All You Need is The Force, Trust and Pixie Dust! A May 2014 TR -- Updated 11/20

Can't believe those crowds! ;) Haha great to have a bus all to yourself. Great start to the day! Glad Franklin is finally in the World :)
I love that you are getting to meet so many characters on this trip! Especially all the rare EPCOT face characters. Looks like your off to a good start that morning and can't wait to hear about the all night party party:
Wow, what a productive morning - you got so much done!! :cheer2:

Love Franklin's pictures flying out of DC...those views never get old!! :thumbsup2
Liberty Tree Tavern is on my must-try list. Do you like lunch or dinner better there?

The only reason to eat at LTT is so that you can have the Ooey Gooey Toffee Cake. It is delicious! But they only serve it for lunch. We only discovered this place back in December, but it is on the permanent rotation now. :goodvibes

The other thing that I would love to see on Franklin's must do list is picture of the Wilderness Lodge. I know he would do a fantastic job there. ::yes::

You really must try Via Napoli, the food is amazing! We've eaten at Captain's Grille for breakfast before and really liked it! I remember from your TRs that you guys really like CG for dinner, too. Do you usually have to make an ADR there for dinner or can you walk up pretty easily?

We have always had reservations for our dinners there, but I suspect in most cases they are not necessary. We were able to walk-up for lunch with no problem.

What a great start to your morning at MK!!!

A private bus and limited lines. You did so much!

Skipper Dan on the Jungle Cruise ride? Seriously?

:cool1: on Mine Train. As you know, I am going to see if I can ride in a couple of weeks.

I love your pictures and especially the selfies! Too cute! I majorly stink at selfies

1) I am too old
2) I always have a stupid expression on my face. Not a duck face, exactly, but I am always looking up in a weird way
3) The camera on my phone is horrible, so I use my camera.

Good to see Franklin has now joined in the story, and wow, already a DISmeet!

DC does indeed look beautiful.

As usual, Franklin's photos leaving DC are amazing! Yours aren't too shabby, either!

I've seen some photos from the opening on the 24hr day, and I'm surprised you were able to walk on so many rides. It's such an awesome feeling being able to accomplish so much!

Haven't ridden Mine Train yet. Very much looking forward to it!

It was a truly fantastic morning being able to go from one ride to the next. Very unexpected!

BTMRR is my favorite ride at MK, too. Was Franklin jealous that you got to ride Seven Dwarfs before he did? We have two fp's scheduled for the ride in Sept. I can't wait to see it.

I hope one of your FP+ reservation for 7DMT is at night, it's a totally different ride when the sun goes down!

Yes, very. :lmao:

Sorry honey! :goodvibes

man, even without Franklin you got some great gics on BTMRR - you guys always seem to get pics on there where the colors of the rock are really bright and bold

yeah for getting on the Mine Train! I haven't ridden it yet but am very much looking forward to a few runs on our upcoming trip - have a few FP+ already set for it!

Glad Franklin made it safe - when flights are involved, uneventful is the best! And cool that he had that unexpected DISmeet!

I love the scenery of BTMR, it really transports you to the Wild West. I can't wait to hear what your family thinks of 7DMT!

Lovely photos! I love BTMR, I remember last time we were there, this kid (about 12-13) got off and complained to his mother "that wasn't fun at all." LIES.

Can't wait to see more!

When I was 4, my dad tricked me into going on BTMR by saying it was just a train ride. We got off and I said "That wasn't a train ride." He said, "Well no, but did you have fun?" I begrudgingly said yes and then promptly asked to go on it again! :lmao:

Wow, empty MK! I'd think it would have been mobbed too, but maybe everyone else had the same idea and was saving up their energy for later :) More fun for you! Yay, the Mine Train at last!

Very pretty shots of D.C.! And I swear, it never gets old seeing the "Welcome to Disney World" sign...even in someone else's pictures! We got lost while I was down there and my friend was apologizing and I was like "It's all good, we get to drive under the arch again!!!" lol! Glad for the updates and excited to hear about what happens next :)

When we went with Franklin's family in 2012, we stayed in a Windsor Hills house (which was great). But I jokingly threw a fit every night when it was time to leave the Disney bubble. One night, we got stuck in the Epcot loop where we kept looping back around to the same spot, I joked that the Disney bubble was trying to keep me inside!

What a nice morning at MK. I'm surprised the crowds were low. I imagine Franklin would have liked to have been there for sunrise photos, but he still has lots of time to make magic pictures :thumbsup2

The original plan was to be in the park the next morning through sunrise for Franklin to take castle pictures. (Spoiler alert: It may not have worked out like that).

The park really wans’t crowded that morning! I was seriously surprised! Once midnight hit it was kinda a mess though, I REALLY wish Jenna & I had be able to nap more, we would’ve made it so much longer!

