AmyT's Journal (Comments Definitely Welcome!)

DisDon, thanks for the good wishes and the :cold: thoughts! It is still hotter than you know what here, but that's AZ in the summer! :sunny:

Jamie, congrats on the weight loss! I haven't really been craving anything lately - I've been faithfully sticking to my 2 planned snacks and I think that helps. Yesterday I probably could have skipped snack #2 but I didn't want to risk overindulging at dinner... Plus I don't want to have to start all over on my cheat-free challenge! You should check it out - it has been a HUGE motivator for me!

Jane E, we are going to Puerto Penasco (Rocky Point) which is about a 4 hour drive from Phx. It is right on the Gulf of California, the weather is awesome and the water will be plenty warm when we go. We go at least 1-2x a year with a group of friends. It is so fun, we always go into town and buy fresh shrimp and one of our friends cooks it up - can you say YUM?!??! And I got some sugar-free margarita mix from Hi-Health last time and you can't tell the difference, so I will have to stock up on that before we go! I really like the Mayo Clinic Healthy Weight Pyramid. For me, it is the healthiest way to slowly and permanently lose and maintain since it is not a diet, but a way of life. Here is the link if you want to check it out:
Reading all these journals is gonna take me a while but I wanted to say congrats on your accomplishments so far. You doing good!!!! :banana: :banana: (I love this guy)
Well, I made it through another day without cheating! I am pretty proud of myself, yesterday was actually HARD to get through. If I can get through the weekend, I will be REALLY proud of myself!! I am super bummed though - I stepped on the scale and 1lb crept back on. :guilty: WHAT THE HECK? :confused3 When I say I didn't cheat, I really mean it. Not the tiniest morsel of food that I have not documented was consumed. TOM will be here in about a week, and I am 99% sure that is the problem. Still, it is SO frustrating to do all that hard work for what seems like nothing. But, I am going to have to get over it and not let it get me down, especially since I know I usually gain 2-3 lbs during pre-TOM week and they go away when TOM does. It just stinks because I can pretty much kiss my 5 for July Challenge goodbye... OK, enough whining! I am also going to post my meals for Sat and Sun since I am usually too busy to get online during the weekends! :) My plan for today:

B-Yogurt;1/2 c. LF Granola; Banana
L-Salad (Romaine, Taco Meat);Carrots;Cherries;DC
S#2-100 Cal Pack;Cantaloupe
D-Wheat Pasta w/Meat Sauce; 3 Creme Savers (60 cal)
WORKOUT-Pilates (40min); Weights (arms-15 min)

B-3/4 c. Egg Beaters; Strawberries; Toast-n-Jam
L-Salad (4 Egg Whites, Romaine, Cheese, LF Dressing); DC
S#2-Grapes; Carrots
D(@Outback)-Grilled Shrimp appetizer; 2 pc Bread-n-Butter; Cup of Potato Soup; 2 Martinis; 3 Creme Savers
WORKOUT-Treadmill (40 min); Swimming (30min)

B-3/4 c. Egg Beaters; Strawberries; Toast-n-Butter
L-Salad (Turkey, Romaine, Cheese, LF Dressing); DC
S#2-100 Cal Pack; Tropical Fruit Salad
D-Chicken Stir Fry; Brown Rice; 3 Creme Savers
WORKOUT-Pilates (40min); Weights (arms-15 min); Swimming (30 min)
Hi Amy!

Don't get too discouraged on the weight gain. I am sure that it is pre TOm weight. It will come off when that is over.

You can do it this weekend, I know you can.

Hope you are having a great, healthy day!

Keep up the good work. You should be very proud of yourself for no cheating.
Hi Amy, just wanted to pop in and say, have a great weekend, try not to boil over. Think :cold: :cold: :cold: :cold:
I bookmarked your Mayo Clinic site. Loved the recipe for cod with lemon and capers. One of my favorite restaurants has grouper picatta which is similiar. So delicious! Sounds like you have a great time in Mexico. We're big shrimp eaters. I always love the spicy shrimp recipes. Your workouts are awesome! :cheer2:
Today is a mixed feeling day. I am very happy and proud to announce that I DID NOT cheat over the weekend! :goodvibes I ate exactly what I planned at Outback and I did not munch on a single chip or a drop of salsa at our boxing party. YIPPEE!!!!!!! That is 7 days in a row without cheating!!!!!

I didn't stick to the plan with exercising however, but I didn't totally blow it. On Friday I did 40 min of Pilates, but no weights. Saturday I did 55 minutes on the treadmill, but no swimming. Sunday I did NOTHING, but I had worked out 6 days in a row so I don't feel too horrible about taking a day off.

So why am I so bummed?!? Because I am gaining weight like it's going out of style! :sad: I gained 3 lbs this weekend. :confused3 And for those keeping track (and believe me, I am!) I now weigh 1 lb MORE than I did when I got back from vacation! And that is after 7 100% cheat-free days, no junk, excellent portion control. I know it is pre-TOM water because it is all around my hips and stomach and jiggly - YUCK!!! It is so completely frustrating to do all this hard work and be in even WORSE shape than I was when I started WISH!

So it is really going to be a struggle today since I am down in the dumps. I will need some extra willpower when I get home, that is for sure! I will have to keep busy. I am thinking about getting some water pills. Has anyone used those? Normally I'd just sweat it out until TOM takes care of the problem, but right now it is getting to the point where my "fat" clothes are getting snug... :guilty: Here is the plan for today:

B-Yogurt; LF Granola; Banana
L-Salad (Romaine, LF Dressing); 2 LF String Cheese; Cherries; DC
S#2-100 Cal Pack; Tropical Fruit Salad
D-Pork Chop; Mashed Potatoes; Broccoli; SF Pudding (70 cal)
WORKOUT-Elliptical (40 min)
Hey Amy, sounds like me last week, I was eating pretty good, staying off the soda, and going up! Very frustrating and discouraging. I don't know TOM (not personally anyway) but it sounds like you're in for a big loss after that. Take pride and confidence in the fact that you are doing so well with your plan, no cheating and all that exercise. Don't dwell on what you didn't do, your weekend exercise kicked my hind end!! Sounds to me like you are doing awesome! I'm sure the heat isn't helping, we had 1 slightly cooler day yesterday but it looks like its going right back up for a while. I did see some of the moisture from the hurricane is supposed to come thru AZ and southern utah, but I imagine this time of year in Phoenix humidity doesn't help.
Keep on truckin', you're doing great!
Muchos Banananos pa' ti!!
:banana: :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana:
Hang in there, I was getting pretty discouraged with the first 14 days that I was working at this too - I was holding steady even though I was watching and working out like a mad woman!!!!!

The important thing is to stick with it and I think you are and that's the best thing!!!! Maybe make a 'clean sweep' of your house and get rid of all of the junk that is tempting to you if that is your downfall and replace with some more healthy items. I know it's hard, but that's what I've had to do.
Hi Amy,

Just stay positive. I know that it is hard. You are making great food and exercise choices. You should be very proud of that. Way to go on not cheating this weekend.

You really are doing a great job, you will soon see a great loss...I can feel it!
Jane E, I am glad you are enjoying the Mayo Clinic recipes! I love that website, it is so informative.

Don, Jamie, Cruise04, thanks so much for the words of encouragement, I really need them today! :grouphug: I even took the 0/5 off my 5 for July Challenge - it was TOO depressing. :sad2: I am not going to get discouraged enough to blow my cheat-free streak or completely give up, I just needed to vent.

Don, yes, that is all we need - humidity! 115 w/7% humidity is bad enough, but 115 w/30% humidity is downright miserable... Our pool is already bath water temperature - not too refreshing when you jump in! :)

Isn't is amazing that I can be so positive and optimistic for everyone else, but not for myself? What is up with that?!?! :confused3 Hopefully I will get over this hurdle and watch out 5 for August Challenge! I will stay on track and keep doing what I'm doing, because I was successful on this eating plan in the past (even with cheating!), so I know it works!
Hey, Amy, I am so proud of you for doing so well over the weekend. You know I send special hugs because you are part of one of my favorite challenges! :)

Please don't get discouraged. Remember, you are not in this only to lose pounds but also to create and maintain a healthier lifestyle. Look at all the great stuff you did this weekend and all the exercise you DID do, and be proud of yourself.

If I had to guess on culprits, I'd bet it was a combination of impending TOM, humidity and possibly any alcohol you had at Outback. Our WW leader told us not to drink alcohol at least 2 days before weigh in. I don't know if that is true, but I have seen people on the WW boards say they changed their weigh in days so that they could party Friday and Saturday nights without seeing a gain. For whatever that is worth . . . :)

Just keep doing what you are doing and you are going to see a change. I have seen NO change on the scale in a long time and yet there is a big difference in clothes.
Amy, you're doing great - those pounds will come off. Congrats on your exercise minutes! With all of the workouts you're doing & the good eating - the pounds will be rolling off again. Keep in mind that you are increasing your metabolism. Sometimes it just takes awhile for it to show up on the scale! ::MickeyMo
I know Amy - I'm the same way. I can get so encouraging for others and yet get so very down on myself. I don't know what is up with that but it's always how I've been. I'm the type of person that doesn't do recognition for myself but I'm first in line to make sure someone else gets recognized!!!!

Hang in there!!!
Another small victory – 8 days cheat free! It was a little bit of a struggle last night. I had my pudding for dessert and it tasted SO good that I wanted another one, but I didn’t do it! Also, I really wanted a couple Cheetos when I was packing the kids’ lunches, but I settled for smelling inside the bag (I know, it sounds weird but it’s better than eating one!). I think I am actually getting the hang of this… I skipped my snack #1 yesterday (apple) - I was just too busy at work and didn’t want to eat right before working out. I lost 1 lb, which puts me back at my post-vacation weight. I am not going to complain about it anymore, I need to get over it and keep doing what I know works and hope my stupid body gets with the program soon! Thanks again for all of the moral support, it really means so much to me and helps me stay focused! For today:

B-Yogurt; ½ c. LF granola; Banana
L-Leftover Chicken Stir-Fry; Apple; Tomato Juice; DC
S#2-Tropical Fruit Salad; 100 Calorie Pack
D- Stroganoff (LF version in CrockPot); Wheat “Egg” Noodles; SF Pudding (70 cal)
WORKOUT-Pilates (40 min), Weights (arms–15 min)
Great job!!!!! You should be very proud of yourself!!! Keep up the good work.

Keep on :banana: :banana:
You're doing very well, Amy, even though the scale isn't cooperating. I know your frustration, as it happens to me bunches and I get the same way.

We lived in PHX for 4 years and I remember having to put HUGE blocks of ice in our pool to make it usable one summer. It wasn't fun, but swimming in overly warm bathwater wasn't fun or refreshing.

Stay cool and keep on takin' one day at a time. It will work!
Hi Amy....

You lost a pound, good for you!!! :banana:

I so hear you on smelling things rather than eating them. It does not sound weird to me. I used to do that alot. Infact I still do it!!!!

Way to go on cheat free day number 8.

Amy you really are doing a great job. You should be very pround that you resisted another pudding cup and the cherrios. That is great!!!

Keep up the good work. WISHing you a great day!
Amy, I'm so glad that you are back to your prevacation weight. You've been working out & staying on program with your eating so its inevitable that you will lose weight. Those darn weekend happy hours never help either; although, I've been trying to find lower calorie drinks. No more pina coladas or frozen mango margaritas! I hear ya about the heat. This summer is horrible & the temperatures where you live are really bad. I know its affected me in Florida. I used to workout outside 75% of the time & now I find myself avoiding being outside. I haven't ridden my back in ages & I used to go 2X a week. I can't wait until summer is over. :wave: Keep up the hard work - it will pay off.
9 days cheat free! I didn’t get in my scheduled exercise yesterday (all I got was 10 min of walking) and I actually have a legitimate (yet irritating) reason. BOTH my kids got head lice from somewhere (most likely their day camp)! :worried: I thought I’d get through life without ever having to deal with this, since I never had it as a kid, DS9 has never had it, but I guess not… :confused3 So we were up until midnight shampooing hair, combing it out (and DD6 has a mop full of hair) and washing bedding, etc. I didn’t have time to work out, but I didn’t have time to think about snacking either!! Has anyone else gone through this? It’s really gross and I already have a bad bug-phobia. I kept waking up last night thinking things were crawling on me… DB is staying home with the kids and I ran by the day camp to let them know so they can get everyone checked and things cleaned up. I don’t want to send the kids back today so they can get re-infested. Ah, the joys of parenthood! :goodvibes For today:

B-Yogurt; ½ c. LF granola; Banana
L-Salad (Romaine, Shredded Chicken, Little Bit o’Cheese, LF Dressing); Nectarine; DC
S#2-Watermelon; 100 Calorie Pack
D- 3 Homemade Tacos (small); Carrots; 3 Crème Savers (60 cal)
WORKOUT-Elliptical (40 min)
Jamie, I am glad I am not the only bag sniffer! :laughing:

goldcupmom, we have had 12 people die in the past week due to heat. It has been an exceptionally hot summer, that is for sure! :sunny:

Jane E, I WISH I were back to my pre-vacation weight, but unfortunately it was post-vacation weight... :sad2: However, I am pleased to announce that this morning 2 more "water lbs" have dropped off! So, at this point I am 4 lbs over my pre-vacation weight (and 1 lb over my starting WISH weight of 138). At least the scale is moving in the right direction, I think the most important thing was to not get discouraged and fall "off the wagon". Thanks everyone! :grouphug:


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