Lights! Motor! Asian?--Feb 2010 Part II. 11/6-Pix, part 2. Page 199.

I am here and already 6 pages behind. I think you should be the Homecoming King of the DIS! :rotfl2:
:wave2: Page 6 already!!

Great Dis meet! Must be so cool to meet up with people you get to know through trip reports.
Found you, Jorday! You can't hide from me! :magnify:

Great DIS-meet!! Congrats to Alison... you are no longer considered one of Jordan's "imaginary" friends!!

Already on the 5th page of part 2?! WOW!

Your Dis lunch sounds like fun. We've enjoyed the few times we've gotten to meet Dissers too :goodvibes

Most of the posts so far are just people subbing in..

Welcome back!

It's so surreal to meet people in person for the first time that you feel like you know. It was a great lunch!!!!
I will be following along, even if I don't post often. The title worried me a little, but then I figured out I wouldn't have to stand in a hot, crowded line and climb up a mountain of steps on a bad knee to join in, so it's all good. :)

Nice DIS meet pictures. Like you, we have met so many good people through the DIS. We're having our next meet in Atlanta May 1st when several of us (Dawn, Jackie, Heather, Jill, me) hook up to have lunch and see Mary Poppins. :cool1:


Thanks for checking in every now and agin!

:rotfl2::rotfl2: Yeah, being corralled in the heat underneath that stadium at LMA can get uncomfortable...

How cool is it to meet up with the DIS family:thumbsup2
I made it over! Ready for the ride! Dis meets are awesome! I have only had one so far-I got to meet Memom, Jill and the girls at the end of their October trip last year! I love knowing that there are so many others that have the love for WDW!!

You've gotten to meet some of the DIS heavy hitters!!!:thumbsup2

Glad you're here!
Isn't it funny how you just feel like you know some people after reading their PTRs/TRs? I love the warm, family feeling when I'm on the Dis.

Love the update! I've been reading Alison's reports for a while now and it was a fun surprise to see it interconnected with yours. I alos love how int he pic of you and Alison, Dylan is in the background posing as well.

I love the DIS family!!!:love:

Did I know you "knew" Sunset Cliffs? Yes, we're both CA/West Coasters. We initially bonded that way. I love her family!
I just found your trip report last week and in the time it took me to catch up (and I read only your updates and not the entire thread!), you are already on a part 2! Unbelievable!

I read your last trip report and really enjoyed it, so count me on board for this one!

I look forward to the tales of your nieces and nephew. I now have my own little one (He's 6 months now) and can't wait until we can take him on his first trip! Any stories of little ones to help prepare me are always helpful!
i'm here! what's so funny is you had to start a part 2 on day 2 of your trip. am i right? so this TR certainly does take on a life of its own!!! :rotfl:

love the title, by the way. :thumbsup2


Hey Dawn!

I just finished Day 3, but I'll give you a mulligan because it's only the end of day 2 technically. Day 1 was just a travel day.

I thought of a few others, but that one made me laugh...

here's a sample of the others I had thought of:
Voyage of the Sweaty Asian
Mission: Asian
Beauty and the Asian....
im here :wave:

i have a new love for the artichoke dip, i have had it a few places recently and it is very good.

i wonder if it is easy to make?

any of you ladies or gents, have a good one that is easy to make?

I LOVE artichoke dip..

here's an easy recipe for artichoke dip (no spinach)

2 cans of quartered artichokes IN WATER (maria brand) (chop them into small pieces)
1 sm. can sliced olives (drain water)
1 sm. can diced jalapenos (drain juice)
2 cups mayo
2.5-3 cups of shredded parmesan cheese

dump ingredients into a pyrex pan. mix well and cook at 400 for 20-25 minutes.
I'm here! back to read..:car:

Okay, I'm back. Can't. breathe. dog. farted. must. go. be. back. later. to comment....

Send your dog to Jordan's- they'll get along great! Feed it kraut first, and it'll be even better.

Phew. Boy, I don't know what he ate, but that was ROUGH! :sick:

Sometimes, when he lets one go, I'm not quite sure if it was him, or someone else in the room. But this was mutant! Completely inhuman! Of course, I was the only human around, so I had no doubt - but nonetheless, it was one for the record books. What is it about dogs? My cats don't do this :confused3

2 words: Dog food.

Hey I just found you on FB. Click me in, girl!

You're In! Wow, I've been on and off FB three times today - that's more than in the past week! Hmm, guess that means I need to get off my duff and get something done around here...

this exchange had me church..:rotfl2::rotfl2:

Our dogs have foul odors emitting from their posterior regions all the time!
That is great you got to do a DIS meet at DL, I have never been further west than tallahassee, but it has always been a dream to fly to California and visit DL. I am currently in the process of trying to convince my husband that we should. He has taken to WDW really well. A lot better than I thought he would. When we first started dating, I used to have to kind of force him to go, but now he usually asks when we are going to go or if I have blocked off time to go on our yearlyl WDW vacation. I hope I get to visit soon and can't wait to hear the rest of your TR. :cool1:

Thanks for making the move over!!1:thumbsup2

DL is much different than WDW. Not as much of the escape feeling, but there's so much to do in SoCal!!!!! come over for a visit!!!!!:thumbsup2


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