Rolling thru the WORLD in a wheelchair on a WISH trip! 8/12 NEW UPDATE*CR CAPTIVES!!

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Good Luck

Kids are so adaptable, aren't they? Ally's class and friends have seen her g-tube and accepted it as *normal Ally stuff* and she had an IV when school started this year, and no problems. Her BFF's mom (who is my friend too) was WAY more nervous about Ally's IV, but her BFF just said, don't worry Mom, we're only PLAYING. And then did this.:sad2: hee hee
Totally cool Braeton's class is so responsive to him. :goodvibes Hey, I figure they are the next adults, we SHOULD be training them to be comfortable with different medical situations!:lmao:

That's my opinion too!!!:thumbsup2 :goodvibes And how cool is Allys BFF??? That's Awesome!!!!

Oh, no, I'm VERY laid-back about it:hyper::hyper: :rotfl::laundy: :scared::dance3:


Yeah i figured you were quiet bored with the wait. Nothing too it, you're just going to Disney World.:snooty:


That stink that my pic was a red x at first. Glad you got it to work though

:wave: It's one of my Favs!!!!!

Definitely Can't wait to hear about the rest of your trip!! I have finally caught up to this point and now waiting to hear what happens next!!! Don't keep me in suspense too long, okay??

Your little boys are beautiful, Hopeful that they are feeling much better tonight!

:thanks: They both slept through the night again!!:yay: I WILL have an update this a.m. as long as the creek don't rise and the cows all come home!!! :laughing:
What an awesome view from your balcony, can't wait to read who was at the door and on the phone :goodvibes

:party: :banana: :) :yay: :party:
Its awesome that Braeton and you got some sleep and that he returned to school.:woohoo:

Hope the new antibiotics helps Tyler heal ASAP.:banana:

Thanks for subbing to my report.:hug:
BillLin: Thanks for the Great pics of the resort!!!:goodvibes I didn't get very many of the outside on the digital. There are supposed to be some on one of the disposables, but we haven't got those developed yet. I've got to send them to our WISH org and they will develop them for us

Amy: I'm fixing to answer your question of Who's at the door?. And I've subeed on your report!! I 've got a ways to catch up, but I love it!!

DisMOmMOm: Sorry if I left you hanging too long:rolleyes1. Thanks for all your smilies!!:goodvibes What part of La are you in? I thought I read it on ya'lls PTR which somehow I'm not subscribed too now:confused3 So I've got a zillion pages to catch up on. I think I might just jump on in. Anyway I thought I'd tell you Braeton was born in Lake Charles, La. Tyler was born in Sulphur. My DH is from La and we lived there for severa years till I finally got to come home to Texas!!!

I live in Central Louisiana, 30 miles north of Alexandria. I know Lake Charles well. It takes me about 3 hours to get there from where I live. I've been over in Texas many times; Beaumont, Houston, San Antonio, Dallas/Ft Worth and Galveston Bay, so far!

That's cool that DH is from Lake Charles and that tyler was born in Sulphur as my close friend lives in Sulphur and I've been down to spend weekends with her a few times. It's nice there.

Sharky: Thanks for all the messages to Braeton:goodvibes and you'll see in a minute, if you are close to all your answers to my questions!! Oh The mickey globe didn't show up at first so when I read your other post I went back and saw the little red box. It opend for me when I clicked it. How cool!! I will show it to B when he gets home!!!

5Dwarves: You're here!!! I'm glad ya'll made it back safe!! I wish we could have met while you were down here!! So close and yet so far!! I did think of you on all our Dr. trips to HOuston. Maybe next time!! I did think and pray for you on your visit. I know it's tough right now to see your mom like that. I'm sending extra prayers up for you!

Kirsten: I an't wait to read you TR and see what happens to ya'll: But you will be able to laugh at it when you write your TR!! And Hey I'll be here to laugh with you!! (Not at you!!) Thanks for all the smilies for Braeton! You know you are really getting close to your trip!! Are you excited??

GoofyLuver: Jen Just wait and see what happens next!! While that is not what in in his hand in the pic It...Well just wait and see. I started laughing when I read your post because Well I'll hurry up so you can see why!!!

EternalDisneyFan: I'm so glad you're here!!!! Well we didn't go through GKTW so no it's not one of them, but let me say that this is the first dream that came true!! Not an official dream but on of our many dreams that happened. Except I never thought of this even though I love it.

praisehisname: Denise Now I've got to catch up on your TR!!! I thought it was neat we were on the same floor!! And you know you make an appearance in this!!! Of course that will come later!!!!

hjohnson6: for your ramark and for the smilies for B!!!! He really likes that pirate one!!!!

HMHunters: :thanks: Glad you're here!!

