You might get a thousand dollars stimulus package

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Oh please. There are two of us and he is an interior painter and all his scheduled jobs have been cancelled from here on out, so no money coming in on his end and no paid time off for that.
We pay $1850 in rent which is the norm in our city.
We've been through things in the past couple years that wiped our savings.
You have no clue what our cost of living is but now we are living on my salary alone. But no, at this moment we wouldn't need it.

My friends who have kids own Tattoo shops, made well over the cut-off last year. Right now they have no money coming in, yet still have to pay rent on the shop.

My friend who owns a restaurant claimed well over proposed cut-offs last year. Right now they have no income, still have to pay rent and are trying to still pay their employees. They live paycheck to paycheck keeping the restaurant afloat on a normal day.

Just because some may live in a town where $45,000 is the average income does not mean all of us do. We are firmly middle to lower class where we live, not upper.

Cost of living is your choice though. People choose where they live and where they work. Again, this stimulus is meant for people that may actually miss a rent payment or possibly even starve if they don't have some form of money coming in.

Also keep in mind that no matter what cutoff they choose, people are going to complain. If they choose $85,000, the person making $86,000 will scream bloody murder. Same at $95,000 and so on and so forth.
Does anyone know if us retirees getting SS and just my DH gets a pension or is it for those that are laid off or permanently lost there jobs. Either way I feel sorry for them

I don't believe the stimulus checks have anything to do with people who are employed or not. There might be additional benefits for people who've been laid off.
Cost of living is your choice though. People choose where they live and where they work. Again, this stimulus is meant for people that may actually miss a rent payment or possibly even starve if they don't have some form of money coming in.

Well, no.

First, I'm not even going to entertain the cost of living is my choice argument, because come on. :)

They are calling it an economic stimulus - to pump money back into the economy. Which is why it is all so stupid.
Make unemployment 100% of pay. Period. That's what they should be doing.
Not giving people who lost jobs $1000 which would last a month at most. Paying rent and utilities - important - is not pumping up economy. They need continuous income.
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Well, no.

First, I'm not even going to entertain the cost of living is my choice argument. :)

They are calling it an economic stimulus - to pump money back into the economy. Which is why it is all so stupid.
Make unemployment 100% of pay. Period. That's what they should be doing.
Not giving people who lost jobs $1000 which would last a month at most. Paying rent and utilities - important - is not pumping up economy.

Buying food will pump the economy and I mentioned people who may go hungry. The government may provide additional stimulus for those who've been laid off. Sorry that you may not get a check, hope you make it out of this okay.
Buying food will pump the economy and I mentioned people who may go hungry. The government may provide additional stimulus for those who've been laid off. Sorry that you may not get a check, hope you make it out of this okay.


Thanks for your concern, I feel it and am deeply moved.

It's not an economic stimulus. Just make unemployment 100% of pay. Period. That's what they should be doing. Nobody needs that $1000 if not currently unemployed, at least if not due to covid.
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I don't know how I feel about it. My kid is a recent college graduate that was taking a year off to save up before going back in the fall for his doctorate. Regal Cinemas laid them off without pay. The manager was actually given authority to terminate employees at his discretion.

In any case, there's unemployment but it's not near what he was making as an assistant manager. He has his own place and other bills to pay.

I got so upset today listening to my co-worker (sometimes friend) just so giddy about the prospect of getting this money especially if they provide extra for dependents because they have 4 kids. She just got back like $8700 in taxes less than a month ago for claiming 3 of them and and her boyfriend (baby daddy) claimed the other one. Now they're looking at getting this money and neither one of them has missed a paycheck NOR or they at risk of being out of work. And she wasn't the only one bragging about it. While i know they don't represent everyone, they do represent a decent size portion of folks.

This money needs to be for people who are out of work and not being paid by their employers...PERIOD..... I know it's supposed to stimulate the economy but people who are out of work are gonna use it to just pay their basic bills an it's not gonna be enough. Instead of sending it to people that are working, twice the amount of funds could be sent to people that are legitimately trying to keep their heads above water.

