AmyT's Journal (Comments Definitely Welcome!)

Been through head lice twice with my dd - once from day care and the other from her dad's house. That last time was beyond gross as there were (and I'm not trying to make anyone sick so I apologize) live bugs that I found - one actually fell out of hair and onto her homework that she was working on after she came home. I had never been so sick to my stomach with something from her in my life. All the times she got sick, and she was a power-puker, I handled it. This was bad. And this time it was worse because her hair was MUCH longer than the first time - and THICK!!!

Not only should you clean but get the spray stuff - WalMart has it - if you haven't yet and spray the backs of your couches and chairs and in your vehicle seats - just to be safe. Also if they have any animals in their rooms, even if they don't cuddle with them, bag them up tight for 2 weeks if you can't wash them in hot water. The bags will kill any eggs and bugs that possibly could be on them. Also if you have any pillows on your couch that you can't wash in hot water - bag them tight too. Trust me!!!!

In about 2 days, wash their hair again and do you and your dh's also, just to be safe! Then do their hair again in a week. If no nits are seen on the comb or in their hair - then they should be fine. I wouldn't send them back to camp the rest of this week if you can help it.

On the other front - keep up the good work. You can do it and glad you had the distractions - although they weren't good distractions - to keep you from eating bad things yesterday!!!!!

Keep on :banana: :banana:
Amy, what a week you've had. My son got lice once in kindergarden - it was a nightmare! Thankfully, we followed the pediatrician's advice, and we didn't have any repeats. I remember having to wash every sheet, comforter & towel in the house. Its definately not fun.

As for your "bitter chocolate" post on my thread, thats not fair! You mean milk duds don't count? How come the foods I like are never good for you. Its the same thing with wine. I hate red wine - merlot etc. And thats the only kind that is healthy. :guilty: Guess I'll just have to stick with my fudgesicles - at least they're low cal.

Glad to hear that you lost 2 more pounds. I'm glad that your staying on program. Keep your focus on your goals!
10 days cheat free! Yippee!!!!!!! :cheer2: I am 10% of the way there!! Yesterday was a little of a struggle. I was already hungry when I left work to go to the gym and my jaw hurt from chewing so much gum. I think I just “thought” I was hungry because I was stressing out about this whole head lice issue… I went back, had my scheduled snack then plopped my DD in front of Nickelodeon and went through her hair AGAIN with the comb to make sure I got every single nit out. So at least that kept me busy for 1.5 hours, but I think I’d rather be struggling with the urge to snack than having busy work like that! :crazy2: But hey, whatever it takes to stay cheat-free, right? And my scale is now off my poo poo list! My body finally got the hint that I am NOT going to go back to excessive snacking just because it retains some H2O and it let go of another 2 lbs. :teeth: Hopefully I will be back to my pre-vacation weight (2 lbs away) by the end of the month so I can start fresh in August without losing “repeat lbs”! The plan du jour:

B-Yogurt; ½ c. LF granola; Banana
L-Salad (Romaine, Shredded Chicken, LF Dressing); Nectarine; DC
S#2-Pineapple; 100 Calorie Pack
D- Lemon Pepper Chicken; Broccoli & Zucchini; Bread-n-Butter; FF Pudding (70 cal)
WORKOUT-Elliptical (40 min)
Chris & Jane, thanks for the lice advice. :p It is always nice to know that someone else has gone through it!! I reminded my kids this morning when I dropped them off to keep a "personal bubble" around themselves and not let any of their belongings touch anyone else's. When I spoke to the director yesterday, she said a school nurse would be coming in to check the kids today, so that makes me feel a little better! Because I'm pretty sure my kids can't be the only ones affected...

Hope everyone has a great day!
Good Job!!!! Two more pounds - GONE!!!! Way to go.

Sorry to hear about the head lice. I don't know how much of a pain that is as I don't have kids nor have I ever had head lice, but it sounds like a pain in the .....

Good for you on day 10!

Have a great day!

Keep it up!
11 cheat free days under my belt! :teeth: Just like last week, I am going to post my plans for the weekend since I don’t usually get online Sat and Sun. I also want to get in some swimming this weekend. It should be less hectic than last weekend, as the only plan we have is to take the kids to see Charlie & The Chocolate Factory on Sunday morning (it might be a challenge to not have any popcorn!). I think after staying on track last weekend, even while going out to eat and having a party, mentally I KNOW I can do it again, so I am not so terrified this time! What a great feeling. ::yes:: Another cool thing - if I stick to my exercise plan for the weekend I will have met/exceeded my July Exercise Challenge!!! :hyper: That is motivation to get into the pool, even if it is 95 degree water... The plan for Friday:

B-Yogurt; ½ c. LF granola; Banana
L-Salad (Romaine, Shredded Chicken, Cheese, LF Dressing); Nectarine; DC
S#2-Pineapple; 100 Calorie Pack
D-2 Slices of Homemade Pizza w/Ham; FF Pudding (70 cal)
WORKOUT-Pilates (40 min); Weights (arms-15 min)

For Saturday:
B-3/4 c. Egg Beaters; Toast-n-Jam; Cantaloupe
L-1/2 Turkey Sandwich; Side Salad (Romaine, Cheese, LF Dressing); Grapes; DC
S#2-100 Cal Pack
D-Meatloaf; Bread-n-Butter; Green Beans; 3 Crème Savers
WORKOUT-Swimming (30 min)

For Sunday:
B-3/4 c. Egg Beaters; Toast-n-Jam; Cantaloupe
L-Salad (Romaine, Cheese, 3 Egg Whites, LF Dressing); Pineapple; DC
S#2-100 Cal Pack
D-Hamburger w/Wheat Bun; Corn; 3 Crème Savers
WORKOUT-Swimming (30 min); Pilates (40 min); Weights (arms-15 min)
Hi Amy,

You have a good plan going for you this weekend!!! Very busy but good plan.

Congrats on the 11 cheat free days. That is awesome. You are going to do great at the movies...I just know that you will.

Have a great weekend and try to stay cool. I've seen that you have been HOT HOT HOT!!!
Hey, just wanted to say, good job on the no-cheat, that's awesome!! I need to challenge myself like that.
Have a great muggy weekend!!
:cool2: pirate: :charac4: :yo-yo: :hyper2: :smooth: :wave:
Good job on the no cheating!!!!! And on the loss!!!!! Keep up the good work!

Keep on :banana: :banana:
Hi Amy,

So how did the weekend go???? I heard on the news that you are in for a cool down today....103!!! Hope you stayed cool this weekend.

Hope you have a great Monday!!!!
Keep up the good work, you are doing great!
Hi, Amy! Hope it went really well this weekend for you in the cheat-free zone!
I am worried about you in all this heat. Be sure to take care of yourself. Avoid the :sunny: as much as possible!

Have a wonderful day! :flower:
I survived another weekend!!! :teeth: Saturday was right on target, I ate everything I posted. Sunday I did not stick to my eating plan so much, but I still had 3 meals and 1 snack, with no junk, which makes me 14/100. After having my planned breakfast, I had popcorn at the movies, but I poured some into the cardboard drink holder they give you, so I didn’t eat ½ the bucket like I usually would. That was my a.m snack. For lunch, I had about a cup of trail mix (mixed nuts, raisins, M&M’s). Not the best choice, but not awful. Dinner was chicken, green beans and just a couple bites of mashed potatoes (since I ate a lot of carbs in the popcorn). I didn’t even have any sweets besides the 4-5 M&M’s that were in the trail mix. So I don’t feel too guilty, since I don’t feel I overdid it. I didn’t binge snack, in fact I didn’t snack at all besides the popcorn. I didn’t eat as many fruits and veggies as I should have, but I think I’ll survive!

As for working out, I did 25 min of Pilates on Fri (my 2nd Pilates DVD is only 25 min!) plus 10 min weights. Saturday I did at least 30 min of swimming, and I took Sunday off (again). Maybe I should just schedule Sundays off, I sense a pattern… But good news, after I go to the gym today, I will surpass my July Exercise Challenge goal!!! I might bump it up a little for August, but I’ll have to carefully consider that before I do. The kids are at their dad’s July 29-Aug 11, so I will have lots of time to work out, but they start school on Aug 15, and that is when my free time goes WAY down. DS9 will be starting tennis, and DD6 is in dance and soccer. I am just thankful that DS9 decided he doesn’t want to do Cub Scouts anymore… I try to limit them to 1 activity at a time, but for DD, dance is year-round and soccer is Sept-Dec. She loves both and so far it hasn’t been overwhelming (she did the same thing last year) so I will continue to let her do both until I see signs that it is too much. She starts 1st grade this year, so we’ll see if that makes any difference.

I am also going to try to only weigh myself once a week. This will be a challenge. I am too obsessed with the scale and the daily weight fluctuations (that are entirely normal, I know) really stress me out. So I am going to try to not weigh myself again until Friday morning. We’ll see how that goes, wish me luck! The plan for today:

B-Yogurt; ½ c. LF Granola
L-Salad (Romaine, LF Dressing); 2 LF String Cheese; Blueberries; DC
S#2-Pineapple; Carrots
D-Whole Wheat Spaghetti w/Meat Sauce; 3 Crème Savers
WORKOUT-Elliptical (40 min)
Thanks to everyone for the well wishes. I was actually feeling really guilty about having trail mix for lunch, but I didn't go off the deep end and ruin the whole day, and I didn't eat anything else for lunch and skipped my 2nd snack to make up for it.

It is VERY muggy here, we have been getting our "monsoons" and it storms about every night. It definitely drops the temperatures, but makes it humid. But the lightning shows are spectacular!

Thanks everyone and I hope you all have a great day!
Good job on the good weekend. You planned and stuck to one day and kept as much on track for the second day. That's pretty good!!!!

Keep on :banana: :banana:
Congrats on your exercise minutes! You've worked very hard this month. Don't ya just love those 25 minute pilates tapes? When I'm doing a longer tape I get so bored sometimes. I think all workout videos should be less than 30 minutes! When I was doing WATP, I'd do 20 minutes and then mute the video and put music on so I could watch the video but at least hear some halfway decent music.

Did you see War of the Worlds? At least I stayed awake for that movie - it kept my interest. I fell asleep in Star Wars. I'm looking forward to that cloning movie, The Island with Ewan McGregor. Hang in there, you're doing great!
Back on track with healthier meals yesterday! I am going to give my 100 cal snack packs a rest and only schedule them in maybe 3x a week. I am also cutting back on my fruit intake by not having a serving with lunch. Half the time I was too stuffed to eat it anyway and I don’t want to force myself to eat just because it is “planned”. I just don’t feel like the scale is cooperating lately so I want to make some minor adjustments to my diet. I did weigh myself today!!!!! :sad2: It was REALLY hard not to jump on the scale since it has become such a ritual. I need to get over it and I vow to not weigh myself until Friday!!!

I met my Exercise Challenge! :goodvibes I think I am going to shoot for 1000 minutes again in August. It might even be hard to reach that goal, since things will become busier once school & sports start.

And I am determined to actually make some progress on the 5 for August Challenge! The July Challenge didn’t work out for me, I gained weight because of my vacation and never succeeded in taking it all off (unless the scale shows me at 135 on Friday, then I will break even for July!). The plan for today:

B-Yogurt; ½ c. LF Granola; Banana
L-Salad (Romaine, 2 Egg Whites, Cheese, LF Dressing); 17 Soy Crisps; DC
D-Beef Roast; Carrots; Potato; 3 Crème Savers
WORKOUT-Pilates (40 min); Weights (15 min)
Jane E, we are going to see War of the Worlds on Saturday, I can't wait! We are also going to Outback for Happy Hour - only 2 martinis for me! :teeth:
Good job on getting back on track and for going to be able to hit the exercise challenge. I was thinking about that last night too - once school kicks back in and my activities increase the fall is going to be hard for me to hit my exercise goals but I'm gonna do as much as I can. Every little helps - remember that!!!!

Keep on :banana: :banana:
Hi Amy,

You did great this weekend, I think. Don't be too hard on yourself for the trail mix. It was not that bad!

Congrats on the cheat free!!!!!

I too am going to try and exercise challenge in August....I just hope that I can stick with it
You're doing great thinking of the 5 for August challenge. Its so hard to lose when you go somewhere like Cedar Point for vacation. Now, you'll be ahead of the game for August. Way to go on reaching your exercise goal! Have fun at the Outback this weekend.
I did NOT weigh myself today!!!!! :cheer2: Now, if I can make it 1 more day, I will be able to weigh myself on Friday! The plan is to weigh myself ONLY on Friday mornings from then on… Baby steps, baby steps… Since I had already blown it yesterday, I weighed myself before I went to bed (137), I’m so pathetic! :blush:

I am now 16 days cheat free! It has gotten so much easier, I don’t even crave snacks or think about it too much anymore. I’m sure there will be days that will be a struggle, but hopefully those are few and far between! ::yes::

Yesterday I got in my 40 minutes of Pilates, but didn’t do weights. I really need to get more motivated to tone up my arms! I can also count 10 minutes of walking. I can’t wait until October when I can start going on my lunchtime walks again! That is an extra ½ hour of exercise 5x a week.

I have been so busy I have not had a lot of time to spend online reading journals and posting, so sorry for neglecting everyone!! For today:

B-Yogurt; ½ c. LF Granola; Banana
L-Salad (Romaine, 2 Egg Whites, Cheese, LF Dressing); 17 Soy Crisps; DC
D-Fiesta Turkey Pie (Turkey, Cheese, LF Dinner Roll Crust, Salsa); FF Pudding
WORKOUT-Elliptical (40 min)
Good job on not weighing yourself today!!!! BRAVO!!!!

Keep up the good work. You are doing good and staying busy I'm sure has helped with defeating those cravings. I noticed it took me about 2 weeks before I wasn't craving a snack also. I ate when I was hungry and not because I felt like eating.

Keep on :banana: :banana:


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