Kinda: I know I wanted to put the faint emoticon from me when he said that, but that would've kind of ruined his message. I started laughing and he said "Well you ALWAYS do Laundry!!!! like I do it because it's my Favorite thing or something!!!!:rotfl2:

Cherylp3::thanks: and :welcome:

I enjoyed your most recent upstate. Sorry that Breaton has had some rough times lately poor little guy. I'm glad you are able to play with and clean his ears and they are starting to heal!! That's great, one less problem for Braeton to deal with!

Hi Braeton!!!! How ya doing buddy? I'm sending you lots of good wishes and some smileys to to you!!!

pixiedust: pixiedust: pixiedust: pixiedust: :worship: :rockband: :dancer: party: ::MinnieMo pluto: :tinker: :ccat: :donald: :dumbo: :tigger: :smickey:
Hi LeeLee, I followed you over here after you wrote such wonderful things on my pre trippie, thank you. I am LOVING this report. Your children are beautiful, you are such a great mom, and I can't wait to read more popcorn::.

I love how Braeton has a nickname for his leg, like Bill has for his right arm. We might as well have a little humor in our lives :thumbsup2.

Here are a couple of smileys from Bill:

LeeLee2U, I loved reading every word of your trip report! I laughed and cried and got lots of tips and ideas, too! Your description of the morning that you were leaving for the airport totally cracked me up! I'm sure it wasn't funny while you were going through it, but the way you described it was priceless! You are quite an inspiration, with your sense of humor and your ability to keep everything afloat no matter what the circumstance. Sending lots of positive thoughts to your husband. We've been through a little bit of the matching thing, and I know it is not easy. Keep the faith. Hope your son is feeling good, too. Both boys are adorable! Thanks for sharing your story and your beautiful family! :flower3:
We are still looking @ the room, Tyler is enthralled by the balcony, and Braeton is wanting out of his chair. ISo I get Braeton settled on the couch and of course he's immediatly off of it. I notice he is stumbling quite a bit and having to hold onto the bed, chair, wall etc... O.K. Rough night, first time flight which means CHANGE!!! O.k. his body is just a little off.
*sidenote here* Any change cause Braetons sensory disorder and his "unknow"metabolic disorder to APPEAR!!! SURPRi-Ize I'm ba ack!*
O.k. we'll deal with it. Then I remeber.....THE FEVER!!! OH My Goodness I FORGOT!!! Yep here's where I recieve the Best Mommy of the Year Award right here!!!!!!!!!! So I start digging through our carry ons, Nope Not here, I have every other medical device I might need in the next gajillion years that I could stuff in our backpacks, but no thermometer. O.K. It's in our checked luggage, but they just told us it would be @3 hours before we get our luggage!!!!Let's find the marketplace!!!!
After panicking there for a few minutes I notice that while Braeton is a little clumsy, which is not unusual for someone with CP. In fact I think it's more unusual when he's not a least a little bit!!! I go over and feel his head. Not one bit of fever> He's as cool as a cucumber!!! Thank you Lord!!!!:cloud9: So I start by taking what we brought with us on the plane and trying to sort it out. We planned on hitting MGM that evening and I knew our luggage would be there when we came in, so I wanted to at least have the stuff we brought on organized a little bit. When the WISH org met us and gave us all those gifts, we ended up bringing WAAAAAYYYY more on board with us than we planned, and I even stuffed some of our carryon stuff into a piece of checked luggage when they handed us all those bags!!!. Oh yeah the BAGS!!!!
We take out what we have with us and start looking through it all again!! See all of these but one got put in the overhead and due to the turbulence out seatbelt signs only went off 2x and neither one of us could get up due to the ladies on the ends of each of our rows taking their time moving their stuff and putting their tray up only to have the sign light up againg and the Pilot come on, "This is your Captain speaking Due to the blah, blah blah....." However he always did have somethhing funny to say and it was a fun flight, despite the bad weather!
So we dig and just kind of flop around, because we are so tired form the night before. When the phone rings. Mrs. D..... This is (I can't believe I've forgotten her Name!!!!!!!) from the ront desk. I just wanted to make sure everything was o.k.? Yes it's great. Is there anything I can do for you to make your stay more pleasant?? I can't think of anything right now, ya'll have been so nice! Well if there is anything please don't hesitate to ask me or anyone here if I'm not here." She had the most adorable accent!!!!!!!!!!!!!
So we get off the phone and by then we are STARVING enough to get off our bottoms and do something about it!!!O.k. It's @5:00 we better hurry if we are going to eat and get anything done in the park.

I'm stretching Braetons legs and trying to decide if I'm foing to put his braces bak on or not when
Knock Knock knock.
What was that???
[Knock Knock knock
Tyler is that you? He kept going out on the balcony and then had a hard time with the door.
Knock knock knock

Oh some is at the DOOR!!!

