Rolling thru the WORLD in a wheelchair on a WISH trip! 8/12 NEW UPDATE*CR CAPTIVES!!

yah, all caught up, now i can use reading your report as an excuse for not getting an update done on mine today, but thanks, i really have enjoyed what i have read. your family is very awesome, and cant wait to read the rest.

We kept hearing kids and Adults alike go LOOK!! His wheels how cool is that????

Braetons little wheels are on the back of his chair and they light up.
Those sound awesome

Sorry..had to go there.

dan and ddad are confusing the heck out of me:scared1: :rotfl2:
Who me, and ddad, what do you mean, i am still not sure if it was me or him that was the poster.

Whew! I thought they had rubbed off on you for a minute there!!!!

It really freaks me out! I know I know it's all in fun, but :scared1: There for a little while I thought we had one of those....Well to be polite I'll use Kindas name for them...Trolls!!!
it was almost like a DIS stalker!!!!:eek:
I'm o.k. with it now I know it's them. :)
If it freaked out it was ddad, if not, and you are good with it, then it was me. or was it him, i forget now.

I can't believe this!!!
all in one day!!!
:welcome: and :thanks:

yep, im here, you can pick yourself up, the famous fauntleroy has arrived.

often imitated, but never dublicated.

To all you future wish trip families I will mention this later, but am afraid some of you will be gone by the time I get to this so I would like to give you a single bit of advice/information that proved to be probably the best piece of info I recieved off the DIS boards.
GET A GAC!!! I had read about and researched this on the DISboards and if any of you reading this haven't found the DIS ability thread you need to look over it. It's got lots of good info on it. Anyway I had read about getting one and then I had read that with your WISH or GKTW button youreally didn't need it. While this may be true for some......
I wasn't planning on getting one since I knew we would have buttons and shirts when 5Dwarves pmd me right before we left and one of her many WISE comments was how the GAC proved to be more helpfull that even their GKTW button when it came to lines. So we got the GAC(Guest assistance card). It is like having treasure.
It saved us countless minutes in the heat. And in the lines. Now we didn't always use this unless we felt like we needed too. But the funny thing is except for @2 maybe 3x the times we didn't use it is when someone would come talk to Braeton notice his button and move us up.:goodvibes
If there is one thing I can impress on you it's too (sung to the tune of William Tell's overture)


also while you are in Guest relations getting this get your 1st visit button, if it is anyones 1st visit, and Birthday.Anniversary buttons if you have any you are celebrating. We got 1st Visit buttons for all of us, since it was our 1st time and Shannon and Tyler had B-day buttons since we celebrated while we were there. Their B-days are this Week end and we knew with Braetons surgery we wouldn't really be going anywhere!!!

Yes Get a GAC...If you need it!!!..It works very well!!!

I am so sorry Leah. Your family will be in my prayers. :hug:

Sorry about your DMil & I hope shannon gets his Transplant soon!!!

& to Braeton :hug:
okay just like sharky, i was scared about the chair rolling backwards, then when i saw he was okay, i was relieved, played it back in my mind and giggled a little, that could have turned out bad, but glad he was doing okay, and was not hurt.

I like that you returned to the scene of the crash for dinner.

pal mickey way to go, i think those are so cool, cant wait for our little one to get her, so we can one of those for them.

I see braeton likes smiles, i am half way through your report, so i think is cause for celebration, and time for the little man to get some smilies...hhhhhmmmmm what to make.

got it.

time to go construct a fauntleroy masterpiece.
Oh Just wait it gets better!!!!

----------------------:dance3: :dance3:
----------------------:dance3: :dance3:
:dance3: :dance3: :dance3: :dance3: :dance3:
:dance3: :dance3: :dance3: :dance3: :dance3:
---------.:) -----------------------------.:)
-------_:) :) ---------------------------:) :)

There you go buddy, its a pickup truck.
How AWESOME!!! Braeton said "How did he DO that!????!!!
I replied talent the man's got talent and he said
And he's good too!!! and then he said tell him Thank you!!!!
So Thank YOu!!!!

Love the photos especially the kissing ones :lmao: How rude of the kids with Clarabelle but how good of the CM sorting them out :thumbsup2 And yeah you got a Tinkerbelle shot QUOTE]
I was hoping for it and the best part is I didn't have to ask!!!! For the Tinkerbell I mean. I did NOT ask for the kissing shot!!!!!!

sorry to hear of your lose with your MIL, and that is a very touching story at the cemetary. YOu have some very special young men there.

If people listen they will realize that kids say the best things. That is great that he has a good faith at that age.

Yah for getting to MGM, but Nah about the ding dongs on the boat. I would have said something, doesnt matter to me if I am in WDW, people need to have manners and respect others. They would have gotten the Danimal 1, 2, 3, combo.

