Working on Weight Loss During Training--Wk of 11/19

Cam - My parents are cooking Thanksgiving. They are both wonderful cooks and really like to show off. I know there will be Turkey and maybe ham. I am making the pie. In the last WW magazine there was a recipe for a LF Pumpkin Cheese Cake. My mom wanted Cheese Cake, so that is what I am making. They will have to live with the LF part!!!!

I thought maybe I would run once I got to my parents just for a change of pace, because they live out in the boonies. Well then I remember it is deer hunting this week and I would have to wear blaze orange. I guess I could wear one of my DH's jackets, or just run before we go out there. They live near a lake, so I would run a rural highway to the lake and partially around it and then back to their house. There are some hills even. It would be about 4 miles. I guess I will wait and see.
Jen -- my friend has made that WW pumpkin cheesecake for 4 events in the past 2 weeks and it has been a HUGE hit every time. She doesn't even tell them it is low fat and no one has been able to tell. She even served it at our recent partners' meeting and my partners could not believe she baked it. They thought it came from a bakery. You will need a springform pan which she had to go out and buy just to make this recipe.

I think your plan for running sounds great, but I would definitely be worried about hunting season. Be very careful! :goodvibes:
Cam - My mom loaned me her springform pan, so I am set. I am glad that the cake gets rave reviews in your neck of the woods. I don't get the WW magazine anymore, but when I was at the library on Saturday I saw it and jumped for joy when I found that recipe.

BUT, then my DH said, what do you mean you are making cheesecake for Thanksgiving. Apparently he can't have Thanksgiving without pumpkin pie and is a bit upset about this. I make a MEAN pumpkin pie, seriously the best I have ever tasted. So I promised I would make him his own special pumpkin pie!!! Crazy Men!!
CAm - Thanks for teh recipe. I'll have to add chick peas to the next grocery list. I'll be at the ILs Thursday and that is hard. I am one who can' tfeel like I'm depriving myself, so I'm just sticking to small portions. Getting my MIL to cut a small piece of pie will be hard, though. If it's too big, I'll just leave it on my plate. That will go over like a lead balloon, but they'll just have to deal with it. We are way too close now.
Jen117 said:
Cam - My mom loaned me her springform pan, so I am set. I am glad that the cake gets rave reviews in your neck of the woods. I don't get the WW magazine anymore, but when I was at the library on Saturday I saw it and jumped for joy when I found that recipe.

BUT, then my DH said, what do you mean you are making cheesecake for Thanksgiving. Apparently he can't have Thanksgiving without pumpkin pie and is a bit upset about this. I make a MEAN pumpkin pie, seriously the best I have ever tasted. So I promised I would make him his own special pumpkin pie!!! Crazy Men!!

Forgive a :crazy: ::MinnieMo but does this mean Weight Watchers or Womens World? I've seen 2 recipies so far - one uses yogurt and the other does not.
Here is an option for a low carb/low sugar but tastes great (so I've read) pumpkin pie recipe:

Individual Pumpkin Soufflés (Serves 8)

2 whole eggs
2 egg whites
1 1/4 cups canned pumpkin
1/4 cup Splenda
Pinch salt
1 teaspoon ground cinnamon
1/4 teaspoon ground allspice
1/2 teaspoon nutmeg
1 1/4 cups evaporated skim milk
1/2 tablespoon vanilla extract
Fat-free whipped topping (optional)

Preheat oven to 300°F. Lightly spray eight 4-ounce ramekins with nonstick spray. In a medium bowl, lightly beat eggs and egg whites. Add the pumpkin and mix well. Blend in the Splenda, salt, cinnamon, evaporated milk, and vanilla. Fill each ramekin with 1/2 cup mixture. Place the ramekins in a baking dish and add enough warm water to come 2/3 of the way up the cups. Bake 40 minutes or until knife inserted in center of custard comes out clean. Remove from oven. Serve warm or room temperature, and top with fat-free whipped topping, if desired.

I’d say you could also pour this into a single pie dish instead of the individuals should you so choose. If you want to add a crust to the bottom here are a couple options:

Seriously the easiest pie crust in the world!!!!
2 ½ Cups All-Purpose Flour (King Arthur Whole White Flour)
1 Tsp. Salt
2 Sticks Unsalted Cold Butter, cut into small pcs.
¼ Cup Ice Water, plus more if needed

In the bowl of a food processor, combine flour and salt; pulse to combine. Add butter and pulse until mixture resembles coarse crumbs with some larger pcs. remaining, about 10 seconds.
With machine running, add ice water through feed tube in a slow, steady stream, just until dough holds together without being sticky. Do not process more than 30 seconds.
Turn dough out onto a clean work surface. Divide in half and place each half on a pc. of plastic wrap. Shape into flattened disks. Wrap in plastic and refrigerate at least an hour or overnight. The dough can be frozen for up to a month; thaw overnight in the refrigerator before using.

Or a nut curst:

2 C Walnuts, almonds or pecans
3 Tablespoons Splenda
2 Slightly Beaten Eggs whites

Blend nuts and sugar in a blender until nuts are finely ground. Stir together ground nut mixture and egg whites. Using spatula, press mixture on bottom and sides of 9-inch pie plate. bake at 375 for 10-12 minutes or until crust appears dry. Cook on wire rack before filling.
Sorry... WW is for Weight Watchers. Hmmm, I guess I better read the recipe again because I don't remember if there is yogurt or not. I may have to run to the store if there is!!!

Cam - Oh yes, thank for the recipe. I don't think I have noticed dried ones in the store, I always buy canned. I usually only but Northern White Beans and Black Beans dried. Hmmm... I love new things to try!
Jen - Is this it by any chance?

