Tried to be sneaky but the trick was on us! A family reunites... June 2014

How adorable that the boys were hugging and holding hands. I know that I've said it before but I love memories like that.

Awww, was your sister crying when she saw your Dad? That's so sweet and I love the picture of all of ya'll together.

I can't offer any tips or ideas on when to visit...Spring Break or President's Day. We have never been during those times of the year. I know that there are a lot of Disers who can provide their ultimate wisdom on the subject though. That's one of the things that I love about the Dis.
Great update...your sister does look completely surprised your dad was there.

I have been to WDW after Presidents Day and there is no one there. The longest I waited in a line was 30 mins and that was for Soarin' first thing in the morning. I was there on Feb. 26, 2013. It was after the Daytona 500 and everyone had left from Presidents Week. Most of the rides were walk on. I would think if you wait a week, you are going to get the bigger spring break crowds.

She was very surprised!!! it went better than what I hoped so that is always good!!

Thanks for advice on SB- I think the consensus says to stay away from SB! LOL
Presidents Weekend is larger crowds but definitely better than spring break. I have done both and late Feb is my favorite time to visit WDW.

<a href=''> <img src=''> </a>

Thanks Tigerlily! We have done February before too and it is very nice! It's nice to leave home when it is cold and go to Florida! :thumbsup2
Oh Marcie, I'm tearing up reading this reunion. So glad it was captured on film (or memory card as the case may be). The pure emotion is so wonderful.

"I will just tell them that Papa Tom is NOT here" Haha, sounds logical to me.

POTC swords!!! I kinda like them myself.

Oh dear. While rainy weather can be nice sometimes to keep down crowds, it really stinks when it keeps cancelling stuff. I so hope the 11pm parade happens.

I have never done President's Day before, but I have heard it is REALLY crowded. President's Day week (16-22) will be really bad. I think the dates you mentioned beginning Feb 26 crowd wise would be lovely. In fact, I think it will one of the best weeks crowd wise next year. When you get past the first week of March (roughly March 7 onward) is when the Spring Break crowds will start to roll in. If you want the lower crowds, I'd stick with the dates you listed.
I'm not 100% on the dates for me just yet, but I do believe it would be in the last week of Feb timeframe.

Aww Rob- I have to admit that reliving it made me tear up too! I am so glad we were able to make this happen!

I swear we have 3 swords from Disney- I can mail you one. LOL

Thanks for the insite on dates!
Aww, those pics of your dad surprising your sister are great! So sweet. We're contemplating a spring trip. My DH said anytime before planting season (we just bought a small hobby farm), so I was thinking sometime from March 6th, as that is when the Flower & Garden Festival starts, and we love that, but my daughter just informed me that her and her long time boyfriend will probably be getting married sometime between winter & spring. They just bought a house, and will only be having a small wedding, so don't need to plan it very much in advance. I want to tell her to hurry up with the date so that I can finish planning my Disney trip, LOL, but thought that might be rude. ;) :lmao:
aawwww, I love the family picture! that's a great one!

of course, now i'm starving after reading about peco bill's taco salads!

you all are having a great trip so far!

we've never been over spring break or president's weekend, but I've heard spring break is pretty bad.....:confused3
Aww, those pics of your dad surprising your sister are great! So sweet. We're contemplating a spring trip. My DH said anytime before planting season (we just bought a small hobby farm), so I was thinking sometime from March 6th, as that is when the Flower & Garden Festival starts, and we love that, but my daughter just informed me that her and her long time boyfriend will probably be getting married sometime between winter & spring. They just bought a house, and will only be having a small wedding, so don't need to plan it very much in advance. I want to tell her to hurry up with the date so that I can finish planning my Disney trip, LOL, but thought that might be rude. ;) :lmao:

Haha!! I'd be the same way but you're right- can't be rude... I'm like that too! Hello?!! I mean I'm trying to plan a Disney trip here! Come in February- so we can have a DIS meet!

I would love to go in April, it's our anniversary & my mom's anniversary of her death so I thought I'td be nice to be away in our happy place but don't want that spring break crowd! :((((

How cool on the farm!

My dad didn't get to eat at Pecos Bill's so he headed in the direction of Casey's, as he was craving something from there.

The boys and I headed to Tomorrowland- as we hadn't ventured over yet and hopped in line to get some laughs and boy did we!


It wasn't long before Papa Tom caught up with us and got in line with us. He had even brought us some corn dog nuggets from Casey's and man- were they tasty!!


A family was standing beside us and heard me call Lawson, "Lawson" and she commented and said her son is Lawson also and turns out, she lives in Lexington, S.C.- which is only about 30 minutes from our house. How cool is that??!!!

Anyway, it was time to proceed through the doors to get our laugh on.

We got settled in and Mike Wazowski comes on the screen. He is my favorite! Well, him and Roz... I can't tell you how many times I have told the boys "I'm watching, always watching". :)

They start picking out characters and low and behold, Stevie gets pick to be Sully. What they do, is shine the light on them and show them on a screen and it's super fun and super funny. I think the hubster was a little embarrassed but the kids thought it was so cool that daddy got picked!

One of my favorite jokes I remember...

Why don't you give Elsa a balloon?


She'll let it go... Let it gooooooooo......

Don't lie- you know you smiled.

After about 15 minutes of laughs, we exited & went right next door to....


To infinity and beyond!!

