I Can't, I'm Not Wearing a Princess Dress! - New TR link!!!!

I did the same, and considered going with this one, ^^^, but my choice is

"Baby, Please Don't Go"

- from the hit album "Honkin' with Bobo"


Just came back from dropping off my son for his Model UN conference. Guess what song came on the radio (Sirius XM, Classic Vinyl)- "Same Old Song & Dance"

No lie!

See, I guess I felt like this one fit the bill in a way and on top of that it's just a great song.

So good to see you back again! Hope things are going well for your family.
Things are going great right now!

If you are going to miss a FP, then a show is a good one since there is always another one coming along soon.

Oh, no on the Protien Spill on Star Tours! :crazy2:
At least it wasn't while I was riding!

So sorry to hear about your daughter's accident. I have had a couple of doozies with my boys- actually- same boy

1) We were on a cruise and Ben was in the kids club. We were called to pick him up due to a "Code Brown" Yes, that is what they called it!

2) We were at a state park about 45 minutes from where we live. I did not have Ben in swim diaper and he had an accident in his swimsuit. I took him to the bathhouse, but realized I didn't have any wipes with me. I went to get some paper towels from the dispenser, but they were out. Ben was a mess! What's a mother to do? I cleaned him up with my hands and tp. As I was going to wash my hands, which were literally full of $$$$, I hear "Hi Dee!" A friend of mine from my mother's club (I was President of the club) back home. As a (better) prepared mom of 4, she had wipes!
Yikes! :scared:

Your daughter is stylin' in her new duds for her meet with Sofia and Doc. So cute!
They'd better look good for all they cost us!

That is just not right with your meet with Darth! Poor DD!
It was a bit more intense than I'd imagined it would be.

I am so sorry to hear that you missed RnR again. On our trip last week, we had FP for TSM and planned to ride RnR afterwards, but we were told at rope drop that the ride was down. We didn't ride it that day. :(

At least you got to go on Toy Story. Phew! I was so afraid you were going to have to leave the line. Or drop another $80 on new clothes!
We were so close to leaving...

Excellent use of emojis.

Sounds like you had time well-spent in Mexico. Cute pictures with Donald.
It was a nice end to the evening. Mexico and Italy are easily my 2 favorite pavilions. And coincidentally, they've got some of my favorite food offerings in WS... hmm... :scratchin

Gorgeous photos of the Spaceship Earth golf ball as you were leaving!
Thanks. Easily the best picture I've ever taken or probably ever will.

1. We just had our energy zapped by the hottest day of our trip. What weather surprise will we have the next day? (20 points)
strong wind

2. How many characters will we meet before lunch? (50 points)

3. We went to MK. Where did we eat lunch? (20 points)

4. What ride did I suddenly get the urge to get FP for while riding the train? (10 points)
Tomorrowland Cars

5. What would DW do at the resort during our afternoon break? (10 points)

6. What would DD and I do at the resort during our afternoon break? (10 points)

7. What Disney snack will I get to try for the first time ever? (15 points)
Cotton Candy[/QUOTE]Got em!

Last night. Midnight. And then they turned off the power for maintenance at 8:30AM. :headache: just now going back home.
Uuuuuugh!!! Not a fun way to come home. Our "little mishap" was just as infuriating.
Well clearly this just means you should never go back to Disney World ever again because bad things happen when you do.

It may be sooner than later since I chose not to go strictly chronological.
I can't even keep up chronologically!
Are There Any Characters We Haven’t Met???

After our somewhat early evening back at the resort, we had plans to be up bright and early to make the 8 am rope drop at Magic Kingdom.

Only one of us managed to wake up and get moving early enough.

We did make our way out the door in time to get to the park at a decent time. But upon exiting our room we found that the weather had changed. It wasn’t exactly a surprise. We’d seen the forecast and knew it was coming. It was overcast and rainy out. Not exactly ideal theme park conditions, but when you’re on day 3 of a 3 day trip you suck it up and go anyway.

