Young Avengers Manor RP

Fury: He suddenly had a batch of inspiration. Of course! He would send one of the agents from section DAGGER (the Division of AGents Gifted and Extraordinary Regiment) to take care of everything, and this way, the DAGGER member could possibly recruit the person to DAGGER. He brought up the list of agents in DAGGER and scanned the list, seeing who was on missions when he paused over one name. Yes. She was perfect. He typed in the command to summon her.

Gwendolyn Pierce: She was working out with a punching bag when her phone let off the notification that told her she had gotten a text. Wiping the sweat off her brow, she raised her other hand and used her mind to summon her phone to her. The device flew across the room and slowed down and landed neatly in her palm. She read, finding it odd that Fury was calling her in. She showered, dressed and went to the helicarrier.

Gwen: She arrived at the helicarrier and went straight to Fury's office. "Director Fury, reporting in."

Fury: "Agent Pierce, you may enter. Sit."

Gwen: She entered, closed the door and sat. "You called, Director Fury?"

Fury: "I did. I have an assignment for you." He briefed her on the assignment.

Gwen: She smirked. "Do my dear 'brother and sister' know I'm coming?"

Fury: "I will tell them I've sent an agent to them but not who. Standard procedure but you can surprise them as I'm sure you wish to."

Gwen: "That I do. Thank you Fury. When do I leave?"

Fury: "ASAP."

Gwen: "Then I take my leave of you." She got up and left.

Fury: He picked up the phone and called Natasha.
Gwen: She arrived at the helicarrier and went straight to Fury's office. "Director Fury, reporting in."

Fury: "Agent Pierce, you may enter. Sit."

Gwen: She entered, closed the door and sat. "You called, Director Fury?"

Fury: "I did. I have an assignment for you." He briefed her on the assignment.

Gwen: She smirked. "Do my dear 'brother and sister' know I'm coming?"

Fury: "I will tell them I've sent an agent to them but not who. Standard procedure but you can surprise them as I'm sure you wish to."

Gwen: "That I do. Thank you Fury. When do I leave?"

Fury: "ASAP."

Gwen: "Then I take my leave of you." She got up and left.

Fury: He picked up the phone and called Natasha.

OOC: Would Ev and Jay know Gwen?

Nat: Her phone buzzed and she picked it up. "Hello Director Fury. Agent Romanff-Barton reporting."
OOC: my dog is snuggled in next to me, and I'm watching The Avengers. #happyplace :happytv: :thumbsup2

Nancy: she felt a bit light-headed for a moment, then was fine. She hoped she wasn't coming down with something, or her that her serum was acting up.
OOC: I just realized all of my twins are boy-girl pairs.

*Tom and Johanna (you haven't met them yet, they were my first Hufflepuffs and first set of twins, so they're old)
*Charles and Marian
*Liesel and Alaric
*Brendan and Zara

My siblings are mixed as well, except for Crystal and Fiona (I don't think you've met them either, they were in the same RP as Tom and Johanna)
OOC: Would Ev and Jay know Gwen?

Nat: Her phone buzzed and she picked it up. "Hello Director Fury. Agent Romanff-Barton reporting."

OOC: I don't know, since DAGGER is kept kinda secret unless you're in the know, but Gwen is like Clint and Tasha's little sister.......

Well, I imagine she might have to disguise herself and would use a different name, so I guess it's your discretion.

Fury: "I've assigned you an agent. I've already briefed her, but you may want to assist in providing an identity and perhaps a base of operations for her within the town. She's on her way to Avengers Tower now."
Gwendolyn: She returned to her apartment and packed her bag. She packed several outfits, firearms, knives, a couple suits of her uniform/armor (all pretty much the same, she just had back-ups in case of damage to her main) and of course the essentials. Once she was satisfied, she smiled at the thought of seeing her "older siblings" again (she hadn't seen them for several months, she'd been on an undercover mission for several months and had only been back for about 1-2 months) and she got into her car and drove off.
June: She looked at everyone. Mike and Evelyn, the Stark siblings, the Thorson siblings, Jay and Hope, everyone had someone. Phil didn't need her, he seemed to be getting pretty cozy with Nancy. She was the odd woman out. Even Raven had Hope there. She sighed quietly and curled up in the corner, her face devoid of emotion, because if emotion had been there, tears would be as well.
OOC: June may seem depressing now, but that's because I have a plan to make her happier and more involved with everyone. It probably doesn't make sense but it does in my Bri mind.
OOC: I don't know, since DAGGER is kept kinda secret unless you're in the know, but Gwen is like Clint and Tasha's little sister.......

Well, I imagine she might have to disguise herself and would use a different name, so I guess it's your discretion.

Fury: "I've assigned you an agent. I've already briefed her, but you may want to assist in providing an identity and perhaps a base of operations for her within the town. She's on her way to Avengers Tower now."

Gwendolyn: She returned to her apartment and packed her bag. She packed several outfits, firearms, knives, a couple suits of her uniform/armor (all pretty much the same, she just had back-ups in case of damage to her main) and of course the essentials. Once she was satisfied, she smiled at the thought of seeing her "older siblings" again (she hadn't seen them for several months, she'd been on an undercover mission for several months and had only been back for about 1-2 months) and she got into her car and drove off.

OOC: Yeah tricky. You can choose, you know Gwen's story better and what would work better."

Ronmaff-Barton: "Okay. Thank you Director Fury. Goodnight."
OOC: cool!

June is sad, so I can't wait for her to see her dad again.
I don't think Nancy has really become close friends with anyone quite yet, but I'm not sure if she and June could be close. June is very... Distant, I guess.

OOC: Yeah. But I has a plan *devious grin*
OOC: Yeah. But I has a plan *devious grin*

OOC: The alien base just blew up
Dramatic music... Stark falling through hole....

Nancy: she fell asleep, and her book fell into her lap.

Phil: he moved the book to a table, and looked out the window.
OOC: Yeah tricky. You can choose, you know Gwen's story better and what would work better."

Ronmaff-Barton: "Okay. Thank you Director Fury. Goodnight."

OOC: I guess they know her, but they haven't met her enough to recognize her on sight and she'll be in disguise.

Fury: "Good night."

Gwendolyn Pierce: She arrived and entered the elevator.

JARVIS: "Who are you?"

Gwendolyn Pierce: "Agent Pierce, sent by Fury. But don't tell them who I am please, Clint and Natasha are like family to them so I want to surprise them."

JARVIS: "Of course Agent." He stopped talking to her and spoke to the Avengers. "Sirs and Ma'am, Fury's agent is heading up."


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