86'd From the Poly? No worries-bring us Margarita's & Wiener Salad! A TFW Meet Aug 08

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I was thinking about there but I just read a really bad review on the dining thread :eek:

Oh yeah I fogot I'm planning on CG too!

Even after seeing all your lovely DC photos Mo I think we've decided to do it another trip, just too much money!!!!

Jo I read that report' but it was more a complaint of very poor service than the food. I have read more positive reviews than bad about it so I'm going to tryit. I remember all the bad Sci Fi reviews My food wasn't too good but the others all loved it and the server was the best of the whole trip. Poor service can totally put y\ou off ., while mgood service makes up for not so good food!

Finally....I've made it...sorry all...to say life's been beyond busy and interfering with my DIS'ing is a severe understatement. And I've missed you all so much!!:grouphug:

Of course, I'd have been here an hour ago had I been able to pick a color and stay with it...

So how's this? Yeah, yeah...gray-ish-green-ish...Not exactly what I wanted, BUT this is what I get for showing up so late. Ok, and to be honest, it's the one on the top right...easy to remember when one is in a hurry...there. I've said it.

Ok, so in a nutshell, I'm Lauralee131. Or LL. Or just L. Or, and my personal favorite, The Mominator :cool2: . That's right. The Mominator. A big fan of touring commando-style. Well, not in August though...:sad2: Read that however you want, T...:rolleyes1

I'm bracing myself to turn 39 next month. And I'll be staying there, thank you very much. 39 and holding for the rest of my life. For those of you that don't know me, I've been going to WDW since 1972. I can't sleep when at my Happy Place. I'm wide awake at 5am, ready to go, and will go...constantly...till 5am the next day. If, that is, my DH and DS would be able to go too....:rolleyes: My boys feel the need to sleep. Late. They opt for pool breaks and naps.:eek: I tried that. And like Dwayne and Anton from In Living Color would review that...HATED IT!! I thought I enjoyed it. Turns out I was mistaken. The Kinder, Gentler Me came out just about a year ago. Never knew she existed and personally not a big fan of hers. So I wished her out to the corn field. Never to be seen again...

Let's see...what else....oh yeah, about my "boys"....

My DH, who's 49, is not a huge fan of the Mouse. I think he's kind of like V's mom...he's not at all happy about going, yet insists on going each trip. A closet Mouse fan me thinks...but if you were to ask him why he goes, he'd tell you that it's the only vacation he gets. That he's not allowed to go anywhere else. Oh and he'd tell you it's not a vacation. It's boot camp. When he gets aggravated, he cranes his neck like he's wearing a turtlenect that's too tight and raises his eyebrows to above his hairline and then....only then, does it start. The arm flailing. ;) My poor DH has to do this a lot. When standing up for himself. When telling me no (even though it'll eventually become yes)...and especially during the planning phases of a Trip. So basically, it's a year full of neck craning, eyebrow raising, arm flailing fun in our house!!:lmao: He's a great guy though so I think I'll keep him. Heck, he even agreed to play golf with a bunch of strangers so he's up for the WDW challenge, even though he puts up a good show.

And then there's my little man. My mini-me. My Michael. He's 6 and in first grade. He's got a crazy funny sense of humor and is a lover of all things Disney. Well, except for princesses. Cuz they're girls and girls are gross.:confused3

I feel like I've known V forever now and from the moment I met her I knew we'd be great friends. I was even more pleasantly surprised when I met T and Jo and S'late....not at all the axe murderers certain people thought they'd be:rolleyes1

I can't even begin to say how wonderful these women made my vacation in August...it was soooo much fun and I can't wait to do it again. We had a great pool day while our hubbies golfed. Or attempted to golf, depending on whose TR you read and I can't wait for all of us to be together again.

I've got some pics to share, but my laptop battery is about to give out on me and my power cord is at work so I've gotta run...

But (and say this in your spookiest Ahhhnold voice)....

I'll be back....:cool2:


Ok, so here it is, the crack of dawn and it's time for a confession. At the risk of losing my TFW lanyard, I kneel before you all and confess that...

I have NO plan yet....:sad2:

Ordinarily, I'd have had plans and changed them at least twice by now. But alas, unless Santa Claus brings me some DVC points, I won't have any plans until, GASP :eek: at least March. Luckily it's early in the morning so there's not so many people here to see me lower my head in shame...

Why do I have no plans, you ask? Because I'm 2...count 'em...TWO, stinkin' points shy of what I need to book myself a studio at SSR for August from the 21st to the 24th. :mad:

So I've got my dates sort of planned, but am 2 points shy for SSR. So my Plan B (of course I've got a Plan B) is to book a studio at OKW at the 7 month mark.

Other than that, I've got zero. Zilch.

Oh I've got plans for 2008. Don't get me wrong, BIG plans...

See I'm starting out my year with the Mouse. And V. :cloud9: Michael and I are going to WDW from 1/18 thru 1/25. Staying at BWV. For a measly 200 points. I thought I had it all figured out. I'd move to OKW or SSR, bank the unused points and have plenty to be able to book SSR for August.

