Do I really have to eat dessert again?! COMPLETE!

Crystal Palace - January 11, 2016 - Supper

After a PPO breakfast and an early lunch at BOG, we had to wait until the very end of the night for a super late dinner reservation at Crystal Palace. To hold us over, we did have snacks during the afternoon - Luke had a Dole Whip float:

There's not a lot to say about this snack. It's pineapple whip served with pineapple juice. I'm not a big fan of pineapple, but I always sneak a few spoonfuls of this and really enjoy it. Luke loves pineapple, so it's a no brainer that he loves this!

I had a popcorn for a snack. It was salty and oily and delicious, and I ate it so quickly I forgot to take a picture of it.

After watching the Main Street Electrical Parade, we made our way very slowly through the crowd over to Crystal Palace to check in for our reservation.

I apologize, I only took one picture of one plate of food we had here, but here it is:

Starting at the bottom and working our way clockwise, there's peas and corn, broccoli, mashed potatoes and gravy, turkey and gravy, green beans, corn dog nuggets, a roll, ceasar salad and chicken nuggets. We were there at the very end of the night, so the food was basically what you would expect from an end-of-the-night buffet. It was edible, and we were hungry so we ate a lot, but it wasn't as fresh as it could have been. That was all on us though, booking a reservation that late at night. I'd imagine the food would actually be quite good if you went during a peak time!

I just asked Luke what he remembered about the meal, and he said he ate a lot of chicken nuggets there because they were really good.

I didn't take any pictures of dessert, but they do have a self-serve soft ice cream machine, so I did have some of that. Luke remembers loving one of the desserts - he said it might have been a fruit crumble or maybe a square of some kind - I know, super helpful note taking from this meal :crazy:

On the flip side, because we were there when it wasn't very busy, we had some of the best character interactions! When Piglet came by our table, Wishes was starting. Piglet was perfectly in character, and was acting all scared of the loud noises happening outside.

ooh was cute, but I don't remember anything special about the interaction.

igger was bouncy and fun:

nd then there was Eeyore. He is my favourite Disney character, and this was one of the best interactions I've ever had. I had an Eeyore bow in my hair, and when he noticed it he gave me the biggest hug!

fter taking a few pictures, Eeyore linked arms with me, waved to my boyfriend and then started walking me across the restaurant. His handler started laughing, and asked if he was trying to steal me, and Eeyore nodded yes.

I love that the characters don't care that they are dealing with two adults, they were so much fun and didn't make us feel awkward at all about meeting them without any kids. It made my night, and now I'm kind of sad we didn't make an ADR here for our next trip...

We used our final two table service credits on this meal. If paying out of pocket, it would have cost $89.44.

Dining Plan Cost Breakdown - Up to End of Day January 11th, 2016

6 nights at Disney - 2 people, $720 spent on DDP

12 Quick Service Credits (6 each) - 10 used - $206.84

12 Table Service Credits (6 each) - all used - $562.85

12 Snack Credits (6 each) - 10 used - $48.99

$818.68 worth of food, $720 paid - plus 2 quick service credits and 2 snack credits carried forward unused

Out of pocket: $75.34 + tips + Morimoto Asia lunch paid by my cousin
I apologize for not finishing this quicker, but I'm determined to have this finished before I go back to Disney again! Also, I was sure I had taken pictures of our food here, but I can't seem to find them on either my camera or my phone :( I also don't see Luke's entree on the menu any more :confused3

Yak & Yeti Local Food Cafe - January 12, 2016 - Lunch

When we woke up, we had to check out of our hotel, so we had a few snacks from the stuff in our room before turning over our luggage to bell services and heading to Animal Kingdom. After meeting Dug & Russell and using a FP+ for Dinosaur, we realized we were hungry. We decided to stop at the Yak & Yeti quick serve location, and we were one of the first few people in line as they were opening for the day (at 11am). I ordered the Teriyaki Beef Bowl ($10.99) and Luke went for the Korean Stir-fry BBQ Chicken ($9.99). We were both getting so sick of desserts that we swapped out for a pork egg roll ($3.29) and a side of chicken fried rice ($3.99). I ordered a root beer to drink, and Luke had a Coke ($3.19/each).

Honestly, this was by far the worst meal of the entire trip. The food tasted like microwavable frozen dinners - the beef in mine was tough and chewy, and both were seriously lacking in any sort of flavour. The chicken fried rice was just ok, and the same for the egg roll. I know some people will say "what did you expect, it was cheap", but I just feel like Disney can do so much better! And I hear reviews all the time about how great the table service Yak & Yeti is, but it's going to take me a few trips before I can bring myself to add it to my list. As for this quick serve location, I can't see us ever returning.

I also dislike the paper straws you have to use in AK. I get the whole reasoning behind it, but I'm not a fan of using them.

