PeopleMover is my kind of thrill ride! ~6/30: quick check in!

I soon arrived at Epcot!!!

it seemed, instead, that these women chose these shoes as their park shoes for the day. :faint:
:sad2: TO each their own I guess. :confused3

Sadly, this was only the start of budging this trip. I think as a solo traveler you see this more often because there isn’t enough of you to keep people behind you from creeping up and around you.
:sad2: I totally get that.

It was about going with the flow and enjoying just being there.
The best way to tour!
Umm, now totally sold on the hot pink macaroon. I've never had one but that looks and sounds delicious. Another snack on the list.
Speaking of macarons:


Is that a bowl of macarons or what? They serve these up at the Heineken Board Room at TD Garden in Boston during games. It's hard to have just one!
I shimmied up to the register and a young woman and her boyfriend budged right in front of me.
What is with people who do that? :confused3 We had that happen in line to check in at Beaches & Cream and, well, long story short it nearly led to an altercation and then we became "friends."

a picture of the “loo.”
Haha, this reminded me that back when I met Dug, he used to say things like, "I'm going to skip to the loo." Haven't heard that for a long time. I think it was from his time studying abroad in Scotland and stuck with him.

It was hilarious and we find creative ways to interject that phrase into non-Disney life as much as possible.
That is awesome! :thumbsup2 It might be harder to work in if Disney ever adds FP+ on the potties, though. :rotfl2:

a little nervous that the skies were going to open up at any moment. See the clouds?
Uh oh. I think I know how this day goes, at least at DHS.

Wow. This may have been my favorite F&G purchase of all! Sometimes those impulse buys are the best ones.
I agree, that was surprisingly good! I got it, not expecting much - actually just thinking it was something for Izzy. But the part that she allowed me to eat - WOW! :hyper: It was really, really good. I was tempted to go back and get a second one just for myself.

I decided to make my first attraction something that probably NO ONE has ever done as their first Disney attraction of the trip: Impressions de France!
Probably true. Though I think the attendance in there goes up dramatically when it starts looking like rain (at least from my experience).

But here’s the thing… they didn’t utter two words to each other the entire time… until about 20 minutes into waiting and she poked him in the stomach and he muttered something unappreciative back to her.
Eh, they're an old married couple already. :rotfl:

Sometimes these things melt your heart, sometimes they have you scratching your head, and sometimes, well, you get the drift.
It just amazes me how you see the whole spectrum of human behavior at a place like WDW. :eek:

It’s unbelievable what it takes to put together something as big as the F&G festival. I give huge props to everyone involved.
I bet that was an interesting video! I remember a TV show about setting up for holidays and the landscape team works overnight and transforms the place - I'm assuming it's something like that. Really amazing what they can do!
I think as a solo traveler you see this more often because there isn’t enough of you to keep people behind you from creeping up and around you. Anyway, the guy gave me a half-hearted apologetic smile but I just smiled and let them go.

I've noticed this as well but I tend to brush it off because it's not that big of a deal in the long run. Plus, these are usually the same people I pass when I get to skip the attractions line being a single rider, so .... mic drop. :)

This was my amazing view though, which was pretty hard to beat!


Great view of the water!

Wow. This may have been my favorite F&G purchase of all! Sometimes those impulse buys are the best ones.

This was AMAZING!!!

That looks incredible, and I want one now.

And here was my amazing view:


Great view ... of a tree :rotfl2: and the clock, of course!

Still nervous about the weather – and also needing a break from all the eating (I mean, I wanted to keep eating but I’m not completely a bottomless pit!) – I decided to make my first attraction something that probably NO ONE has ever done as their first Disney attraction of the trip: Impressions de France!

This is a wonderful attraction especially when your dogs are barking! Beautiful video!

After Impressions, I stopped for a few PP photos.

Great view of a great lady! :thumbsup2

And then I headed toward Future World, first stopping at Pineapple Promenade for this yummy Violet Lemonade, another item on my list but at the bottom. However, a cold, refreshing drink was just calling to me!


Again, I've never had one but I need one NOW. At 11:15 PM! and, to keep with the theme ... great view of the track, flowers, and Spaceship Earth!