Since we were planning to go to MK, we didn’t want to drive and then deal with getting transportation from the TTC. And given the current rainy conditions, there wasn’t exactly a huge crowd at the bus stop. Fortunately there was a bus pulling up as we got to the bus stop and we made it to MK and got through the tapstyles at around 8:15. We didn’t make rope drop but we didn’t miss it by too much.

The rain was only a light drizzle as we made it to the park, but just as we were scanning our bands to get in, it started to pick up. Like I said, we knew rain was in the forecast and we were prepared. We stopped under the train station to pull out a few of the cheap $1 ponchos we’d stuffed in our bag. I put one on, DW put one on and we used 2 of them tied around the stroller to keep it dry.

What we didn’t account for was DD. We didn’t bring our nice big stroller with the rain cover, nor did we bring a child sized poncho. We tried to put her in one and just tie it up, but it wasn’t working very well. We’d kind of go between trying to make one fit her and then me just carrying her inside of mine… don’t worry, we stretched the neck hole out, I wasn’t trying to suffocate her.

The rain was just relentless for a few minutes and even with ponchos we didn’t want to venture too far so we decided to just go a few feet and make a quick visit to Mickey. There was no line at all. Heck, there were maybe a dozen other people stupid enough to even be in the park.




Holy crap… she just got a haircut and looks nothing like the girl in these pictures…

We enjoyed our time with the main mouse, but on our way out we were discussing what to do next. As we walked through the gift shop and started to exit we saw Snow White finding shelter from the rain and she was all by herself. It would have been rude not to stop and chat for a few minutes. Not that we were in a hurry to go back out into the rain ourselves.

And as dark as it looks in these pictures, it was indeed 8:30 am, not pm.




The rain had let up somewhat so we chose to venture out. It wasn’t time to use any FP yet and we wanted something close and indoors so we decided to see what Tomorrowland had to offer. Again, since there was nobody in the park, we walked right onto Buzz.



After we saved the galaxy from Zurg, the rain had mostly stopped. We knew we ultimately needed to get to Fantasyland to use an upcoming FP so we decided there was no time like the present to make the hike. We got there and the rain was light enough that DD and I took a couple of rides on Barnstormer (back to back – we had a train by ourselves the first time and there were 4 others on with us the second time) and Dumbo while DW waited in Big Top souvenirs.


The rain had let up enough for our rides that I’d taken my poncho off and we were using it to sit on so that we weren’t sitting on wet seats. Naturally just as Dumbo took flight, the rain started to pick up again. It wasn’t a downpour by any stretch, but it was enough to get me pretty wet by the end of the ride. I just tried to shield DD from it the best I could.

When we got off it was finally time to use our 7DMT FP, but it had started raining hard. We were somewhat surprised to see that the ride was still running. We weren’t really sure what to do, but DD had so much fun riding it our first day and she’d been asking to go on it again. We kept telling her we had this FP to use later so we sure didn’t want to miss out on it after we kept telling her she’d be able to ride it again later. It seemed that we would likely be battling the rain for a while and not having a poncho for DD just wasn’t going to work. We met up with DW inside Big Top Souvenirs and bought one of the overpriced child size Disney Parks rain ponchos. We hung out in the store chatting with the CM’s for a bit. We were literally the only ones in the store so we kind of had their undivided attention. I feel bad that we didn’t get their names or anything. They didn’t do anything extra special, but they were very nice and we enjoyed talking with them. The rain was still steady. It wasn’t pouring but it wasn’t seeming to let up so I just decided to take DD and go ahead and ride. I told DW she could just stay in the store and we’d be back when we finish.



Despite the rain and the feeling of being pelted by BB’s we still enjoyed our ride. DD was excited and wanted to go again. Honestly, we probably could have. The line wasn’t too long, but we told DW we’d be right back and while I think she was happy to be inside and dry, she also wasn’t feeling the best that morning so I didn’t want to drag her to the park and just make her sit around by herself waiting for us all day.

We went back to Big Top Souvenirs to find DW and decided to go meet some characters. Naturally, we met Goofy, Donald, Minnie and Daisy. I mean we were already right there and you can’t get too wet walking 50 feet.

