All You Need is The Force, Trust and Pixie Dust! A May 2014 TR -- Updated 11/20

Whoa!! Where is the pizza place going in the DC area?!?! Please say Alexandria ;)

That said, we haven't ever tried Via Napoli...but the reviews and pictures always look SO good. Next time.....

Great fireworks photos! Sounds like a nice evening all around!
MMM Via Napoli soo good. You are so right the walk from Epcot to BW or BC is so nice and relaxing. We loved staying at the BW too.
I don't mind your fireworks pics at all Missy! Lovely sunset pics at the boardwalk too.
I would say my go to easy meal at WDW is Liberty Tree Tavern for TS and Starring Rolls for QS.

Liberty Tree Tavern is on my must-try list. Do you like lunch or dinner better there? Mmmmm Starring Rolls, I could go for a carrot cake cookie for breakfast right about now.

Hey, I don't think your fireworks pictures were that bad!

I love the BW at sunset too, as much as sunrise. It's just gorgeous over there. :)

My favorite go-to easy meal at WDW is absolutely Columbia Harbour House!

Awww, thanks! We love Columbia Harbor House too! Though I still don't understand how Franklin can order the clam chowder when it's 100 degrees outside!

Awesome Epcot day! I think Mulan is probably the character I most want to meet in Epcot. Hopefully she'll be around at some point while we're there. I'm seriously amazed at all the great character meets in this TR!

Ah, the food...I swear I'm starting to think I could go and spend a whole trip just eating in Epcot. I even added another day so I could eat more :rotfl: I'm now dreaming of just strolling on over there from my resort and so excited we'll get to do that now! :) The whole area just looks amazing, I can't wait to experience it for myself! Crossing my fingers something opens up so we can add another night or two! Anyway...great update and what a nice way to end the day! Really excited to hear all about the 24 hour event!

Mulan was just one of those characters I'd never attempted to meet before, so I was glad to finally get to meet her. She was awesome! Lots of spunk.

I love how many food choices the Epcot resort area opens up for you, I don't blame your for adding more days, I totally would!

The stroll between the bw area & Epcot is definitely one of my favourites, no matter what time of day it is! IT'S JUST SO PURDY!

LOVE Via Napoli! The food there is amazing, the servers are cute, and it was a HUGE highlight of our trip last Sept, I can't wait to go back!

I would love that to be my nightly cup o tea drinking view!

I think our go to meal now a days is Crystal Palace, bahah! Steven & I ALWAYS end up there each trip completely spontaneously! Our favourite is probably 1900's because of the tremaines, but how can you not love them!

The waiters at Via Napoli are all so adorable, they clearly raise them well in Italy. ;)

Love CP! I've only ever been for breakfast, maybe it's time to try lunch or dinner!

What a nice evening!

I agree with you about that sunset stroll to EPCOT. :cloud9:

I don't think I have read a bad review about the food at Via (or the hot waiters, for that matter, although I don't think you mentioned them). This is another place we have never been.

Your fireworks pictures are perfectly lovely! No apologies necessary!

Our go-to meals: For QS, Sunshine Seasons. If we are going TS, Captain's Grille has never let us down.


You really must try Via Napoli, the food is amazing! We've eaten at Captain's Grille for breakfast before and really liked it! I remember from your TRs that you guys really like CG for dinner, too. Do you usually have to make an ADR there for dinner or can you walk up pretty easily?

Those sunset pictures of the Boardwalk area are really nice - but even more so the night time ones with all the lights on :goodvibes

That's awesome that the people that own Via Napoli are opening a place near you guys in/near DC!

The first place that comes to mind as our "easy" place is Raglan Road - we always seem to wind up going there each trip and never issue getting ADRs and have quite a variety of foods and good beers, etc.

Oh Raglan Road, I don't know why it took us so long to try that restaurant because now it is really a MUST-DO for us. The food is just so incredible and the atmosphere is so much fun with the Irish music and dancing!

We love to walk around the boardwalk. It is such a beautiful area. And it looks even better at night.

We had the Arancini last time we were there. I loved the sauce that they served with it. It was really good. Their Sangria is the best at WDW, although I haven't sampled very many of them. :rotfl:

I can't wait to read about the 24 hour party and see Franklin's pictures. :)
We discovered the Crew's Cup Lounge at the YC when we were there in March and that has become our go-to easy meal. It is a hidden gem.

I honestly thought Crew's Cup was just a bar. Now I'm going to have to go check it out!

I love Via Napoli pizza! Did the manager tell if there were going to be other locations besides DC?

Our go-to easy place would be Columbia Harbour House for counter service and Crystal Palace for table service.

Interested to read if you make it all 24 hours!

Right now, the restaurants are only in NYC, Disney and this new one just outside D.C. But if I hear anything more about their expansion, I'll pass it along!

