Where is the funnel cake? Updated 8/13/13 Finale!!

Goodness! What a meal... at least you used your charm to sweeten up the family into finally being cordial. :) Was the music entertaining? Biergarten was the first restaurant that we were going to dine in WDW but I put the kabosh on it since I didn't think I would like the food. Now that I've seen the list of items I think I could find a few things that I like. :)
Glad to hear you tried BG, it has been a solid fav of mine for years!

I am glad that I finally gave in and tried it as well. It was a large step outside my comfort zone, but I am happy with the outcome. It will go on our list of will eat there again some day.

Goodness! What a meal... at least you used your charm to sweeten up the family into finally being cordial. :) Was the music entertaining? Biergarten was the first restaurant that we were going to dine in WDW but I put the kabosh on it since I didn't think I would like the food. Now that I've seen the list of items I think I could find a few things that I like. :)

Hi Brenda,

From what I remember, the music was entertaining. Well, it is not Ohana, but it is good. I would recommend that you give it a shot. I thought that I would hate it, but was pleasantly surprized. I definitely went out on many limbs on this trip and Biergarten was one of them. We tried many new restaurants and new foods this trip and had very few if any missteps. Give it a whirl!:goodvibes
Day 8 Breakfast at Crystal Palace

So this is our last day in the parks and our second day at MK. I wanted to have our last day at MK so I could leave having seen the castle as one of my last memories. I am quite a sap, yes I am! (and proud of it :lmao: )

On to breakfast, even though our children are much past the stages of loving Pooh and friends, this place always dishes up a good meal. Nothing is out of this world, super duper extra ordinarily awesome, but it ALWAYS, CONSISTANTLY serves good food, and lots of it. The fact that it is in the park and good, makes it a place we love to eat. There is something for every taste, at least in our family. (Please note that I am not big on taking too many pictures of buffet food plates). We had some good interaction with our hosts and a little fun. We were mostly about eating and getting about business on our last day in the parks.

So, what did we have to eat? I had some bacon (I happen to like Disney’s bacon), sausage, scrambled eggs, cottage cheese, strawberry, hard boiled egg and some potatoes. The sausage and eggs were covered in sausage gravy. I loved it all and it was very filling.

DH had a cheese and tomato omelet, sausage, potatoes and some other misc. items.

DD had yogurt, fruit, scrambled eggs, bacon, and hard boiled egg.

DS had hard boiled eggs (yes multiple ones), lots of bacon and sausage, some scrambled eggs and potatoes. He loves his breakfast meats!!!

All of this was very good and satisfying, just like we expect from CP every time we go. This is almost a must do, since it checks so many of our boxes of what we want in an eatery. Good service, good food, many choices, good atmosphere, clean, and fun and in the park. Yes to all the above.

Here are some interior pictures. One is of a cupcake for DD’s birthday celebration.







We will go back here again. We are rating this a
3 ½ :fish: What else can I say, it’s not signature but it is classic Disney. And we know Disney does classic well!

We spent (approximately, since I have lost our receipt) $105, or 4 TS, or $26.25/person (approx.)

Up next Lunch at Liberty Tree Tavern and coming to a review near you, a funnel cake (can it be?????)
Hi Karla! I agree, CP checks off so many boxes for us... well, at least me. I love the puffed french toast. I may need to uncheck a few boxes if they ever get rid of it.

I swapped our traditional last breakfast in WDW from CRT to CP for our August 2013 trip... Em's not as much a fan of CP as me so I may need to switch things around but I don't want to give up a breakfast with Pooh and friends. :)

I'm looking forward to your LTT review.
Hi Karla! I agree, CP checks off so many boxes for us... well, at least me. I love the puffed french toast. I may need to uncheck a few boxes if they ever get rid of it.

I swapped our traditional last breakfast in WDW from CRT to CP for our August 2013 trip... Em's not as much a fan of CP as me so I may need to switch things around but I don't want to give up a breakfast with Pooh and friends. :)

I'm looking forward to your LTT review.

I love CP but I am not a very adventurous breakfast eater so I feel like I am not eating so many of the options, but what I get is really good. I like Pooh and friends but the kids are not so into them anymore, but they really like the food too.

I am so close to the end of this report now... :sad:
I am so sorry for my lack of posts. We have had a crazy life this last month. I apologize to my few readers but what I can promise is if you are still reading, I will be finishing this up in the next 2 weeks and you will know where the funnel cake is or was...
Great reviews... You and I have similar tastes. I'd love to do the deluxe plan but I think convinced me it is too much food. I'm full just reading your review...
Great reviews... You and I have similar tastes. I'd love to do the deluxe plan but I think convinced me it is too much food. I'm full just reading your review...

