Where is the funnel cake? Updated 8/13/13 Finale!!

yay! I started reading this while you were away, and I'm glad you're back. Fantastic reviews. I'm looking forward to the Spirit of Aloha review.
yay! I started reading this while you were away, and I'm glad you're back. Fantastic reviews. I'm looking forward to the Spirit of Aloha review.

Well, thanks for reading along. I have had some crazy life stuff happening, but I won't bore you with the details, but I am back. Thanks for the kind words. I am hoping to get that review up tomorrow sometime. :thumbsup2
I've had WPE mac n cheese and it is one of my faves! Love that stuff!! :goodvibes:

It is amazing stuff. My mom thought that she should get something more special or new since our family of 4 was on the deluxe dining plan (mom and dad live in Florida and just joined us for some of our meals) and I said that whatever she wanted was fine. We were so full at this point it just didn't matter. Then my mom tasted it and was over the moon about it. Ordinary mac and cheese this stuff isn't. My mom said that she would get this when they go back (that was their first time there as well). Thanks for reading along! :thumbsup2
Hi Karla! Michael saw the rotisserie chicken after he placed his pizza order and definitely wants to try that sometime! It looks pretty good. However, I have been eyeing that bacon wrapped meatloaf and I'm so glad to see that you enjoyed it!!! Ahhhhh... I want some!

I had the vanilla bean cheesecake and thought it was good as well.

Thanks for updating... I know how crazy life can get but I'm hanging in there until you very last meal of the trip! :goodvibes
Hi Karla! Michael saw the rotisserie chicken after he placed his pizza order and definitely wants to try that sometime! It looks pretty good. However, I have been eyeing that bacon wrapped meatloaf and I'm so glad to see that you enjoyed it!!! Ahhhhh... I want some!

I had the vanilla bean cheesecake and thought it was good as well.

Thanks for updating... I know how crazy life can get but I'm hanging in there until you very last meal of the trip! :goodvibes

Hi Brenda,
Thanks for sticking it out with me. I definitely have some good things still to come. That meatloaf was good and with bacon, yeah! I have off now for our school break so I should be able to put up a few reviews soon. We still have to find out where the funnel cake is...:lmao:
I've loved reading your review! We were there back in October and I ended up cracking a bone the second day we were there so the rest of my trip was pretty blown! I'm already trying to make up for it by scheduling my next trip and I'm definitely thinking of going deluxe. All your pictures look so yummy and I wish my son would eat like your kids!
I've loved reading your review! We were there back in October and I ended up cracking a bone the second day we were there so the rest of my trip was pretty blown! I'm already trying to make up for it by scheduling my next trip and I'm definitely thinking of going deluxe. All your pictures look so yummy and I wish my son would eat like your kids!

Oh, I am so sorry to hear that. I would hate that! I will say that deluxe is awesome if you really love to eat LOTS of food ALL day long! Now having said that, I love the deluxe to do a late breakfast or very early lunch and a later dinner at a signature restaurant. If you like that, then the deluxe would be fantastic. Doing it the way we did is like wanting a food coma or having a food baby, neither of which are good. Thanks for the compliment on the pictures. When my kids were younger, I never made them seperate meals, I always fed them whatever we were having. They each have things they won't eat, but for the most part, they are willing to try things and are more adventurous than most kids their ages.

We were looking forward to this since we had never been before. But of course, we had people telling us it is the kind of Disney dinner that you do to say you did it once. So, keeping that in mind and knowing that we probably wouldn’t do it again anyway, we went. Well, I should say we attempted to get there on time. Now, the day we had this was none other than the day after Hurricane Isaac had come through. It was raining on and off and there was some lightning about. I had tried to find out if it was still being held and was told that I should assume that it was. We left slightly more than an hour early from our room (after having gotten changed) to get from Art of Animation to the Polynesian. We took a bus to MK and were going to take the monorail from MK to the Poly. But at that moment we arrived, it was pouring, like 7 seas lagoon amounts so everyone and their brother, father, sister, grandmother and step sisters were in line for the monorail and they were saying if it began lightning, that it would stop running. FANTASTIC!!! NOT!!! So, we go for the little launch. We got there just after one had pulled away (of course we did). We waited and another one came along and we were the third family to NOT make that launch. Then about 15 minutes later another one came. By that time we were 2 minutes late for the show. So it takes 10 minutes to get there by boat and another 10 to walk the twisty, dark and not so even walkway there. We get there and think that it is not happening because we can’t even hear anything but we turned that last left turn and Voila!, there it was.

