TT's continuing to be a better me journal (Comments Welcome)


Disney Running TK
Jun 26, 2007
Hello Fellow DISers,

I just discovered the W.I.S.H. board and thought that this would be a great place to start a journal.

Let me start with a little bit about myself. I am a 38 year old husband and father of three. I have fought weight problems most of my life and would like to get that aspect of me cleaned up.

It seems like I have always had issues with weight and money and would like to get both things fixed. It was about this time last year that my wife and I started our road to financial recovery. We were deeply in debt via credit cards and other misc loans and really needed some help to get out. This is when we discovered Dave Ramsey. I’m not here to be a spokesman for Dave so let’s just say we read two of his books and began implementing a new financial plan. We were able to pay off about $30K last year and I’m glad to say that, god willing, we will be totally debt free accept for our house by the end of the year.

Now on to the fixing the whole “Pooh” thing I’ve got going on. A few years back I got on the Atkins kick and was able to shed about 60 lbs. That summer was one of the best of my life. I was full of energy and was able to run again for the first time since high school. Well as you can guess I fell off the no carb bandwagon and gained most of the weight back.

This time I’m taking a different approach. I am going for a life change instead of a diet. One of my family members was just diagnosed with Diabetes and it really opened my eyes. I can’t afford to diet. I need to change my eating behavior forever. No starving myself…no excuses…no crying…no beating myself up and checking the scale every day to see if I have lost weight. I’m going to weigh in once a week and if I haven’t lost weight I won’t let it get me down. I’ll post it on these boards as as a reminder and then move on with my life. I’ll continue to exercise and eat healthy and if I never lose a pound I know that I will still feel better because the sugar and junk food will be out of my system.

My goal with this journal is to document what I’m doing so I can go back during the difficult days and see what I have done correctly and incorrectly. Hopefully that will help me get through the more tempting times. Anyway I am thankful for a place to vent and wish you all the best success in your individual journeys. :thumbsup2
It's been a good week so far. I won't weigh myself until tomorrow but I am really feeling better. I started watching what I was eating on Sunday and the first three or four days was a little rough. I was hungry but by eating small healthy snacks instead of big meals really helped. Now I am feeling much better and maybe in a few weeks I'll start looking better. We went to Applebee's for lunch today. They had a really good chicken and portabello mushroom sandwich with a side of fruit. It was quit tasty.We did our fist workout yesterday as well. I bought a workout video and we did the first half hour session. I was a little disappointed because I thought it would be a little more aerobic. Oh well...It will do until I can get a treadmill and begin the couch to 5K.
WOOHOO...:cool1: ...:cool1: ...I just did my first official weigh in for the one week mark and I'm down six pounds. I went from 278.3 down to 272.2. I realize that most of this is water weight but it feels good to make some progress. I'm really proud of myself. It was a good week. pirate:

I'm feeling really good today. The last couple of days have been rough. I've had some cravings that were hard to resist. I didn't go overboard but I did give into my favorite Thai restaurant :sad: OH Well...Today is a new day and I've kicked the bad thoughts out:thumbsup2 Time to not worry about it and move on...yeah me!!! :cheer2:
Woohoo::yes:: Just had a really nice lunch, power walking at the mall. Four laps = One mile :yay:
Well another week is in the books and I must say it was a really good week. I would almost say even better than last week. The food cravings are much better now and I'm starting to get to that point where I can visualize a thinner me. :cheer2: I did my weekly weigh in this morning and I was shocked. I had to weigh myself three times because according to the scale I lost seven pounds this week. I know I was doing well but I didn't think I was doing that good. Either way I'm beginning to feel better physically. I'm also excited to begin training for the myriad of 5K races we have locally. I definitely want to run (or walk) a few of them.

Time to change the Siggy :wishten
Great job there! Keep up the good work.You sound very motivated and very motivating.Reading and responding to others journals can keep you going as well.

Look at the races at Disney in 2010- 5k or the 1/2, you can definately be ready by then even if you plan to walk them.

Great job there! Keep up the good work.You sound very motivated and very motivating.Reading and responding to others journals can keep you going as well.

