Your worst moment at a Disney park?

Animal Kingdom - We were there on a really hot hot day and got a late start as it was missing rope drop and I felt I was in a rush to see everything. We started at Kilimanjaro Safari's and got to go straight into the fast pass line the cast member said to give the FP cast member their name since we had on our anniversary celebration buttons (Yes the only time DH even wore his) and got right on the next truck. Then we saw the bird show. We got lost in the park trying to figure out where Flametree BBQ was for lunch and I started feeling hot and just not too good. By the time we got our meal and I ate thinking maybe it was just low blood sugar and drank as much of my drink as I could but by the time we finished I felt worse and worse and had no energy, felt very weak, drained, and a headache and starting to feel nauseated too, so we made a hasty exit for our resort. I did feel much better after a lot of home remedy - a cool water bath, 2 bottles of water, a couple of bananas, and several hours of bedrest. It was a total bust for that day and we never made it back to the AK park, so I think it was just heat exhaustion. I will say it felt hotter there than the other parks and there was no cooling off places like the other 3 have, there is a lot of walking between places and not much shade.
Actually just had mine last Saturday at EPCOT, when my mom noticed that the back of my pants had torn badly (basically split, but fortunately not really visible if I was careful). I blame Soarin', since that was the most recent ride I was on before it was noticed, but can't be sure.

Due to size constraints (44 waist), I could find nothing to replace them other than those hideous gray sweat shorts. Worst looking things I have ever placed on my body. Then I also had to find some shoes that would work with them, since the shoes I was wearing really didn't. Then on to a quick change in the bathroom by Mouse Gears.
1) The first time I went to Disney with my family was when they still had the cable cars that went over the park. We were riding in one when my brother decided to be an idiot and toss something (a box of raisins, I think), over the side. When we got off the ride security was waiting for us. I was seven and convinced I was going to jail and was a huge blubbery mess. My parents yanked us out of the parks for the rest of the day and we spent the afternoon sitting in our hotel room glaring at each other.

2) We took DD for her first trip 2 years ago when she was 2 on a day trip to the Magic Kingdom. DH is stubborn. I kept telling him that Florida sun is hot and he needs to wear sunscreen (he never wears sunscreen). He refused so by the time we left that night he was severely burned. He had blisters. So we left WDW for our beach vacation and I spent the rest of our vacation going to doctor's offices, picking up burn cream prescriptions, and running oatmeal baths instead of enjoying the beach with my family. I would have slapped him, but it would have only made things worse.

I have one of those DHs too! I would have slapped him anyways..... lol Joking of course but I understand how you feel.
Our worst time was in 2009 when DS had what was believed to be H1N1. He was so miserable and we were there the last week of October and it was near 90 degrees every day. He started showing signs of being sick on our first full day there and pretty much didn't eat for the next 3 days. Needless to say it made for a rough trip, but if you ask DD and our Nephew, they still had a wonderful time. Had quite a few trade offs staying with him in the room, thankfully my M-I-L was there as well to help out with him. On a bright note though, I made my wife go back into DHS and she kind of fought me about trading off again (crowds were pouring out of Fantasmic). She rode ToT with our nephew and at the last moment they brought in 2 more guests who happened to be Chef Robert Irvine and his daughter. My wife is a big fan of his and bought the photo to prove it! She was so excited!
Like I posted in the "Inspired by the Can I Cut In Line, Etc." and "What Not To Do In Disney" threads last year, my worst moment occurred at Epcot. And I'm going to go ahead and apologize for the length of the post.

It was about 2 - 4 hours before Illuminations, if that's what it was called back in '95, was suppose to start and my best friend and I were tasked with staking out a single bench for his Mom's favorite view.

Now let me say this before going on, I didn't not enjoy this and didn't think it was right. We were suppose to make sure no one else sat at this bench with us while his mom and one of their family friends went both window shopping and actually shopping around the World Showcase Lagoon. And as we sat there for multiple hours I found out this was something she had him do every year when they went down.

Of course all was going well until about an hour or hour and a half before the show and elderly French couple sat down. And that's when I was like "Ah crap." because I just had a feel as to what was going to happen, but not to the extent. As my friend tries to explain his mother's desire the French wife starts going off on him. At first I was more shocked than anything, but when she started to take on an even more aggressive nature was when I decided to find my friend's mother and took off running.

Oddly some how I did run into his mother and her friend maybe two countries over and we all came running back to the tension zone. Then all heck broke loose as soon as we got back. No sooner than we got back to where my friend was the elderly wife attacked my friend's mother. Be for this point and before we returned I think someone from one of the nearby stores or businesses called security because they got there shortly after the attack started.

Security gets there, breaks up the attack, and takes away the French couple. At this point we find out they were thrown out of the park the day before because of a similar incident. This was definitely a shocking moment for a first time visitor and the worst of the trip.
We were in the world November 2009. Just me and my two kiddies. :O) We were walking along in MGM, then suddenly there is a strong pull down on my arm (I was holding each of my dk's hands) and a "yell".