And in case you can’t tell, she was clearly more interested in Goofy than she was during our prior visit at the EPCOT Character Spot.










Nothing too memorable from any of those meets, but DD enjoyed seeing all of them.

We came out and stood inside Big Top Souvenirs a bit longer waiting, but the rain wasn’t going anywhere. We didn’t want to just sit around waiting our last day out so we said farewell to the awesome CM’s and went to meet another character.

Ariel was just a short walk in the rain so we thought we’d pay her a visit. And frankly I’m not sure if that was a good idea or bad. This was the first and pretty much only wait we ran into all morning. Even if it was just 5 minutes at the most. I was still drying out from our ride on Dumbo earlier and there was just something about waiting in that line in Ariel’s Grotto. It’s dark, shaded and the wind was coming through the tunnels just right… it was cold!

And if you don’t believe me, just look at Ariel. Sorry, pkondz.



DD requested a ride under the sea after we met Ariel. And we weren’t going to tell her no. I mean it was the next indoor thing we were coming to anyway. While we were walking through the queue I took a moment to change a FP. We had a later FP for Buzz, but since we’d already ridden it and we were in full on character meeting mode, I changed it to Cinderella and Rapunzel. We’d be able to meet them right after our ride.

We came back to the surface after Scuttle told us a story and walked over to Princess Fairytale Hall. The rain had let up once again and it was starting to look nice outside. We parked the stroller near the carousel and went in to visit with royalty. Again, nothing really memorable from these meets, but DD was having a good time so that’s all that matters.






We had another FP to meet a couple of different princesses coming up soon, but it was almost lunch time. We thought about just going to Pinocchio’s Village Haus since it was close, but we just weren’t excited about the menu. While we were trying to decide what to do, DD asked to ride IASW so we went ahead and got in line while we discussed meal options.

I might never say this again, but getting in line for IASW was the smartest thing we could have possibly lucked into doing.

It wasn’t much of a line, again, maybe 5 minutes tops. The skies were still clearing and it looked like maybe the rain was finally done for the day. But just after we entered the queue, the skies darkened again and it absolutely started pouring like nothing we’d seen all morning. The rain picked up and the wind was blowing hard. In fact, it was so intense that as we were getting in our boat to go on the ride, we were getting wet from rain being blown inside the building.

After our ride, the wind had let up but the rain was still coming down hard. Our decision was made for us. Rather than going outside, we just went in through that side door into Pinocchio’s Village Haus right at the exit of IASW.

We hadn’t seen a crowd anywhere all morning. And we quickly found out why. They were all hungry and this is apparently where they all wanted to eat.

DW grabbed a table for us and I went up to wait in line and order our food.

She had me get the Caesar salad with chicken for her. DD had chicken nuggets, of course. I couldn’t decide what I wanted. I was kind of in a sandwich mood. Looking at the menu online, I can see they have a chicken parmesan sandwich listed. I don’t know if that is new or if they just weren’t offering it during our trip, but I know that wasn’t available because I’d have definitely ordered it. I can’t resist the urge to get chicken parm just so I can use the Peyton Manning line.

And no, DW doesn’t find that at all annoying.

Anyway, back on topic, that wasn’t an option so I went with a pepperoni flatbread, because it isn’t a salad. I mean do I really look like somebody who eats a lot of salads?

I had an issue with ordering our food though. It was the typical “line up on both sides of the register” quick service situation. But as I said, the restaurant was packed. I chose a line and the CM was working as fast as she could to get everyone through. But frankly, she was working a little bit too fast. Before she’d finish with the person on the right, she’d start talking to the person on the left. She’d be halfway through the next person’s order before the receipt would print from the person she just finished with. I was impressed with her speed until she sent me on my way and then handed me my receipt. I looked at it and there was a problem. She’d put the wrong side down for DD. I requested fries for DD. I know, we’re bad parents. They aren’t healthy. But sometimes that’s all she’ll eat. Our priority in the middle of a day at Magic Kingdom is to just make sure she’s going to get something, anything, in her stomach.

