Rolling thru the WORLD in a wheelchair on a WISH trip! 8/12 NEW UPDATE*CR CAPTIVES!!

Hey LeeLee, how's everyone today? How's Braeton? Is he doing okay? I hope so. Looking for another update, yes already, lol, you know we have no patience here, lol. :lmao:
You had me again :sad: How sweet of the CM's the whole thing was just magical and that the characters knew your boys names too :goodvibes

Woohooo on the win, well done :yay:
Hey LeeLee!!

Just checkng in and seeing what is new!!!

Hope all is well!!!

:dance3: :dance3: :dance3: :dance3: pirate: pirate: :grouphug: :laundy: :laundy:
Hi LeeLee, hope you are having a good day and hope Braeton is feeling well! Just stopping in to say hello!:hug:
Hi LeeLee!! I just caught up on your thread....what fun you had at MK!!!!! I love the interaction the characters have with our kids especially our wish kids!! DD loved the characters...once she warmed up to them :rotfl2: and if mommy was there :rotfl: :sad2: Can't wait to read more!!
FANTASTIC!!! I am so happy for you. Have a wonderful time. :grouphug: To you and your family, Lee. I can't think of a better family to receive that gift.
Thank YOu!!! But I can.......Ya'll!!!

Everything you talked about was more special than any castle stay would have been. It is so special that you guys were given that treatment from the characters. I bet it is something braeton will never forget when he tells people about WDW.

Loved the stories, and thank you for sharing with us.

This is awesome, I love how God works with things like this, and so happy that he provided it for you and your family.

Blessing to you.

There is more coming Dan. Yes God always knows what we need from the big things to the little things, down to a can of asparagus!!!:rotfl2: That's another story, I'll have to share it some time!!!!:laughing:

What a treat! And I mean for me... I got to read 3+ updates at once :banana: . I just love how much the CM's did for all of you to make sure it was a really magical day! You mentioned that you lived with Grumpy but I couldn't help notice a little smile on at least one of those pictures :goodvibes . I also live with Grumpy's twin brother, Grumpy :rotfl: and I know inside they are LOVING every minute of this experience.
Way to go on the contest!! My DH plays radio contest, he hasn't won anything really big but we have lots of T-shirts and have gone to a backstage warmup with a band back in Detroit and a few other fun outings. Your package is awesome!! I wish he would win something like that :confused3 . Sounds like things are really going well right now, hope that trend continues! :cheer2:
I knew there was a connection!!! We are married to twins seperated at birth!!!!:rotfl2:
I would say backstage passes are pretty big. I won my laptop on a radio contest 2 years ago. What's funny is they gave 7 clues throughout the day and on the afternoon show they would take the 7th caller and then who could answer al the ques. right. Well I heard the 1st clue on the way to schoo. I got home @ 3 and looked up their website where they had all the ques they had asked through the day listed. So I looked up as many answers as I could and was calling friends asking them.. Sev of them were sports ques and I don't do sports well. Sorry!! Anyway I had just found the last answer when they asked the last question and had you call. The phone went dead 3TIMES!!!! as I was calling. Then they announced that the phone system was crashing due to so many calls. Somehow I made it through and VOILA!!! The laptop was mine!!! I also won tickets on that same station last year to bring my kids to VEGGIETALES Live Christmas show!!! That was also a fluke. I pulled into WalMart accidentally bumped into the preset button and heard them say call in. You had to sing a Christmas Carol on air! I've won several concert tickets also.:goodvibes

Aww LeeLee...3 updates, you are my new Hero:thumbsup2

I love the last update......

I love how must attnetion all the CMs showed to Braeton and the entire family.

Gosh, I love Disney.........

You are getting agreat at the Cliffhangers:thumbsup2

How awesome.....You so deserved to with that trip to amusement park and a stay at a condo....Braeton and Tyler are going to be estatic.....Are your suprising them Christams morning with it?:santa:

I am Sharkys HERO!!!!!!!:faint: :jumping1:

Dear LeeLee,

I'm just loving your TR so far. There's so much detail and it just warms my heart to know just how much fun your family truly had. Wasn't the Disney parade just so magical? We had a moment that I will treasure forever in that parade, but you'll have to wait and hear about it in my TR which I plan to start in the next day or so.

Reading about each wish trip brings tears to my eyes. Everyone has a special story and something speical that happens to them in their life time. I think our kids have been blessed with lots but have also had to face so much hardship. This trip truly was the best one our family could have asked for and just by reading your TR I could tell you feel the same way.