Yay for a nice morning in MK!

UGH! That first picture from the plane freaked me out! The water under the freeway/around that are just looked a LOT like it was flooded! Calgary flooded REALLY bad last summer (we’re still dealing with it now) the entire downtown core was flooded and all brown like that and I flew home from Florida in the middle of it, so that was a weird memory to jog lol!

Love the mine train shots! And man, we must’ve just missed each other so many times that morning! I feel like you got a ton done that morning. Maybe I feel like we didn’t? Lol, who knows, we did a lot of characters, and by 11:30 were waiting for the noon parade, so that might be why.

I really do like mine train, I wish it was a little more thrilling, the rocking car concept I thought would be much more intense than it is, but hey, it’s still an amazing ride and I love how they’ve incorporated everything!

It was kind of crazy to be on Twitter/Instagram that morning because there were so many people I follow in different parts of the park!

I'm totally with you on Mine Train. Wished it could've been more, but happy with what we got.

This is another great TR, Missy. Can't wait to read the next installment! :thumbsup2

Thank you! :goodvibes

Loving your trip report :) you're adorable and I love seeing all your pictures!! Keep up the good work ;)

Thanks! :thumbsup2

I would have expected the morning to have been packed! I thought there would have been a lot of people who got there right at the start to say they were there for 24 hours. So glad you had an empty park basically!

I will ride 7DMT in 41 days. I think it will be nice, but quite honestly, my recent trip to US really opened my eyes to some amazing ride technology. Disney will always be my true love though!

Your trip is so soon! It's funny how different Universal and Disney are (but we love them both!) With Disney, just being in the parks in enjoyable -- there are so many details, sights and sounds. At Universal, the rides are the centerpiece and we find ourselves running from ride to ride without really taking in the scenery much (HP being the exception).

Just catching up on the lazy few days. Via Napoli is one of our favs and I was so pumped to here they were coming to dc. The saw it was Bethesda. Doesn't those folks know Virginia is where it's at ; )

Wow I seriously can't believe the 24 hour party was that empty in the morning. I though it would have been packed. Perhaps the annual event is detracting from the novelty of it.

Franklin is getting close, can't wait to read about more of your adventures,

Bethesda is close enough for me! I can brave the Beltway to get that delicious pizza!

I think lots of people really wanted to be there for the overnight hours, so the morning was much more empty than anyone could have imagined.

Yes, Franklin has joined us, time for the fun (and better pictures) to really begin!

"Liberty Tree Tavern is on my must-try list. Do you like lunch or dinner better there? Mmmmm Starring Rolls, I could go for a carrot cake cookie for breakfast right about now."

I'll be able to tell you in a couple of weeks because I have not been for lunch yet. We have been for dinner and we enjoyed it very much! We specifically booked lunch this trip so we could try the New England Pot Roast and the Ooey Gooey Toffee Cake!
At dinner they have the "Pilgrim's Feast " which is a family style meal with rolls, salad, Turkey, Beef, and Pork Tenderloin, mac n cheese, mashed potatoes, gravy, green beans, and Johnny Appleseed cake. So good!

Loved all the selfies on the rides and your pics of SDMT. I have not ridden it yet. It was not finished when I was there last January. Sadly, DD10 is a little unsure of rollercoasters right now. She did agree to go on the Barnstormer on our upcoming trip though. My mother is joining us on our trip in April and I will ride it then while she and DD have a snack or something ;)

I'm definitely going to have to try LTT, you make it sound so good! Tell your daughter that 7DMT isn't much more thrilling than Barnstormer and sit toward the front (it's a slower ride at the front of the train compared with the back). She would really like it (and I'm still a ride chicken at heart!)

Wonderful TR so far Missy, as usual! I love your photos, I can feel your excitement!

Awwww, thanks!

That is completely adorable!! :goodvibes

Again, all your character meets are fantastic!

I love that you take selfies on the rides!! They turned out wonderful!! I am very selfie-challenged!

The shots of DC are breathtaking. I lived in the area for a couple years and seeing those pictures make me smile!!

Funny story, I had to call my younger sister before this trip to have her teach me how to take selfies because I had no clue how to do it. I picked it up pretty quickly, though!

I loved the 7DMT also. loved, loved the theming very much.:thumbsup2

The theming on the ride and in the queue is just beautiful! Disney sure knows how to do that well.

Can't believe those crowds! ;) Haha great to have a bus all to yourself. Great start to the day! Glad Franklin is finally in the World :)

My own private chariot to MK, now that is riding in style.