The receipt had yogurt listed which I know DD wasn’t going to eat. So I turned back to the cashier to ask her about that. She told me that it was ok. There wasn’t anything she could do at that point anyway and I’d just have to tell the server at the counter to change my side.

I waited my turn and then told the server what had happened. She didn’t seem very happy and told me she had to give me what was on the receipt. I explained that I notified the cashier when I saw that the receipt was incorrect and she told me to tell them at the counter. She wasn’t rude about it by any means, but I kind of gathered that this isn’t the first time that’s happened and she wasn’t too happy with the cashier. Anyway, she gave me fries along with the yogurt that was on the receipt.

I went to the table that DW and DD were holding for us and we ate our lunch. As I expected, DD ate her fries and maybe half a chicken nugget. DW thought her salad was fine.

My pepperoni flatbread tasted fine. I mean Disney pizza, in general, gets beat up pretty badly. While this might not have been the greatest thing I’ve ever eaten, I couldn’t complain about the taste. But I will say one thing that I’ve never said about a Disney meal before.

It wasn’t enough.

It really could have used a side salad with it or something, but it came by itself. I ate it and I wanted more. I was kind of glad that DD only wanted one of her nuggets because I ended up eating the rest of them.

All in all our experience in Pinocchio’s Village Haus wasn’t horrible, but between the service and being a little less than impressed with the variety of options I don’t think we’ll be in a hurry to go back anytime soon unless we find ourselves getting out of IASW in the middle of a monsoon again.

Now that lunch was out of the way it was time to make our way to the next FP. But would the rain ever let up????

Results from the last update:

1. We just had our energy zapped by the hottest day of our trip. What weather surprise will we have the next day? (20 points) Rain – although I’m also giving credit for wind. I can’t accept cold because it was only cold in the queue to meet Ariel. The rest of the time the temperature was comfortable.

2. How many characters will we meet before lunch? (50 points) Mickey, Snow White, Goofy, Donald, Daisy, Minnie, Ariel, Rapunzel, Cinderella – 9 characters

3. We went to MK. Where did we eat lunch? (20 points) Pinocchio’s Village Haus

4. What ride did I suddenly get the urge to get FP for while riding the train? (10 points) – Next update

5. What would DW do at the resort during our afternoon break? (10 points) – Next update

6. What would DD and I do at the resort during our afternoon break? (10 points) – Next update

7. What Disney snack will I get to try for the first time ever? (15 points) - Next update

Bonus Points:

Pkondz – 5 because he was first to answer and 5 because he don’t want to miss a thing.

Chillitsanne – 10 for Austin Powers, 5 Aerosmith song

Gracefulskinny – 10 for Austin Powers

MissMaryQC – 5 Aerosmith song

SarahDisney – 5 Aerosmith song

Franandaj – 5 for an Aerosmith song and 5 because the humidity couldn’t get any higher than we experienced!

Captain_Oblivious – 20 points for pretty much exhausting the entire catalog of Aerosmith titles and creatively working them into his answers. -1 for using a song that wasn’t from Aerosmith. Ain’t that a b---- for all of you who only went 1 song deep?

AshW100 – 5 Aerosmith song

Dugette – 5 Aerosmith song

Natebenma – 5 Aerosmith song

Points from this round:

Dugette 45

Natebenma 45

Captain_Oblivious 39

pkondz 30

ashw100 25

Terra Nova Guy 20

GoofyIsAsGoofyDoes 20

Chillitsanne 15

Franandaj 10

Gracefulskinny 10

SarahDisney 5

MissMaryQC 5

cindianne 320 0

vrajewski10513 0

Overall Leaderboard:

pkondz 581

Captain_Oblivious 519.5

jandlinz 496

chillitsanne 473.5

cindianne 320 465

SarahDisney 455

Franandaj 447

6travel 441

Terra Nova Guy 434

Dugette 430

Gracefulskinny 398

FantasiaMagic 387

Natebenma 365

ashw100 290

Leshaface 285

vrajewski10513 247

GoofyIsAsGoofyDoes 196

MissMaryQC 185

SoccerDogWithEars 164

amazingact21 155

ursalita 85

vernie822 80

Poolrat 75

Goofyfan1515 50

Questions for the Next Update:

Clearly, we didn’t get to over half of the questions from last time. I’ll be giving those answers and points in the next update so if you haven’t answered those questions yet there’s still time. A lot of time at the pace I’m going. But in addition to those, let’s add a few more questions.

