You might get a thousand dollars stimulus package

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Again - my opinion they shouldn't "send" money to anyone. They should raise unemployment to 100%. Either they want to stimulate economy or help those laid off/lost jobs/cut hours whatever by Covid.

Cut hours doesn’t get unemployment. Not everyone who is closing is laying off their employees. And you also have those still going to work but not making money.

My sil is a car salesman. His company is still open. They aren’t selling cars. The lot can’t close until someone higher up says so, so they go to work and stand around all day or stay in their offices trying to make sure they stay 6 ft apart.

They have a friend who works in a tipped position at one of the hotels close to the casinos. Hotel is open, he has a job, not making any tips.

Dh is working. He drives a truck that hauls wood chips to mills that make it into paper. (Should be working like crazy, right? May not be the case). Some of the mills are considering closing to be able to stay to no more than 10 people together. As the mills close, he makes less money as he will get fewer loads.

To do as you suggest, they would have to completely change unemployment. They need to help the economy now not when they can get all those kinks worked out.
Cut hours doesn’t get unemployment. Not everyone who is closing is laying off their employees. And you also have those still going to work but not making money.

I'm confused. I guess I thought one of the packages being discussed was going to address helping to pay those with shortened hrs during this time. They will get paid for time off or something along those lines?

Look, I get $1000 will help those in need right now pay their bills. I'm just not understanding how it's putting money back into small businesses, goods (not grocery related), etc.. Admittedly I don't know a lot about how this all works, so maybe it ends up stimulating the economy anyways.

I still think 100% unemployment for those who lost jobs due to this would be best option, but you are right, would take too much time as the government seems to move slow and slower.
I agree and it seems to be worse right now. We're a similar size/age family, and we tend to hover around $200 per week for groceries, but I tell you, while I would like to tighten the belt and spend less right now, I find we're doing the opposite. The food hoarders seem to be choosing the least expensive options, leaving us forced to buy more expensive versions of everything on our list. (For instance, instead of paying $2.00 for a 5 lb. bag of flour, we paid $3.00 each for 2 pound bags, because that's all that was left.) We're also sometimes buying things we normally don't buy because we simply cannot get our typical items at all. So I really feel that right now, and for as long as people keep panic buying at the grocery stores, it will actually be even more expensive to keep up with groceries for my family.

Mind you, I'm not refusing the 1K if it happens. I just understand why people who are out of work right now feel concerned about the possibility of that being the only financial help they receive.

I agree. I had to pay more money for certain things because that's all that was left.

Also I'm thinking 1K may only last a month for us now that the kids are home and not in school, not out and about doing things, etc. When they are home and bored they eat and snack and drink more. My SO will probably be working from home soon which means he'll be snacking more. This means more toilet paper being used, more paper towels, more dishes to wash so you're using more dish detergent, etc. More electric being used, more water being used, more gas being used. All of these little things add up when you have a family of 4.
Great. When Disney sends a check to everyone it defines as an adult, sure, your ten year old is getting a check.
It was discussed kids would be getting money, too. I don't know whether that ended up in the final bill or not.
I'm confused. I guess I thought one of the packages being discussed was going to address helping to pay those with shortened hrs during this time. They will get paid for time off or something along those lines?

Look, I get $1000 will help those in need right now pay their bills. I'm just not understanding how it's putting money back into small businesses, goods (not grocery related), etc.. Admittedly I don't know a lot about how this all works, so maybe it ends up stimulating the economy anyways.

I still think 100% unemployment for those who lost jobs due to this would be best option, but you are right, would take too much time as the government seems to move slow and slower.

I don't understand how it'll stimulate anything in NJ since every thing is closed. Malls, bars, restaurants, gyms, casinos, etc. All non essential businesses are closed. There's nowhere to go and nothing to buy.

I would qualify for the 1K but I do think it should be 100% unemployment for those out of work and those who had their hours cut.
For all who are concerned about the food supply chain and how it affects your ability to buy what you want, give it a little time. The closing of the cruise lines, and limited or no restaurants means more food will ultimately be diverted to the supermarkets.

Yup. I have a friend who works in upper management for a big grocery chain. He said the warehouses are stocked and there are no shortages of food. They just can't get the shipments to the stores fast enough due to everyone panic buying. Last week he was doing inventory for all stores and I believe he said every single store in North Jersey was out of water and TP.

