Come Obsess With Me - Going Home to the Poly, Sept 2010 - UPDATE What I Forgot...

Thanks! :) I'll remember that you said that when DH lingers over shot after shot after shot at the end of a long, hot day! :laughing:

My husband does the same thing but I am so happy to have the photos when we get home. He just enjoys it so much. Maybe it's his way of "winding down" from the long days we spend exploring. :)

I finally caught up with your posts and have to say that I usually don't focus on food during our trips but now I think I'm going to! :daisy: LOVE your pictures.

Since DH and I are going alone in about ONE WEEK (woohoo!) I think it's going to give us more of a chance to take our time and really soak everything in. Now I wish I had booked two weeks instead of one.

Keep the pictures coming!!
Perhaps Guitarob can wow us with some more Poly and other various photos today since he knows that I will be sooooo busy at work? :)

Here's a little informal poll: I am of the opinion that the second I leave work on my last day, vacation has begun. What do you think? Does vacation not begin until you are literally on WDW grounds, or does it start when, say, you're at the airport?
Vacation begins the minute you walk out of the door from work.

Of course, in our situation, we usually leave work at noon, drop off the dogs at the doggie hotel, pick up the oldest from school, and take off.

But I would still consider it being on vacation even if we weren't actually leaving until the next day.

Plus, the travel is part of the fun:

Fun part #1--trying to get the dogs into the car and keep them from climbing all over you as you get them to the doggie hotel that is only about 10 minutes away

Fun part #2--stressing out to make sure you have everything you need and everything is done

Fun part #3--making sure everyone has had a potty trip or a diaper change (baby only, sorry, no adult diapers) before hopping in the car

Fun part #4--Atlanta traffic (seriously, what a way to start the trip)

Fun part #5--Arguing about where and when to stop for dinner because DH wants to eat at Shoney's and we are already to Gainesville, FL and we haven't seen a Shoney's yet. :laughing:

Fun part #6--Trying to keep the children occupied for the "short" 7 hour trip :scared1:

Fun part #7--FINALLY pulling into Orlando :woohoo:

Oh wait, maybe I should change my opinion on the poll......

Thank you for the compliments on the photos! :goodvibes

The Canon PowerShot line consistently gets good reviews and has been a solid line of point and shoots for Canon for years. If you're in the market, here are the latest models, you can see they all rate pretty highly. If I had to do it again, I'd get an "IS" branded model for the Image Stabilization, which helps out a lot with low-light situations.

It does decently at night, with some fiddling with the manual settings, and the use of a pocket tripod to steady it. (And, let's be honest here... I only have a very vague idea as to what I'm doing ;)). Quick night shots tend to come out grainy, and when I do get a great shot at night, it's because I keep tweaking the settings until I get one, which drives MrsB nuts.:rotfl:(For example, the photo of the Imagination Pavilion on the previous page was one of 6).

Here are some examples of a shot that I just couldn't get right. I love this area, it's so beautiful at night, and I couldn't capture it for the life of me. I'm open to suggestions as to what I'm doing wrong :)

I LOVE my Canons :lovestruc I actually just ordered one of the cameras in your link to replace a P&S that has seen better days (dropping it in the sand at the beach didn't help I suppose either :rolleyes1 - although we did get years out of it). Since it is just DH & I this trip, I decided to travel light and leave the bigger camera at home.
I also have an "IS" brand one that is great - smaller than the DSLR but more shooting modes than P&S

And I also have a tendency to stand in my spot and take several different shots with various modes until the photo comes out the way I envision it - my family just humors me and knows it's better to wait it out than delay the inevitable

Perhaps Guitarob can wow us with some more Poly and other various photos today since he knows that I will be sooooo busy at work? :)

Here's a little informal poll: I am of the opinion that the second I leave work on my last day, vacation has begun. What do you think? Does vacation not begin until you are literally on WDW grounds, or does it start when, say, you're at the airport?

Vacation definitely starts the second you leave work!! :banana: The last minute packing, kennel-drop-offs, drive to airport, etc is all part of the vacation fun! It's all about when the mental relaxation begins :cloud9:
Vacation begins the minute you walk out of the door from work.

We like the time when your bags are checked at the airport gate. Next time you see them is in the room (when you take ME). We call it "being gated". The Disney vacation begins for us when ME drives under the WDW arch. I still get goosebumps.
Mine is when I leave work as well. I have to say that DW is the ONLY place I can go on vacation and actually forget about work. I love it!
Perhaps Guitarob can wow us with some more Poly and other various photos today since he knows that I will be sooooo busy at work?