I think they are pretty special too!!! Tyler came home with 103.4 temp. My Dad called to check on us and to tease me about not being at church tonight, (He's the Pastor and DH had an Art exhibit at school)and when he found out Tyler was sick he prayed for him over the phone. Tyler was totally asleep and his mouth started moving and at the end he Amened and even mouthed Thank YOu!!! When he woke up I asked him about it and he didn't remember it all!!! He heard praying and in his sleep he was joining along!!
Today Braeton had a bunch of Blood work and for some reason he was scared ( I think it was because we were at a diff. hospital) He kept saying "I'm scared Very Very scared!!!" Finally I told him Baby you don't have to be scared because of why?"
"God is" he said
I said "God is what?"
I thought he would say God is bigger than the Boogie Man off of VEGGIETALES
He relaxed in my arms and said " MOM God Is IN control of our life!!!"
Out of the mouth of Babes I tell you!!! I've really been worried about whatever is wrong with him, but he is right God is in control and with God at the wheels I will relax and let him drive and try my best to quit being a backseat driver!!!!!

really enjoying your TR, just found it!

OMG I got Mentioned on the Famous LeeLee's Report!!!!

Although it was Abbreviated.... Just Saying :rolleyes1
Oh Disneydad99 you know how honored I am that you are here, but for some reason Disneydad99 just doesn't flow like Ddad. AND I didn't think you really wanted me to tell your age!!!!
How AWESOME!!! Braeton said "How did he DO that!????!!!
I replied talent the man's got talent and he said
And he's good too!!! and then he said tell him Thank you!!!!
So Thank YOu!!!!

He relaxed in my arms and said " MOM God Is IN control of our life!!!"
Out of the mouth of Babes I tell you!!! I've really been worried about whatever is wrong with him, but he is right God is in control and with God at the wheels I will relax and let him drive and try my best to quit being a backseat driver!!!!!

Darn tuten i got talent, and tell him that he is very welcome for the picture, I will try and think of another one for him. Does he like christmas trees?

That is awesome I love that story...It is so cool to see that in young children.

You are doing a great job in raising them. Congratulations...a mini dance for you.

:banana: :dance3: :yay: :cheer2: :woohoo: :cool1: :dancer: party: :jumping1: :donald: :donald: :donald: :donald: :figment:
I think they are pretty special too!!! Tyler came home with 103.4 temp. My Dad called to check on us and to tease me about not being at church tonight, (He's the Pastor and DH had an Art exhibit at school)and when he found out Tyler was sick he prayed for him over the phone. Tyler was totally asleep and his mouth started moving and at the end he Amened and even mouthed Thank YOu!!! When he woke up I asked him about it and he didn't remember it all!!! He heard praying and in his sleep he was joining along!!
Today Braeton had a bunch of Blood work and for some reason he was scared ( I think it was because we were at a diff. hospital) He kept saying "I'm scared Very Very scared!!!" Finally I told him Baby you don't have to be scared because of why?"
"God is" he said
I said "God is what?"
I thought he would say God is bigger than the Boogie Man off of VEGGIETALES
He relaxed in my arms and said " MOM God Is IN control of our life!!!"
Out of the mouth of Babes I tell you!!! I've really been worried about whatever is wrong with him, but he is right God is in control and with God at the wheels I will relax and let him drive and try my best to quit being a backseat driver!!!!!

Tell Braeton "Thanks!" for the reminder that God IS in control! You have a fantastic little boy! Blood work YUCK!

pirate: pirate: pirate: pirate: pirate: pirate: pirate: pirate: pirate: pirate:
Tell Braeton "Thanks!" for the reminder that God IS in control! You have a fantastic little boy! Blood work YUCK!

pirate: pirate: pirate: pirate: pirate: pirate: pirate: pirate: pirate: pirate:
Wow!!! Braeton is getting to where he asks me "Hey Mom! Do I have some more smilies??"

"Yes I do show me mine smilies please!!!!"

Me thinks he's getting a bit spoiled!!!:laughing:
So we were off to find some Pirates
the wonderfull POC.
I had read about the Pirates tutorial and wanted the boys to be able to see this and hopefully participate but on my little schedule/program thing I picked up at the gate, since I somehow managed to leave my hardplanned PLAN you know my schedule and my maps and even my freshly printed out Sun Morn right before we left show times. O.k. End of tirade. For now anyway!!;)
Oh yeah where was I. OH, it didn't even have Cap. Jacks Pirate Tutorial anywhere on it!!!!:eek: How could this be??? I know it's here. I just looked it up 2 days ago!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! So I asked a CM. YOu know CM's are very usefull for that sort of thing. Even if they don't know the answer the make you feel as if they know the answer.
Well, Ma'am
Cap. Jack comes out at different times during the day.
You just go on over near the POC ride and you will see it off and on through the day. I think they are fixing to do one now.
O.k. Wheelchair unlocked???
Tyler hold onto me, Dad or the wheelchair check?
Shannon keep an eye on my shirt cause
WE"RE GONE!!!!!!!!!!!

So we race through the crowd, going down hill with the chaiI'm flying up and the chair is pulling me.
Tyler?? Where are you????
Right here MOM. This is fun!!!