Since everything is closed in NJ businesses have been donating their food to local food banks just like Disney did.
Yup. I have a friend who works in upper management for a big grocery chain. He said the warehouses are stocked and there are no shortages of food. They just can't get the shipments to the stores fast enough due to everyone panic buying. Last week he was doing inventory for all stores and I believe he said every single store in North Jersey was out of water and TP.

Since everything is closed in NJ businesses have been donating their food to local food banks just like Disney did.

My BIL manages a grocery store in MD, and he's told us the exact same thing.
I agree. I had to pay more money for certain things because that's all that was left.

Also I'm thinking 1K may only last a month for us now that the kids are home and not in school, not out and about doing things, etc. When they are home and bored they eat and snack and drink more. My SO will probably be working from home soon which means he'll be snacking more. This means more toilet paper being used, more paper towels, more dishes to wash so you're using more dish detergent, etc. More electric being used, more water being used, more gas being used. All of these little things add up when you have a family of 4.
There's a less DIS friendly video out of Lewis Black talking about toilet paper, it's pretty short like a minute but yeah being home more than one ordinarily is uses up more resources..seems like a no brainer but in terms of talking about items to buy one people sometimes forget to account for when looking at other people and what they are getting.

I too agree about paying more money when we went to the grocery store, we're mostly a Great Value brand kind of people except for certain things but beggers couldn't be choosers that day and even if you knew you were paying double for the same thing it's going to cost more. Our grocery bill was the highest its ever been for just my husband and I in part because we were buying for more than double the amount of recipes we normally do at a time and in part because we had to buy items that cost more than they normally would.

I don't understand how it'll stimulate anything in NJ since every thing is closed. Malls, bars, restaurants, gyms, casinos, etc. All non essential businesses are closed. There's nowhere to go and nothing to buy.

I would qualify for the 1K but I do think it should be 100% unemployment for those out of work and those who had their hours cut.
Is there not places you can do curbside or pickup or delivery?

There's been multiple stories for what places are open here for that to patronize.

Are any of your retail locations open even with shorter hours? Would any of those reasonably support online orders for delivery if you're concerned about going into the store?

Do any of your animal shelters need assistance be it supplies, fosters, or straight up cash donations?

It's kinda hard to keep track what's available in each area of the U.S.
I'm confused. I guess I thought one of the packages being discussed was going to address helping to pay those with shortened hrs during this time. They will get paid for time off or something along those lines?

Look, I get $1000 will help those in need right now pay their bills. I'm just not understanding how it's putting money back into small businesses, goods (not grocery related), etc.. Admittedly I don't know a lot about how this all works, so maybe it ends up stimulating the economy anyways.

I still think 100% unemployment for those who lost jobs due to this would be best option, but you are right, would take too much time as the government seems to move slow and slower.
I look at it maybe a bit differently than some here but talking with my husband he's on the same page as me on this in respects to a stimulus check.

Let's take the closest Burger King to me..ok well that's part of a big chain..BUT it's a franchise location. Many fast food joints are franchise locations it's just how that system is set up. No they aren't generally referred to as a small business but they can be a business that suffers even if their name is part of a big corporation. We can put pressure on Burger King as a whole to take care of all their franchise owners but we as consumers can also help out.

So let's say there's assistance for anyone that gets reduced hours, let's say unemployment steps in (which my state is already passing an extension on the number of weeks unemployment is allowed for) what good does that do if that Burger King closes down because no one is going there right now? What good does that do if enough locations around the area close up too because it's the same story. It's now even worse for those employees because while there's some assistance for them now when all is said and done with this whole mess if there's a reduction in available places for them to go to after to seek employment it can hurt the whole area.

So I guess I'd say a check to a person would be much appreciated, unemployment benefits, reduced hours benefits and so would spending money to potentially save someone's job by patronizing a location.

*If you don't eat at Burger King just substitute any other fast food place you may work at, if you don't eat fast food substitute any other business out there that has the same type of set up.
There's a less DIS friendly video out of Lewis Black talking about toilet paper, it's pretty short like a minute but yeah being home more than one ordinarily is uses up more resources..seems like a no brainer but in terms of talking about items to buy one people sometimes forget to account for when looking at other people and what they are getting.

I too agree about paying more money when we went to the grocery store, we're mostly a Great Value brand kind of people except for certain things but beggers couldn't be choosers that day and even if you knew you were paying double for the same thing it's going to cost more. Our grocery bill was the highest its ever been for just my husband and I in part because we were buying for more than double the amount of recipes we normally do at a time and in part because we had to buy items that cost more than they normally would.

Is there not places you can do curbside or pickup or delivery?

