Amanda's Menu Planning Spectacular!

Hold on! Hold the phone!! Is there an IKEA here?!?!? Good heavens, Woman, share the location!! I have been to the one in Chicago and it was wonderful. We were quite a sight trying to bring a rug onto a plane back to Nashville with us. :rolleyes1

Thanks for the scoop on Hacienda and Casa Gallardo! We haven't found either of those places, but will have to check them out. Thanks for the tip.

Your bedroom sounds wonderful. I really like what you have described and can't wait to see some pictures.

You are doing great with your food and your exercise! How wonderful that your body is getting so toned! Keep working it! Curves was a good decision for you!!
I'm sending bright :sunny: thoughts your way today!

I'm heading to the store tonight and you can bet that SF chocolate pudding is on the list! ::yes:: Thanks for all your great ideas and tips - you really do help and inspire me on a daily basis! :hug:
Okay Terry I want you to breathe! Deep breaths okay? There is no IKEA in St. Louis I actually first saw the bed in Los Angeles when I went out there for business and fell in love with it. I had to order it via the internet - thankfully it wasn't to exepensive $300 - but the shipping was $250.00!!! OUCH!!! But it was worth every penny. I hope we will have a IKEA store of our own someday.

Meme - I get my flavored syrups in the Low-Carb section of the grocery store. I have only purchased Atkins but I want to try Davinci's because I "hear" they are better.

I woke up this morning tired and hungry.....and LATE! I am just so exhausted! I think I am going to take a break from Curves tonight to give my body some recovery time because it is dragging! I didn't do perfect on my food menu yesterday - I was just so hungry all the time...could be the body needing extra fuel for the workouts. Here is an accurate recap:
B: Coffee, 1 egg, 1 slice of cheese, 2 pieces of Canadian Bacon - 7 carbs
L: Dunked Peppers and Sausage Kabobs - 6 carbs
S: Java City - Carmel Javalanche - 45 carbs (estimate)
D: Grilled Chicken Salad - 2 carbs
S: Double Steak and Cheese burger from Steak n Shake - removed bottom bun.
I probably only drank about 6 glasses of water yesterday - not my best.
Curves - 30 minutes!

Here is my plan for today:
B: Coffee - 5 carbs. Didn't have time to make breakfast but I may hit the cafeteria here and get some scrambled eggs.
L: Grilled Chicken Salad
S: Celery Sticks and Veggie Dip
D: Taco Salad or bunless cheeseburger or hotdog with chili
Exercise - skipping it tonight.
Water - 8 glasses
Vitamins - taking them now.

I am hoping to hit a few journals today before I actually have to start "working"

:blush: Okay, I am under control again. Whew! That was close! I was thinking an IKEA might be tucked into that Galleria area. Since I haven't explored over there, I thought I had missed it!

Mmmmm... that taco salad sounds lots better than the spaghetti we have on the menu. I hope you had a good day!
I am having an issue sticking to my menus this week. Maybe I didn't plan enough variety.....or maybe I planned to much variety. I'll have to think about that one tonight. I got on my scale at home tonight (tomorrow is official weigh in) and it says 159lbs...that is 4 lb drop from last week. Now, that might be accurate since last week was my TOM and I might have been retaining alot of water....I really hope is - you will see a big ole :teeth: on my face then.

I'll do a total recap tomorrow. Right now I am going to enjoy my sugar free jello and whip cream.

WOW - just thought I'd stop by my journal but saw you just posted so HI - and a BIG YIPPIE 4 lb loss :Pinkbounc :cheer2: :Pinkbounc :cheer2:

You go girl & stick to those menu plans - they really are working :banana:
I won't be :banana: until I weigh in at Curves tonight but I am feeling pretty good today! I had issues getting to sleep last night I have a conversation that will take place today that I am not looking forward to.

Recap for yesterday:
B: Coffee, eggs, and 1 sausage patty - 7 carbs
L: Chicken Ceasar Salad Wrap - ?
D: Chicken ala Amanda and a taco salad - 5 carbs
S: Sugar free jello and whip cream - 2 carbs

I'm not sure of the carb count at lunch - looking at this it doesn't seem like I am doing awful - but I know I was over 30 carbs today.

Plan for today!
B: coffee - 5 carbs, and 3 slices of Canadian Bacon - 1 carb
L: Taco Salad or bunless cheeseburger
S: Celery Sticks and veggie dip (if needed)
D: Heroin Wings
Exercise: Curves
Water - DRINK!
Vitamins - taking them now.