So we get shown to our seats and our drink order was taken immediately. Even though there are some alcoholic beverages included with the meal, we opted for non alcoholic ones. If I had known then what was going to happen at the end of the night, I would have partaken of one, or more. Our starter tray came out and on it was a nice salad, fresh pineapple, and bread.


All of these were good. I am such a fan of pineapple and would have happily made a meal of this alone. But I did not, I had the bread and it was slightly sweet but fresh and good. I only had a small bit of the salad and it was ok. (I am not the biggest salad fan)

Next came the mains. Our tray was laden with many ribs, chicken and their Polynesian rice. I cannot stand chicken on the bone (don’t ask, I’m just weird that way) but I love me some good ribs and these fit that bill! And that rice, I don’t know what it was but I could go for some of that right now. It was super yummy. My DH and DD loved the chicken. My DS, who is not a fan of ANY meat on the bone, tolerated the ribs and actually liked the ribs but wouldn’t touch the chicken. We all ate that rice and got seconds of that and some more meat.

Then came the dessert. This tray had 4 volcanic pyramids on it. They were some kind of chocolate mousse with what I would best guess as a raspberry sauce. DS chose not to have any of that and the rest of us ate ours and split his.

During the whole meal the show was going on and it was hokey with the story line but the dancing was awesome. We were sitting in category 2 seats and they were ok with a post partially in the way. DH and I say that if we didn’t have to see the hokey part of the show, we would do that food again. Here are some pictures of some of the show.











Now the frustrating and not so magical part of the meal happened. When we were on our way there, the launch captain said that his evening would end at 9:30 pm. We asked if we could get back with him to MK to get back to our bus. He said no he would be off duty then. So we get out and go to the Main building and they say go to the monorail. We go out and they say that they are closed for the evening and tell us all to go to the launch. I said that they told us they would be closed and the monorail guy said they are open. We turn around and walk all the way to the launch and the guy is docked and not operating. So the group of us and there were about 15 of us blindly following each other just trying to get back to our respective resorts. We all head back up to the Ceremonial house again… There we went out the front to the bell hop gentlemen and ask them, and by now there was a line from others trying to get taxis or any form of transportation out of there. I said that I was told there would be free Disney transportation since we were on property and they said sure, we have busses for our resorts but they will be stopping in two minutes. Ok, where is it??? About a 2 minute walk that way. Move it family we are making that bus!!! So we get there and there is mass chaos. There was 1 person finding out who was going where and many families, like 40, all trying to find where their particular bus was going to be loading. We got to the very nice gentleman and told him AoA and he said we were in luck that bus is right in back of him. It would load in one minute and it was the last bus there of the night. Oh thank the good Lord because I was not paying for a taxi! But if I had, I would have been in my bed by the time, just saying!

So, all that drama now behind us, what did we think of the Luau?

We give it…
3 :fish: We liked it enough to say we are glad we did it, but not enough to go back. It’s one of those things that we can cross off our Disney Bucket list and have the memory and smile at it. It wasn’t awful but it wasn’t a signature restaurant either.

We spent $251.96 or 8 TS credits or $31.50/ credit

Up next day 7 and Landscapes of Flavors breakfast
Oh, what a terrible experience with the transportation. You would think with the weather and k owing such a large group would be leaving the show together they would have had people directing you correctly.

As for the luau, your experience reflects our own. My DH is in love with the bread, but we also love Ohana's bread. So good!
I'm surprised by the transportation problem. Usually, the buses run until at least midnight. The buses run later because DTD has lots of stuff open to 11pm, and they need to have the buses to get them home. The "last resort" transportation strategy is always "bus to DTD, bus from DTD to resort". Was everything closing early due to the Hurricane that night?
Oh, what a terrible experience with the transportation. You would think with the weather and k owing such a large group would be leaving the show together they would have had people directing you correctly.

As for the luau, your experience reflects our own. My DH is in love with the bread, but we also love Ohana's bread. So good!

I'm surprised by the transportation problem. Usually, the buses run until at least midnight. The buses run later because DTD has lots of stuff open to 11pm, and they need to have the buses to get them home. The "last resort" transportation strategy is always "bus to DTD, bus from DTD to resort". Was everything closing early due to the Hurricane that night?

Yes, we were kinda dumb struck about the transportation issue. We know it can take a long time from resort to resort but to not have anything organized for such a large group leaving a huge dinner A) on their property and B) that we paid a LOT of money to see. Nothing had closed down early because we only got the outer bands of the hurricane as it hit more in the gulf. We only got rain and some thunder. It just happens that when it let out, the parks that we could have used as transportation change points had closed earlier that night and we were passed the time limit on that. It was just a mess but it will make me think next time I go somewhere on property that late for dinner, I will check my routes and options Very carefully.
Wow, you're reviews and pics are terrific!!! I'm having so much fun reading everything.... it sounds (and looks) like you had a great time!