I look forward to reading more!:thumbsup2
I can't wait to read all about ya'lls trip!!!:goodvibes Yes I think these WISH trips truly are just what the Dr ordered. Even before anything "Extra" magical happened it was already a dream come true. You know how it is. Untill now hour trips contained Hospital and Dr visits with a few visits to family members thrown in. Our kids are blessed, but I think its because we notice the blessings more than most people do simply because of the challenges our kids face!!

Wow LeeLee...that was an awesome Parade..for you guys...ya'll deserve it....

Bray ton (sorry I could not resist) so lucky to have a family like yours ...I believe children are placed in families by God...& sometimes we let him down...but special children are placed in the hands of Special Parents...
& it shows to everyone!!!!!

& obviously a certain CM saw it also!!!

I am just now getting the Tears wiped up....

& I agree with Sarah...this was a definite Kleenex Moment...thankfully mine are right here since I just got thru watching the Video on my thread!!!

keep um coming...

Disneydad...the none Evil one!

Aww Ddad you are so Sweet!! I'm so thankfull the EVIL one didn't show up!!!:rotfl2:
LeeLee I loved you update. It was fantastic. I was, once again, all teary eyed readinghow special they treated you all. Disney is just so magical and it's wonderful how the CMs all come to you and do so much for you. Y'all deserve it so much. That was so sweet when Breaton looked at you and asked if he could have just a little andsounded so grown up saying it was not lactose free. Oh that just tore me up. I need to start keeping tissues next to my chair when I read your thread. It's all good tears, happy tears for you and your family. I t hink Braeton wanted to take that hulu hoop home, lol. The smiles on his face are priceless and the memories of this trip will be even more priceless to all of you. Yousure do like to leave us hanging on the cliff hangers, lol, can't wait now for the next update so I can find out what happens next.

So when you said you didn't know what you were going to do for Christmas did you actually mean Christmas day or you mean over the Christmas holidays? When will you be going to Moody Gardens? I know you'll love it!
Yes Braeton did want to take that Hula home and I'm so glad you mentioned that, because I want to find a Disney Hula and have one under the tree Christmas morn with one of the Dis pics of him and the Hula attached.
I'm setting up our trip today!!!:thumbsup2 We always spend Christmas Day with my family. I just meant as a gift to each other and we usually like to do something as a family but this year we didn't think we would be able to.
So Dmom does Sharky need to buy you a lifetime supply of Klee-nix for Christmas???:rotfl2:
How lovely that you won the Christmas present! thank you for the updates and photos.
Thak you!!!:goodvibes
I love your pictures. You have had so many magical moments so far, I can not wait to read the rest of your TR.
Thank you, if I can get my pocs laded to day then I will haveanother update very soon.

I just can't get through any update of yours without bawling. It's like a hallmark movie, you know you're going to cry, but you watch it anyway. I would just love to hug those CMs for all that they did. It's just wonderful what they did for all of you.

As an aside your boys and my son look like they could be brothers. Especially Braeton. If I knew how to download pics I'd show you, but I don't so you'll just have to take my word on that.
To download pics you need to get an account on a photo sharing site. I use photobucket because it's free!!! you upload the pic on that then all you have to do is copy and paste the IMG URL line. From what I can tell on your avator your kiddos look adorable!!!

Hey LeeLee, how's everyone today? How's Braeton? Is he doing okay? I hope so. Looking for another update, yes already, lol, you know we have no patience here, lol. :lmao:
O.k. Looking for one now I can understand, but when you posted this, I just gave you 3!!!!! Patience is a virtue you know.:snooty: (But shhhhh don't tell Sarah I said this or she'll quote me on her thread!!!!:eek: :rotfl2: )

You had me again :sad: How sweet of the CM's the whole thing was just magical and that the characters knew your boys names too :goodvibes

Woohooo on the win, well done
Thank you Jo!!

awww the hula-hooping and parade were awesome! :) keep the updates coming!
Hey everyone this girls TR is great you might want to join!!! Just a shameless plug for you disneygirlinnj!!!!
Hi LeeLee!! I just caught up on your thread....what fun you had at MK!!!!! I love the interaction the characters have with our kids especially our wish kids!! DD loved the characters...once she warmed up to them :rotfl2: and if mommy was there :rotfl: :sad2: Can't wait to read more!!
yes if you notice someone is with Braeton in all these pics too!!! And I'm loving your TR. This is another Great one Guys. check it out!!!!!
asparagus huh,
you have my interest.

