Toystoryduo’s Journal: Baby Steps are the Key... Celebrate Each Victory!

Thanks Susan!:hug:

Today looks to be a busy day for my DH....He has three jobs to do today that include lots of travel time. :( With gas prices being so high, the extra travel is difficult, but manageable for the moment. The girls and I are staying close to home and working on cleaning up the house.

I haven't weighed myself in a few days. I've been more focused on working through and healing the emotional issues that are the root cause of my weight problems. This is a process. It won't happen overnight, but it is a start. Again, I highly recommend When Food is Your Best Friend and Your Worst Enemy. It is a very well written look at eating from the 12 step and Christian perspectives. I could fill up several journals with all that I have learned already!:goodvibes

Today's Plan:

* Vote (DONE! It's a local library issue on the ballot.)

* Laundry (Never done!:lmao: )

* Straighten up and clean the house

* Work on Rewards Programs

* Disney planning (counter service locations and countdown activities for the girls)

That's about all from here! Hope everyone has a great day!:grouphug:
Hi Tracey,

I'm glad to hear you focusing on some positive things to help you with your journey to better health. Also good to hear you've had a good week! Nothing better to help lift the spirits then things finally going your way!
Thanks Amy.:hug:

My DH called a few minutes ago and told me that his grandmother is dying.:sad1: Please pray that she would pass peacefully. Please also pray for my DH and his family. Thanks for your prayers and support.:grouphug:
Good afternoon friends,

Grandma is still with us...At last check, she was not doing well.:sad1: She perked up yesterday with the family around her, but today she has not been doing well. Your prayers are much appreciated.:grouphug:

I'm feeling pretty stressed out at the moment. Several reasons actually....I am trying to stay centered and focused on the Lord, but it is a challenge at the moment. :(

My DH left for a job in Toledo about an hour ago. When he gets back in the area, he will stop by the nursing home and spend time with his grandma. He probably won't get home until 10:00 p.m. or 11:00 p.m. tonight.....

That's about all from here....Thanks for your prayers and support!:grouphug:
We received the call about a half an hour ago that my DH's grandma has passed away. :sad1: Her funeral will be on Monday.

Thank you for your thoughts and prayers.:grouphug:

Tracy - I am SO SORRY about your DH's grandmother. You have my sincere condolences. I hope you and he (and the rest of his family) can find joy and peace in the memories of his grandmother, and the knowledge that she is no longer suffering or in pain. I am glad he got to spend time with her and say goodbye. Big hugs for you! :hug: :hug: :hug:

Thank you, Susan.:hug:

Grandma's showing will be on Sunday and the funeral will be on Monday. :sad1:

Our weekend looks as follows:

Today: DH out of town....Working all day

Tomorrow: Soccer, DH works, shop for the girls outfits for the funeral

Sunday: Showing

Monday: Funeral

After Monday, we head back into a very busy few weeks. We have soccer 3 times a week, homeschooling, work, e.t.c. The time will go by very quickly and I am praying that the stress levels remain manageable.

Thanks for your thoughts and prayers for our family at this time.:grouphug: Hope everyone has a great weekend!:goodvibes
Tracy, I am so sorry about dh's grandmother. It is always a shock. Your family is in my prayers. I am happy that she is at peace and in heaven but I know she leaves behind lots of loved ones that will miss her. Hang in there Wish Sis.:hug:

I am going to buy that book, if its good by you, that's enough of a thumbs up review for me!

You sound very busy, don't forget to take some Tracy time. Your trip is coming up, I think your family has really earned this vacation.

Again, I am so sorry about Grandma.:hug:
Thanks Amy!:hug:

Grandma's funeral went well yesterday. My DH's uncle (from my MIL's side of the family/ grandma that passed away is from my deceased FIL's side of the family) was able to come and preside over parts of the mass and at the cemetery as well. It was a huge blessing to have him here with us.:goodvibes

Today, I am trying to get back into a routine. I'm also spending some time DISing while planning homeschooling lessons for the next few weeks. How's that for multi-tasking? ;) :lmao:

My nephew is turning 18 today and we are celebrating his birthday at my MIL's house this evening.:goodvibes

On Friday, we will be 30 days out from our trip....I can't wait!:banana: I will probably come up with some sort of exercise challenge for myself. My DH bought me the 10 minute trainer for my birthday and I'm looking forward to trying it out.