We used one quick serve credit each, but it would have cost $34.64 before tax if we were paying out of pocket.

The best part of this meal was the sitting area. It was outside, and HUGE! There was a water feature where a bunch of birds were hanging out, so we sat and watched them for a bit.

And I hear reviews all the time about how great the table service Yak & Yeti is, but it's going to take me a few trips before I can bring myself to add it to my list. As for this quick serve location, I can't see us ever returning.

Okay I totally agree with you about the quick serve location but the table service is NIGHT AND DAY different. I don't know if this is true but I *think* Disney runs the quick serve and I know that Landry's runs the table service. I didn't expect to like Yak & Yeti table service as much as I do but it is SO GOOD, especially in a park that so desperately needs it! And the service there :cloud9:. So don't rule it out!

I have had the quick service several times and won't make that mistake again. It's like it's deliberately made to taste like mall food court "Chinese". Yuck!

Harambe market has really upped the AK quick service game and with Tiffins, Nomad Lounge, and Yak & Yeti offering delicious table service choices, I certainly will continue to enjoy actually GOOD food in Animal Kingdom!
Good to know about the Yak & Yeti quick service. We LOVE the table service, though. of our favorites in all of Disney.
A lot of people dislike the prices of breakfast here. Yes, it is a bit pricey for what it is - but if you are on the dining plan it's a wonderful use of a quick service credit! If paying out of pocket, I would say it's only worth it if you can get one of the coveted early morning reservation times so you can get pictures in front of the Castle with next to no one else. Also worth noting - we left the restaurant at 8:45 (15 minutes before official park open) and the Mine Train was already running! We actually went on it and didn't even have a full train! By 9:15 we had ate breakfast and went on the Mine Train, Peter Pan's Flight and Winnie-the-Pooh. To me, that is worth the cost of this breakfast!
Just wondering if you knew you got a mention in a recent DIS article about Be Our Guest. I thought there was something familiar when I started reading the article!
Okay I totally agree with you about the quick serve location but the table service is NIGHT AND DAY different. I don't know if this is true but I *think* Disney runs the quick serve and I know that Landry's runs the table service. I didn't expect to like Yak & Yeti table service as much as I do but it is SO GOOD, especially in a park that so desperately needs it! And the service there :cloud9:. So don't rule it out!

I have had the quick service several times and won't make that mistake again. It's like it's deliberately made to taste like mall food court "Chinese". Yuck!

Harambe market has really upped the AK quick service game and with Tiffins, Nomad Lounge, and Yak & Yeti offering delicious table service choices, I certainly will continue to enjoy actually GOOD food in Animal Kingdom!

This is good to know! I've read a few of your reviews on the table service, and it seems to have a lot of fans, so I might try and add it to our wishlist for our 2018 trip :) That quick serve location though - :crazy2: - I won't make that mistake again! Mall food court Chinese is a good comparison!

I keep hearing great things about Harambe Market - we might have to check it out on our next trip!

Good to know about the Yak & Yeti quick service. We LOVE the table service, though. of our favorites in all of Disney.

I've heard nothing but rave reviews about the table service, I was just so disappointed in the quick serve :(

Bring back beef lo mein and we'll be back at Yak & Yeti Local Cafe!

I don't know if anything could ever get me back there, :crazy2:
Tamu Tamu Refreshments - January 12, 2016 - Snacks

After our disappointing meal at Animal Kingdom, we went on the Safari, walked the Pangani Forest Exploration Trail and watched FOTLK before Luke decided to grab his last Dole Whip of the trip from Tamu Tamu Refreshments - this time with a shot of coconut rum!

I didn't order anything, but one of the cast members working there noticed my birthday button, asked me when my birthday actually was (it was the next day, January 13th), and then walked back over and handed me this :) She told me it was close enough to my birthday, I should start the celebrations a day early. It seriously made my day!

We found a quiet spot to sit and enjoy our snacks. Luke of course loved his Dole Whip, and the coconut rum was a great addition! My elephant ear was also great! It was coated in honey I think, so it had a nice sweet taste. I couldn't finish it though, but I did my best!

Total Cost: $7 out of pocket for the Dole Whip, the elephant ear was free thanks to some pixie dust from a CM :cloud9:
Luke decided to grab his last Dole Whip of the trip from Tamu Tamu Refreshments - this time with a shot of coconut rum!
I only tried adding the rum to a Dole Whip once, but it was dark rum and I found it a bit too strong. I do like rum but always have it in a mixed drink (I guess I"m a bit of a light weight with booze :p). I wonder if the coconut rum would be a bit less harsh.

I didn't order anything, but one of the cast members working there noticed my birthday button, asked me when my birthday actually was (it was the next day, January 13th), and then walked back over and handed me this
Its great that Disney does this kind of thing. I was able to get a free brownie sundae in MK a few years ago on my birthday.
I gave the mac and cheese a try, but I just don't get the hype about this food at Disney :confused3 - not for me at all.