Well it goes like this.
After I had Braeton me and Dh were seperated for a few years.
So I have this baby who in the Dr.s terms would be vegatative with very limited movement. I was recovering from having 6 surgeries in 16 days after B's birth and T was not quite 3 . We moved to Tx in with my parents for @4 1/2 months. So I finally get my own place. Tyler was 3 by then and I am trying to survive being a single Mom with 2 kids and NO job. Well No $$$ paying job.
I was doing therapy with B several times a day and night and was just worn out. I would go back to La every now and then and work my old job to get some $$$. They were real good about letting me do that and I could bring T with me and my sister would keep B for a few hours. I couldn't do much but I was trying to do what I could. So anyway finances were a little shall we say.....tight?!!!
Anyway I was craving Asparagus but it just wasn't in the budget that month. I was cooking one day and fussing to myself because I didn't have Asparagus and couldn't afford it and blah blah blah.....
NOw sidenote.. I could have asked my parents, but they helped me so much and I wanted to do it on my own!!
So anyway I'm just a fussing and Braeton made a laughing sound. I went to him and just started crying, because God was so good to me and I was being so unthankfull. I told God I was sorry for my bad attitude that I was so thankfull for his strength and for seeing us through. At that time I was living on less than $400 a month, but somehow my bills were always paid. God would just bless me. There were times when I would open my altoids tin after church and there would be a couple of hundred dollars in there. I would find $$ in the bottom of an old purse. My groceries lasted 2x longer than normal. I went to Houston and back on a quarter of a tank of gas 2x and it takes 3/4 of the tank to get there!! Anyway i just thanked the Lord for filling my needs and to help me be sattisied and not to pout about my wants.
couple of nights later I went to church and a lady at church that I didn't know very well at that time came up to me and asked if I used coupons. Yes I did!! So she daid well, I was cutting out some for us and I cut out these for you if you would like them. Yes i would!! It was everything I used. Anyway she said and I put you a little surprise in there and started laughing.
I reached in and pulled out a can of Asperagus. I just stared at her. She said I got this and we don't eat it. I just felt to put it in your bag. Do you even eat asparagus????
Anyway I was in shock and I went home and cried and thanked God that he not only fills our needs but He cares about our wants sometimes too!!
She still brings me Asparagus sometimes and that's been almost 4 years ago!!!
What a magical day you had at MK. I can't wait to hear how the rest of the day went.

I always get the busy signal when I call in to the radio. DH won Tori Amos tickets by calling the radio station once.
Well it goes like this.
After I had Braeton me and Dh were seperated for a few years.
So I have this baby who in the Dr.s terms would be vegatative with very limited movement. I was recovering from having 6 surgeries in 16 days after B's birth and T was not quite 3 . We moved to Tx in with my parents for @4 1/2 months. So I finally get my own place. Tyler was 3 by then and I am trying to survive being a single Mom with 2 kids and NO job. Well No $$$ paying job.
I was doing therapy with B several times a day and night and was just worn out. I would go back to La every now and then and work my old job to get some $$$. They were real good about letting me do that and I could bring T with me and my sister would keep B for a few hours. I couldn't do much but I was trying to do what I could. So anyway finances were a little shall we say.....tight?!!!
Anyway I was craving Asparagus but it just wasn't in the budget that month. I was cooking one day and fussing to myself because I didn't have Asparagus and couldn't afford it and blah blah blah.....
NOw sidenote.. I could have asked my parents, but they helped me so much and I wanted to do it on my own!!
So anyway I'm just a fussing and Braeton made a laughing sound. I went to him and just started crying, because God was so good to me and I was being so unthankfull. I told God I was sorry for my bad attitude that I was so thankfull for his strength and for seeing us through. At that time I was living on less than $400 a month, but somehow my bills were always paid. God would just bless me. There were times when I would open my altoids tin after church and there would be a couple of hundred dollars in there. I would find $$ in the bottom of an old purse. My groceries lasted 2x longer than normal. I went to Houston and back on a quarter of a tank of gas 2x and it takes 3/4 of the tank to get there!! Anyway i just thanked the Lord for filling my needs and to help me be sattisied and not to pout about my wants.
couple of nights later I went to church and a lady at church that I didn't know very well at that time came up to me and asked if I used coupons. Yes I did!! So she daid well, I was cutting out some for us and I cut out these for you if you would like them. Yes i would!! It was everything I used. Anyway she said and I put you a little surprise in there and started laughing.
I reached in and pulled out a can of Asperagus. I just stared at her. She said I got this and we don't eat it. I just felt to put it in your bag. Do you even eat asparagus????
Anyway I was in shock and I went home and cried and thanked God that he not only fills our needs but He cares about our wants sometimes too!!
She still brings me Asparagus sometimes and that's been almost 4 years ago!!!