Weigh-in tomorrow....

That's about all from here. Have a great day everyone!:hug: Thanks for your prayers and support!:grouphug:
Hi Tracy, I am so glad that dh's grandma's service went well. That is always nice when family can officiate. You guys are in my thoughts through these coming days.:hug:

That is great your trip is so close! I remember when it was like 11 months to go!

So what is ten minute trainer? And when was your birthday? Did I miss that somehow???
Thanks Amy.:hug:

The 10 Minute Trainer is from an infomercial by Beachbody. Tony Horton (Power 90, Power 90 X) created the workouts. There are 5 workouts: Total Body, Lower Body, Abs, Cardio, and Yoga Flex. Each workout is only 10 minutes long and they really seem to work your body! The set comes with resistance bands and a cardio belt as well as a tape measure, an eating guide, a workout guide, and a measurement tracker. I did Cardio and Abs this morning and they are pretty good workouts for only 20 minutes.:goodvibes We'll know how well they work if I'm sore tomorrow. ;) (My birthday isn't until September 19th. My DH bought it as an early gift.:goodvibes )

Today's Plan:

* Grocery Store

* Library

* Walmart

* SR

* Workout (done)

I weighed in this morning at 231.2. :( I've decided that for the next 31 days, I will workout daily using the 10 minute trainer workouts and I will try and make better food choices. I'd like to lose some inches and be solidly in the 220s before we leave for Florida.

This week's goals;

1. Workout daily (1-2 10 minute trainer workouts/ day)

2. Write down what I eat.

With homeschooling starting next week, I don't want to try and do too much and get overwhelmed.

That's about all from here....Have a great day!:grouphug:
I may have to check into that 10 minute workout thing. I want something I can do at home (weight rooms in gyms make me nervous). That's nice your dh got you an early bday present!

Don't stress about the scale, I know it stinks though!

Very wise to not spread yourself too thin with homeschooling coming right up. Avoiding stress is key to weight management per my WW leader! See how smart you are??
Thanks Amy!:hug:

Yesterday was an okay day here.... The bright spots? We all got free burritos at a new Chipotle in our area. We also got free drinks as well! Saved us almost $30!:thumbsup2 I also got a $50 Disney gift card and $30 in Disney Dollars from Sunshine Rewards.:banana:

The not so bright spot? My DD7 is going through some friend issues right now. Ever since her friend got back from Virginia, she has pretty much ignored my DD. :( Her "friend" has been texting my niece and staying in touch with her, but for some reason, she has left my DD by the way side. :( Not fun.:sad2:

I've been keeping track of my food and exercising for the past two days. So far, I am 2/2. :cool1:

I got an e-mail message that our Disney documents are on their way!!!!:yay: How exciting is that?!?!?!?:woohoo:

I'd appreciate your good thoughts/prayers for:

1. My grandma. She is having a CAT scan today.
2. My nephew is having a minor surgery. He's 5 months old.
3. My niece is having her impacted wisdom teeth removed.

Thank you!:goodvibes

Today's Plan:
* Laundry
* Plans for next week (DH out of town)

That's about all from here. Hope everyone has a great weekend!:grouphug:
Hi Tracy, great job on the food and exercise! That is great your documents are on the way and you got those gift cards. I remember when our Chipotle opened, we got free burritos too! Funny thing, I also had Chipotle yesterday. I love their burrito bol!

I am sorry your dd is going through this. So often that happens, one kid goes away for awhile and when they come back, its not the same. It hurts, I know for the mom and the daughter! Hopefully this little girl will settle in and be nice again.

I will keep your nephew, niece and grandma in my thoughts and prayers. I hope you have a great day today Wish Sis!
Hi Tracey! I'm so sorry to hear about DH's grandma, but glad to hear the service went well.