Late to the party,but love the report! Don't despair your dislike for the mac and's because you're Canadian! Honestly, I'm from the Toronto area and myself and most of my other friends that travel to disney find that it's for American tastes....for some weird reason there is a difference! It's like going to Subway and getting "American Cheddar" vs "Cheddar"...its very different....its hard to describe but I'm sure you know what I'm talking about. Another great example is Canadian Kraft Dinner is nothing like American (and truly, American KD is way better)....we're SO similar in so many ways but our food tastes have a lot of differences. Prob because of the differences in ingredients both countries have approved for use. So. Yea. That's the mystery of Disney Mac and Cheese likely solved for you :P
Intermission Food Court (again) - January 12, 2016

Ok, let's try and get this report finished off so I can get started on my new one :)

When I left off, we were enjoying our snacks in Animal Kingdom. We finished up, stopped for some more Photopass pictures, meet Baloo and King Louie, went on Expedition Everest (twice), then ended our day at It's Tough to Be A Bug. We stopped to use a snack credit on a raspberry lemonade - which was way too sweet. We then said our good-byes to the Disney Parks, and caught a bus back to All Star Music for the final time. We still had two quick service credits remaining, so we stopped at Intermission Food Court once again.

Since I had enjoyed it so much the first time, I went for the pasta ($11.49) once again.

This is listed as a "make your own pasta - choose your pasta and sauce combination with choice of Beef Meatballs, Panko-crusted Chicken, or Shrimp". I went for the penne pasta with chicken and marinara sauce, which also came with a breadstick and a side salad. For dessert I grabbed a chocolate dipped Mickey rice krispie ($3.99) and to drink I picked up a bottle of Coke ($2.99) to save for later, and then used my refillable mug.

Luke went for the Hot Italian Sandwich with cucumber salad ($9.49), a Mickey rice krispie (one without chocolate) ($3.99) for dessert and a bottle of water ($2.75) for later.

My pasta was once again really impressive - I wasn't expecting much from a quick service food court in a value resort, but it was nice to be wrong :) Luke enjoyed his sandwich as well, and said he would buy it again. He also ate his rice krispie treat and enjoyed it. I ended up taking my rice krispie back to Canada with me, ate some of it but threw most of it out. It's never been my favourite type of treat, but I had to say I tried one!

We used our final two quick service credits for this meal. Total cost would have been $34.70 plus tax.

We also had snack credits remaining, so I picked up some bags of candy for $4.99 each.
Recap and Dining Plan Breakdown

Best Meal: My personal favourite was Garden Grill, Luke's was Tusker House (I was really sick that day, so didn't enjoy it the same way he did). We actually went back to both of these places on our 2017 trip that just ended.

Worst Meal: Yak & Yeti Quick Serve, without a doubt - we both agree on this. It tasted like microwaveable frozen dinners (which I don't hate, but I don't expect to receive that as a meal at Disney.

We paid ~$60/each for each night for the dining plan, so ~$840 in total. We had a total of 14 table service credits, 14 quick service credits and 14 snack credits. The total value of the snack credits we redeemed was $68.91, $280.15 for quick serve credits and $558.52 on table service credits - which gives a total of $907.58. Based on this math, we ended up saving over $67 by being on the Disney Dining Plan - so it is possible! to come ahead!

That said, the dining plan was way too much food for us, and didn't really fit with our style of eating. I don't always want to order an entree and a dessert at a restaurant, sometimes I just want to order an appetizer or two and call it a meal. I also didn't fully enjoy the 1 table service, 1 quick service allocation per day. If you follow along on my 2017 dining report, you'll see the table service restaurants far outweighed the quick service, and I loved it.

Even though we saved money, I don't see us using the dining plan again for the foreseeable future.

Thanks for following along with my dining report! If you'd like to join me on my 2017 dining report, you can find it here: So Many ADR's, So Little Time.
That said, the dining plan was way too much food for us, and didn't really fit with our style of eating. I don't always want to order an entree and a dessert at a restaurant, sometimes I just want to order an appetizer or two and call it a meal. I also didn't fully enjoy the 1 table service, 1 quick service allocation per day. If you follow along on my 2017 dining report, you'll see the table service restaurants far outweighed the quick service, and I loved it.

Even though we saved money, I don't see us using the dining plan again for the foreseeable future.
Thanks for the report, I enjoyed reading along. I've only on the dining plan once and found much the same as you, it was just too much food for my family, and I don't like being restricted on having to eat a certain way. I did the math on my trip and found the DDP cost my family about 10% more than paying OOP, so I guess it depends what and how you eat.

Heading over to your new report now!


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