That is just an awesome story, thank you so much for sharing it with us.

I love how your altiods had money in it after church sometimes.

Giving is one of the greatest gifts that people have...

This is the only God like smilie that i can find.


May you and your family always have your angel around you.
Awesome story. Very inspirational and timely for this time of year :santa: . I always joke that we are the "break even" family. We never get ahead and will probably never be rich with money but we always seem to have just enough. If we have something break then we get an unexpected refund or something. I use to kind of complain about it but now I realize that it really is a blessing. It's great that you can see that. :angel:
Wow......that asparagus story is amazing and so inspirational.

Thank you for sharing that with us LeeLee.

Hope all is well:hug:
LeeLee what an awesome story. Thank you so much for sharing your life with us. You are so deserving. :grouphug:
LeeLee, I love the asparagus story. Isn't it amazing how God surprises us with gifts when we are not expecting them. Thanks for all your reminders to count our many blessings. Merry Christmas to you and your lovely family. :santa:
Hi everyone!!!:goodvibes
Thanks for sticking with me even if I am still on the 2nd day and it's almost Christmas!!!!!:laughing:
Things are a little more crazy than usual @ haere right now. Shannon had surgery Mon and then again today. Both were outpatient. Today took about 4 hours longer than they thought so we are a little tired!!! He is doing fine. I just have to do everything for him for at least 24 hours. He had the start of a fistula for dialysis access put in today and can't use his right arm. He's right handed!!!!:scared1: So for the next few days while it heals MOI will take care of him.
We started on our house Sat. The goal was to get the house framed. A group from the Methodist Church here in town came and worked on it today. ALL of our walls are up!!!!:yay: And most of the outside is not only framed but sheathed! We couldn't help today because of Shannons surgery but Sat we did!
Braeton has done pretty good the last few days.:woohoo: And I don't know if I mentioned it or not and I'm too tired to go back and check!!:eek: but Wed was the audition for the UIL team for oral reading and Tyler made it!!!!!:yay:
I've gotta go, but wanted ya'll to know I haven't forgotten and am planning on doing an update Sat morn while Shannon is in Dialysis!
I hope all of ya'll are having a Great Holiday Season and hopefully I will get on before then but if I don't

Hi everyone!!!:goodvibes
Thanks for sticking with me even if I am still on the 2nd day and it's almost Christmas!!!!!:laughing:
Things are a little more crazy than usual @ haere right now. Shannon had surgery Mon and then again today. Both were outpatient. Today took about 4 hours longer than they thought so we are a little tired!!! He is doing fine. I just have to do everything for him for at least 24 hours. He had the start of a fistula for dialysis access put in today and can't use his right arm. He's right handed!!!!:scared1: So for the next few days while it heals MOI will take care of him.
We started on our house Sat. The goal was to get the house framed. A group from the Methodist Church here in town came and worked on it today. ALL of our walls are up!!!!:yay: And most of the outside is not only framed but sheathed! We couldn't help today because of Shannons surgery but Sat we did!
Braeton has done pretty good the last few days.:woohoo: And I don't know if I mentioned it or not and I'm too tired to go back and check!!:eek: but Wed was the audition for the UIL team for oral reading and Tyler made it!!!!!:yay:
I've gotta go, but wanted ya'll to know I haven't forgotten and am planning on doing an update Sat morn while Shannon is in Dialysis!
I hope all of ya'll are having a Great Holiday Season and hopefully I will get on before then but if I don't


Hey Girl!!

I was just thinking of your seriously....I was going to post on you report to make sure you were okay.

I am glad that your house is going so well. I am glad Shannon did well after his surgery!!

WTG Tyler!!!!!!!!!!:woohoo: :woohoo: :woohoo:

Glad Braeton is doing well, too:dance3:

Loooking forward to your next update!!

I loved your aspargus story:goodvibes
I had to sub. I'm caught up to page 10. I'll read the rest tomorrow. I'm off, and I know I'll be bored, so you'll provide me with some entertainment.

Your boys are so cute. You sound like you're always so busy between them and your DH. You must have the patience of a saint!!


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