Guitarob is busy hanging pantry shelves at the moment. But I'll see what he can get posted after he's done with that and has dinner in the crockpot. ;) Actually, at THIS moment, he's in a holding pattern with the shelves, so here's a photo to tide y'all over :rotfl:

Poly Beach & Cinderella Castle from the CL Lounge:
I LOVE my Canons :lovestruc I actually just ordered one of the cameras in your link to replace a P&S that has seen better days

And I also have a tendency to stand in my spot and take several different shots with various modes until the photo comes out the way I envision it - my family just humors me and knows it's better to wait it out than delay the inevitable

OOH! Exciting, which one did you order? I ordered one last night too! :goodvibes

I'm glad to know I'm not alone with my photo taking compulsiveness :laughing:.
Here's a little informal poll: I am of the opinion that the second I leave work on my last day, vacation has begun. What do you think? Does vacation not begin until you are literally on WDW grounds, or does it start when, say, you're at the airport?

Vacation definitely starts when I leave work! It makes it easier on me to enjoy the night before we leave. When I fly for pleasure, it is fun and part of the experience of vacation. (But when I fly for business, it IS WORK :laughing:)
Perhaps Guitarob can wow us with some more Poly and other various photos today since he knows that I will be sooooo busy at work? :)

Ok, Now that the dust has settled (quite literally), I'll do you one better. In the spirit of your trip report, here are some things that I'm really looking forward to and love about WDW:

  1. Going to Walt Disney World!! w00t!!
  2. See # 1.:rotfl:
There are a lot of little things that hit home with me in WDW. I love first arriving at the Poly and hearing the music and smelling the GCH.

I can't wait to get to the Poly, check in, and have our traditional "brunch" at the Kona Cafe. I love the feeling of sitting there, in that familiar place, staring out at the GCH and just having the whole week laid out in front of us.

This would be me.. at the Kona... staring,:laughing::

I love the first monorail ride.


The first ride on the MK Launch is always a favorite.


I'm a huge fan of "early morning Disney. I'm in the habit of getting up before the sun and wandering the resort, maybe having a private snack from Captain Cooks in the GCH while listening to the waterfall.


Then having the resort grounds all to myself:



Maybe a ride on the first monorail of the day to the empty Magic Kingdom:



Of course there's the first walk down Main Street, and the welcome parade:



The afternoon trip to the Barefoot Pool Bar for a Banana Cabana:


And the afternoon relaxing at the pool:


Then going to dinner, and all the wonderful places we'll eat such as The Yachtsman Steakhouse:


or Narcoossee's:


Then, nothing beats finishing off the day watching Illuminations:


Or Wishes and the Electrical Water Pageant from our balcony:


Well, that's some of my favorite things. There's probably nothing I don't enjoy about a trip to WDW, including the oft-griped about buses.



Ok, I have to stop now, I'm getting too excited for my own good! :cool1::banana:
More great pics! :woohoo:

When does vacation start? When I was working outside the home, from the very millisecond I left the parking lot of whichever office building. Now that's changed to working from home, it's the morning of -- or when all the bags are packed. Those two usually coincide, however, since I'm always up waaaaay later than I should be whilst packing. I really wish -- for once -- I wouldn't be so amped up the night before a vacation that I barely get any sleep. It always happens to me, without fail! :upsidedow
Your DH says he has post withdrawl :lmao: so I'm going to ask you and DH lots of questions so he can post away :goodvibes

What drinks do you obsess over? Any hidden gems at the Poly? Anything else at the parks? I love to try new cocktails and especially like the Disney ones - they are all so tasty!

The camera....I'm going to head to Target in a few hours and buy a Canon Powershoot per your suggestion. I'll see if they have one with IS. Any other recommendations? I am camera illiterate (i.e. camera stupid!).

Have you traveled in September before? It will be my first time going there in September and have heard it is still hot & humid, potentially could be impacted by hurricanes (more so for flights though), and the crowds are lower. Does it rain a lot or more like the 30 minutes per day? Does the sun set really early? Not sure if you have traveled during this time of year before but thought I'd ask!

Any suggestions on what I should do when my son goes on a pirate cruise for 2 hours at the GF? Do you think it is enough time to go to MK and poke around?

Alright guitarob, there should be enough fodder there to post away :laughing:
Your DH says he has post withdrawl :lmao: so I'm going to ask you and DH lots of questions so he can post away :goodvibes

What drinks do you obsess over? Any hidden gems at the Poly? Anything else at the parks? I love to try new cocktails and especially like the Disney ones - they are all so tasty!

The camera....I'm going to head to Target in a few hours and buy a Canon Powershoot per your suggestion. I'll see if they have one with IS. Any other recommendations? I am camera illiterate (i.e. camera stupid!).

Have you traveled in September before? It will be my first time going there in September and have heard it is still hot & humid, potentially could be impacted by hurricanes (more so for flights though), and the crowds are lower. Does it rain a lot or more like the 30 minutes per day? Does the sun set really early? Not sure if you have traveled during this time of year before but thought I'd ask!