Love strolling around the Boardwalk at any time of day but totally agree it is really special at sunset. We too love Via Napoli but our go to meal is usually the quick service bakery in France :) Eldest son eats a whole large French stick to himself and youngest boy loves the pain au chocolate or the crepes from the stand outside :) Hubby and I usually split a meal and add a glass of wine each-so relaxing to sit and watch the world go by and, if we've timed it right , Illuminations :goodvibes

Your photos make me wish I was there now :goodvibes

I wish I were there right now instead of at work! Just 22 more days and then I will be. Isn't that French bakery wonderful? I love the ham and cheese sandwich there!

Wow the Boardwalk is beautiful, love the pics Missy!

I have actually never eaten at Via because....I don't like pizza. ._. Haha.

There's plenty of non-pizza options at Via Napoli and I hear the pasta is pretty darn yummy!

Whoa!! Where is the pizza place going in the DC area?!?! Please say Alexandria ;)

That said, we haven't ever tried Via Napoli...but the reviews and pictures always look SO good. Next time.....

Great fireworks photos! Sounds like a nice evening all around!

The new restaurant, Naples 45, is going in Bethesda at Montgomery Mall!

MMM Via Napoli soo good. You are so right the walk from Epcot to BW or BC is so nice and relaxing. We loved staying at the BW too.

Agreed, all around! :goodvibes
Welcome back friends! We last left with a yummy dinner at Via Napoli and Illuminations. But enough about that, it is time for a day in which Magic Kingdom is open for 24 hours! I had thought a lot about my plan of attack for the day. I thought about being there when the park opened at 6, but I knew the sun had really been beating me up each day, so I thought if I showed up a little bit later, I’d have a better shot of staying all night long. I braced myself for a crowd when I headed out to the bus stop around 8 and was shocked to find no one. And no one had shown up a few minutes later when the bus arrived. And even more shockingly, no one got on at the Swan and Dolphin stop. I had my own private chariot to MK!


I figured that the lack of people on the bus was a total fluke, there had to be throngs of people at the park, right? Wrong! Everything was a walk-on! I’d seen people people reporting on Twitter that they were getting to ride Seven Dwarfs Mine Train, so my first stop of the day was there to get a return time on my DAS.

I then chose to start the momentous day with my absolute favorite Disney ride: Big Thunder Mountain!





Fresh off a ride through the Wild West, it was time for a sail on the high seas.





My plan was to spend the morning in the park while Franklin flew to Florida.
Speaking of Franklin, he’d had a pretty uneventful flight out of D.C. (with some beautiful scenery to boot!).





Back to my morning, let’s keep the boat theme going with Jungle Cruise! Why, hello there skipper Daniel.




“The lions are enjoying a zebra on the rocks.” Hehehe.



Um, that is one life-like animatronic!


The backside of water felt especially cool and refreshing this morning.



Enough of this sailing business, it’s time to fly.





It was time, time to FINALLY ride the Mine Train. So I scampered across the hub, stopping for a very quick castle selfie.


I stopped for a minute to just breathe in the moment. After hours of waiting over multiple days on this trip, I was getting on Mine Train. Can I get a wuh-hoo!?!?!





So, um, you move a lot faster through the dark ride part of the attraction than I expected. So take my word for it that those blurry figures are dwarfs.







After all that time waiting to ride, what was the verdict? I really liked it. It’s much smoother than BTM, and the outdoor part is faster and more thrilling than I expected. And the dark ride portion is so advanced and spectacular. Do I wish it were a longer ride? Of course! But it’s a fun ride and well worth riding.

Since I was right there, I hopped in line for Pooh.



And then moseyed back to Storybook Circus for a flight on Dumbo.






I hadn’t had any breakfast, so it was definitely time for a little snack (and maybe some caffeine). That must mean it was time from my favorite Lunching Pad combo!


There weren’t any available tables, but a lovely lady invited me to sit down at her table. She’s a local. She and her husband came to do a few attractions alone that morning before their grandkids joined them that afternoon for the night time activities. We had a lovely talk and I completely lost track of time until Franklin texted to say he’d picked up the rental car.


Franklin had just had his very first solo Dismeet at MCO, I'll let him tell the story:
So I'm in my seat, settling in. I'm just people watching at this point to pass the time. Then I recognize a person walking back to their seat. It took a moment
for me to realize who it was. Someone who I has seen but not actually met. It was Julie, JulieODC here on the Dis. I didn't say anything at this point. I was in the window seat and there were already people next to me. Once we landed I waited just outside of the gate and flagged them down. We just had a quick chat to say hi. They had to get to Downtown Disney and I was going to meet up with Missy.

Back at Magic Kingdom, I bid my new friend adieu and headed for the bus. I had a pretty successful morning at MK, I had ridden more rides in a few hours that day, then all the previous days of my trip combined! Meanwhile, Franklin was taking in this beautiful sight.


That’s where we’ll leave off for now, but we’ve got lots of fun together time for Franklin and I: I get my partner in crime back! But first, have any of you ridden Mine Train yet? What did you think of it?
As usual, Franklin's photos leaving DC are amazing! Yours aren't too shabby, either!

