NOW post and share your digital pics!! Great photos inside:)

Have you considered doing a book with your photos? I love looking at your work - it's always like looking at a photo essay on a subject! :worship: You could title it "The Way I See Things" ! Thanks for sharing your awesome eye with us!! If you ever do publish a book - I'll be first in line for a copy!!!:thumbsup2
haven't looked at these for a while but nice photos all and enjoying your trip photos especially oblio.
thanks so much for the great comments!!! i'm doing a book for our coffee table but there are so many other talented photographers. i'll probably print a book for my mum and my kids :)

if there is one thing we have up in the house, it's photographs! last week i got three 20x30 pieces of black foam core. i printed about 90 4x6 b&w/mono prints and just glued them on the boards in a sort of random collage and it worked really well. we also have a big 5 foot by 6 foot wall of 4x6 portrait orientation photos, clipped together.
photos from around Lhasa


upon arriving in Lhasa, the first thing you notice is the massive Potala Palace (where the Dali Lamas lived).


the second thing you notice is the endless stream of people going to walk around the palace (clockwise, of course). many of them lay completely on the ground, then stand up and continue for about 3 steps, then lay down again.


they are generally spinning prayer wheels and chanting 'om mani padme hum' ("oh, jewel in the lotus").


the third thing you notice is that it is a much more modern city than you expect. it was much more modern than Xi Ning was (where we caught the train). they have Giordano, Baleno, 2 story grocery stores, and just about everything else you'd expect in a western city, except high rises.


of course you notice the people. i could easily spend a month taking photos there.


photos from around Lhasa

they are generally spinning prayer wheels and chanting 'om mani padme hum' ("oh, jewel in the lotus").


Those things are called prayer wheels, huh? That is interesting. Great shot too! :thumbsup2

Just a question. Do these people mind you taking their photo? I remember when I spent 2 weeks in Belize, I saw numerous opportunities to take some great shots of people but was a bit too timid to do so. How do you go about it? Do you ask first or just shoot a pic?

as usual, your pictures are amazing! You manage to make every shot tell a picture.
May I ask, what (if any) post-processing you do? You always have such fabulous color.
thanks again for the comments. to answer some of the questions, it depends on the situation. i will take photos unless i don't think the person looks like they want their picture taken. i did do a lot of 'donating' to the locals - generally after taking the photo so as not to get posed photos. i also spent a lot of time just standing and let people walk by. after awhile you sorta become invisible. it's then pretty easy to take photos. i don't ever take photos of people who are living on the street. i also didnt take photos of people laying down as part of their prayer rituals.

as for the post processing - i hardly do anything. i shoot in RAW using AdobeRGB colourspace. all images are processed in Apple Aperture. as part of the batch processing, i increase the contrast from 1.00 to about 1.03 and the saturation from 1.00 to about 1.08 - both of these depend on the image. that's pretty much it. a large part of the colour and contrast rendering is the lense and the capture medium. if you look at the picture of potala palace above, that was captured with my Epson RD1 digital rangefinder and a Voigtlander 28mm lens. the light falloff is a natural characteristic of wide lenses on this body. the sensor itself is quite a bit different from the Canon sensor. the image a few below that was taken on my Lomo film camera on Kodak Ultracolour negative film (i just stuck the camera out of the cab while driving). i took quite a bit of photos on velvia (reversal film) - i haven't scanned them yet, but they are very saturated.

regarding the prayer wheel. those are the ones they carry around. the traditional prayer wheel you typically see is this one:
Oblio, those are beautiful! Sometimes I think the other senses react to your photos - I swear I can hear the little bells ringing as I look at the one with the prayer wheel! :goodvibes (but then again, my dh says I hear things all the time!)
I love your idea for a "wall of photos" in your home. This is a great idea for all those shots that haven't made it into the scrapbook/photo journals yet (and there are tons of them!) Can I ask what adhesive or how did you mount them to the foam core?
Thanks again for sharing your creative talent with us!:thumbsup2
Great photos, everyone. ObliO, I enjoy your angles, perspectives & different subject matter, not just the foreign locale but the little subtleties you find.

Bowman's Hill Wildflower Preserve, PA
Here's a couple I took on our trip to the Grand Canyon last week:



i used a glue stick to put the adhesive on the back. it's pretty forgiving in case you want to pull up the photos and reposition, without tearing the foamcore paper.

and again, thanks everyone for the wonderful comments!
I just found this thread and went through all the pages, there are alot of nice shots everyone has taken, I would like to add mine, this is a non Disney one, taken last fall of an old mill building converet into offices.


I knew that building looked familar!
I'm from NH too, I've seen that
building before. Great shot btw!

Kindergarten graduation. My son admiring his certificate. I probably should crop it a bit more.


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