Toystoryduo’s Journal: Baby Steps are the Key... Celebrate Each Victory!

Thanks Amy.:hug:

Yesterday was a good, but frustrating day. We spent the day driving around to different stores looking for a pop up hamper and an over the door shoe holder for our WDW trip. I can't believe how expensive they are now! I got my last ones at the dollar store for $1.00/each. Now, they cost anywhere from $5-$12/each!:eek: Very frustrating.... We did have dinner at Red Lobster last night and that was really yummy.:lovestruc

Today's Plan:

* Soccer Game

* Grandma's 75th Birthday Party

My DH has to go to Michigan tomorrow so the girls and I will stay home and clean. Somehow, the house has gotten even messier than it was before we started packing. We have a lot to do!:scared:

We'll be watching Ike very carefully...Not just because of our vacation, but because we have family members that may find themselves in Ike's path. We're supposed to meet my DH's cousin and family on the 14th for dinner. I guess it will depend on what happens this week....Prayers for anyone in Ike's path....:grouphug:

Hope everyone has a great weekend!:goodvibes
Good morning friends,

My DH is on his way to work and the girls and I are busy cleaning the house. (Well, I'm taking a break for a few moments.) Here is what we need to accomplish today;

* Clean the kitchen, living room, bathroom

* DDs need to straighten up their rooms

* Get travel games together

* Pet instructions ready for pet sitter

* Count change

* Make housekeeping envelopes (add money later)

* Pack toiletries

* Pack clothing for my DH and I

That's a lot to get done for the day, but it really needs to get done. Here's what our week ahead looks like:

Sunday: DH working; kids and I are cleaning and packing

Monday: DH working; kids and I have homeschooling and babysitting, DH and DD7 have soccer practice in the evening

Tuesday: DH working; kids and I have homeschooling and babysitting, meeting a friend for coffee at 5:00 p.m.

Wednesday: DH working, kids and I have homeschooling and babysitting, mail out research work

Thursday: DH working, kids and I homeschooling and babysitting

Friday: DH working, kids and I homeschooling and babysitting, pre- departure dinner

Saturday: pictures @ 10:30 a.m., soccer game @ 11:00 a.m., pick up car rental, pack car, DH sleeps while kids and I do last minute shopping, leave for WDW at 6:00 p.m. (hopefully!;) )

I'm still not feeling 100% well.... Yesterday was kind of a tough day as I had tummy troubles all day. (Despite having soccer and a birthday party to go to.) My tummy is still giving me problems today, but we're home so I can handle it.

Off to get some things done....
One week to go! I hear you on those pop up hampers, I left mine at Port Orleans Riverside by mistake and never have found a cheap one since. I use one of those $5 Disney shopping bags (the big blue ones) they sell at World of Disney that I have had to buy a couple of times when I bought more than I could pack! They work great.

This sounds like a very busy week, take some deep breaths in between all you have going on. This week will totally fly by. Where are you staying this time?

Ike looks very scary, I will keep you and your family and all the other people in the path of that storm in my prayers.

Here's to a good week!:hug:
Thanks Amy.:hug:

I just finished a quick and easy workout and now my right hand is swelling up, especially my thumb. :confused3 I'm hoping this is temporary....

Yesterday was a long day....My DH had to go to Michigan for work and the girls and I cleaned all day yesterday. The only room left to clean is our bedroom. I'll probably work on that today.

Today's Plan:

* Laundry

* Some yard work

* Pack Clothes (DH's and mine)

* Start packing toiletries

* Clean bedroom

* Homeschooling

* Babysitting

I really need to start working on losing weight. My excess weight causes me to have difficult sleeping at night and is not helping the situation with my heel at all. I'm not going to worry about it until we get back from WDW though. No sense trying to diet on vacation. ;) (Although, I feel like I have more control over eating while at WDW than I do at home. Weird huh?:confused3 )

I need to get started on my day....As I check things off my to do list, I'll allow myself to come back to the DIS and spend some time doing research for our trip. ;)

Have a great day everyone!:grouphug:
Tracy -- I am so excited for you that you trip is so close! (I leave Friday) :banana: PLEASE do not wipe yourself out this week, or you will be susceptible to getting sick. :hug: I WISH we were going to be in WDW at the same time and could have found a way to meet for a quick hello and hug. I will be thinking of you this week, while I pack for one and knowing how hard you are working to get your whole family ready to go. :goodvibes
Thanks Cam.:hug:

I'm still working on my to do list. It is shrinking, but very slowly. I think that after today, it will be about 80% done. My DH will be home for most of the day so I will have his help which will make things go much faster.