So here’s the thing about solo traveling, in case you’re not familiar yourself: you observe a lot of people doing a lot of things. Sometimes these things melt your heart, sometimes they have you scratching your head, and sometimes, well, you get the drift.

People watching is one of my favorite things to do on solo adventures!

My knee was holding up really well! Yay!
Great! Hope to see no Wheelchair Tracy pictures later.

Once I got into the center, I overheard an expert talking about chile peppers and promptly moved right on past… chile peppers and I are not friends. I wandered the center a bit to check things out.
Channeling my inner Bruce from Finding Nemo ... "chile peppers are friends, not food."
I still wasn’t hungry enough to continue my eating-around-the-world expedition, so I ventured off to do something I’ve never done before!

A cliffhanger! Oh, the suspense! :)

Great report Tracy!
I think it sounds like a perfect day at Epcot - just relaxing and enjoying the views and atmosphere in World Showcase!

Impressions de France is so on my list for a solo trip - all the WS movies actually. That is not something 3 little boys will sit through so I'm excited to see them all!

That macaroon looks yummy! And it's pink!

Very weird about the newly married strangers in line at TT!

I think the video about setting up for F&G sounds really interesting!

Hope the skies and your knee both held up for the rest of your day!
During the bus ride, I overheard an interesting conversation between three college girls discussing how, in 10 short years,
they’d be – to their complete and utter horrors – 30. :rotfl:
Oh Jesus. :sad2:

h, ladies, I remember when I hit that number I thought I'd actually just drop over in disbelief. But it turns out my 30s are so much better than my 20s. I'm happy to be firmly planted in 'em. :thumbsup2
RIGHT?!?!?! ::yes::

I soon arrived at Epcot!!!

I love this! HOORAY!!! :hyper:

I wish I had paid better attention to these. So pretty! :goodvibes

s I headed toward Mexico, I noticed one of the very talented face painters and thought of Billie (@Elevationist). :goodvibes

YAY, you thought of me! :cutie: But you didn't stop and get your face painted?! For shame, Tracy!!

And then saw something else… a woman… in very high heels. Like, you-couldn't-pay-me-enough-to-wear-them-across-the-street high heels. Guys, for real, you just wouldn't believe these things. I love high heels, don't get me wrong, but to wear on an outing to Epcot?! It was really shocking the number of extraordinarily high heels I witnessed this trip. Almost never did I think by the rest of the party’s attire that they were heading to a really fancy ADR; it seemed, instead, that these women chose these shoes as their park shoes for the day. :faint:
This so reminds me of the episode of Modern Family where the go to Disneyland. If you haven't seen it, you need to. :laughing:




The bun was absolutely amazing – sweet and just perfect.
And the frushi?!
Unbelievably yummy.
DELICIOUS!!!!! God, I wish I was eating those RIGHT NOW. I loved them, too! :bitelip:

Up next: more F&G eating and drinking! And a few other things here and there. But... who am I kidding... mostly just eating and drinking! :laughing:
That's my girl! :thumbsup2

Awww, I love this pic! I so wish I was there RIGHT NOW!!!! :goodvibes

Wow. This may have been my favorite F&G purchase of all! Sometimes those impulse buys are the best ones.

This was AMAZING!!!
Wasn't it SO GOOD?! Loved it!!! :cutie:

Still nervous about the weather – and also needing a break from all the eating (I mean, I wanted to keep eating but I’m not completely a bottomless pit!)
Lightweight. :sad2:

I was really taking a different approach to this trip. It wasn’t about hitting all the major attractions at break-neck speed. It was about going with the flow and enjoying just being there. Okay, maybe what it really was on this particular day was eating.
:thumbsup2 :thumbsup2 :thumbsup2

After Impressions, I stopped for a few PP photos.
I love this picture!!! :goodvibes

And then I headed toward Future World, first stopping at Pineapple Promenade for this yummy Violet Lemonade, another item on my list but at the bottom. However, a cold, refreshing drink was just calling to me!