O.k. I didn't really leave him, but we did walk pretty fast. And let me tell you as all of you pushing w/chairs in the World know, sometimes those tiny slopes CAN get you! Of course B just thought it was a mini roller coaster ride and T wanted to sit on B's lap so he could fly too ....
Anyway we made it over there AND...........
No Pirates, Anywhere.
What to do????
Ride POC of course!
So I see all these w/chairs parked out front and I think O>K> What do I do??? Ask the CM if front of the ride.
BUT he sees us first.
Ma'am can he transfer??
Right this way Ma'am.
Now I'm holding the GAC in my hand but I haven't used it yet.
he tells us to follow this path and the next CM will lead us through.
Theylead us on up and we bypass a line of THOUSANDS.
O.k. Not that many, but anyway we get up to the front and get Braeton on and say BYE BYE to the chair and we're off.
I've got to say I love this ride.
They did a great job in this
And Cap jack looks VERY real.
After riding the GMR I kept checking to make sure those Pirates weren't real.
The boys loved it.:thumbsup2 I don't think any of my pics turned out.
:sad2: I checked. NOpe! Oh well.
So we get off the ride AND....
No Chair.
CMs are trying to clear the walkway and I'm looking for B's chair when a CM finally caught on what was going on and called us over. We waited for a few seconds and he came with the chair. Somehow it got moved off and he was apologizing. It was o.k. He gave the Boys some more stickers and led us to an elevator. I asked him about the Pirates tutorial and he said on e should be oging on right then and the next would be @4:15. So we head out and YES the tutorial was going on and it was VERY crowded, so we decided to try to make another one. We snagged photopass


THen we spotted some one, Make that 2 someones..................
Great installment!! I feel your pain about leaving your plans behind, I have done that before :headache:.

Look at you with the great cliffhanger, better than anyone I have never done. Can't wait to read who the "someones" are popcorn::.
read all 21 pages in one sitting. i love your report.

congratulations on raising two wonderful boys.
your and DH should be proud of yourselves.

Here are some smilies for Braeton:
:goodvibes :lmao: :cool1: :thumbsup2 :rotfl2: :happytv: :banana: :rolleyes1 :cool2: :woohoo:

And some for Tyler:
:yay: :wave: :smooth: :teeth: pirate: :woohoo: :cloud9: :3dglasses :yay: :rolleyes1

Some pixie dust for Shannon for a quick and smooth transplant:
pixiedust: pixiedust: pixiedust:

And for you...because you deserve it:
Great installment!! I feel your pain about leaving your plans behind, I have done that before

Look at you with the great cliffhanger, better than anyone I have never done. Can't wait to read who the "someones" are
Thank YOu!!1 But you know somehow things still worked out. And Thanks to all the hours on the DIS, I retained some of the knowledge and I had copied the hours of the parks in my handy dandy notebook, so I was able to sort of keep to the plan as far as parks went.

read all 21 pages in one sitting. i love your report.

congratulations on raising two wonderful boys.
your and DH should be proud of yourselves.

Here are some smilies for Braeton:
:goodvibes :lmao: :cool1: :thumbsup2 :rotfl2: :happytv: :banana: :rolleyes1 :cool2: :woohoo:

And some for Tyler:
:yay: :wave: :smooth: :teeth: pirate: :woohoo: :cloud9: :3dglasses :yay: :rolleyes1

Some pixie dust for Shannon for a quick and smooth transplant:
pixiedust: pixiedust: pixiedust:

And for you...because you deserve it:
So glad you are here!
Tyler was very excited when he saw he had smiles just for him!!! I had to tell him what each one meant! Braeton is actually asleep right now, so I will show him tomorrow. Trust me, He WILL ask if he has any!!!:laughing:
We were just scrolling through earlier today showing my niece the diferent smilies people had sent for Braeton and Tyler was telling her all about them and how cool it was that people did this for B. and how happy it made B feel when he wasn't feeling good. So to see some more just for him. Well in his words. COOL!!!!![/COLOR]So I thank you and hope you stick @ for more!!!!
Ohhh! I just stumbled across this part of the boards and got sucked into your TR!! :) I keep smiling every time I see another post from you. Can't wait to read the rest! You have a beautiful family and I'm so glad you were able to have a great vacation!
Great update LeeLee!!

Glad you managed to post it on the right trip report

Sorry, I had to go there, being Sharky and all:rotfl2:

I love Pirates as does DS...We rode that ride 4 times in a row..awesome:cool1:

Love your cliffhangers...

Hmmm....who do you see.. n??

Chip and Dale??

Peter Pan and Wendy??

am I Close:rotfl2:
Ohhh! I just stumbled across this part of the boards and got sucked into your TR!! :) I keep smiling every time I see another post from you. Can't wait to read the rest! You have a beautiful family and I'm so glad you were able to have a great vacation!
What a sweet thing to say!!!!:goodvibes Well guess what??? I'm in the middle of another update. Just waiting on photobucket. I had forgot one of the pics i need for this and I'm on Dial up, SOOOOOO It's HURRY UP and
W A I T!!!:rotfl:


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