1. How many characters will we meet after lunch and before our afternoon break? (20 points – 5 points each if you can name them.) Hint: It was less than half as many as we met that morning.

2. Do we ride any rides after lunch and before our break? (10 points) If so, what ride(s) for 10 more points? Hint: This should be free points if you’re paying attention to the contest. :rolleyes1

3. Where do we have a snack before leaving the park? (20 points – bonus points if you can guess what I had)
Last edited:
I should have known it'd be rain; I'm from Florida!! Our two seasons are rainy and hurricane season. :sad2:

Glad DD had such fun with the characters. And you guys did some good navigating for sheltered areas! I was kinda shocked Snow was just hanging out. Wonder where she was off too...?

I can safely say I have never, and likely will never eat in Pinocchio's. Never appealed to me. But I could totally see where a mansoon might drive me, and all other people in Fantasyland apparently, in for a not so great meal and dry seat! Lol!

1. How many characters will we meet after lunch and before our afternoon break? (20 points – 5 points each if you can name them.) Hint: It was less than half as many as we met that morning.

I'm gonna say 3.

2. Do we ride any rides after lunch and before our break? (10 points) If so, what ride(s) for 10 more points? Hint: This should be free points if you’re paying attention to the contest. :rolleyes1

Crap, I'm not paying attention, I mean you just posted a cute baby picture, it's all I can think about! :lovestruc Tangent, I'm going with no rides, just characters.

3. Where do we have a snack before leaving the park? (20 points – bonus points if you can guess what I had)

I'm so bad at this. Um, snack at Casey's, the corn dog bites (I love those little puppies).

DS is so big! He's a happy lookin little guy too. Glad all is as well as it can be for him; he's a trooper. My best to your family.
Oh no! I missed your last update. I'm so sorry. I'm all caught up now. You sure did a lot despite the weather. Your daughter is darling with each character. She sure looks like she had a great day. I think it's great how kids can roll with it and not let the weather bother them too much. Her smile is infectious. Your baby is gorgeous. So glad he's doing well.
4. What ride did I suddenly get the urge to get FP for while riding the train? (10 points) – Next update

5. What would DW do at the resort during our afternoon break? (10 points) – Next update

6. What would DD and I do at the resort during our afternoon break? (10 points) – Next update

7. What Disney snack will I get to try for the first time ever? (15 points) - Next update
4. Haunted Mansion
5. Laundry
6. Dole whip

1. How many characters will we meet after lunch and before our afternoon break? (20 points – 5 points each if you can name them.) Hint: It was less than half as many as we met that morning.

2. Do we ride any rides after lunch and before our break? (10 points) If so, what ride(s) for 10 more points? Hint: This should be free points if you’re paying attention to the contest. :rolleyes1

3. Where do we have a snack before leaving the park? (20 points – bonus points if you can guess what I had)
1. 4 Woody, Jessie, Jasmine, Aladdin
2. Yes, 3. Haunted Mansion, Jungle Cruise, Pirates
3. Ice Cream on Main Street at The Plaza. Ice cream sandwich.
I'm glad to see the pic of your little guy...so adorable! MK in a monsoon...can be a bit sad...but looks like you guys made the best of it. Too bad about the food situation...ugh.
Thank you so much for posting the picture of your son. You must have been reading my mind. I was going to ask to see one.

Sooooooo cute!!!

Not a bad start for your morning, just missing RD.

Your DD's private meet with Snow White is incredible. What a fun, unexpected treat.

The picture of your DD in the Buzzmobile cracked me up. She looks so little in there!

We met up with DW inside Big Top Souvenirs and bought one of the overpriced child size Disney Parks rain ponchos.