There was a lady in an electric scooter thing and she had gone too close to my son, and somehow caught his foot /ran over his foot. So he is down on the ground, heel of foot and shoe caught under her scooter, all twisted, and she is stopped looking at us. I was down trying to help him, and then she starts to try to scoot forward. I start yelling "you have his foot you have his foot, stop " so then she decides to move back, again I am saying "just stop!"

I finally got his foot out, he had cut on the back of his heel, and other than being sore, and a bruise, he thankfully was fine. No sprain or serious injury, so it was a bad moment but it could have been worse.
I have 2 both from our trip from 2009
1. We arrived in June, went to DTD to eat at Planet Hollywood and by saying it was hot is a understatement..I work nights and had worked that night (no sleep except for about 2 hours on plane..)no eating except junk in the airport. So to say I was not prepared for the hot Florida June sun is a understatement. Well about halfway up the stairs going inside of PH my body says "NOPE NOT GOING" and well basically I shut down right there on the steps....OH HOW EMBARRASSED I WAS...Well after cooling off and eating I was fine...Next time I will take the day before we leave off and eat and rest LOL
2. OMG well my kids at the time were 20, 17 and 16 and the 2 oldest are girls the youngest is a boy...The oldest went to school in another town and didn't live at home except in summer, well the girls sometimes can get on each others nerves something fierce. Well while standing in line waiting to ride the dang astro orbitor of all rides, the decide to start arguing over who's song the CMs are singing at one of the shows they do, was it Brittany or was it so and so...This argument went on for a good 20 mins. UNTIL mama loses it..I said you all have my phone # text me when you are done and I jetted to HS...AND HAD THE TIME OF MY LIFE..Omg I decided at that moment that I need to do WDW by myself sometime..After that we had a most pleasant trip LOL :rotfl::rotfl:
Mine was this past October. We were in Epcot heading over to the Nemo ride and I decided that I had to use the restroom. I didn't even notice the wet floor sign. I was wearing flip flops. Needless to say I ended up on my butt. I turned red instantly. :scared1: Not to mention that my butt hurt for about an hour after that and it knocked the wind out of me so my stomach also hurt. It was horrible. :laughing:
We had a great trip earlier this month, but for our 3 worst moments I have to say it is a 3 way tie:
1- When DD2 threw up in Cosmic Rays. No warning, she just gagged on a bite of chicken nugget and that was it. This was during a crowded lunch hour.
2- When DD2 refused to sit in her high chair during dinner at San Angel Inn, and then her diaper leaked pee on my husband's lap. :confused3 No idea why we had so many diaper malfunctions on this trip when normally it's fine. Her other diaper malfunctions were on our flights to FL and home. I swear, we changed her frequently. :sad2:
3- When our bus ride from POFQ to MK took 40+ minutes due to triathlon detours, and it was a crowded bus so we were standing balancing 2 kids, double stroller, diaper bag, etc. If we had known the ride would be that long, we would have waited for the next bus. We were unaware of the triathlon detour until the bus started departing POFQ & the driver let us know then.
I keep laughing at some of these- I guess when you spend a LOT of time at Disney the odds of bad things happening goes way up! My worst two:

1) My little sister fell at Caribbean Beach Resort and sliced her chin open to the bone. We all piled into the car and went to the local ER. She was stiched up and ready for rope drop the next morning! :laughing:

2) My Dad had a heart attack at MVMCP. He made it to first aid and then had to be taken by ambulance to Celebration Health. That ended the trip but we are very lucky that 10 years later he is doing great!

So yeah - heat, illness, rude guests, missing rope drop, and fights in the parks aren't so bad! It could always be worse! ;)
I think the worst thing that ever happened to me at WDW was I got strep throat two days in to our six day vacation, then spent almost the entire trip passed out in bed in our hotel room. I don't even remember much of the trip at all. I know we went to Epcot and Hollywood Studios (because I remember being dizzy and fever-stricken at Fantasmic... that was when I realized I was sick), but I can't remember anything else about it.
I think this last trip topped the worst things that have happened to any of us. My niece visited Celebration Health, not once, but twice. She was dehyrated and had a nasty virus that took her away from the magic for over 4days. We're already making plans for another trip to make up for this one.
I think the worst thing that ever happened to me at WDW was I got strep throat two days in to our six day vacation, then spent almost the entire trip passed out in bed in our hotel room. I don't even remember much of the trip at all. I know we went to Epcot and Hollywood Studios (because I remember being dizzy and fever-stricken at Fantasmic... that was when I realized I was sick), but I can't remember anything else about it.