Huh Who could that be????:confused3
The only ones that I knew that knew we were there were
Praisehisname and Marshay (who was staying at the Villas) but I didn't have anything on the door nope no LGMHs and hadn't called PHN Denise yet. We had exchanged phone #s So Dh opens the door and standing there WAAAAAAAASSSSSSSSSS

Room Service!!!
(NO we hadn't called them)
He was holding a plate and said complements to the D family and placed it on the desk and left. We (me and DH) were looking at this plate and were like How beautifull!! On it was a dozen chocolate covered Strawberrys with white chocolate and a chocolate Swan Fan with gold dust sprinkles on it. YUMMMMM!!

AAaaaagh!! The man!
Give me some money!!!

I run out of the room dragging Tyler with me and spot him at the end of the hall. I send Tyler ahead. "Sir, SIr"
He stops we catch up. Here, Thank you
He looks a little shocked at first, which I'm sure is because we were chasing him down and not at the size of the money which wasnot much!!!!!:rotfl2:

Anyway we go back to the room and enjoy all..............

Well I enjoyed 2 of these Wonderfull strawberries, which had to be some of the best tasting Strawberries I ever had in my life and Shannon had 1 and Braeton had all the rest. Tyler doesn't care for them so he jsut knocked some of the white chocolate off and ate that. Braeton was inhaling them. The fan was Dark chocolate :love: So I got most of that, but I didn't eat it all in 1 day!!!:laughing:

So then we decided we'd go head out and see what we could find. I've got to get Braeton's shoes back on I look over and se.....
Now remember the blurry pic.??
After eating all those Strawberries, he's sitting in his wheelchair with Tylers apple in one hand eating it as fast as he can, before we can take it from him (like I WOULD!!!:sad2: ) and holding on to his stickers from the desk! I want to take these with me mommy, Please????
I cracked up. I knew from reading the DIS that he would probably get lots of stickers and I had brought him 2 packs of 100(mini Disney stickers) each so he was not sticker deprived!!!!!!:laughing:

Anywaywe head out to find the marketplace first, because there was something we had to buy first before we could do anything else. I had read about this several months earlier and was determined to get it.
What a lovely surprise, I've heard so many reports of how yummy those strawberries are :cloud9:

So pleased the fever went down :)
Super update! I'm glad you told us who was at the door - I don't deal very well with cliffhangers:angel:
Great Update LeeLee:goodvibes

How nice for the front desk to check on you and see if you need anything.

Then, to have them send you complimentary room service....I love choc covered strawberries...., that was so sweet of them:goodvibes

I see you mentioned my dis friend marshay on here..

I will be curius to see if you meet up with her...

Now, what is the one thing you ahve to get before you do anything?? Hmmm.....Ccan't wait to find out....
Great update!:woohoo:

those strawberries sound and look delicious!:banana:

YAY!:yay: The fever has gone away and I hope it doesn't return.:cheer2:

Hmmm...I gotta guess what you went to autograph book?a pin lanyard?:idea:
Loving this update. How wonderful for the front desk to check up and see if the room was ok. Yummy strawberries!!

If I had to guess about what you were determined to get, I would guess a Pal Mickey, but I think you can get him at most of the resorts :confused3 so I am probably wrong. (wow - abnormally long sentence there :lmao:).

I can't wait to read more popcorn::.
Oh my gosh --I cant belive Im not subbed already!! I will have to catch up,,,not tonite tho, have church in the moring and its already almost midnite BUT your kids ARE SOOO FREEEKKIINN Cute!! there are georgous!!!!!!! I will catch up soon, just wanted to sub real quick.:thumbsup2
LeeLee2U, I loved reading every word of your trip report! I laughed and cried and got lots of tips and ideas, too! Your description of the morning that you were leaving for the airport totally cracked me up! I'm sure it wasn't funny while you were going through it, but the way you described it was priceless! You are quite an inspiration, with your sense of humor and your ability to keep everything afloat no matter what the circumstance. Sending lots of positive thoughts to your husband. We've been through a little bit of the matching thing, and I know it is not easy. Keep the faith. Hope your son is feeling good, too. Both boys are adorable! Thanks for sharing your story and your beautiful family! :flower3:

Where in NJ are you? I used to live in south Jersey, not far across the Walt Whitman bridge from Philadelphia, up 295 from Delaware about 35 minutes. My DD (Trentmom, aka Sharky) still lives in that area of NJ and so does my DS. I had to move as my DH got transferred but am hoping to move b ack one day and in the not too distant future.
Great update LeeLee, I enjoy your writing so much. That was great the front desk checked on you and then sent you up those delicious looking strawberries! Mmmm I would love those and that fan wouldn't last one day with me, lol.

You mentioned our friend Marshay and her DH on the update, did you ever meet up with them? They seem so nice but I've never met them. I hope to one day.

Now what is it you need that you have to go get before you do anything? I am curious, can't wait for next update!

glad the fever is gone, hope it stays gone!
LeeLee!!!! I found your trip report and I am loving it!!!! You make everything fun and that is a gift! How wonderful that Braeton got wings and chocolate covered strawberries! :cool1: Can't wait to hear the rest of your TR


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