How was it? I ended up skipping it favor of the rummy dole whip. :laughing:

After my slightly-less-than-thrilling experience on TT (sorry, I am in the “want the old TT version back” camp!)
Boooo! I love the new Test Track! :P

On my way there I caught a [grown] man dancing and when he saw me see him, I gave him a big thumbs up that he seemed to really appreciate. I love what Disney does to people.

Once I got into the center, I overheard an expert talking about chile peppers and promptly moved right on past… chile peppers and I are not friends.
Oh girl, you and me both. Blech! :crazy2:

so I ventured off to do something I’ve never done before!
Ooooooooh, I wonder what it is! Can't wait to find out! :scratchin
So behind!!!

30's people under 30 are scared over 30 love it! My 30's have been great so far!

I love the macaroons!

Don't feel bad our first ride was hall of presidents this last trip!
Oh no, I'm late! Sounds like a great way to spend the day at Epcot. I would love to one day eat around the world. The food look yummy!
All caught up!!

Your morning in Epcot looked like so much fun! I swear, we must have been a few paces behind each other...because I had frushi that day too!

Frushi is the bomb!! It was better than I expected! Frushi forever!

That is too funny that you went to the festival center at that time past the chili pepper seminar...because Steve was there!! If I can remember correctly, I was walking the world solo at that time (eating, yes), and my sister was doing character meets. We may have passed each other not knowing int! LOL!!
All caught was a crazy "last week of school" last week so I fell behind :( I'm all caught up now though! I'm completely loving your approach to this trip so far, more laid back and enjoying the things that are so easily overlooked.

I'm completely on board with you about TT...I like the other version better as well!
Ahh you're totally off the hook for being behind! Last weeks of school with do that to a person ::yes::

Awww, thank you! It was a totally different kind of trip for me :goodvibes

Yay! Fellow Test Track OG lover! :laughing:

So much yummy stuff in this update! I really wanted to try the violet lemonade but with all the rain we had it just never happened.
I'm hungry again just thinking about F&G festival food booths :laughing:

I've actually never experienced the line problem you had while solo. I think though it might be because I am fairly tall and therefore hard to miss. :rotfl:
That's great to hear, it never got me upset per se, but it always disappointed me when I saw it. :laughing: on your being tall and hard to miss.

I think it's awesome that your first attraction was the France movie (not even going to attempt to spell the title right now). Once again that's the beauty of being solo, you can do what you want when you want.
Exactly!!! :thumbsup2

Clearly I should not read too quickly because I read that as "I had just finished eating up Japan." Although...
:laughing: Well...

I think that is true. Myself, I'm not a pushy type anyway which is why when I'm with a group I usually end up getting left behind, lol.
Yep, I can relate to that. Which is also why it didn't really bother me too much.

Just FYI, that is going to be my new go to phrase.
I am a full supporter of this, Rob! :thumbsup2

Or second... or third... or ever...
:rotfl2: Although I must say I've always enjoyed Impressions and.. unlike a lot of WS movies (Canadia, ahem), you can at least sit down! :laughing:;)

This may be the best part honestly. Disney brings out the most interesting people that probably get missed by 80% of everyone else.
I know!!! It's so true. ::yes::

:sad2: I'm sorry you had to deal with people butting in front of you. But at least you had the right attitude to handle it and just let the Disney magic continue to consume you.
For now anyway... it was still only Day 1 :laughing:

Definitely an ominous looking sky. I'd be nervous about the weather too.
Spoiler alert: it NEVER rained that day! And not much the entire trip actually :goodvibes:goodvibes

Wow! Well, I'm glad the macaroon was calling your name as you passed by. Kind of nice to just be able to go with the flow and grab whatever you want as you pass by.
Yes, it was great! :thumbsup2
:rotfl2::rotfl::lmao: I definitely think you've earned the dubious honor of being the first.
Yup, pretty certain of that too :rotfl2:


Well, Ok. I guess that's ok. But just this once.