Well, no go. MS says that all DVC resorts are booked solid for January.:scared1: Hmmm....what to do, what to do...

Well, it's just Michael and I. Or it was. Ok, so can you bump me down to a studio? Nope. Sorry, Mominator...there's no room at the Inn, so to speak.


So, I'm going to keep trying to mess with January...maybe they'll let me split my stay?:confused3 We'll see...

Oh, and now my best "real life" friend (heh heh) Debbie may come in January...so we'll see....

Ok, so that's January....

What's that you say? Why not just borrow points? Well, I promised my mom, my nana and my aunt that I'd take them all to WDW in November...It's my mom's birthday and she hasn't been there since 1982. I'd say it's about time, eh? So, I'm hoarding points to get a 2BR, which I plan on booking next month. Hmmm....wonder if they'd let me borrow enough for a grand villa???:rolleyes1

So I've got all of my points, and then some, mentally spent already.

When Tony and I sat down to dinner last night, I read him the first few pages of this thread which I'd printed out at work so I could get caught up.

What about Vero Beach, he says?

Ummm....what about it?

Why can't we go there for a few days? I want a beach vacation.

DOH:headache: Where am I gonna get the points for THAT now?? Sure, we talked about this...going to VB for a few days prior to WDW in August, but that was it. Just talk...

So it's back to the drawing board...

Ok, so now that I've aired...:laundy: I'm hoping I don't lose my lanyard. I have no plans. Only this...to somehow, some way, make my way to my Happy Place to see my friends again. If only for a weekend.

Yes, I'll brave the heat for you guys!!:grouphug: Although, I must say, it wasn't TOO bad looking back on August. Or maybe it's like labor pains...I hear you're supposed forget how bad they were once the baby is born. Maybe it's like that. You're so happy to see your friends and you've had such a wonderful time that all of a sudden, walking on the face of the sun doesn't feel so bad...:rolleyes1

And, in such NON-Mominator fashion, we had a lot of pool (bar) time in August. I thought I'd done away with KGM, but a part of her must've survived as I enjoyed pool time each day...sometimes it was late at night, sometimes morning or afternoon, but it was fun and helped cure us of the heat, so I guess if I were to have any plans on my own (I'm of course leaving my days free pending TFW group activities), it'd be a lot of water parks or pools I think...

I can't tell you all how much I'm looking forward to this though...as soon as I get my points straightened out. I had such a great trip last time, and the whole difference was made by my friends.

I've found a couple of pics that don't look like they've been posted yet by anyone....

How could you NOT love this picture???:lmao:

I love you guys!! And can't wait to see you all again:grouphug: and I can't wait to meet everyone else that is coming...Janet - maybe we'll catch up THIS time, eh???


Funny, I haven't seen pics of T from our pool day yet...

She was very camera shy BUT...look what I've got....and don'tcha love those "Please step out of the vehicle ma'am" trooper sunglasses??


Ok, I'm outta here...still working on getting Christmas stuff done...

Bye everyone!!!

Have a Magical Day!!!!
No plans for LL? :faint:


Just jokin'. I see the dilemma. I hope it all works out for you!


Ok, so here it is, the crack of dawn and it's time for a confession. At the risk of losing my TFW lanyard, I kneel before you all and confess that...

I have NO plan yet....:sad2:

T - Cover your eyes, turn away, DON'T LOOK:eek:

Why do I have no plans, you ask? Because I'm 2...count 'em...TWO, stinkin' points shy of what I need to book myself a studio at SSR for August from the 21st to the 24th. :mad:


and I can't wait to meet everyone else that is coming...Janet - maybe we'll catch up THIS time, eh???[/COLOR][/B]

Well, hellejujah and about time, missy! :hug:
Latecomer said:
So how's this? Yeah, yeah...gray-ish-green-ish...
Really - that's one of the color options? I like it!
Perky Morning Person said:
I'm wide awake at 5am, ready to go,
Yeah, I'll attest to that one. :rolleyes:
And then there's my little man. My mini-me. My Michael. He's 6 and in first grade. He's got a crazy funny sense of humor and is a lover of all things Disney. Well, except for princesses. Cuz they're girls and girls are gross.:confused3

I have NO plan yet....:sad2:
OMG, know why T hasn't replied yet? Becuase, between the two of us, we've probably given her a coronary! :rotfl:
So my Plan B (of course I've got a Plan B) is to book a studio at OKW at the 7 month mark.
Another thoguht to throw out at you - AKV. The Value rooms use less points than OKW and the Standard weekends are lower.
See I'm starting out my year with the Mouse. And V. :cloud9:
WOOO HOOO!!!! :banana: :banana: :banana:
What about Vero Beach, he says?
This is why I love Tony even though I haven't met him yet... he'll come up with more ways for you guys to use points, but isn't at all concerened about where to get the points! :rotfl: I think he's got some Fuzzy Point skillz of his own.
I enjoyed pool time each day...sometimes it was late at night, sometimes morning or afternoon, but it was fun
That's because it was flipping H O T!!! :rotfl2:

Yay! I was hoping to "see" you here before I left! :hug: Miss you!
Wooohooo LL's here :yay: And as funny as ever and what do you mean no plans :faint: Well by the looks of things T and Janet have planned enough to cover all of us :rotfl:
Read that however you want, T...:rolleyes1

And like Dwayne and Anton from In Living Color would review that...HATED IT!!
:rotfl2: 2 snaps in a circle, or 4 snaps in a "Z" formation? :lmao:

NO plan yet....:sad2:
WTH is going on, here??? Is this a conspiracy to have me commited?? :confused: Is this an intervention of sorts?!? :faint:


Why do I have no plans, you ask? Because I'm 2...count 'em...TWO, stinkin' points shy of what I need to book myself a studio at SSR for August from the 21st to the 24th. :mad:
Somehow I know you'll come out of this with extra points. :confused3

Yes, I'll brave the heat for you guys!!:grouphug: Although, I must say, it wasn't TOO bad looking back on August. Or maybe it's like labor pains...I hear you're supposed forget how bad they were once the baby is born. Maybe it's like that. You're so happy to see your friends and you've had such a wonderful time that all of a sudden, walking on the face of the sun doesn't feel so bad...:rolleyes1
That's exactly it! :thumbsup2 The heat in August is just like labor pains - you do forget until they start and THEN you remember and ask yourself - WTH am I doing?? :lmao: [/COLOR][/B]

How could you NOT love this picture???:lmao: [/COLOR][/B]
:lmao: Was that after 1 or 2 Lapus??

Wooohooo LL's here :yay: And as funny as ever and what do you mean no plans :faint: Well by the looks of things T and Janet have planned enough to cover all of us :rotfl:
Somehow I have a feeling everyone will get into planning mode come February! I hope! :bitelip:

Jim has read the beginning of this PTR and his response was this "I don't know what is worse, all the advanced planning or the fact that I understand the Disney shorthand"

I think the fact that he understands all the abbreviations, etc means I am tuurning him to the dark side:rotfl2:

Jim has read the beginning of this PTR and his response was this "I don't know what is worse, all the advanced planning or the fact that I understand the Disney shorthand"

I think the fact that he understands all the abbreviations, etc means I am tuurning him to the dark side:rotfl2:

Well I know I will definately try to make it. Right now I don't have plans either, I know I know, but I am definately shooting for a short weekend. Like Janet I missed Lapupalooza by a freaking week and was so bummed and I'm all for a quick weekend at my happy place. :goodvibes

As for plans, nothing yet.:confused: I'll just go where I'm told to go. :laughing: I might hit the World in January though, depending on money and then it's quite a bit out for August. I would love to think that far ahead and it is saved in my head, but you never know what life will throw at you. I will do my darndest to be there though, and so far it's just me, myself, and I going.
Hey:mad: I resemble that remark:rotfl2:
Good :rotfl2:

:lmao: Was that after 1 or 2 Lapus??
Ummm I think that was your first :rotfl2:

Somehow I have a feeling everyone will get into planning mode come February! I hope! :bitelip:
Once I tell the girls I will have their input too, also I need to start working out the best days so I can get my ADR's sorted ready to book in Feb :thumbsup2


Jim has read the beginning of this PTR and his response was this "I don't know what is worse, all the advanced planning or the fact that I understand the Disney shorthand"
:rotfl2: I've started seeing Disney shorthand everywhere, the other day a car went past and it's number plate was AKL ahhh Animal Kingdom Lodge is what I said to the girls :rotfl2:

Well I know I will definately try to make it. Right now I don't have plans either, I know I know, but I am definately shooting for a short weekend. Like Janet I missed Lapupalooza by a freaking week and was so bummed and I'm all for a quick weekend at my happy place. :goodvibes
Hope you do make it Z :goodvibes

I e-mailed Pat from the DISigns board and asked her nicely if she'd personalise 2 invitations for the girls for me, hopefully I'll hear back soon and then I can wrap it up :thumbsup2

Oh I also tried to join TGM again but it kept crashing :confused:

I e-mailed Pat from the DISigns board and asked her nicely if she'd personalise 2 invitations for the girls for me, hopefully I'll hear back soon and then I can wrap it up :thumbsup2

What a wonderful idea, Jo! So smart of you! :lmao:
I e-mailed Pat from the DISigns board and asked her nicely if she'd personalise 2 invitations for the girls for me, hopefully I'll hear back soon and then I can wrap it up :thumbsup2

Oh Good. She designed and invite for us for Jimmy inviting him to breakfast with Lilo & Stitch last year. She does beautiful work. Make sure to share with us (after Christmas of course)
What a wonderful idea, Jo! So smart of you! :lmao:
It was wasn't it HS :rotfl2: Thanks for pointing me in the right direction :hug:

Oh Good. She designed and invite for us for Jimmy inviting him to breakfast with Lilo & Stitch last year. She does beautiful work. Make sure to share with us (after Christmas of course)
I will Janet, so she did one for you too, did you give a donation? Also how long did it take for her to make contact with you?
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