I think you should ask about an endorsement deal for your daughter since she is sporting all sorts of new duds, head to tail- Wardrobe by Mickey

All of the character greets are so cute. ^^^ This one is absolutely precious!

I might never say this again, but getting in line for IASW was the smartest thing we could have possibly lucked into doing.


I can’t resist the urge to get chicken parm just so I can use the Peyton Manning line.

4. What ride did I suddenly get the urge to get FP for while riding the train? (10 points)
Tomorrowland Cars

5. What would DW do at the resort during our afternoon break? (10 points)

6. What would DD and I do at the resort during our afternoon break? (10 points)

7. What Disney snack will I get to try for the first time ever? (15 points)
Cotton Candy


1. How many characters will we meet after lunch and before our afternoon break? (20 points – 5 points each if you can name them.) Hint: It was less than half as many as we met that morning.
4 characters, Chip & Dale, Alice & White Rabbit

2. Do we ride any rides after lunch and before our break? (10 points) If so, what ride(s) for 10 more points? Hint: This should be free points if you’re paying attention to the contest. :rolleyes1
Yes. Choo-choo.

3. Where do we have a snack before leaving the park? (20 points – bonus points if you can guess what I had)-
Casey's, corn nuggets, since you were still hungry from lunch.
Oh my gosh, that 4 month shot is priceless. He is so adorable!!

Man, your title is pretty accurate. That was a lot of character meet and greets for the morning. Sorry to hear it was raining all morning. For all the indoor attractions MK has, there's no escaping getting wet when you're in the parks during bad weather. Hold on to that kid's poncho though! As expensive as they are, they last forever. We still use ones we had to buy in 2012.
Bummer about lunch not filling you up. I could see that though. I think I usually get a side of breadsticks or something to help.
Keeping my fingers crossed that the rain cleared up at some point.
It was overcast and rainy out. Not exactly ideal theme park conditions, but when you’re on day 3 of a 3 day trip you suck it up and go anyway.

And you've already paid for the ticket!

We didn’t make rope drop but we didn’t miss it by too much.

15 minutes late? Acceptable. I guess.

And as dark as it looks in these pictures, it was indeed 8:30 am, not pm.

You know, it does look really dark in there, now that you mention it.

Double fisting the ray guns! Nice!:thumbsup2

DW looks thrilled to be riding shotgun there.:rotfl2:

Naturally just as Dumbo took flight, the rain started to pick up again.

D'oh. Well, at least DD looks happy.

We met up with DW inside Big Top Souvenirs and bought one of the overpriced child size Disney Parks rain ponchos.

That'll be $239.95, sir. For $20 more, you can purchase this throw blanket. Have a magical day!

And if you don’t believe me, just look at Ariel. Sorry, pkondz.


I might never say this again, but getting in line for IASW was the smartest thing we could have possibly lucked into doing.

Just give me a sec. I have never, ever, seen this sentence before. I may never see it again.

In fact, it was so intense that as we were getting in our boat to go on the ride, we were getting wet from rain being blown inside the building.

Holy crap. Did you notice any animals in pairs? An ark floating by?

I can’t resist the urge to get chicken parm just so I can use the Peyton Manning line.

And no, DW doesn’t find that at all annoying.

But who can resist that dark power? I certainly couldn't.

My wife absolutely loves that joke, too.

I requested fries for DD. I know, we’re bad parents. They aren’t healthy. But sometimes that’s all she’ll eat.

Oh, please. She's a kid. They can pretty much eat anything. You pick your battles.

Captain_Oblivious – 20 points for pretty much exhausting the entire catalog of Aerosmith titles and creatively working them into his answers. -1 for using a song that wasn’t from Aerosmith. Ain’t that a b---- for all of you who only went 1 song deep?

:woohoo: If it weren't for bonus points, I wouldn't get any at all!:banana:

1. How many characters will we meet after lunch and before our afternoon break? (20 points – 5 points each if you can name them.) Hint: It was less than half as many as we met that morning.

You did quite the character tour. I'll go with 3.

Chip, Dale, and Tink.