I was excited to see your Yak and Yeti review...we're going to be trying that for the first time, so I'm really looking forward to that!
Wow, you're reviews and pics are terrific!!! I'm having so much fun reading everything.... it sounds (and looks) like you had a great time!

I was excited to see your Yak and Yeti review...we're going to be trying that for the first time, so I'm really looking forward to that!

Thank you so much. It means a lot to hear that people think I am doing a good job. I want to be fair but still tell our story. We had a tough year and needed a great vacation and we really did have that. Yak and Yeti is a good choice in Animal Kingdom. Since it is really the only table service there. I know a lot of people won't stay in AK for the meal but we like it for lunch and then do a resort dinner. I hope you like it as much as we do and I hear the wonton dessert is awesome! Thanks for reading!:thumbsup2

My deepest apologies for my absence. Life, need I say more. But as I write this I realize that there are all of 2 of you who are still sitting on the edge of your seat waiting to find out, where is the funnel cake. So, I am here to continue the saga of the missing, lost, or gone astray funnel cake. So without further ado, here comes breakfast. (Sorry, I am missing pictures for this entry)

Well on our itinerary for this morning was Sunshine Seasons but 2 in our group were hungry immediately out of the box. I can guarantee you it wasn’t me. I think I stopped being hungry on this trip about 5 minutes into our first meal and didn’t regain hunger for a week after we got home. Oddly enough, I only gained 5 pounds on this trip, not bad for all the food we/I ate. Anywho, breakfast. We had looked at their menus and there were different, unusual, ethnic choices as well as some standards. Knowing our children were open to many options, we thought we would try this option. It was close and the whole family was able to find something to satisfy them.

DS opted for the World Flavors Breakfast Platter - scrambled eggs, breakfast potatoes, Portuguese sausage, bacon and mini naan bread. He liked most of this but he and I traded some components if our trays. He liked the eggs, sausage, bacon and bread but not the potatoes, which I took and though they were great, well seasoned and well cooked taters. He liked everything else and ate it like he had never eaten before.

I opted for the American Breakfast Platter - scrambled eggs, breakfast potatoes, turkey bacon, chicken sausage and biscuit. I went conservative on this because that is how I do breakfast. My DH says that I am so boring with breakfast, but I know what I like and like what I know. I liked the eggs, they were cooked just right, not too wet and not really dry. The bacon and sausage was ok, not the best but it ate. The biscuit was ok but on the dry side. I didn’t like these breakfast potatoes so I gave them to my DS and he liked them. I had an OJ and DS had apple juice.

DD opted for the Challah French Toast - with fresh fruit topping and choice of bacon or Portuguese sausage. She had the bacon. We are a family that falls on the side of the fence that happens to like Disney bacon. She wasn’t sure what Portuguese sausage was and didn’t want to chance not liking it and being hungry, she wanted to eat everything. By the way, she ate it all. She loves French toast at Disney.

Lastly, there is DH, he wanted something special, so he went with Create Your Own Omelet - Choice of ham, sausage, tomato, mushroom, onions, green bell peppers, cheddar cheese, Swiss cheese and turkey bacon served with breakfast potatoes. He got cheddar cheese and tomato on his. He wasn’t terribly fond of the potatoes but he ate them. He liked the omelet and said it was cooked well. He and DD both had chocolate milk.

After breakfast, we headed for our last day at EPCOT. We had snacks to buy and Lunch at Le Cellier that we were looking forward to, Stay tuned for that, and I promise I have pictures for those.

We liked this choice for breakfast and didn’t really miss going to Sunshine Seasons. It would have cost us 42.32 or 4 TS credit or $10.58/credit. It was not the best use of our credits, but we figured by this time, we had gotten our moneys worth and knew we still had a big meal or two left and tons of snacks to use.

We would rate this a 3 :fish: It was ok and we would go there again. (and we did for dinner)
I'm #1 of the 2 that are still on the edge of my seat. ;)

I really want to check out Landscapes of Flavor....I just keep reading good reviews.

Jill in CO
Could I be #2 of 2? I keep hearing good things about Lanscape of Flavors. With so many different options it is a must do for us on our next trip!
Count me in for the people who are interested in Landscape of Flavors. I stayed at POP twice in December and was tempted to go over there for a meal but really stayed too busy. Maybe soon.


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