I love that you are getting to meet so many characters on this trip! Especially all the rare EPCOT face characters. Looks like your off to a good start that morning and can't wait to hear about the all night party party:

Wow, what a productive morning - you got so much done!! :cheer2:

Love Franklin's pictures flying out of DC...those views never get old!! :thumbsup2

We were bummed when JetBlue moved its Florida flights from Dulles to National (we love less than 10 minutes from Dulles). But I've got to say, the view coming and going from DCA is so much better!

The only reason to eat at LTT is so that you can have the Ooey Gooey Toffee Cake. It is delicious! But they only serve it for lunch. We only discovered this place back in December, but it is on the permanent rotation now. :goodvibes

The other thing that I would love to see on Franklin's must do list is picture of the Wilderness Lodge. I know he would do a fantastic job there. ::yes::

Lunch at LTT it is, then! We have BIG plans for exploring WL in December. We've never set foot in there, which saddens me greatly because it looks so beautiful! There will be pictures, LOTS of them. But you'll have to wait until December.

We have always had reservations for our dinners there, but I suspect in most cases they are not necessary. We were able to walk-up for lunch with no problem.


I'll keep that in the back of my mind for our Epcot resort trips, thanks!

What a great start to your morning at MK!!!

A private bus and limited lines. You did so much!

Skipper Dan on the Jungle Cruise ride? Seriously?

:cool1: on Mine Train. As you know, I am going to see if I can ride in a couple of weeks.

I love your pictures and especially the selfies! Too cute! I majorly stink at selfies

1) I am too old
2) I always have a stupid expression on my face. Not a duck face, exactly, but I am always looking up in a weird way
3) The camera on my phone is horrible, so I use my camera.

Good to see Franklin has now joined in the story, and wow, already a DISmeet!

DC does indeed look beautiful.


Skipper Dan, yup! :lmao: You're gonna have to learn to take selfies for your solo jaunt, otherwise, how will we know you're there?!?!?

It was Franklin's first solo Dismeet, I was so proud!

I am OBSESSED with ride vehicle and track photos. They are my absolute FAVORITE thing about Disney World. I don't quite know why, but I'm just fascinated by them. The picture you took of the Mine Train track is WONDERFUL! Haha, I can't wait to ride it myself and take tons of pictures!!!
I am OBSESSED with ride vehicle and track photos. They are my absolute FAVORITE thing about Disney World. I don't quite know why, but I'm just fascinated by them. The picture you took of the Mine Train track is WONDERFUL! Haha, I can't wait to ride it myself and take tons of pictures!!!

I love the POV ride photos too! I can't wait for you to try Mine Train, it's pretty cool!
Welcome back friends! We last left off with Franklin making his big arrival at Disney and I had left Magic Kingdom to meet him!

I met him back at Boardwalk and we put away his stuff. I couldn’t wait for him to see (and photograph!) our view!




As gorgeous as the scenery was, Franklin was starving! Luckily, his brilliant wife had made an ADR at Beaches and Cream for his arrival.

Hmmm, I wonder what you’re going to eat.


Just his usual, the bacon cheeseburger and a chocolate shake.



I had a hot dog.


And you’re not allowed to eat at B&C without getting ice cream. So we split a brownie sundae.


It was time for us to change into our party costumes and get to the 24-hour party! We got dressed and made our way to the bus stop, where we ran into our favorite fellow Boardwalk guests: Danielle, Jackie and Papadon! I introduced Franklin to the group and a bus arrived a few minutes later.

We got to Magic Kingdom and the park was bathed in a gorgeously warm afternoon light.




It was definitely more crowded than earlier, but not nearly the wall-to-wall people I was expecting.


We stopped for photos on Main Street. We were dressed up in Disney bounding outfits as Wall-E and Eve.



We made our way to Fantasyland, and were impressed with some of the costumes we were seeing!


Shockingly, the wait to meet the Frozen duo was just more than two hours.


It was time to check into Be Our Guest for dinner. The funniest part of all this was we had booked this dinner months before the 24-hour party was even announced, it felt very “meant to be!”
I don’t think Franklin ever gets tired of photographing the details of New Fantasyland, especially the gargoyles.



Man, I was so giddy that Franklin was finally at Disney! Yay for being reunited!


We waited about 25 minutes for a table, longer than we had waited the last couple of times we’d eaten at BOG. But, no worries, it was time to enter the castle!


We’d requested to be seated in the West Wing and our request was granted! Why do we like the West Wing so much? Well, first of all, it is SO MUCH QUIETER than the ballroom. It’s also a more cozy room and actually feels romantic.







Enough about the atmosphere, you guys are here for the food, right? I started with the French onion soup. So delicious!


Franklin started with a beer (and a healthy helping of my soup, too).


Franklin chose the shrimp and scallops for his entree, and once again, this dish didn’t disappoint.