My Mom is coming over afte work to see our new furniture so I won't get to curves till 7pm tonight. I'm glad I took last night off from Curves it felt good to go home and relax.

Well I'm gonna hit some journals before my boss gets in ;)
Hi Amanda,

Your menu for today looks good as usual! I hope that the conversation goes well for you. Have a great day! :sunny:
I'll be crossin' my fingers & toes for your weigh-in tonight! Sure hope that 4 pound loss holds! :cheer2: You are doing great with your menus and Curves. If you were over 30 carbs yesterday, it certainly wasn't by much!

The sf chocolate pudding & whipped cream helped me sooooo much last night! :hug: Thanks for the great suggestion. Seems I keep forgetting the basics lately. Just 2 days ago I remembered how much Trident sf gum helped me cope with the "after lunch munchies." :rolleyes2

Best wishes for your tough conversation. Hopefully it will go better than you expect. Here's some extra help, just in case - :wizard: .

Have a wonderful Thursday! :sunny:
Hi Amanda,

Congratulations on losing 4 pounds! That is huge! You have defiantley got the menu/exercise thing down.

I'm sending :wizard: for you weigh in and the conversation.

Take care,
AUGH!!!! Why can't I stick to my menu? Last week I did so good with sticking to my menus. Tonight we did Pizza and Chicken Wings. I had 2 pieces of thin crust pizza (4 inch squares) and about 8 chicken wings. Plus 2 chocolate chip cookies! I know it isn't causing a lot of damage but I wonder if I will show a weight loss now. Stupid Amanda! :rolleyes1


You are not stupid! You are human. You know what to do. Back to basics. Diet, water, and exercise. Are you still going to Curves?

Thanks Beth!

I'm thinking maybe I set the bar a little to high for myself this week in terms of my expectations. I'll need to bring it down a couple of notches - I may need to rethink my menu for next week. Or maybe only plan 4 meals a week instead of 7. I'll have to play with it until I find the right combination.

Recap for yesterday:
B: coffee, eggs, and 1 sausage patty - 7 carbs
L: Taco Salad - 2 carbs
S: 2 chocolate cookies - ?
D: 8 chicken wings - 16 carbs, plus 2 slices of pizza, plus pizza toppings off of 3 slices.
S: Nothing!
I also didn't make it to Curves because my Mom stayed over later then I thought she would.

Plan for today:
B: small coffee - 2.5 carbs, Celery and veggie dip
L: Salad from grocery store - I have some errands to run.
S: ?
D: Cheeseburgers and veggies.
Curves right after work - my bag is already in the car.
Water - need to drink more I've only been getting about 4 glasses a day lately.
Vitamins - taking them now.

Sticking to plan is sooo hard sometimes, better luck today ;) I hope the scale stays at a 4 lb loss for you! Is your chicken ala amanda posted? I think I'll try it tomorrow night. TGIF :cool1:
Hi Amanda,

Your menu looks great today. Have a great workout at Curves. I'm sending :wizard: for weighin/measurements. Keep fighting the good fight.

Take care this weekend,
Hi Amanda,

Don't beat yourself up, staying on track is definately not easy! I think you are doing a fantastic job! Keeping my fingers crossed that the scale stays on your side.
Check out the new stats!
That is 3.3 lbs gone forever!
I was hoping for more of a difference from last week - but I also haven't been that "good" the last few days. And I should no that my scale at home cannot be trusted. I feel that the inches are going and that is what is really important - I am looking forward to being measured on the 15th. I want to buy a size 10 pair of jeans before summer....maybe some shorts to ;) Shopping always motivates me.

Congrats on the 3.3 pounds. Don't worry about slipping a little, we all do and all in all you are doing great! :goodvibes
:banana: GO AMANDA!!! :banana: That is so great!!

I love the shopping motivates me too! I know it does me! We could do some serious damage together I think!!!!

I think I really need to adapt your menu planning! Maybe that is what I will do tonight!!! You are my meal planning inspiration!!!!

Hi Amanda! :wave2: Congratulations on the big loss! :banana: :dancer: I'm always motivated by shopping and when I wrote down my goals for summer - one of them was to buy size 10 jeans and shorts :teeth: I know you can do it!!


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