Pumpkin cheescake

This actually makes 6 servings

Graham cracker crust ( about 4 large squares crushed into crumbs)
3/4cup low fat cottage cheese
1 cup part skim ricotta cheese
3/4 cup egg beaters
1/2 cup sugar
1 t ginger
1 teaspoon pure vanilla extract
1/2 t nutmeg
1/2 t cinnamon ( more if you really like cinnamon)
1/8 t salt
15 ounce can of pumpkin
Nope, that's not the one. I have the recipe at home and can post it if I remember. I know it had 3 blocks of cream cheese, 2 FF and 1 LF.
I was debating & debating yesterday about weighing in last night at WW. I decided I would weigh in and if I was over, I'd pay the $12. Maybe that would kick my butt in gear! Once I was almost to my meeting, I realized I forgot my booklet thingie at home. So, I went to the meeting, but didn't weigh in.

I am going to eat what I want today, but in moderation. Thank God I love white meat (core)! I have been good here at work though. WW cereal & grapes so far. I will eat an apple in the car on the way home. At least I will be on plan before I get to dinner. :rolleyes:
Happy Thanksgiving everyone! WW meeting wasn't the best on Tues. because I gained a pound last week. :guilty: I know why I gained, it's all those stinking eggnog drinks at Starbucks. Grrr.....

Any hoot, I bought a pair of Yak Trax and my official WDW album arrived yesterday, so I'm ready to do winter walking. I took an hour muscle madness class, on Tues. and they work your entire body, then right after that class I took a half hour core class. Needless to say when I was finishing a contract clean yesterday, I was a hurting unit. lol.

Tonight DH & I are going to his bosses house for dinner, it's being catered, so I don't need to bring a thing. Sweet! Anyway, you guys have a fantastic day and think "moderation" and "portion control". :cloud9:
Well, I'm sitting here at 7:43 pm feeling like a stuffed Turkey. So much for me trying to eat lite today. :rolleyes: :teeth: It's like I hadn't eaten in 10 days. I attacked that potluck like there was no tomorrow. (sigh)

It was all good, though. :thumbsup2

Hope you guys did a little better than I did - calorie wise. :blush:
escape said:
Well, I'm sitting here at 7:43 pm feeling like a stuffed Turkey. So much for me trying to eat lite today. :rolleyes: :teeth:

I was kind of bad too. Probably not as bad as I would have been in years past, but still. But you know what? It's only one day - back on plan now, right?!

My really bad thing I did yesterday...was eat a ton of things off a gingerbread house. I stupidly sat at the kitchen table with the darn thing talking to my BIL. (found out they are having their first baby at dinner yesterday!) Anywho, if food is in front of me, I can't help myself. :rolleyes:

I ended up leaving the in-laws with a bad headache. By the time we got to my parents to drop Zack off for the night, it was a migraine. I get about one a year and this was a biggie. By the time we got to our house I was in tears from the pain, which makes the pain worse. Finally, I felt sick. I went running to the bathroom and passed out. I hit the floor and let's just say it was pretty messy.

Now why do I share all this TMI stuff, you ask? Well, I guess the gingerbread house isn't going to end up on my hips after all! :lmao:

And I have quite the bruise on my forehead - thank God for bangs!

I will try to eat better today & tomorrow. But I will be on the road to my Goo concert in Maine, so it will be tough. I will probably be so excited today, I won't be that hungry. Let's hope it works out that way!
I have been MIA in the exercise threads and the eating threads. I haven't gained weight (yet), but I just feel yucky! So, I walked today, for the first time in 12 days :guilty:

This is such a hard time of year for staying on any sort of plan, but together we can do it!
Yesterday I did really well with my meals...very light and few WW points...had to make up for Thursday's meal. lol!

Kristi, sorry to hear that you were sick for Thanksgiving, hope you're feeling better.

Welcome back NC, you're back on track! :banana:

Have a great weekend gang.
I am so weak! Today I had a reduced fat cinnamon coffee cake.....grrr....I hate working at Starbucks!!!lol ;)
Ok, so yesterday I did not wat so badly since I was all crazy about seeing my beloved Goo Goo Dolls last night.

I haven't eatne very much today either, but what I have is not core... :blush:

Check out the new siggie! :love: :teeth: :love:
Kristi - what a great pic. I'll bet you had a blast last night! I'm envious! :teeth:

I'm doing better today, calorie-wise. Tomorrow will be a hard day - another "Thanksgiving" style feast. Ugh! I'm supposed to make a cheesy hasbrown casserole. Double ugh (that's one of my favorites!) I'm going to try to follow Cam's great examples - making all these goodies but not eating them. Well, I'll eat a few tablespoons...but that's it!

Please send good thoughts my way to help give me strength to just keep accept small portions :teeth:
escape said:
Kristi - what a great pic. I'll bet you had a blast last night! I'm envious! :teeth:

I'm doing better today, calorie-wise. Tomorrow will be a hard day - another "Thanksgiving" style feast. Ugh! I'm supposed to make a cheesy hasbrown casserole. Double ugh (that's one of my favorites!) I'm going to try to follow Cam's great examples - making all these goodies but not eating them. Well, I'll eat a few tablespoons...but that's it!

Please send good thoughts my way to help give me strength to just keep accept small portions :teeth:

Thanks! :goodvibes

And you can do it! Cam really is the best example. Are you the type who can have just a little taste? Or does a taste send you over the edge? If you can have just a bit, I'd say do the few tablespoons.

You will do fine! Just keep thinking "a minute on the lips, forever on the hips!" :rotfl: (if only that worked for me!)
Yesterday's food intake was partly cloudy. I had 2 eggs & toast for breakfast, lunch was tuna fish and cottage cheese, skipped dinner, but did have a glass of chocolate milk. Ouch! I did walked for 45 mins. so hopefully that balanced out the chocolate milk. :rolleyes:


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