Doreen's Fresh Start & Success Story! (Welcome Friends!)

:banana: TGIF! :banana: Do you hear the music? :rockband: The party's over here now!

Doreen, I hope that your day goes smoothly. Here's a little :wizard: to sprinkle on all of those projects. I hope you'll be able to stay home this weekend and won't have to bother with going in to work tomorrow.

I've already started drinking my water this morning. Thanks for checking yesterday. I took your reminder to heart and stepped up my water drinking game!

Did you get a chance to exercise last night? Maybe you didn't even feel like it, and if that's the case, so be it. You've got to listen to your body.

Today looks bright and :sunny: here. Know that I'm sending lots of :goodvibes on you and yours!

:wave2: ,
Day 4 was a success - I earned all my smilies for 4 DAYS IN A ROW!! :Pinkbounc :Pinkbounc :Pinkbounc :Pinkbounc

I took Excedrin Migraine in the morning that brought the headache to a tolerable level. Beth, I was surprised to see it has caffeine in it. The work day was very productive and flew by. I went straight to the health club to find all the treadmills in use, so instead I did 10 minutes on the recumbent bike to warm up (while reading Runner's World magazine :p ), did the weight circuit (haven't done that since August :rolleyes: ) and 10 minutes on the EFX (think stairclimber meets eliptical trainer). I headed home, helped DD put together a costume from the 20's for history class, threw fish filets and cheese sticks into the oven for dinner and then crashed. OK, dinner wasn't the best as far as low-carb, but I watched my portions and the carb count wasn't outrageous so I'm counting it as healthy.

Today: (edit 10 AM)
1. Devotions - right after I post this.
2. Pills - not yet.
3. Water - on my second of 5 mugs
4. Healthy eating - AM snack = banana, 1 oz cashews & more Excedrin Migraine, B = apple w/ PB & pills, L = Subway lc wrap, PM snack = orange, D = something with the chicken breasts thawing in the fridge and sf jello w/ whipped cream for a treat
5. Exercise - I really did today's workout last night. I'm going to the health club after work. I may do tomorrow's 4 miles tonight. At minimum, I'll do 3 miles on the treadie, if there's one open.
6. Bedtime - flexible since I don't have to get up early tomorrow. I'll strive for no later than 11 PM though.

It will be another busy but manageable day at work. I have my "to do" list laid out and prioritized so I'll be working the list, step by step. Tonight, I'm going to work out, make dinner, and then do absolutely nothing! I'm exhausted from this week and I'm taking the night off. Who knows, maybe DH will consent to take-out instead of me cooking! :p I'd be willing to ride along to pick up food. :teeth:

It's Friday! Let's party!! :rockband:

The girls need a break-tonight we're gonna take
The chance to get out on the town
We don't need romance-we only wanna dance
We're gonna let our hair hang down

The best thing about being a woman
Is the prerogative to have a little fun and...

Oh, oh, oh, go totally crazy-forget I'm a lady
Men's shirts-short skirts
Oh, oh, oh, really go wild-yeah, doin' it in style
Oh, oh, oh, get in the action-feel the attraction
Color my hair-do what I dare
Oh, oh, oh, I wanna be free-yeah, to feel the way I feel
Man! I feel like a woman!
Hmmm....chicken breast.....if you have some tomato sauce or paste you could make chicken parmesean. Just bake the breast in the sauce until done, cover in cheese and put back in the oven until melted and serve! Goes great with a salad!

You are so awesome chica! :cheer2: Especially while having a migraine - those knock me into bed and you've been manging to run a household, make dinner, and workout. Color me IMPRESSED!!

Your menu looks great today, and have fun on the treadie. Is it starting to warm up there? It will be in the 60's here on Sunday and I'm thinking a nice 2 to 3 mile walk is in the cards for me.

Ok, Doreen, now it's my turn to say it: I'm proud of you! :) You've been living the healthy living life for 5 days in a row now, and I must say, it's looking good on you, dahling. :teeth: Your pride in your accomplishments is positively contagious! :banana: Bring on that treadie tonight!

Let me ask you a rather personal question, if you don't mind. From where you sit in the DZone, do you think that eating better and exercising have helped your symptoms? While I have some achiness, I think that the exercise is helping a lot with that "dishrag fatigue" I so often get. Just wondering if you're having the same happy result.

Have a good afternoon, dear WISH-sis. Thanks for taking the time to post in my journal so regularly. You know I love the encouragement.

:banana: Still singin' to Shania. . . :banana:
Day 5 Plan B:
1. Devotions - haven't gotten to them yet.
2. Pills - taken.
3. Water - on my 3rd mug of 5.
4. Healthy eating - B = banana, 1 oz. cashews, Excedrin Migraine, L = apple w/PB, PM snack = trail mix from the EVM (only 12 carbs), D will still be some sort of chicken or possibly lc take-out.
5. Exercise - I need to be at home after work, so I can't go to the health club. I WILL find some way to exercise but not sure what yet. I WANT MY SMILIE!! :teeth:
6. Bedtime - no later than 11 PM.
Well, yesterday was the first day I didn't earn all my smilies. I did get smilies for taking my pills and getting to bed on time. :p I could claim a smilie for food, since all I had for dinner was a piece of toast. I didn't exercise or eat well because I was feeling very sick to my tummy late in the day.