Remember how I said I would worry about weight loss when I get home from Florida? Well, it was pretty heavy on my mind yesterday. I can't believe that I have allowed myself to gain 20 pounds in the past year. :sad2: Now, I am having major issues with my heel which may prevent serious exercise for awhile. I know that I can and will figure this thing out. It's just really bugging me to see 233 on the scale right now.:guilty: Especially when heading into a WDW vacation with free dining.:eek:

That's about all from here.... Off to get even more laundry done.:laundy:
Don't beat yourself up. :hug: The important thing is that you are aware and are taking steps to fix it. Have fun at WDW. Just think of all the calories you will burn by walking around!
Hi Tracy
i cant believe your trip is around the corner!!!
Have a fab time, wish i was still their :(
sorry i've not been around much, but your in my thoughts!
Tracy, I too have foot pain due to my weight issue and I know firsthand, it really gives you a painful reminder of what needs to be done. I know you can do this sweetie, you have been doing really well with exercise at the gym. Does your gym have a pool? Because when my heel flares up, swimming is a good way to exercise without putting too much strain on my sore foot. Just don't give up and don't be too hard on yourself. Losing weight is a multi step process, you have a couple of key steps to bring into this and then you will get it done! But I do agree, go on your vacation and don't worry about it. Buy a noodle thing for the pool and paddle around with your arms and legs, its good exercise!

Your trip is so close, I am so excited for you guys. Don't forget: Spaceship Earth and Grand Marinier Orange Slushy while at Epcot!!!;) :) :goodvibes
Thanks Jessi, Tracey, and Amy!:grouphug:

We are almost done with our WDW to do list!!!!:banana: I'm hoping to finish things up today so we can chill out tomorrow. :goodvibes

Tomorrow, I will weigh myself and take measurements to see if any progress has been made.

Today's Plan:

* Homeschooling

* Laundry

* Finish list

* Housekeeping envelopes

That's about all from here....Have a great day everyone!:grouphug:
Hope you're feeling all better now, Tracy! I can't believe you leave for WDW in just over 48 hrs. I'm jealous!!!!!!!!!

Hopefully the weather will be wonderful for you & no storms pop up.

Try to take it easy a bit today & tomorrow so you, too, are rested for the drive.

Prayers for a safe, fun trip!!

I can't begin to tell you how much I care!!
Thank you so much, Julie.:hug:

I just got off the phone with my DH....His cousin, Jennifer, is not doing well.:sad1: You may remember that she has cancer and has been waiting to have a stem cell procedure done. I guess that she has a fever of 103 right now, is bleeding from her throat, and will be going into surgery for gallbladder issues. She is in her early 30s and has two small children. Please pray for her and her family at this time. I will update you when I can....
Tracy, I am so sorry about Jennifer. I am praying for her and the whole family. I just don't understand these things...

Take care Wish Sis, you're in my thoughts and prayers.:hug:
Thanks Julie and Amy.:grouphug:

We just received an update on Jennifer from her sister.....

I guess that she has been in excruciating pain since last Saturday. Because she is in the process of having a stem cell transplant, the doctors have been very cautious about the treatment/ tests they can give her. It took the doctors until late on Thursday to discover that the pain she was having was from her gallbladder. She went into surgery yesterday and is doing somewhat better today. She still has a bit of a fever, but now she is able to sleep since the pain is gone. If all goes well, they will put her back into isolation tonight so that her immune system can build up again. (Before starting the stem cell procedure, she had several doses of chemo.) Her sister said that she is not out of the woods yet, but that she is doing better. Please continue to pray for Jennifer and her family. :grouphug:

I will be back with another update before we leave tomorrow. :hug:
We'll be leaving in a few hours....Just wanted to stop by and say that I hope everyone has a wonderful week ahead!:grouphug: See you real soon!:wave:
Tracy, I bet you are on the road and I missed you. Have a wonderful trip Wish Sis, we'll "see" you when you get back!

I will keep Jennifer in my prayers, poor thing, gall bladder on top of everything else. I had my gall bladder removed and that pain is awful, I just can't imagine that on top of chemo too. God bless her!

Drive safe :drive: and have a ball!:) :hug: :wave2:
Hi, Tracy. Sorry I have been MIA for so long. I wish I had caught you before you left, but I hope you have a GREAT trip. It sounds as if you've had more than your share of stress lately, a situation to which I can fully relate. ENJOY yourself, don't worry about the pressures of home and weight loss, they will be there when you get back! We just have to keep on keeping on, although sometimes it is hard not to let discouragement get to us. But we can prevail!

Be safe and happy - and bring some pixie dust home with you!

I hope you're having a fantastic trip! You're in my thoughts!


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