Look at the races at Disney in 2010- 5k or the 1/2, you can definately be ready by then even if you plan to walk them.


Thanks Linda...I'll do that.

Just checking in mid week. I'm still going strong and feeling better every day. I weighed myself again on Monday to make sure everything was correct and it still says I have lost a total of twelve pounds. I can really tell the difference in my eating habits now and I think my stomach is actually shrinking. I can only eat half of what I used to before getting full. I also have learned to stop eating at "80 Percent". That's in quotes because my wife has been preaching it for years now :rotfl2:
hello all,
Well, you know I sure applaud your determination and I can learn a lesson or two from this thread as well.

I did just buy some walking poles on the weekend at a Health Show. I am hoping this will get me motivated to get a routine walking thing going on.

They say you can really tone up and lose some pounds, it mimics the cross country ski machine action or something.
Hi Kyle,
Way to go -12 lbs. that is awesome!!!!!!!!!


Thanks Linda...I have a long way to go but I'm already feeling so much better. We submitted our taxes over the weekend and as soon as the refund comes in we're going to get a treadmill. I can't wait to get started.
Do have have one picked out? We have a Sole F63.It is very stable and has some great features.It actually has a track that shows how many times you have gone around.We got it at Dick's sporting goods.
Also has an Ipod deck and speakers.I made a killer playlist that keeps me going.

Congrats on your paradigm shift! Sounds like you have made a permanent decision to change your world! Way to go!!

I love Dave Ramsey! I am very I found out about Dave Ramsey years ago...before I had the opportunity to take on any debt. So, I am basically debt free (except for my house)!!

I am totally on board with your weight loss goals, though! :) So I am subbing in!

Yes, someone is listening! :) Way to go!! Keep it up!
Do have have one picked out? We have a Sole F63.It is very stable and has some great features.It actually has a track that shows how many times you have gone around.We got it at Dick's sporting goods.
Also has an Ipod deck and speakers.I made a killer playlist that keeps me going.


Hi Linda,

As a matter of fact we do have one picked out and we bought it last night. I had been looking for a couple of weeks and finally decided on a slightly higher end Nordic Track. We have a Sears outlet here in Michigan and they had a floor model that we got a really good deal on. We ended up getting a Nordic Track C2400. The original price was $1,299 but I used the Dave Ramsey "Cash is King" method and was able to negotiate it down to $600.

The Treadmill has as 2.5HP motor, 55" long tread belt, fan, built in mp3 holder with speakers, and is compatible with iFit.

I was loving it until they loaded it into the minivan. I took one look and thought to myself "This sucker is huge." I recruited my brother into helping me get it into the basement. What a pain in the butt. We eventually got it down there but I think it's going to stay with the house if we ever move :rotfl2:
Congrats Kyle! How did you use cash is king with Sears- they have the ability to negotiate there- aren't they salesmen and how do they have control to do that?

Congrats on your paradigm shift! Sounds like you have made a permanent decision to change your world! Way to go!!

I love Dave Ramsey! I am very I found out about Dave Ramsey years ago...before I had the opportunity to take on any debt. So, I am basically debt free (except for my house)!!

I am totally on board with your weight loss goals, though! :) So I am subbing in!

Yes, someone is listening! :) Way to go!! Keep it up!

Hi Maroo,

Thanks for the encouragement. It really does help, :thumbsup2

Dave has been such a blessing to us. It feels so much better when you purchase something with cash and know that there is no credit card guilt attached to it. Now when we buy something I know that we thought it through and were able to pay cash for it. :goodvibes

Now I just need to get the physical aspect of me straightened out. It looks like I'm on a good road there as well. :cheer2: I plan to use these boards to keep motivated during those times that I seem to "hit a brick wall". ;)

Speaking of hitting a brick wall...I just weighed myself and I haven't lost any weight this week. Oh well...I'll continue to eat healthy and it will come off eventually. :joker:
Well it must be in the air because I just did the same thing and I am getting very frustrated.I did not lose 1 lb. during the whole training process for the full( I was not really eating that great) so I was not worried.Now I have been eating very well and xtraining and the scale has not moved an ounce!I have been the same wt. for a year now.

I have hit a plateau of a lifetime here ;(



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