Your worst moment at a Disney park?

Ok, it's not AWEFUL aweful, but it's probably our worst trip.

We had been planning a trip to The World for fall of 2010 for the Food & Wine Festival. Had a day picked out, trip booked, etc. I was talking to my husband's best friend about Disney and how much fun it would be if they would come with us since they've never been there. They really wanted to, but spring of 2011 was more financially feasible for them, so I switched our date. I acted as consierge for this entire trip, making all the ADR's, emailing them all the information on hotels, our personal favorites, pictures, reviews, you name it. We decided upon May 2010 and we planned to stay at POR. So for the entire 6-8 months before our trip, I'd loaned them my vacation planning DVD from Disney (they never watched it), had them decide what restaurants they'd like to go to based upon their tastes (they're or he more particularly is a steak eater so we got Le Cellier and Yachtsman, Boma, etc). Everything was geared around them having the best time possible, I let all of our ADR's know it was their anniversary and their first trip, I handled all the money exchange and making sure everything was paid for. They didn't have to do a thing other than put luggage tags on their bags and show up at the airport (we ever handled that for them). I had gotten the feeling all along that they were excited to go and really looking forward to this.

We get down to Disney and they like POR, a plus. Outside of that, they (particularly him) griped about the price of this, the price of that, the burgers aren't as good as such-and-such place back home, the steak at the Yachtsman was an end cut, Dinosaur ride was ok, but the Mummy at Universal was better, Spaceship Earth was too slow and boring, Mission Space was good, but apparently not enough for another ride, every meal with the exception of maybe one wasn't as good as something else, somewhere else, too much walking, waiting too long for buses, didn't like the crowds (crowds were very do-able), Soarin' should be in HD, pizza at Via Napoli didn't have enough cheese on it and it's not like take out at home, everything. By day 2 of 7, we realized they were just phoning it in. I'd make suggestions like, "hey we could do this over here"...I'd get a luke warm, "eh, maybe" from them. "Hey guys, let's go have our pictures taken with Minnie and Mickey!", "I don't do pictures". Hey, let's go see Festival of the Lion King, it's a really great show!". "We don't do shows". " What do you guys want to do next?" "I don't know, what's cool around here?" Every time something was offered to them, it was poo-pooed. Nothing was fun, nothing was magical, nothing. It got to the point one day while we were walking around at the World Showcase at Epcot and nothing sounded like a good idea to them for lunch. I'd told them that we've got dining reservations at 7:05pm at Le Cellier and we're going to split up now. They can do whatever they like (they don't do shops either) and we'll meet up in Canada for dinner. They were apprehensive to do that because, "well you guys know where all the cool stuff is". Really? Nothing we're doing or showing you is "cool" to you two. I felt sorry for the wife, she seemed game for pictures, having fun, checking out everything and having some fun shopping, but her husband stands outside of a shop with his hands in his pockets and a scowl on his face because he's got to wait and it's the "same crap, different store" to him.

My husband and I are trying to remain friendly and keep things entertaining and fun, but it's just rolling off them in sheets. We were there for 7 days (they wanted 7 instead of our usual 5) and by day 6 we had spent the entire day alone at Epcot, taking our time, looking at everything we wanted and telling ourselves that under no circumstances would we ever go on vacation with these two again. I got home and asked my brother if he had experienced the same thing with them when he and his wife went to Universal with them in 2005. "Yup, same thing" was his answer to our questions. Nothing was ever good enough, worth the money, tasted good enough, big enough portion, made the way he wanted, or interesting enough for the two of them. My brother said, " he sucked the fun out of the entire trip". Exactly.

Now we're just going to go down there with other Disney lovers like ourselves that we've been with or we'll go alone. I just want to go back down there and have a re-do to get the joy back into my vacation.
Nothing was ever good enough, worth the money, tasted good enough, big enough portion, made the way he wanted, or interesting enough for the two of them. My brother said, "he sucked the fun out of the entire trip". Exactly.