I think you have very attainable goals for this month. Stay focused and you can definately reach your goal!!!

:wizard: for DD. Seems girls always have this type drama...or least more so than the boys. Hope it gets worked out!

Keep up the good work! Hope you guys have a good weekend!
Hey Wish Sis, I hope you have a super weekend! Take some time for Tracy, you have done really well lately with all that you have going on. And you are under 30 days until WDW!!!:cool1:
Thanks Stacie and Amy.:hug:

This was a long weekend for us. I agreed to babysit my niece and nephew on Saturday which included an overnight stay. Everyone went to church on Sunday, had breakfast at my MIL's, and then we went to my grandma's house for a get together. (We only had 2 hours of sleep Saturday night. The baby (my nephew) was too excited to sleep. ;) ) It was a very busy, but good weekend. What made it a long weekend was that fact that we didn't have any R & R. It was go, go, go all weekend long. I have a feeling it will be like this until we go to WDW. :eek:

Today's Food:

B: 2 pieces of peanut butter toast

L: 1 small bowl of cheese balls and 2 handfuls of chips (healthy huh? ;) )

The plan for the day includes cleaning the house up a bit and doing laundry. Tomorrow, we start homeschooling.

Hope everyone has a great day!:grouphug:
Today has been one for the books...... :( I started TOM early and it is just plain awful. My DH just found out that the jobs he is supposed to do over the course of the next two days are much more complicated than he thought. He also found out that the technician that he is taking with him can only work 1 out of the 2 days and because of that he can't stay overnight in PA as expected. He is frantically trying to get materials at Home Depot before they close, he has to deposit checks, review all paperwork, download software on his computer, e.t.c. He is leaving at 4:30 a.m. tomorrow. Did I mention that our printer is totally messing up and that printing the manuals out for these jobs has been nearly impossible? UGH!!!! :headache:

Tomorrow has to be a better day....Right?:confused:
Tracy, I am so sorry TOM showed up early and is a 10 on the Intensity Scale! Makes me think of that Tammy Wynette song line "Oh Lord its hard to be a woman"! It sure is.;)

I hope homeschooling is going well. Where did summer go?

And I really hope this job of your dh's goes well. What a nightmare for him. I am praying for a safe trip and a successful job.

I hope you guys get a more restful weekend this next weekend. I hate it when the weekend ends and I just feel more wiped out that I did on Friday.

Hang in there, today is hopefully much better!:hug: :flower3:
Thanks Amy.:hug:

Good evening friends,

Another long day for the books. :( I never got my nap in and I have been a major grump today. :( My DH called about an hour ago and work did not go well for him. Ugh! :( Tomorrow has to be a better day.

I've made a decision about my goals before WDW. I'm going to let go of them....I have been putting way too much pressure on myself to lose this weight instead of getting healthier. I still have a lot of baggage to deal with and until I do, I don't think my weight loss attempts will be successful.

A few weeks ago, I was reading a book in which the author asked the reader to think back to when their emotional eating begin. I absolutely had no idea simply because I have been thinking about life in basic terms: when Tracy was thin and healthy and when Tracy is unhealthy and overweight. In any event, I prayed about it and asked the Lord to show me when the emotional eating began. The answer came...when I was 12. I asked the Lord, "Really? Are you sure?" The answer 12 came again. I went way back in my memory banks and sure enough, I started emotionally eating around the age of 12. A whole series of issues with friends and self image came rushing back. It's starting to make sense now. I've come to realize that I haven't matured emotionally like I should have because I've been too busy eating and stuffing down my emotions to allow myself to feel emotions and grow from those experiences. Does that make any sense?

I've come to realize that I have a long way to go before I am healthy. Yes, I do have a lot of weight to lose, but I also have to get healthy emotionally and spiritually as well. I need to learn to accept myself as -is even though there is room for improvement. I need to be a more positive person. I need to become an overall healthy person. These changes will not and can not happen overnight. I will really need to spend time with the Lord on this. I am a work in progress.......


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