That's more like it!
:laughing::laughing: I know... this trip was so un-commando for me! :rolleyes1

I'm right there with you. I don't "get" the Tron version of it, honestly. I liked the old test facility feel of the ride.
YES!!! ::yes::

But can we at least please keep the car design studio part? Because I do actually like that change to the ride.
Okay... I'll give you that... ;)

:thumbsup2 to you for giving him a :thumbsup2. Disney brings out the kid in all of us, and it is definitely nice to share a moment and give some encouragement to a stranger to just let loose.
It's so true :goodvibes

Not hungry enough??? But you only have one day!!!! :eek:
I know!!! I should have just ignored my stomach's pleas to stop eating!!! Trust me, I'm regretting that now! Too much food, too little time... :sad2:

I've never had a macraoon. What does it taste like? It looks really good.
I see some of our fabulous Dis friends have done this for me - I would have just stuck with "heaven in a fake newspaper bag" :laughing:

I love the photo of you in France; and I'm glad you went to see the often those films get neglected.
Awww, thanks! :goodvibes I LOVE the WS films... I see them all on each trip :thumbsup2

What a wierd situation in the line for TT. I hope, like you, they were just pooped after a long trip. YES...BRING BACK THE OLD VERSION of TT.
I know, I'm hoping that! And yes, BRING BACK THE OLD TT!!! ::yes::

How fun that you saw a man dancing at Disney. I love what Disney does to people.
I do, too. This is exactly what Walt had in mind I think :cloud9::cloud9:

I never got to the Festival Center. It was closed while we were there (it was only open certain days and we were never there on those days).
Oh, darn. It was really pretty and cool. Next time![/QUOTE][/QUOTE]
Well, sure, because if you're waiting on line alone, that just means you're waiting for someone to cut in front of you. But you handled it like a pro!
Yep, they must have read my mind because I was just pleading with them to do just that :laughing:

Yeah, that's so going to be my reaction next time I see a bathroom line. I'm totally stealing it. I can't do the accent, though.
Please steal away! It's amazing, right?! :rotfl2:

It looks amazing! Its always nice when an impulse buy becomes a favorite!
YES!!! I could have had 20 of these... :cloud9:

That's certainly an original idea ... but it's definitely a good place to take a break from eating!
I agree! ::yes::

That's not what it's about every day?
Okay, ya caught me there... yes it is :thumbsup2 It's always about food!

I love this picture!
Awww, thank you! :goodvibes

Yeah, people watching is always interesting. Some people ...
Exactly :laughing:

I did not know they had a video of the making of the F&G Festival ... sounds really interesting!
It was really quite good! Very interesting ::yes::

"Impressions of France" as your first attraction isn't enough of a new experience for you? You have to go for something else you've never done before?
I can't wait to hear what it is!

Macarons are so delish...the new cupcakes IMHO. The outside part is usually sort of like the texture of the meringue...crispy and light...sometimes crunchy or sometimes a bit chewier...and they come in amazing flavours.....and the fillings can be anything ....different flavours of sweet cream usually....They are a really nice, light sweet ending to a meal or with coffee.
Thank you! You described this about 100% better than I could have and it's right on the money! :thumbsup2

Let's just say that you must have one!
Agreed!!! :thumbsup2

What a great pic!
Aww, thanks! :goodvibes

I bet it was really cool to see how they put it all together. So much work goes into it that honestly we never really think about! I love those " how we did it" informational videos!
It really was - makes me appreciate it all the more :goodvibes

The violet lemonade looks really good, pretty color! but I always have this fear that anything that has a flower in its name is going to taste like soap :confused3.
It's a gorgeous color, right?! I totally understand your fear... but I do promise this tasted nothing like a flower :laughing:

I never got to see the first version of TT. I had a major time gap between DW visits, my first experience at Epcot this area was still World of Motion!
In my opinion, you're not missing much :sad2:

I've been to Paris 2x and have never had a maccaroon! Blasphemy! I need to start living!!
What?!! Oh you gotta do something about that ::yes:: Pronto!

All caught up!!
Yay! :thumbsup2

Your morning in Epcot looked like so much fun! I swear, we must have been a few paces behind each other...because I had frushi that day too!
:laughing: Probably!