I tried something new at BOG, the lamb chops. They were really good. The meat was cooked perfectly but my only quibble was the lamb was a smidge salty. But between the two of us, we polished off every last morsel. Yum!


The master made his rounds to greet his guests.


How about dessert, you ask? Well, we figured that we’d be in the park for the rest of the night, so we skipped dessert so we could enjoy snacks and desserts later on. I know, it’s so odd for us to turn down dessert, but it was a special night and we weren’t quite sure what Disney had in store for us! We paid the bill and we led to the study to meet the Beast himself!


On our way out of BOG, I heard someone call my name. I whirled around and it was Katt (Katt789 here on the Dis) and her friend, Jenna! They were just checking in for their dinner at BOG. We chatted for a while and promptly forgot to take a photo. D’oh! I know, I know, Dismeets haven’t actually happened unless you photograph it, but you’ll have to take mine, Franklin and Katt’s word for it on this one! They went in to enjoy their dinner, while Franklin and I made our way into a much more crowded Fantasyland. Franklin needed to get his tripod for fireworks, so I offered to hang out with his camera bag so he could move more stealthily through the crowd to get to and from the lockers at the front of the park.

I camped out on the wall outside Pooh, just watching the crowds go by. There were some truly fantastic costumes that night, it was a great night for people watching! Franklin returned and set up shop in front of Mine Train for Wishes. He wanted to work MK’s newest attraction as the frame for his fireworks shots.
















That’s where we’ll leave off for now. The fireworks may be over, but our night is just getting started! But first, have any of you staked out new fireworks spots in New Fantasyland?
Great update. Yay for Franklin ' s arrival. Love your dining choices. Cute idea for Disney bounding. Where did you find his goggles?

I like watching the fireworks explode over the Beast's castle.
I totally had a brain fart and forgot that we ran into each other at the bus stop. Dee dee dee!

I agree, it wasn't as crowded at that time as I thought it was going to be.

We saw that Cinderella too!

As per usual, Franklin's fireworks photos do not disappoint. :thumbsup2
What a great start to your day together. Completely love your outfits too.

Your meal at beaches looked great, I could devour those onion rings right now. Think I'm in the minority on not liking BoG. I'm glad I've seen it, but didn't find the food good enough to bring me back (though the beer and wine in MK keeps tugging at my heart strings). Though I didn't have that lamb ; )

The fireworks and all the photos for the day are beautiful. I'm married to quiet the photog too, I can barely operate 90% of his equipment but all their efforts are well worth it.
Hello! I'm enjoying your trip report a lot. The pictures are gorgeous, but of course you already knew that :thumbsup2

I'm really liking reading about your 24 hour day experience. We were also there for the 24 hour day (I was dressed as Donald Duck in case you saw me). It was really a fantastic experience and I wish they'd do them more often.

So excited to see what you do during the nighttime hours!!
Your 24-hour day experience is off to a great start!! Looks like a delicious dinner, so fun to have a random DISmeet, and of course the fireworks photos are spectacular!! :goodvibes
Loved the update!!!

It is so nice to have the two of you back together again.

As much fun as solo time is (and I am counting on it being fun), there is nothing like being at Disney with your soulmate! Who appears to be a DISmeet-magnet so far.

Very cute costumes! I love the simplicity.

The timing of this update is perfect, as I approach my very first steps into New Fantastyland, the Mine Train and Be Our Guest next week. :cool1: I haven't even looked at the lunch menu for BOG in ages, so I need to do that.

I love to see all of the new places you two try for viewing fireworks- and I am curious about where (and how many times) you will watch the Frozen version.

Glad you two lovebirds together again:goodvibes
No matter how many times I see Franklin's fireworks photos they still amaze me :thumbsup2 Seriously brilliant job!!
Love the look of BOG. Just curious, does the Beast visit all the tables? As a mum to one wee boy who only like to see characters from a distance even though he is now 7yrs and assures me "it's not cause I'm ascared" (yes I know there's no such word as "ascared" unless you are from here) :lmao: I had thought that you kind of queued up to visit the Beast but now I'm not so sure?

Loved the update!!!

It is so nice to have the two of you back together again.

As much fun as solo time is (and I am counting on it being fun), there is nothing like being at Disney with your soulmate! Who appears to be a DISmeet-magnet so far.

Very cute costumes! I love the simplicity.

The timing of this update is perfect, as I approach my very first steps into New Fantastyland, the Mine Train and Be Our Guest next week. :cool1: I haven't even looked at the lunch menu for BOG in ages, so I need to do that.

I love to see all of the new places you two try for viewing fireworks- and I am curious about where (and how many times) you will watch the Frozen version.


Woohoo Dee are you doing a park visit now on your solo trip? You have no idea how much I would to be there (or maybe you do lol);)


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