I am SO worried that is going to happen to me. :sad2: Hoping to stop off at the walkin/ER in the morning and pray that if it is strep, it goes away QUICK! We leave home monday, and fly out first thing tuesday morning. :sick:
MY worst time at WDW was every day in 2007!
My Dh had died in 2006 and a friend trying to be kind offered to come on vacation with me to WDW the following year to try to make sure I wasn't going away on my own.
Unfortunately in between the offer and us going she met a new man, so every day in every park, and restaurant she spent all her the time on her cell telling him how much she was missing him and couldn't wait to get home. I felt terrible, and very lonely.
The irony is that she subsequently married him, and he can't stand WDW so she now can't wait to get away again without him! She's even asked me to go back again with her next year. Ummmm!
Luckily I've had a whole bunch of good vacations with family at WDW since so guess what I'm not in any hurry to repeat that experience.
I lost my DS9 in MK in May of 2010. We had FP for Buzz ride, so we worked our way through the crowd to the ride. I handed CM the FPs, turned and no DS. My DH and I retraced our steps. Finally, I stood still while DH went forward into park. He found DS sitting, he had followed the wrong hat the wrong way. My DH was so stressed, he just returned to our resort for the rest of the evening.

Later, DH ventured back for Wishes and the parade. We stood near the Castle. The crowd was 6 lines deep. My DS couldn't even see the parade. The BO was horrible. Not our favorite trip to MK.
mine is the last trip in September we were at animal kingdom and the wire in my bra decided it was done and snapped in half LOL

Sorry, but the engineer in me just has to suggest that if it ever happens again, stop into one of the stores and buy the top half of an appropriately sized bikini. And advise your DH or DBF to carry a Leatherman to be able to adjust the wiring when it goes haywire like that... :thumbsup2

I have the same worst moment every time I visit WDW -- seeing the "Walt Disney World" over-the-highway sign in my rear view mirrors as I leave. :sad1:

now please excuse me as I go back to post two and continue reading this thread...
Two of the worst days of my life were at Disney..

#1-Epcott, friend's son (5) accidentally followed the wrong person off of the Norway ride (out of the Movie portion). It took a good 5 minutes to find him (I found him in China). Anyway, her pure panick, and trying to desperately find him were some of the longest, scariest minutes of my life. When I brought him back to his mom and she was crying and sobbing and hugging him, I thought I was going to yack. It was such an emotional /gut wretching experience, we immediatley left the park to go and swim and decompress (and hug our kids extra hard)!

Different Trip

#2 -AK (maybe it is cursed!). Just stepped off the bus for Rope drop-we were last off the bus as my two friends had 3 year olds with strollers-anyway, as we were bringing up the tail of of our "bus line", a large middle-aged man just stopped and fell backwards.. he hit the ground with a Thud I will never forget. Every gasped, and someone from his family/group ran for help. The group I was with just kept pushing towards the gate (trying not to be nosey or in the way), but when I got to the gate, I just couldn't go in. I passed my DD off to my friends with her ticket and had to go back. No one was there to help the poor man, so I just kept my distance and went back into the park (probably had only been about 2-3 minutes). His family was still there with him. The man was not moving. I went into the park and caught up with my friends. It was the first time I had ever been away from my parents for more than 10 days (yes, I am a grown adult with a child but live a block from my parents and we are very close). I called my parents and NEEDED to speak to my Dad..he had a quintuple by-pass a few years earlier, and I could think of was that was someones Dad lying there. I couldn't get that poor man out of my mind. The kids all kept asking about "the man who fell over". I tried every guest relations/CM I could find, to find out if the man was ok. I just wanted desperately for someone to say.. OH, it was a heat thing, he was fine, and is now riding Everest..but I guess because of privacy issues, or maybe they didn't know, but I could not find out what happened. I ended up taking DD back to the hotel. I just couldn't relax, and have fun.. wanted to just spend some quiet time at the pool w/DD..and call the family back in NJ again.

Everytime my friends and I go to AK, there has never been a trip where someone hasn't said "remember that man that fell". Honestly, it will be something I will never forget. Still wishing I knew he was ok.. (this was about 3 years ago).
3 years ago DH, DD, and I went for our first night out at Pleasure Island. We were going to have dinner at Raglan Road and then go to the clubs. Before we went into Raglan Road, we did some photos outside. There is a bench with a statue of a gentleman sitting on it. I thought it would be funny to have my picture taken sitting on the statue's lap, so I climbed onto it. The statue was unexpectedly slippery, and I flew backwards over the side of the bench, slamming my head into the sidewalk. I came to sitting on the sidewalk with a crowd gathered around me and the restaurant manager asking if I wanted an ambulance. I didn't go to the hospital because I didn't want to spoil our fun for the evening. We had a great time that night, but I woke up with a huge painful egg on the back of my head that didn't go away for months. I felt like an idiot, but we laughed about it afterwards. I must have a really hard head!


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