Frushi is the bomb!! It was better than I expected! Frushi forever!
I couldn't agree more, I only wish my stomach stretched more that day... I totally would have had seconds! ::yes:: Or thirds... :rolleyes1

That is too funny that you went to the festival center at that time past the chili pepper seminar...because Steve was there!! If I can remember correctly, I was walking the world solo at that time (eating, yes), and my sister was doing character meets. We may have passed each other not knowing int! LOL!!
No way!!! :laughing: I guess we really were destined to meet by chance this trip! :thumbsup2

I've never even had a macaroon (that I know of)...but that looks delicious!
It seriously was heaven on a plate... :cloud9:
I was so happy to be back at Epcot! :lovestruc

:sad2: TO each their own I guess. :confused3
True... but you couldn't pay me enough to wear those things at Disney :laughing:

:sad2: I totally get that.
It was a little disheartening at times, but I was able to ignore it for the most part :thumbsup2

The best way to tour!
I agree! At least now... was never my style before :rotfl:

Umm, now totally sold on the hot pink macaroon. I've never had one but that looks and sounds delicious. Another snack on the list.
It is seriously AMAZING!!!

Speaking of macarons:

View attachment 101540

Is that a bowl of macarons or what? They serve these up at the Heineken Board Room at TD Garden in Boston during games. It's hard to have just one!
OMG #salivating :rotfl2:

Oh yes...they are kind of addictive!
Indeed!!! ::yes::
What is with people who do that? :confused3 We had that happen in line to check in at Beaches & Cream and, well, long story short it nearly led to an altercation and then we became "friends."
I know! Hmm... can't wait to hear that story!

Haha, this reminded me that back when I met Dug, he used to say things like, "I'm going to skip to the loo." Haven't heard that for a long time. I think it was from his time studying abroad in Scotland and stuck with him.
That is awesome! :thumbsup2 It might be harder to work in if Disney ever adds FP+ on the potties, though. :rotfl2:
Oh my gosh!!! I'd probably crash the system by claiming more PottyFP+ than anyone else ever... :laughing::laughing::laughing:

Uh oh. I think I know how this day goes, at least at DHS.
Actually... spoiler alert... it didn't rain one drop! :confused3 But no complaints of course!

I agree, that was surprisingly good! I got it, not expecting much - actually just thinking it was something for Izzy. But the part that she allowed me to eat - WOW! :hyper: It was really, really good. I was tempted to go back and get a second one just for myself.
Right?! I wasn't really expecting to love it nearly as much as I did. But holy cow! :cloud9::cloud9::cloud9:

Probably true. Though I think the attendance in there goes up dramatically when it starts looking like rain (at least from my experience).
Yes, I agree! It was the most crowded I'd ever seen it :laughing:

Eh, they're an old married couple already. :rotfl:

It just amazes me how you see the whole spectrum of human behavior at a place like WDW. :eek:
So true... the whole spectrum... :rotfl:

I bet that was an interesting video! I remember a TV show about setting up for holidays and the landscape team works overnight and transforms the place - I'm assuming it's something like that. Really amazing what they can do!
Yes! I remember that one too, it's very similar.

I've noticed this as well but I tend to brush it off because it's not that big of a deal in the long run. Plus, these are usually the same people I pass when I get to skip the attractions line being a single rider, so .... mic drop. :)
Yep, that's a valid point, John. :thumbsup2

Great view of the water!
It really was... :rolleyes:

That looks incredible, and I want one now.
You and me both!

Great view ... of a tree :rotfl2: and the clock, of course!
:laughing: I guess I just wanted to be "thorough" in my TR documentation.

This is a wonderful attraction especially when your dogs are barking! Beautiful video!
I love it too!

Great view of a great lady! :thumbsup2
Awww, shucks... :o

Again, I've never had one but I need one NOW. At 11:15 PM! and, to keep with the theme ... great view of the track, flowers, and Spaceship Earth!
I need one now too!!! Thanks! :thumbsup2

People watching is one of my favorite things to do on solo adventures!
For sure!!!