Now we're just going to go down there with other Disney lovers like ourselves that we've been with or we'll go alone. I just want to go back down there and have a re-do to get the joy back into my vacation.

No good deed goes unpunished. Please go back to WDW ASAP to replace that nightmare with magical memories. One good thing for you: you aren't married to this sorry specimen.

No good deed goes unpunished. Please go back to WDW ASAP to replace that nightmare with magical memories. One good thing for you: you aren't married to this sorry specimen.


I know! I kept on telling my husband (who's been friends with him since second grade) that I would have knocked this guy off his block a number of years ago. He's actually a funny, generous person but a complete drag to be around when things aren't perfect for him...whatever that may be. I just want to go back down and have a good time and forget this trip ever happened. A bummer because you spend so much money going to Disney, so much time and excitement is put into planning and executing your trip and when you're with people like this, you just look at Disney as any other amusement park and it takes the shine off of it. Not the way I like my Disney all. Hell, I love every bit of Disney to the way the water smells at the Epcot fountains to the way the Monorail sounds as it wooshes over my head. I love it all with every bit of myself and I know you can't expect everyone to like it as much, but it sure is a bummer when you're with folks like this. :confused3:confused3:confused3
Not a personal story but just this past week we were waiting in line for Bugs Life when a CM manning the stroller dropoff began calling out frantically that someone had left their baby in the stroller :scared1: The mother was tracked down a ways down the line. She took it pretty well making comments like "Yeah, we're THAT family..."
Ok, it's not AWEFUL aweful, but it's probably our worst trip.

We had been planning a trip to The World for fall of 2010 for the Food & Wine Festival. Had a day picked out, trip booked, etc. I was talking to my husband's best friend about Disney and how much fun it would be if they would come with us since they've never been there. They really wanted to, but spring of 2011 was more financially feasible for them, so I switched our date. I acted as consierge for this entire trip, making all the ADR's, emailing them all the information on hotels, our personal favorites, pictures, reviews, you name it. We decided upon May 2010 and we planned to stay at POR. So for the entire 6-8 months before our trip, I'd loaned them my vacation planning DVD from Disney (they never watched it), had them decide what restaurants they'd like to go to based upon their tastes (they're or he more particularly is a steak eater so we got Le Cellier and Yachtsman, Boma, etc). Everything was geared around them having the best time possible, I let all of our ADR's know it was their anniversary and their first trip, I handled all the money exchange and making sure everything was paid for. They didn't have to do a thing other than put luggage tags on their bags and show up at the airport (we ever handled that for them). I had gotten the feeling all along that they were excited to go and really looking forward to this.

We get down to Disney and they like POR, a plus. Outside of that, they (particularly him) griped about the price of this, the price of that, the burgers aren't as good as such-and-such place back home, the steak at the Yachtsman was an end cut, Dinosaur ride was ok, but the Mummy at Universal was better, Spaceship Earth was too slow and boring, Mission Space was good, but apparently not enough for another ride, every meal with the exception of maybe one wasn't as good as something else, somewhere else, too much walking, waiting too long for buses, didn't like the crowds (crowds were very do-able), Soarin' should be in HD, pizza at Via Napoli didn't have enough cheese on it and it's not like take out at home, everything. By day 2 of 7, we realized they were just phoning it in. I'd make suggestions like, "hey we could do this over here"...I'd get a luke warm, "eh, maybe" from them. "Hey guys, let's go have our pictures taken with Minnie and Mickey!", "I don't do pictures". Hey, let's go see Festival of the Lion King, it's a really great show!". "We don't do shows". " What do you guys want to do next?" "I don't know, what's cool around here?" Every time something was offered to them, it was poo-pooed. Nothing was fun, nothing was magical, nothing. It got to the point one day while we were walking around at the World Showcase at Epcot and nothing sounded like a good idea to them for lunch. I'd told them that we've got dining reservations at 7:05pm at Le Cellier and we're going to split up now. They can do whatever they like (they don't do shops either) and we'll meet up in Canada for dinner. They were apprehensive to do that because, "well you guys know where all the cool stuff is". Really? Nothing we're doing or showing you is "cool" to you two. I felt sorry for the wife, she seemed game for pictures, having fun, checking out everything and having some fun shopping, but her husband stands outside of a shop with his hands in his pockets and a scowl on his face because he's got to wait and it's the "same crap, different store" to him.

