS, but as far as I'm concerned, I would rather have the kids settled at table than running around and getting under the feet of people carrying trays of food. The only thing I ask is that if you are a party of 6 and you sit at a table for 8, maybe offer those 2 seats to a couple who are walking around carrying a tray looking for a seat to eat. There have been many times where there have been tables like this and the people at them look as if they will kill you if you even attempt to sit in the extra seats. I'll put up with sharing a table with your kids if you will share the table with US. I have asked when I have seen empty seats. Sometimes I am told that there are a few more people coming, which is fine, other times I have been told that we couldn't sit there because we weren't family. (I don't want your kids, I just want to eat! I had kids of my own who are grown now and don't really want to go thru that again:goodvibes)
No, read what I wrote not what you "think" I meant. It has nothing to do with my kids. Most of the shows we went to my kids were seating on my lap anyway, but, as a considerate member of society, I try to pick my seat with the target audience in mind and make sure I’m not picking a seat that blocks someone’s view.
And just FYI - I’ve been to Disney 4 times, 3 times as a single adult.

If you want to know were sitting in the stadium seating, as we usually do because I refuse to “fight” for a seat.

I cannot understand the mindset of running in to see … excuse me… an idiotic show which caters to 8 year olds and below, just to get a “good seat” at the expense of the target audience.

And yes, I also think that someone standing an hour to wait for the parade is being knucklehead as well.

Disneyliscious – you’re right. “Tall and wide” has nothing to do it. Since I could lose 50lbs or so I sometimes feel, unjustifiably, that I can make such comments and I apologize.
You don't have to understand it, and it doesn't matter if you like it. And if you think it's an "idiotic" show, why go? Just seems that you have this mistaken impression that other people should care what you think. The day you get hired as a CM is when you can start telling people where to sit..:laughing: I sat in the stadium seating as well and you can see everything from there even if you're the "target audience".:rolleyes:
At the risk of angering some people, I will say that I do not think it is rude to get a table when waiting for food.

We used to not look for a table until after we had the food - and too many times, could NOT find one even close to the venue.

I am not going to pay what is sometimes a handsome amount of money for the counter-service food, get the food, and then not be able to sit down and enjoy it before it is cold. Neither will I agree to think it is reasonable to have to stand up and eat it while dodging crowds of people walking around the park...

Sorry - we will always look for a table first now... :cool1:
At the risk of angering some people, I will say that I do not think it is rude to get a table when waiting for food.

We used to not look for a table until after we had the food - and too many times, could NOT find one even close to the venue.

I am not going to pay what is sometimes a handsome amount of money for the counter-service food, get the food, and then not be able to sit down and enjoy it before it is cold. Neither will I agree to think it is reasonable to have to stand up and eat it while dodging crowds of people walking around the park...

Sorry - we will always look for a table first now... :cool1:

But if everyone waited until they had food there would be tables, right?:confused3 It is because you have both eaters and waiters taking up space. Not angry, merely asking.

We travel off season and off schedule so that we can loiter at meals. It works best for us!


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