I've seen some photos from the opening on the 24hr day, and I'm surprised you were able to walk on so many rides. It's such an awesome feeling being able to accomplish so much!

Haven't ridden Mine Train yet. Very much looking forward to it!
BTMRR is my favorite ride at MK, too. Was Franklin jealous that you got to ride Seven Dwarfs before he did? We have two fp's scheduled for the ride in Sept. I can't wait to see it. :hyper:
man, even without Franklin you got some great gics on BTMRR - you guys always seem to get pics on there where the colors of the rock are really bright and bold

yeah for getting on the Mine Train! I haven't ridden it yet but am very much looking forward to a few runs on our upcoming trip - have a few FP+ already set for it!

Glad Franklin made it safe - when flights are involved, uneventful is the best! And cool that he had that unexpected DISmeet!
Lovely photos! I love BTMR, I remember last time we were there, this kid (about 12-13) got off and complained to his mother "that wasn't fun at all." LIES.

Can't wait to see more! :)
Wow, empty MK! I'd think it would have been mobbed too, but maybe everyone else had the same idea and was saving up their energy for later :) More fun for you! Yay, the Mine Train at last!

Very pretty shots of D.C.! And I swear, it never gets old seeing the "Welcome to Disney World" sign...even in someone else's pictures! We got lost while I was down there and my friend was apologizing and I was like "It's all good, we get to drive under the arch again!!!" lol! Glad for the updates and excited to hear about what happens next :)
What a nice morning at MK. I'm surprised the crowds were low. I imagine Franklin would have liked to have been there for sunrise photos, but he still has lots of time to make magic pictures :thumbsup2
The park really wans’t crowded that morning! I was seriously surprised! Once midnight hit it was kinda a mess though, I REALLY wish Jenna & I had be able to nap more, we would’ve made it so much longer!

Yay for a nice morning in MK!

UGH! That first picture from the plane freaked me out! The water under the freeway/around that are just looked a LOT like it was flooded! Calgary flooded REALLY bad last summer (we’re still dealing with it now) the entire downtown core was flooded and all brown like that and I flew home from Florida in the middle of it, so that was a weird memory to jog lol!

Love the mine train shots! And man, we must’ve just missed each other so many times that morning! I feel like you got a ton done that morning. Maybe I feel like we didn’t? Lol, who knows, we did a lot of characters, and by 11:30 were waiting for the noon parade, so that might be why.

I really do like mine train, I wish it was a little more thrilling, the rocking car concept I thought would be much more intense than it is, but hey, it’s still an amazing ride and I love how they’ve incorporated everything!
Loving your trip report :) you're adorable and I love seeing all your pictures!! Keep up the good work ;)
I would have expected the morning to have been packed! I thought there would have been a lot of people who got there right at the start to say they were there for 24 hours. So glad you had an empty park basically!

I will ride 7DMT in 41 days. I think it will be nice, but quite honestly, my recent trip to US really opened my eyes to some amazing ride technology. Disney will always be my true love though!
Just catching up on the lazy few days. Via Napoli is one of our favs and I was so pumped to here they were coming to dc. The saw it was Bethesda. Doesn't those folks know Virginia is where it's at ; )

Wow I seriously can't believe the 24 hour party was that empty in the morning. I though it would have been packed. Perhaps the annual event is detracting from the novelty of it.

Franklin is getting close, can't wait to read about more of your adventures,
"Liberty Tree Tavern is on my must-try list. Do you like lunch or dinner better there? Mmmmm Starring Rolls, I could go for a carrot cake cookie for breakfast right about now."

I'll be able to tell you in a couple of weeks because I have not been for lunch yet. We have been for dinner and we enjoyed it very much! We specifically booked lunch this trip so we could try the New England Pot Roast and the Ooey Gooey Toffee Cake!
At dinner they have the "Pilgrim's Feast " which is a family style meal with rolls, salad, Turkey, Beef, and Pork Tenderloin, mac n cheese, mashed potatoes, gravy, green beans, and Johnny Appleseed cake. So good!

Loved all the selfies on the rides and your pics of SDMT. I have not ridden it yet. It was not finished when I was there last January. Sadly, DD10 is a little unsure of rollercoasters right now. She did agree to go on the Barnstormer on our upcoming trip though. My mother is joining us on our trip in April and I will ride it then while she and DD have a snack or something ;)
Wonderful TR so far Missy, as usual! I love your photos, I can feel your excitement!
He played “Do You want to Build a Snowman?” from Frozen and it felt just perfect. Just before my buzzer went off, a little girl came up to the piano and asked if he could play “Let It Go.” He of course obliged and she stood by the piano and sang along with him. One by one little girls from all around the lobby joined her and they had the most adorable little Frozen chorus.

That is completely adorable!! :goodvibes

Again, all your character meets are fantastic!

I love that you take selfies on the rides!! They turned out wonderful!! I am very selfie-challenged!

The shots of DC are breathtaking. I lived in the area for a couple years and seeing those pictures make me smile!!


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