I'll definitely give mine to my son but the whole situation still irritates me.
Has anyone heard if you have to file to claim the $1000, or do they base it on your tax info and send it to the address you used when you last filed?
This money needs to be for people who are out of work and not being paid by their employers...PERIOD..... I know it's supposed to stimulate the economy but people who are out of work are gonna use it to just p
their basic bills an it's not gonna be enough. Instead of sending it to people that are working, twice the amount of funds could be sent to people that are legitimately trying to keep their heads above water.

I'll definitely give mine to my son but the whole situation still irritates me.

Again - my opinion they shouldn't "send" money to anyone. They should raise unemployment to 100%. Either they want to stimulate economy or help those laid off/lost jobs/cut hours whatever by Covid.
I don't know how I feel about it. My kid is a recent college graduate that was taking a year off to save up before going back in the fall for his doctorate. Regal Cinemas laid them off without pay. The manager was actually given authority to terminate employees at his discretion.

In any case, there's unemployment but it's not near what he was making as an assistant manager. He has his own place and other bills to pay.

I got so upset today listening to my co-worker (sometimes friend) just so giddy about the prospect of getting this money especially if they provide extra for dependents because they have 4 kids. She just got back like $8700 in taxes less than a month ago for claiming 3 of them and and her boyfriend (baby daddy) claimed the other one. Now they're looking at getting this money and neither one of them has missed a paycheck NOR or they at risk of being out of work. And she wasn't the only one bragging about it. While i know they don't represent everyone, they do represent a decent size portion of folks.

This money needs to be for people who are out of work and not being paid by their employers...PERIOD..... I know it's supposed to stimulate the economy but people who are out of work are gonna use it to just pay their basic bills an it's not gonna be enough. Instead of sending it to people that are working, twice the amount of funds could be sent to people that are legitimately trying to keep their heads above water.

I'll definitely give mine to my son but the whole situation still irritates me.
Agreed. I replied above that we don’t need it. The ONLY reason I hope to get it is so that we could give it to my DD, my sister and my best friend. A thousand bucks isn’t going to get any of them very far. (wouldn’t even cover DD’s rent for a month) It’s a shortsighted plan IMO.
Again - my opinion they shouldn't "send" money to anyone. They should raise unemployment to 100%. Either they want to stimulate economy or help those laid off/lost jobs/cut hours whatever by Covid.

Disagree. Some people have had their hours cut so while not technically unemployed they are currently have huge difficulties making ends meet. They need the $1,000+.
I don't believe the stimulus checks have anything to do with people who are employed or not. There might be additional benefits for people who've been laid off.

From what I understand, all qualifying Americans will receive a check - According to the SSA website, Social Security recipients would receive a check.
Has anyone heard if you have to file to claim the $1000, or do they base it on your tax info and send it to the address you used when you last filed?

From the articles that I have read, you don't need to fill out any paperwork to receive the check, and that includes tax filing -
To some people $1000 is nothing, to some it would be a huge help. Personally, I think something to get businesses back on their feet would help all of this more than the stimulus plans. What good is $1000 if your job is out of business? Most people would rather have their job back than to be stuck on Unemployment for months or years. At 100% that starts to change as a lot of people would milk that. If they take the free check for a year then theres no jobs, then what? But so far, all i've heard about is allowing businesses to get loans. So more overhead. Not a real help.
So far, we've been fortunate that DH's job is business as usual. If the Lord's willing, we won't need the checks. I'm very grateful for that. The thing that's mind boggling to me is children receiving a check. How many people depend on their kids to help support the family? Maybe, we should have put DS to work, when he entered elementary school. :p I wouldn't vote to take a dime from people who need it, but I really don't understand why kids would receive a check that they normally wouldn't receive. :confused3

If that happens you're probably looking at a civil war.

Sorry, but if that's the case, I hope our military shows up in full force in those area. The bullying threat of civil war doesn't impress me. Anyone who tries that should be jailed immediately. We don't need that kind of aggressive uprising in our society. It does nothing to help the country as a whole.
Sorry, but if that's the case, I hope our military shows up in full force in those area. The bullying threat of civil war doesn't impress me. Anyone who tries that should be jailed immediately. We don't need that kind of aggressive uprising in our society. It does nothing to help the country as a whole.

Well the scenario presented was police forcing people to return to their homes at gunpoint. Sorry but that simply won't be tolerated in this country. This isn't North Korea.
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