Somehow, we got all jumbled as we were getting on ( those conveyor belt lines really get me, LOL) and I ended up boarding my starship all by myself. The boys wanted to ride by themselves and I told them they probably wouldn't let them but low and behold, they did. I was first, Hayden & Lawson next, my dad & then Landen, Jeannie & Steve bringing up the rear.

Here are some of our pics at the end


Can't even see poor little Laws!



Landy is looking quite serious about this game!

Couldn't leave without taking a pic with Zurg!


This picture just screams trouble!


As we had traveled to Infinity & Beyond, it was nearing the time for Wishes! Daddy didn't care anything about seeing the fireworks ( tragic, I know) He wanted to do Carousel of Progress and asked did we want to join...

Carousel of Progress or Wishes??? HMM- Pretty sure there is no competition between the two but I could be wrong...

He headed off & we found a little spot where the kids could stand and see okay.. Kind of up in front of the Laugh floor with an okay view. We knew if we got any closer, it would be a nightmare to try and push through guests so we just stayed put.

I'd say we had a decent view.






As always, the fireworks do not disappoint! Sure wish we were going to be there in October like last year to see Hallowishes but maybe October 2016! If I could talk my friends into waiting until fall, instead of February, that would definitely be our next trip!

Patiently waiting for October to book and hoping like heck, they have a good discount! :scratchin 1f we keep our dates like originally planned, our 180 day mark is Sunday!! EEKKKKKK!!!!

We are getting things ready this week to head to Ocean Lakes on Friday! Dr appointment for Laws the Boss at 9, appointment for me at 10 and then we are beach bound!

My friend and I will be talking an planning Disney while we are there- I am certain. Life is better at the beach... And of course, at Disney. <3<3<3

Up next: We got to walk off a RIDE!!! Annnnnddddd.... Do we finally get to see the stinkin' parade???!!!!
I think being with someone "picked" at Monsters Inc would be SO MUCH FUN!!! Unforgettable I bet.

OK Marcie, I'm sure your dad is awesome. But CoP over WISHES??????????????? BLASPHEMY!!!
I'm a fan of carousal of progress but no wishes? I don't know?
I hope you do get to see a parade, I guess I'll have to wait and see

OCT 2016, you sound like me planning in plenty of time.hahahha
Our oldest start school fall of 2016 so we will try to squeeze as many off season trips as we can before then.
we have decided we will try to make it to Disney every year during Christmas season its just so beautiful with the decorations and all the events going on. We will not be going this year and I'm already missing it :sad:
even though I have tried to convince my husband we should really really go, with no success.
but if we love our Disneyland Halloween trip next month we might have to make Mickeys Halloween party at Disney world next year.
looks like fun in tomorrowland! last time we went, DH was picked to be mike only he didn't realize he was on screen. it was so funny and a great memory!

yeah.....I don't think I could miss wishes for CoP either......but it looks like you had a good spot for it!
I think being with someone "picked" at Monsters Inc would be SO MUCH FUN!!! Unforgettable I bet.

OK Marcie, I'm sure your dad is awesome. But CoP over WISHES??????????????? BLASPHEMY!!!

I know right.. What was my father thinking?? I guess he's just not a parade man. :) Me on the other hand, adore Disney parades!!!
I love small world moments like the one with the other Lawson from SC!! :)

Sounds like a fun time! The pictures from Buzz are really cute! And yes, the Frozen joke made me laugh :thumbsup2

Enjoy your time at the beach!!! This summer has just flown by! :beach:
I'm a fan of carousal of progress but no wishes? I don't know?
I hope you do get to see a parade, I guess I'll have to wait and see

OCT 2016, you sound like me planning in plenty of time.hahahha
Our oldest start school fall of 2016 so we will try to squeeze as many off season trips as we can before then.
we have decided we will try to make it to Disney every year during Christmas season its just so beautiful with the decorations and all the events going on. We will not be going this year and I'm already missing it :sad:
even though I have tried to convince my husband we should really really go, with no success.
but if we love our Disneyland Halloween trip next month we might have to make Mickeys Halloween party at Disney world next year.

I know right?! It's like how many times can it rain on my parade?!!

I want to go back at Christmas again so bad!!!!

But October is a favorite too!! The Halloween party is so much fun!! You can look at my older TR & see pics if you want!
looks like fun in tomorrowland! last time we went, DH was picked to be mike only he didn't realize he was on screen. it was so funny and a great memory!

yeah.....I don't think I could miss wishes for CoP either......but it looks like you had a good spot for it!

Oh how cool! Your DH was picked too! It is a great memory !

Ol' Daddy just didn't get it huh? Lol!
Such a great TR! Your family is precious, and every photo just shines with love. I'm so sorry about your mom, but I think it's wonderful that you're carrying with her and using it to make every moment count.

Have fun this weekend! We've stayed at Ocean Lakes a few times in a camper and really enjoyed it!
I love small world moments like the one with the other Lawson from SC!! :)

Sounds like a fun time! The pictures from Buzz are really cute! And yes, the Frozen joke made me laugh :thumbsup2

Enjoy your time at the beach!!! This summer has just flown by! :beach:

I'm glad you enjoyed the joke! I love little kid jokes!! Lol!!

The summer has definitely flown! :(( I love summer but I'm looking forward to the fall!
Such a great TR! Your family is precious, and every photo just shines with love. I'm so sorry about your mom, but I think it's wonderful that you're carrying with her and using it to make every moment count.

Have fun this weekend! We've stayed at Ocean Lakes a few times in a camper and really enjoyed it!

Thank you! And thank you for joining in!! :)))(

Do you live in SC? We love Ocean Lakes!!!


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