2. Do we ride any rides after lunch and before our break? (10 points) If so, what ride(s) for 10 more points? Hint: This should be free points if you’re paying attention to the contest. :rolleyes1

Aw, now we have to pay attention? You're not rewarding the skimmers here at all. Or so they tell me.:rolleyes1

You're riding the train.

3. Where do we have a snack before leaving the park? (20 points – bonus points if you can guess what I had)

Great. Another snack question. (throws dart at wall)

Corn dog from Casey's.

And a baby picture for your enjoyment. He's doing great right now! Still a lot of things to watch and a lot of appointments to go to, but things are as good as they could be.


Oh, man. Look at that smile. That's awesome. Great photo.

Hope he and you are doing well.
Holy crap… she just got a haircut and looks nothing like the girl in these pictures…

That's what happens when you take 10 months to write a TR. Kids grow up too fast.
She looks super cute in these pictures, though!

Despite the rain and the feeling of being pelted by BB’s we still enjoyed our ride. DD was excited and wanted to go again

You can definitely see from the look on her face how much she was loving it!

We went back to Big Top Souvenirs to find DW and decided to go meet some characters. Naturally, we met Goofy, Donald, Minnie and Daisy. I mean we were already right there and you can’t get too wet walking 50 feet.

Never underestimate how wet you can get walking 50 feet. Anything can happen.
Character pictures look great!

I might never say this again, but getting in line for IASW was the smartest thing we could have possibly lucked into doing.

It wasn’t much of a line, again, maybe 5 minutes tops. The skies were still clearing and it looked like maybe the rain was finally done for the day. But just after we entered the queue, the skies darkened again and it absolutely started pouring like nothing we’d seen all morning. The rain picked up and the wind was blowing hard. In fact, it was so intense that as we were getting in our boat to go on the ride, we were getting wet from rain being blown inside the building.

It's a Small World solves all problems :)

I can’t resist the urge to get chicken parm just so I can use the Peyton Manning line.

Oh, Peyton Manning.
(But remember that if you use the line, you need to use the jingle tune!)

But would the rain ever let up????

Well, it's Florida, so ... yes. But then it'll start again in about 20 minutes.

Overall Leaderboard:

pkondz 581

Captain_Oblivious 519.5

jandlinz 496

chillitsanne 473.5

cindianne 320 465

SarahDisney 455

I'm in 6th place? Oh, how the mighty have fallen.

1. How many characters will we meet after lunch and before our afternoon break? (20 points – 5 points each if you can name them.) Hint: It was less than half as many as we met that morning.

1 - Anna
2 - Elsa
3 - Woody
4 - Jessie

2. Do we ride any rides after lunch and before our break? (10 points) If so, what ride(s) for 10 more points? Hint: This should be free points if you’re paying attention to the contest. :rolleyes1

Yes. The Walt Disney World Railroad.
(Because there was a question about the train, right?)

3. Where do we have a snack before leaving the park? (20 points – bonus points if you can guess what I had)

Dole Whip. You got it wherever they have the Dole Whip (I can never remember ... is it Aloha Isle?)
The rain was just relentless for a few minutes and even with ponchos we didn’t want to venture too far so we decided to just go a few feet and make a quick visit to Mickey. There was no line at all.
It's hard to turn down a visit with Mickey, especially if his line is short.

As we walked through the gift shop and started to exit we saw Snow White finding shelter from the rain and she was all by herself. It would have been rude not to stop and chat for a few minutes.
It's even harder to turn down a visit with a princess who has no line at all!

We went back to Big Top Souvenirs to find DW and decided to go meet some characters. Naturally, we met Goofy, Donald, Minnie and Daisy. I mean we were already right there and you can’t get too wet walking 50 feet.
I appreciate that place for the fact that you can tick off 4 characters fairly quickly (usually). But I have to admit I'm always disappointed they are in the circus get ups. I guess I'm a bit of a costume purist.

And if you don’t believe me, just look at Ariel. Sorry, pkondz.
Hey, where was that outfit in the movie?? Such a shame.