Great! Hope to see no Wheelchair Tracy pictures later.
You'll be happy to know: my knee only got better throughout the whole trip! :thumbsup2

Channeling my inner Bruce from Finding Nemo ... "chile peppers are friends, not food."
You got it there! :thumbsup2

A cliffhanger! Oh, the suspense! :)
You're welcome. :rotfl:

Great report Tracy!
Thanks, John! :goodvibes

They are already working on this. It will be the new Restroom+ program where you have to reserve all your bathroom breaks 30 days in advance.
I think it sounds like a perfect day at Epcot - just relaxing and enjoying the views and atmosphere in World Showcase!
It really was :cloud9:

Impressions de France is so on my list for a solo trip - all the WS movies actually. That is not something 3 little boys will sit through so I'm excited to see them all!
I love those WS films!!! :thumbsup2 But yeah... not so much for 3 little boys, huh? :laughing:

That macaroon looks yummy! And it's pink!
It was so amazing!!! Yum!

Very weird about the newly married strangers in line at TT!
I know! I'm hoping they were just exhausted and this wasn't their typical "thing" :sad2:

I think the video about setting up for F&G sounds really interesting!
It really was great! Very much like those Travel Channel specials on Disney :goodvibes

Hope the skies and your knee both held up for the rest of your day!
Spoiler alert: they both did!!! :thumbsup2

Oh Jesus. :sad2:
Right?! :laughing:

RIGHT?!?!?! ::yes::
Amen, sister!

I wish I had paid better attention to these. So pretty! :goodvibes
They really are just so gorgeous :lovestruc

YAY, you thought of me! :cutie: But you didn't stop and get your face painted?! For shame, Tracy!!
Of course I thought of you, soul sister! Yeah... I deserve that... :laughing:

This so reminds me of the episode of Modern Family where the go to Disneyland. If you haven't seen it, you need to. :laughing:
YES!!!!!!!!! I thought the same thing whenever I saw these women! :rotfl:

DELICIOUS!!!!! God, I wish I was eating those RIGHT NOW. I loved them, too! :bitelip:
Oh, for realz, I wish I was too...

That's my girl! :thumbsup2
Food lovers represent! :thumbsup2

Awww, I love this pic! I so wish I was there RIGHT NOW!!!! :goodvibes
Me too, Billie, me too... :sad1:

Wasn't it SO GOOD?! Loved it!!! :cutie:
Like, SO good!

Lightweight. :sad2:
Oh just wait 'til you see me get my second wind... and third... and fourth... :rolleyes1

I love this picture!!! :goodvibes
Thanks, girl! :goodvibes

How was it? I ended up skipping it favor of the rummy dole whip. :laughing:
It was delish! More so than I expected! ::yes::

Boooo! I love the new Test Track! :P
Okay, okay, we disagree on one thing... ;)

It really is everything, isn't it?! :lovestruc

Oh girl, you and me both. Blech! :crazy2:
My thoughts exactly!

Ooooooooh, I wonder what it is! Can't wait to find out! :scratchin
30's people under 30 are scared over 30 love it! My 30's have been great so far!
Right?! That's so true about the 30s. love them, too :thumbsup2

I love the macaroons!

Macaroons = heaven!

Don't feel bad our first ride was hall of presidents this last trip!
:laughing: That made my night! :thumbsup2

Oh no, I'm late! Sounds like a great way to spend the day at Epcot. I would love to one day eat around the world. The food look yummy!
It's never too late! Just glad you're here now, Lindsey! :goodvibes It really was a perfect afternoon :lovestruc[/QUOTE][/QUOTE]
This so reminds me of the episode of Modern Family where the go to Disneyland. If you haven't seen it, you need to. :laughing:

Oh... you must mean the Modern Family that was taped in Disneyland.





Not that I'm bragging or anything... :p

Although I must say I've always enjoyed Impressions and.. unlike a lot of WS movies (Canadia, ahem), you can at least sit down! :laughing:;)

Just for the record, this is still the Canada movie. The Canadia movie, however, while still containing Marty Short because, obviously, will indeed have seats. I'm thinking either swivel chairs (just because they're fun) or maybe barstools. :scratchin


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