Hi ourdogcisco,

Thanks for the kind words. I truly believe that the deluxe plan has too much food if you plan to do 3 meals a day, absolutely! But next time, we are going to try it and do 1 either late breakfast or early lunch and 1 signature dinner. Then we will use the snacks if we happen to get hungry in between. I think that will work much better and we will still get good value for the cost and get awesome food that we otherwise wouldn't be able to pay for. Also if we can incorporate that with free dining and upgrade, part of it would be free, which is a bonus to me. Cheap is good, free is best!!!

I just read this whole report in one sitting. Great reviews, I'm really enjoying it so far:goodvibes

Hi Carrie,
Thanks for reading along, glad you are enjoying it. I am finishing up in the next few days (as I have dragged it out for many months now). Stay tuned, we will be finding out where the funnel cake is in less than 1 week!!!
Day 8 Lunch, Liberty Tree Tavern​

So after walking around for a while we got on all the rides that we wanted to do again and then headed over to our late lunch reservation at LTT. We like LTT well enough but what we miss is the dinner with the characters in colonial garb. I can get down with a thanksgiving feast any time of year! I actually loved seeing those costumes. So, because we wanted to end our night at a different eatery, we chose lunch at LTT. We also knew that we would be able to order off the menu at lunch.



We were very lame today and this whole trip and all got cokes. I actually love getting the beverages here because they come in the cold mugs.

Then came appetizers. My DS was NOT hungry so he opted not to get one. This moment has been documented on our calendar, marked in red! This has only ever happened one other time, and oddly enough, it was on our other Disney trip when we had the Deluxe Dining Plan. Who knew?
Any who…
My DD and I both opted for the New England Clam Chowder

We both loved this thick, creamy soup as it had tons of clams and was seasoned really well. I happen to love my chowders thick. The thicker the better I say. It had tons of well cooked clams and potatoes in it. I hate when you get a soup with potatoes that are still crunchy, this did not happen here. This chowder did not disappoint at all.
And, my DH went with the Tavern Fried Cheese - with marinara sauce

DH said this was you average frozen mozzarella sticks deep fried for a few minutes. It was nothing special or interesting. Mind you, he ate them all!

Then we were on to the entrees. I knew what I was going to have 6 months before we left for this vacation so it was no surprise when I chose the New England Pot Roast... Our Tavern Keeper's Favorite - braised beef in a cabernet wine and mushroom sauce served with mashed potatoes and garden vegetables. DD also chose this option.

We both started taking the veggies off the top to get to the really good stuff, the meat and potatoes. When Karen, our server, saw this she leaned over and told us that next time we could actually order it without the veggies. Who knew??? I actually ate some of my veggies, just had to cut them up a bit first. This pot roast was so tender, flavorful, and yummy. I wanted to just keep eating and eating, but alas, there was so little room in my belly that I had to stop, to save room for a few bites of dessert.
DS went with the Angus Chuck Cheeseburger - topped with bacon and cheddar or mushrooms and provolone served with fresh fruit or tavern fries. He opted for cheddar and bacon on his along with the fries.

He said it was good, just average. He would get it again, but if he were hungrier, he would go with something different. He didn’t eat it all.
DH went with a new choice for our family. All the times we have been here, none of us have ever chosen this. It is the Liberty Lamb Stew - a hearty lamb stew over a blend of five-grain rice. I thought this an odd choice for him since he isn’t a rice fan. Oh well.

He says it was alright. I believe that the fullness of his belly has tainted his review. He does say that he would get it again. I didn’t try this as I was way too busy devouring my roast and needed the room for that dessert.
So Karen comes back to take our dessert orders and my DS said he wasn’t getting anything. I knew he said he was full, but he always has room for dessert! Not this time, I wasn’t sure, but I thought maybe he might be getting sick. (He wasn’t sick, just really, really full)
The rest of us got a little something.
I went with the Martha Washington's Cake - a slice of rich chocolate cake, layered with a liberating chocolate coffee icing. I wasn’t sure if I would like this with the chocolate coffee icing. I love me some chocolate, but mixed with coffee…Not sure how this would go. But, I loved it. It was rich and decadent and creamy. I would SO get this again!

DH went with the Ooey Gooey Toffee Cake - vanilla cake with a gooey toffee filling, vanilla ice cream and caramel sauce. He loved it as much this time as when he had it before. It is his favorite dessert from LTT

DD wanted something but didn’t want anything too big or heavy. Karen offered her a small child sundae and DD loved it.