I might never say this again, but getting in line for IASW was the smartest thing we could have possibly lucked into doing.
Wow, that's a bold statement coming from a DIS Dad! (pssst, wanno know a secret? I kind of like IASW. It's become a "first ride" tradition for my family. Yes, the song can get stuck in your head, but it's so Disney, it's just something we always do to say "we're back")

DW grabbed a table for us and I went up to wait in line and order our food.
We've always done this, but I read that they have "bouncers" now that only allow people to sit who actually have food. I kind of understand it, but not sure I like it.

All in all our experience in Pinocchio’s Village Haus wasn’t horrible, but between the service and being a little less than impressed with the variety of options I don’t think we’ll be in a hurry to go back anytime soon unless we find ourselves getting out of IASW in the middle of a monsoon again.
DW and DDs seem to like Pinnochio's and they keep wanting to go back. I'm not really a fan, although the new chicken parm sandwich might be worth a try.

1. How many characters will we meet after lunch and before our afternoon break? (20 points – 5 points each if you can name them.) Hint: It was less than half as many as we met that morning.

2. Do we ride any rides after lunch and before our break? (10 points) If so, what ride(s) for 10 more points? Hint: This should be free points if you’re paying attention to the contest. :rolleyes1

3. Where do we have a snack before leaving the park? (20 points – bonus points if you can guess what I had)
1. 3. Anna, Elsa, Alice
2. Yes. Well, I guess the railway is a ride, so that's one. I'll also say Big Thunder Mountain since I guessed you made a FP for it. Just for giggles, since I said you meet Alice, I'll say you also rode the Tea Cups. And yes, three rides before your break may be a bit much.
3. Gaston's Tavern for a cinnamon roll
We didn’t make rope drop but we didn’t miss it by too much.
All’s good then

We’d kind of go between trying to make one fit her and then me just carrying her inside of mine… don’t worry, we stretched the neck hole out, I wasn’t trying to suffocate her.
Going for this kind of effect…

Holy crap… she just got a haircut and looks nothing like the girl in these pictures…
Best get used to that…

The Gunslinger

Naturally just as Dumbo took flight, the rain started to pick up again.

It wasn’t a downpour by any stretch, but it was enough to get me pretty wet by the end of the ride.
Would have been a good time to ride Kali River.
Wrong park and all, but still…

I was still drying out from our ride on Dumbo earlier and there was just something about waiting in that line in Ariel’s Grotto. It’s dark, shaded and the wind was coming through the tunnels just right… it was cold!

And if you don’t believe me, just look at Ariel. Sorry, pkondz.

Next thing you know they’ll be covering up Jasmine.

I might never say this again, but getting in line for IASW was the smartest thing we could have possibly lucked into doing.
Certainly not a sentence that is often heard said out loud.

I know that wasn’t available because I’d have definitely ordered it. I can’t resist the urge to get chicken parm just so I can use the Peyton Manning line.
Bet the CMs have never heard that one.

And no, DW doesn’t find that at all annoying.
So far as you know…
I suspect she rolls her eyes so often that you don’t notice it any more.

I went with a pepperoni flatbread, because it isn’t a salad.
They used to have a meatball sub there…
That’s also most definitely not a salad.

I mean do I really look like somebody who eats a lot of salads?
Just so long as your are keeping up with your bacon rations…

I was kind of glad that DD only wanted one of her nuggets because I ended up eating the rest of them.
Passed up the yogurt, I see…

For such a miserable morning weather wise,
Y’all certainly scored a tone of points in the “making the young’en happy” department.
Only have my phone as I sit for my pre-wedding pedi, so will have to comment after I get home. Sure enjoyed reading though...
And a baby picture for your enjoyment. He's doing great right now! Still a lot of things to watch and a lot of appointments to go to, but things are as good as they could be.

Darn! All of a sudden today I can't see anyone's pictures! Don't know what changed but it's frustrating!
Darn! All of a sudden today I can't see anyone's pictures! Don't know what changed but it's frustrating!
Well if it makes you feel better, I can't see them either. I swear they were here 2 days ago. Not sure if it's a problem on my end, photobucket or the Disboards?

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