Today I'm still feeling a little queasy. I'm already doing laundry. We have a brunch at the home of some friends. I also have to do a little shopping. I'm going to try to take it easy.

I haven't planned my day yet. But I'll get around to it.

The Plan:
1. Devotions
2. Pills
3. Water
4. Healthy living
5. Exercise
6. Bedtime

I hope you feel better today! Nothing is worse than a sick tummy! Keep up the great work! You are doing an amazing job! :grouphug:
Good morning, Doreen! :sunny: Here's some :wizard: for that pooky belly you've got going. It sounds like you've got lots to do today. . .PLEASE try to take some time for yourself to regroup after a busy and demanding week.

Now we both know that we're not going to be perfect on this journey--we're only trying to do the best we can--but it's easy on the weekend to lose focus. I think that coming to your journal first thing this morning and looking at your plan for the day was a great step toward staying the course! :Pinkbounc Good for you!

Have a good Saturday, Doreen, and make healthy choices that nurture YOU!

Good morning Doe!

I hope you are feeling better today. You have done an amazing job this week! Keep up the good work!

Take care of you and have a wonderful Saturday! :grouphug:
Girl - it's okay! Look at what you accomplished this week! Not to mention you have been feeling under the weather a couple days in a row. If I thought you were really slacking I would be giving you some tough love - but I know you are doing the best you can!

Now, having said that - you need to stick to doing what you can do. I know you are feeling bad, but continuing to eat right is going to help you feel better faster then putting a bunch of junk in your body. Take a nap today, take care of you, and then come back full force tomorrow. Drink your water, take your pills, vitamins, and pray. :)

:hug: "I love ya more then my luggage."

Hey Doe,

Long time no post! Got a little free time! Like the new post, seems so...fresh!

Gotta run!

I skipped my journal most of Saturday and all of Sunday. That usually means I'm being naughty and avoiding writing it down. :rolleyes: There was no exercise, very little healthy eating, not nearly enough water.

I've been feeling really tired and drained all weekend, even before I started eating more carbs than I should. I expected to be feeling more upbeat and energized by now. This healthy living sure does take a lot of time and energy and determination.

I didn't meet with the personal trainer. She felt our schedules didn't match up well and recommended another trainer who could work with my schedule. I haven't called him yet to set up an appointment. He looks more like the bodybuilder type. I just don't get a warm fuzzy feeling about him from his picture on the website. :confused3 Not sure if I'll follow through and call or if I'll just try to do this on my own.

Today's a new day - time to move forward. ::yes::

I weighed in at 152 - have lost 3 pounds in one week. The measurements have gone down too, but I'm at work & left them at home, so I'll post them later. I was pleased! :cloud9:

Today: (edit 2 PM)
1. Devotions - Knowing that Christ is ... there to catch me when I fall encourages me to move out in confidence and openly show his love and compassion to everyone I meet.
2. Pills - taken.
3. Water - started the third of 5 mugs.
4. Healthy eating - B = apple w/ PB, snack = 1 oz cashews, just wasn't feeling well at lunch so I didn't eat. Then I realized I was queasy because of work stress and gave into the urge for a Hershey bar w/ almonds, PM snack is yogurt w/ almonds to try to break my urge to binge, D will be chicken parmesan and maybe a little Dreamfields lc pasta.
5. Exercise - 4 miles outside after work. It's supposed to be almost 60 degrees here!
6. Bedtime at 10 PM.
DoeWDW said:
Today's a new day - time to move forward. ::yes::

I weighed in at 152 - have lost 3 pounds in one week. The measurements have gone down too, but I'm at work & left them at home, so I'll post them later. I was pleased! :cloud9:

Congrats on your weight loss!! :cheer2:

I hate to hear that you were not feeling 100% this weekend. :wizard: for today!

Not sure what I'd think about Mr. Muscles either...I prefer to work with someone who looks more "human", I guess...I'd probably give him a try just to get the ball rolling & then scour the earth for someone more compatible...

I hope you get all of your smilies today!!!
:sunny: Good morning, Doreen! :sunny: It's beautiful out, isn't it? I'm glad that you're going to walk outside this afternoon; I'm sure you'll enjoy your walk.

Congrats on saying good-bye to those 3 pounds!
:Pinkbounc :Pinkbounc :Pinkbounc
Your commitment to healthy living has paid off!

I'm not sure about the trainer. . .I don't think I would feel comfortable either. If you know how to use all the equipment, maybe you don't really need him? On the other hand, maybe he can give you a few ideas, and if you don't like him, you don't have to stay with him.

Have a good day, dear friend.
3 lbs gone! :cheer2: YEA! That is awesome girl and you have been working really hard to get there. The weekends are rough - mine wasn't all that great either. But it is now time to get back on track. Enjoy the :sunny: today and your menu looks yummy! Your walk will be nice and relaxing in the nice weather.

Wow, Doe! 3 lbs gone! Pat yourself on the back and enjoy your success.

Thanks for your kind words in my journal...I will follow your lead and try to put a more positive spin on life.

congrats on 3 lbs gone!!i know what you mean about "mr muscles"...maybe try it and you may be pleasently surprised?? good luck :)


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