There's been multiple stories for what places are open here for that to patronize.

Are any of your retail locations open even with shorter hours? Would any of those reasonably support online orders for delivery if you're concerned about going into the store?

Do any of your animal shelters need assistance be it supplies, fosters, or straight up cash donations?

It's kinda hard to keep track what's available in each area of the U.S.

Some places are curbside but most places have decided to just close because it's not worth being open for a few orders a day.

Most people are afraid to eat out due to the virus. They don't want other people handling their food.

All malls and retail places are closed if they are deemed non essential. Grocery stores, pharmacies, gas stations, Target, Walmart, Lowes, Home Depot, mechanic shops and things like that are open.

I'm personally saving the money because these times are way too unknown. I work at a hospital and my SO works at a health insurance company so we are "critical" and "essential" employees but who knows what's going to happen.
What do you feel the income limit should be to receive a check? Should it be individual or household? Should people receiving a tax refund larger than the amount they paid be eligible?
Some places are curbside but most places have decided to just close because it's not worth being open for a few orders a day.
Most people are afraid to eat out due to the virus. They don't want other people handling their food.

Ah I gotcha so self-fulfilling prophecy in certain cases--no one wants to order from places vs eating their own groceries so places opt to not be open.
All malls and retail places are closed if they are deemed non essential. Grocery stores, pharmacies, gas stations, Target, Walmart, Lowes, Home Depot, mechanic shops and things like that are open.
Ah ok, I know our JCP there's one not located in a mall (JCP has reduced hours), Khol's is still open (reduced hours), etc. I'm assuming those are considered non-essential for the purpose of your area.

I am wondering about some of these retailers themselves (like nike, bath and body works, etc) because some just said they were closing til the end of March or early April so it will be interesting what they end up doing. I mean I assume they'll extend just don't know how long they'll announce the next closure will be for.
I'm personally saving the money because these times are way too unknown. I work at a hospital and my SO works at a health insurance company so we are "critical" and "essential" employees but who knows what's going to happen.
It's all precarious I feel some just more than others.

I think we would do a combination of both (spend/donate and save). My husband works on power plants. This summer was considered lite in terms of projects already. Construction by nature when it's good it's good when it's bad it's bad. There's presently a power plant expected to be built that he's the OEM Manager for and in charge of equipment they are getting from GE. BUT if things get too rough it's up for cancellation as in the power plant just won't be built. These plants are years in the making. This one was bid out several years ago and would be scheduled to be fully opened in 2023. Not to mention it's adding power to our power grid.

In any case just because my husband is salaried, just because the power industry or any other industry (GM and Ford just shut down their plants for a bit both of which we have in our area plus several other automakers have announced shut downs) isn't in the forefront of the news doesn't mean there aren't still people being impacted. Truthfully if the power plant project is cut there will be job loss and that's rare with my husband's company as they don't really like to do that if they can help it. But if there isn't the projects coming in they can't float their employees forever. I don't think my husband is in the danger zone yet but we're not going to say there's 100% job security.
I'm confused. I guess I thought one of the packages being discussed was going to address helping to pay those with shortened hrs during this time. They will get paid for time off or something along those lines?

Look, I get $1000 will help those in need right now pay their bills. I'm just not understanding how it's putting money back into small businesses, goods (not grocery related), etc.. Admittedly I don't know a lot about how this all works, so maybe it ends up stimulating the economy anyways.

I still think 100% unemployment for those who lost jobs due to this would be best option, but you are right, would take too much time as the government seems to move slow and slower.

There are other things they are doing to help small businesses. Our state emergency management has already asked for small businesses to fill something out online if they are losing money due to this.

I can’t say for anywhere else, but here the local owned restaurants are really stepping up. Drive thrus, curb side and delivery are all being done. Several are offering free lunches to school aged kids and a couple have even extended this to elderly. People will remember these things and will use the money to spend at these places.

A locally owned butcher shop is letting people make a phone in order, if you don’t want to go in, call when you arrive and someone will bring it out to you and they are offering delivery.

Spending the money at these places will help the local economy.
You'd be wrong with me siding with the majority of our current representatives, but I do think the military thinks more logically than the fringe gun toting society. I think you'd be surprised to find that most citizens don't see things your way. IMO, the large majority of people would call for military assistance in a fringe uprising. Those staging the uprising could kill many innocent people, but the military would prevail.

Boy you are going to be in for a rude awakening when you realize that the military would only be doing those things under the order of those elected representatives you don't side with. If they weren't, that would be called a coup.
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