Any suggestions on what I should do when my son goes on a pirate cruise for 2 hours at the GF? Do you think it is enough time to go to MK and poke around?

Alright guitarob, there should be enough fodder there to post away :laughing:

:rotfl: Okay hon, get typing!

It does seem as though a lot of the threads I subscribe to have been either :mad:, :eek: or :confused3 the past few days...

Weekend is coming, which means more time to post! Yay!
Your DH says he has post withdrawl :lmao: so I'm going to ask you and DH lots of questions so he can post away :goodvibes

What drinks do you obsess over? Any hidden gems at the Poly? Anything else at the parks? I love to try new cocktails and especially like the Disney ones - they are all so tasty!

The camera....I'm going to head to Target in a few hours and buy a Canon Powershoot per your suggestion. I'll see if they have one with IS. Any other recommendations? I am camera illiterate (i.e. camera stupid!).

Have you traveled in September before? It will be my first time going there in September and have heard it is still hot & humid, potentially could be impacted by hurricanes (more so for flights though), and the crowds are lower. Does it rain a lot or more like the 30 minutes per day? Does the sun set really early? Not sure if you have traveled during this time of year before but thought I'd ask!

Any suggestions on what I should do when my son goes on a pirate cruise for 2 hours at the GF? Do you think it is enough time to go to MK and poke around?

Alright guitarob, there should be enough fodder there to post away :laughing:

Drinks I obsess over:
The Banana Cabana is waaay too good, and goes down very easily. The Lapu Lapu is just yummy and strong. I've also heard the Captain's Mai Tai is just wonderful, so that's on the list for this year.

Depends on what you want to spend. The SD1300 IS, 13 Megapixel has gotten great reviews. It runs about $169. The SD1400 IS, 14 Megapixel is the one I just bought, and gets great reviews too (I should have it any minute now, as soon as UPS shows up). That runs about $219, and shoots HD video (720p, requires a good bit of memory, about 4GB for 20 minutes from what I've read, but memory is getting pretty cheap. I'm also considering bringing the laptop to dump the memory card onto every night).

After obsessively reading up on cameras the other night, those are the two that I narrowed it down to (In my price range anyway). The 1400 won out for the HD video.

I suggest buying at least an 8 GB memory card, so you can shoot at the highest resolution. Make sure the card you buy is at least rated "Class 6" Class 4 is a bit slow, and Class 10 is really expensive, and for the most part, unneeded.

If you can swing it, get an extra battery. Buy the official Canon battery, the off brands are about $20 cheaper but not nearly as high quality, and they tend to drain pretty quickly. The cameras come with a plug-in charger, so we leave a battery on the charger in the morning when we head out, and swap it out with the one on the charger in the afternoon when we get back to get ready for dinner.

We love going in September. It is still hot and humid, but not quite as bad as August. I have photos from August that I took, and you can literally see the air. September is not too bad. Still hot enough to swim, but not brutally so.

The last 2 years the crowds were amazing. We didn't wait for anything except Toy Story Mania (45 Minutes at night), Soarin' (only 20 minutes), and Peter Pan for some strange reason :confused3.

It rains, but that's Florida. It doesn't last long. Last year we got through without a drop.

The sun sets around 8ish, IIRC.

Alone Time During Cruise:
2 Hours is plenty of time to shoot over to the MK and poke around a bit. It's also plenty of time to cozy up to the pool with a Banana Cabana. :thumbsup2

You could do some shopping around the resorts (the CR has a couple of great shops, Fantasia & BVG), or just take a resort tour of the GF and CR on the monorail.

There's also the Water Mice "speedboats" that you can rent, and maybe sneak up on the cruise and check it out :rotfl:.

I could honestly kill two hours just wandering around the Poly taking pictures.

My personal favorite time waster is sitting at the far end of the pool (far end from the beach, where the stream "flows into" the pool), on the little "bench" that's at the edge of the pool, under the water, where the water jets are, and just staring out at the castle. :cloud9:

Ahhh, 15 more days... :banana:
Oooh, thanks for asking those questions Tinkerbellie16.

I'm writing down the names of those drinks -- except Lapu Lapu which I'll assuredly remember. There seems to be a long list of cocktails you can get there so I take all recommendations very seriously. :thumbsup2

I have a question: do you know if you can take cocktails back to your room? After kiddo's in bed, thought some tasty libations on the balcony sounded in order. (After having lived in Europe too long, my American etiquette/law knowledge is a bit lax.)
Mmmm, drinks. I may have to have another Lapu Lapu just so I don't throw down too many drinks. I think it took me over an hour to sip my Lapu Lapu last trip. :lmao:


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