Here are a few pictures of the Thomas Jefferson room where we were sat. This was the first time we were seated in this room.






We really like this restaurant. I love colonial garb and am really interested in the history from this time period. I have a book about all the ways that Walt Disney incorporated bits of actual history into his concepts for this area of the park. I love how thorough he was with his designs. Anywho…
Our bill was $123.66 or 4 TS credits or $30.92/credit.

We are giving this a
3 ¾ :fish: The service from Karen was excellent, the food tasty, filling, and great comfort food. The atmosphere was great as was the décor. We will probably be back sometime in the future.

Up next, Snack time!!! We have soooooo many credits to use.
Hi Karla! LTT is one of my favorite places to eat lunch in a theme park. Mostly because of the dessert that your DH ordered. But I usually split the pot roast with Em. I just wish they had more mushrooms with the veggies. :)
I love the one time we ate at the LTT. Not sure why we haven't been back, but after seeing that yummy food, we may have to make sure we eat there next May when we visit.
Hi Karla! LTT is one of my favorite places to eat lunch in a theme park. Mostly because of the dessert that your DH ordered. But I usually split the pot roast with Em. I just wish they had more mushrooms with the veggies. :)

Hi Brenda,
I know what you mean about the mushrooms. I LOVE mushrooms and I didn't find a single one of them in the veggies. Not a one!!! I would have eaten more of them. But I also love the LTT. I would rather do the lunch not the dinner though. That way I can pick what I am hungry for at the time.

I love the one time we ate at the LTT. Not sure why we haven't been back, but after seeing that yummy food, we may have to make sure we eat there next May when we visit.

I love the atmosphere and attire there. The one thing I do miss is how they would call your family by what state you are from. They have some really good food there that is well cooked. I would say, do go back!
Day 8, snacks- cause we were so hungry, NOT!​

So we wanted to get more food into our system before our dinner because we were starving. Ok, that may have been what we said on day one, but certainly not at 4:30pm on day 8! But we had snack credits to use before we left for home the next day. So, we are in the Magic Kingdom, what should we get for snacks???

Well, DH had to get his Pineapple Float

I wanted something cold (cause August in Florida, yeah, like I said, give me something cold!!!) As much as I love pineapple, I just didn’t want the Dole Whip. Please no flaming me here. I wanted to try something a bit different so we went to the Sunshine Tree Terrace and I got the Citrus Swirl Cup

DS got a chocolate ice cream cup and DD got the Chocolate ice cream cone


These were all so cool and good and refreshing!!!

While we were eating these and relaxing we were making plans for the rest of our afternoon and evening. We were going to have plans at one of our all time favorite counter service restaurants, Cosmic Ray’s Starlight Café. We decided we wanted to go back earlier because we were exhausted! We wanted a bit more pool time and a bit of time to relax. So, we decided to skip CR and have dinner at Landscapes of flavors at the resort. But, we had a problem. We had some, and by some I mean 18 snack credits left! Oiy!!! Well, I knew one of them HAD to be the infamous funnel cake! So, we mad our way over to the place and I got a regular funnel cake with just confectioners’ sugar on it. Simple but good! The thing that I had been wanting every time we come to Disney World, but I never get because I am always just too full. Now, I am so full I can feel it, but come heck or high water, I was getting that funnel cake (especially since I could use a snack credit for it at this location). So I got it and my DS got a coke and we used 2 snack credits. I totally forgot to get a picture of the funnel cake. We decided to take it back to the room and eat it for dessert.

On our way out of the park, before my crying and seeing the Castle for the last time this trip, we stopped at the Confectionary and spent all our remaining 16 credits on all kinds of sweet goodies.



Most of these items were wrapped, packed and flown home with us to extend our Disney trip.

Now, I am not sure how much all these things cost but if you say each one was an average of $3.50 (which would be close) and we had 22 snacks in this one little update. That would total $77. That works for me, a little to bring home and some to enjoy now.
We love snacks gotten with snack credits.

Okay, up next our last dinner for this trip, at Landscapes of Flavors.
Stumbled upon your DR and read through the whole thing tonight. Loved all of your pictures. I am really hoping you ended up with a funnel cake before your trip ended.
Hey Karla that funnel cake makes an appearance finally! What a great value for a snack credit. I'm thinking I need to go to Sleepy Hollow and get one next trip. We'll see if I can work up enough appetite for one.

I've never had a Dole Whip, Pineapple float, or Citrus Swirl. Again, another thing on the list to try. I love pineapple so I'm not sure which to choose.

I love the idea of brining some sweets home to extend the Disney feel another day or two, or three!


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