My husband and I are trying to remain friendly and keep things entertaining and fun, but it's just rolling off them in sheets. We were there for 7 days (they wanted 7 instead of our usual 5) and by day 6 we had spent the entire day alone at Epcot, taking our time, looking at everything we wanted and telling ourselves that under no circumstances would we ever go on vacation with these two again. I got home and asked my brother if he had experienced the same thing with them when he and his wife went to Universal with them in 2005. "Yup, same thing" was his answer to our questions. Nothing was ever good enough, worth the money, tasted good enough, big enough portion, made the way he wanted, or interesting enough for the two of them. My brother said, " he sucked the fun out of the entire trip". Exactly.

Now we're just going to go down there with other Disney lovers like ourselves that we've been with or we'll go alone. I just want to go back down there and have a re-do to get the joy back into my vacation.

I had a similiar experience with my DM & Step father. They complained about everything but especially the money & they are very financially stable. It even took longer to drive down because they kept wanting to stop. I said I would never go to Disney again if I had to take them. We actually don't ever tell them we are going until it's too late to add them on to our reservation. We took my SIL & DN once & that wasn't so great either because SIL kept disappearing or deciding to stay in the room so I had an extra kid all of the time.
I got yelled at for cutting by a Make A Wish Mom. Let me explain!
We had just arrived at 1900 Park Fair, and when I had made the reservation I was told to go to the podium to check in. Simple enough, right? So when I walk in there are all these people milling about in the atrium and I seek out a CM and state that I wanted to check in. I didn't know if the people there had already checked in or not, just wanted to be sure we were counted as there as I had never done an ADR before.

When I followed the CM to the podium everyone in the Atrium started to line up. That's when the shouting started. This woman started yelling at me that they had all been there for 15 minutes and how dare I cut in line, etc. I was MORTIFIED. So I calmly stepped out of line and let all of them go in front of me. A kind guest with a couple of little one's in a stroller let me back in, and the CM apologized profusely, but I was so embarrassed. This was our first night and my DH and I when we talk about that trip will frequently laugh (now) about how I am a horrible person and line cutter.
I got yelled at for cutting by a Make A Wish Mom. Let me explain!
We had just arrived at 1900 Park Fair, and when I had made the reservation I was told to go to the podium to check in. Simple enough, right? So when I walk in there are all these people milling about in the atrium and I seek out a CM and state that I wanted to check in. I didn't know if the people there had already checked in or not, just wanted to be sure we were counted as there as I had never done an ADR before.

When I followed the CM to the podium everyone in the Atrium started to line up. That's when the shouting started. This woman started yelling at me that they had all been there for 15 minutes and how dare I cut in line, etc. I was MORTIFIED. So I calmly stepped out of line and let all of them go in front of me. A kind guest with a couple of little one's in a stroller let me back in, and the CM apologized profusely, but I was so embarrassed. This was our first night and my DH and I when we talk about that trip will frequently laugh (now) about how I am a horrible person and line cutter.

Sounds like that woman needs to actually learn some manners herself. Sometimes, people who verbally attack others for an innocent mistake seem to jump on them for the tiniest little error. Makes me wonder how that woman would feel in YOUR shoes. I don't think she'd care one bit. Ugh, society continues its sad downward spiral. FYI, once, a couple of very rude tourists shoved past me in line for Test Track. I did NOT scream or shove them but I really wished there were CMs who would keep an eye on the lines so people don't do that.
Sounds like that woman needs to actually learn some manners herself. Sometimes, people who verbally attack others for an innocent mistake seem to jump on them for the tiniest little error. Makes me wonder how that woman would feel in YOUR shoes. I don't think she'd care one bit. