Amanda's Menu Planning Spectacular!

Hi Amanda,

Great job on the 3.3 pounds. Your goals for February definately sound doable!! Keep up the great work.
Nacho Chicken is super easy and my own invention! Anything I can cook in a crockpot while I'm at work is a good thing. I wish I could find more low car alternatives for the crockpot. Today I need to do some recipe hunting for my menu planning.

Ya know Amanda, I was just thinking yesterday that I need to find some recipes for the crockpot. Anything that speeds up/helps out with my evening is a BIG plus!!!

Your stats from Jan look very good. Maybe you didn't acheive all you wanted to, but you achieved a lot and in a lot of areas! :cool1: You are doing great - Keep up the good work!

I need an evening of drinks with friends - that sounds mighty tempting to me!! :teeth: Glad you enjoyed it!

Have a great Wednesday!!

TTFN- Sharon :sunny:
Hi Amanda,

The nacho chicken sounds yummy. I may try it. Thanks for the recipe. I love crock pots. I haven't bought the book, but I have seen a lc crockpot cookbook at Costco. Just thought I'd let you know there is one available.

I love Cosmopolitans. I may need to call an emergency meeting of the girls night out club here.

Great job in January. you accomplished so much. Keep up the great work.

You are the food planning GURU!!! :worship: I wish I could be more like you!!!
LOL! I want that in my signature "food planning guru!" :p

Well I think I may need to already reevaluate my goals. Per my exercise schedule I would need to workout 4 days a week - but I can already tell that will not be possible. I do need a couple of days to just come home and veg on the couch. Last night was one of those nights. I came home and crashed - I will be lucky to get to the gym 2 nights this week. One thing I dislike about Curves is that they are not open on Sundays. I know once it warms up that I can walk on Sundays and very much plan to do this - so maybe I'll try for then working out 4 days a week. For now I am going to set my goal at going 3 days.

Last night I did good - not perfect but much better then the last couple of days.
B: Protein Shake
L: Nacho chikcen with broccoli and a slice of cheese
S: I had some wheat thins, and celery and veggie dip
D: Broiled chicken breast w/seasonings and greenbeans - 1/4 cup of noodles.
S: Chicken Wings and Pizza toppings. 2 small thin crust slices of pizza.
Water - 6 glasses
Vitamins :)
Curves :confused3

Todays plan:
B: Protein Shake
L: Tuna Salad/Cheeseburger w/o bun
S: Celery sticks and veggie dip
D: Going to Buffalo Wild Wings and I'm thinking - grilled chicken salad.
S: Sugar free jello
Curves: I really want to go after dinner.
Vitmains: I'll take 'em when I get to work.
Water: 6 glasses

PS- today is going to be a struggle my friends I can already feel it. Please send me lots of :wizard: and :goodvibes

Here's a :hug: and some :sunny: to help you get through your tough day!

If you want to walk in the winter on a Sunday, just head to the mall. The secret is - don't take any $ or credit cards! :p

I think that working out 3 times a week, especially now that you've just started, is plenty! It takes time to make it a habit and have it work comfortable in your schedule. I'm aiming for 3 visits a week to the health club. It will be enough for the first month or two. ::yes:: You truly do need some time to just kick back and relax and NOT FEEL GUILTY about it. (yep, that's the hard part for me too :rolleyes: )

Hang in there, dear Amanda! No matter how tough the day is, in just a matter of hours it will be in the past!

(edit) PS The low carb tortillas I use are made by Mission. I get them at my local grocery store. I think they have 6g net carbs. They sure make it easy to take lunch to work!
Hope your day turned out good Amanda! I know what you mean about getting to Curves - it's tougher than I thought it would be! :guilty: But I also know if you committ to 3 times a week and keep to the healthy eating, it does work. I have lots of women here at work that can attest to that. I try to do my WATP dvd on Sundays since it is one of the few days I have extra time usually.

Keep walking the walk Amanda! :cool1: You CAN do it!!!

TTFN- Sharon :sunny:
:hug: Amanda,

I hope your day turned out better than you expected. When I was at Curves, they reccommended 3 times a week as being optimal. You are doing a great job.

