Young Avengers Manor RP

OOC: Is anyone keeping a Polyvore collection of the sets? Just curious is there's a central location for them. Finshing one up and wanted to look at yours.

OOC: I have a Polyvore collection of the ones I've made, labelled Young Avengers

OOC: Thanks. Wow this rp is really old lol. But I still enjoy it.

OOC: lol. I do have more. I guess I just have more characters. I might do a Gwen one, not sure. Speaking of Gwen, should I have her get assigned and go meet the Avengers?

I like Evelyn

Mike: "Then we'll just watch it at home."

OOC: Thanks, I have fun with her. You should do Gwen, and yes.

Jay: "Okay Cap. He also drifted off."
OOC: I kinda want Jay is remain faceless, but Polyvore sets are better with faces but I don't think I can find the right actor. Especially because most "teens" in movies are actually 20. Ugh, the struggle lol. If anyone has suggestions let me know :)
OOC: Thanks. Wow this rp is really old lol. But I still enjoy it.

OOC: Thanks, I have fun with her. You should do Gwen, and yes.

Jay: "Okay Cap. He also drifted off."

OOC: I kinda want Jay is remain faceless, but Polyvore sets are better with faces but I don't think I can find the right actor. Especially because most "teens" in movies are actually 20. Ugh, the struggle lol.

OOC: Okay.

I just look up random faces. Except for Mike, I used Chris Evans when he was Human Torch for Mike.

Hope: She snuggled into Jay's arms and went to sleep.

Mike: Letting himself be lulled by Evelyn's warmth and the quiet, he closed his eyes and went to sleep.

Raven: She smiled slightly when she saw about half the group sleeping contentedly in the rearview mirror.

JARVIS: "Miss Fury."

Raven: "Hello Jarvis. What is it?"

JARVIS: "Mr. Stark, Dr. Banner, Prince Thor, Mr. Rogers and Mr. and Mrs. Barton just requested I checked in on you all. When you did not respond at the house I just checked everything else connected to the group."

Raven: "We just went on a day trip, that's all. We're heading back to the manor now. Most are asleep. You didn't here it from me - after all, the use of certain words puts my reputation on the line - but there might be some seriously cute opportunities for pictures."

JARVIS: "I understand, Miss Fury. I will act with discretion."

Raven: "Thank you Jarvis."

JARVIS: "Of course Ma'am."

OOC: Cute is the main word that puts her reputation on the line
June: She sat, staring outside.

Thora and Gordon: They had fallen asleep on each other.
OOC: Okay.

I just look up random faces. Except for Mike, I used Chris Evans when he was Human Torch for Mike.

Hope: She snuggled into Jay's arms and went to sleep.

Mike: Letting himself be lulled by Evelyn's warmth and the quiet, he closed his eyes and went to sleep.

Raven: She smiled slightly when she saw about half the group sleeping contentedly in the rearview mirror.

JARVIS: "Miss Fury."

Raven: "Hello Jarvis. What is it?"

JARVIS: "Mr. Stark, Dr. Banner, Prince Thor, Mr. Rogers and Mr. and Mrs. Barton just requested I checked in on you all. When you did not respond at the house I just checked everything else connected to the group."

Raven: "We just went on a day trip, that's all. We're heading back to the manor now. Most are asleep. You didn't here it from me - after all, the use of certain words puts my reputation on the line - but there might be some seriously cute opportunities for pictures."

JARVIS: "I understand, Miss Fury. I will act with discretion."

Raven: "Thank you Jarvis."

JARVIS: "Of course Ma'am."

OOC: Cute is the main word that puts her reputation on the line

OOC: Lol that's perfect
OOC: XD Raven....

Eli: "Are we there yet?"

Phil: "Are we there yet?"

Nancy: she looked up at them, unsure if what they were doing.

Eli and Phil: they laughed when they saw Nancy's face.
OOC: XD Raven....

Eli: "Are we there yet?"

Phil: "Are we there yet?"

Nancy: she looked up at them, unsure if what they were doing.

Eli and Phil: they laughed when they saw Nancy's face.

June: She rolled her eyes hearing them. "Phil, please."
Fury: He suddenly had a batch of inspiration. Of course! He would send one of the agents from section DAGGER (the Division of AGents Gifted and Extraordinary Regiment) to take care of everything, and this way, the DAGGER member could possibly recruit the person to DAGGER. He brought up the list of agents in DAGGER and scanned the list, seeing who was on missions when he paused over one name. Yes. She was perfect. He typed in the command to summon her.

Gwendolyn Pierce: She was working out with a punching bag when her phone let off the notification that told her she had gotten a text. Wiping the sweat off her brow, she raised her other hand and used her mind to summon her phone to her. The device flew across the room and slowed down and landed neatly in her palm. She read, finding it odd that Fury was calling her in. She showered, dressed and went to the helicarrier.
OOC: Lol that's perfect

OOC: XD Raven....

Eli: "Are we there yet?"

Phil: "Are we there yet?"

Nancy: she looked up at them, unsure if what they were doing.

Eli and Phil: they laughed when they saw Nancy's face.

June: She rolled her eyes hearing them. "Phil, please."

Phil: "I can be a teenaged boy for 5 seconds, June."

June: "That's not teenaged, that's childish."

Phil: "Who cares? It's not that huge of a deal. "

Eli: he dozed off.

OOC: Thanks. Sorry for commandeering Jarvis

Raven: "No we aren't. And shush. Lieutenant, Banner and the Bartons are sleeping, and I will not save you from Hope's rage should you wake her up," she whispered harshly.


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