Have a great weekend,
I hope I am not too late! Sending lots of :wizard: :wizard: :wizard: for a smooth day!
Sending lots of :grouphug: and :wizard: :wizard: your way today, Amanda!
I hope today turned out to be a great day for you!
I think the Tag Fairy needs to tag you as Food Planning Guru!!!
Happy Friday! :flower:
Morning Guys! Thanks for all the good vibes yesterday - I was able to get through most of the day without going off plan - but then we when out to dinner.

I am feeling much better today and more focused. I think I was just a little sleep deprived and also "me time" deprived. Me time is very important to my sanity! I will be making it to Curves tonight after work.

B: Low Carb Breakfast Bowl from Hardees and a Diet Coke
L: Leftover Grilled Chicken Breast w/Broccoli and Cheese
S: ??
D: Not Positive yet...

I'm feeling a little overwhelmed with everything that needs to be done. Here is my to do list in order of importance.

1. Pick up livingroom and Kitchen (must mop floor from spilled wine)
2. Grocery Shopping
3. Dentist appt 11a.m. on Saturday

I know it doesn't seem like much but it complicates things. I can do the clean up and possibly the grocery shopping tonight. The problem is our dentist is an hour away and I would very much like to get to Curves on Saturday. I'm just not sure I can fit Curves, shower, and out the door to the dentist all in before 10a.m. (I know there are mother's out there rolling there eyes at me thinking - I do more before 10a.m. everyday then she is talking about). Okay okay - I'll take the hint and get off my lazy butt early Saturday morning - but I won't be happy about it! :rolleyes:

:goodvibes for you and your stress, Amanda. I'm hearing you, girl--sometimes it just seems too much.

As far as tomorrow morning goes, I say do what 'cha wanna do. You know, though, if you really want to go to Curves, then you WILL be happy getting up and going in the early a.m. because you WANT to go to Curves, right? :confused3 You'll only be UNhappy if you stay in bed and miss Curves!
Tomorrow when the alarm goes off, you'll BOUNCE out of bed and be all aglow 'cause you'll be doing your healthy living thing! You'll feel strong! You'll feel empowered! :banana: You'll feel like Banana Man! (Sorry, a little Friday silliness here :rolleyes:)

I guess I'd better go. . .
Amanda, here's my secret for rolling out of bed early. The more you can do the night before, the easier it is to get up. If your workout clothes are out and ready and your post workout clothes are out and waiting for your return you'll be much more likely to get up and get moving.

You might want to fill a water bottle tonight and put it in the fridge to take with you to Curves - nothing like a nice cold water bottle for a workout!

Also, plan your breakfast and an after-workout snack. Have them ready to go at the front of the fridge or on the counter.

The fewer decisions you have to make in the morning, the better. Autopilot is a good thing!! ::yes::

You can do this, Amanda! :cheer2: Besides, there's nothing like a good workout to beat stress and anxiety!

Of course, you're going to Curves this evening and thinking about going tomorrow you really NEED to go both times?? Maybe you should just go at one time or the other and really work hard!

PS I must admit your post made me smile! :teeth: I'm up at 5:30 every day! :Pinkbounc
Hi Amanda,
I hate starting the weekend off stressed. Hang in there!! I hope you get to fit in Curves. Have a great weekend.
Well I decided to leave work at 3pm today. So far this week sales have been better then usual so I didn't feel bad taking off 2 hours early. I went directly to Curves and had a workout. Then I came home and made the neighbors come over and tell me about their home study (was completed today!) while I cleaned up my kitchen and living room. Then when DH came home we went out to dinner and went grocery shopping. I picked up so many low carb goodies! Including some low carb blueberry muffin mix - YUMMY! Tomorrow instead of going to Curves Susan (my neighbor) and I are going to go for a 4 mile walk. It is suppose to be really nice tomorrow and both of us could use the time outside in the sunshine.

Amanda, you are right! The weather is going to be FANTASTIC!! If we hadn't promised the kids we would go see Shark Tales tomorrow (we have free tickets through AMC Moviewatchers), I think we would attempt going to the Mardi Gras parade. We have never been to one!

Enjoy the wonderfully warm temps and have a great walk. :)
Good For you !!! I think everyone will be outside this weekend!!! :sunny: :cool1:


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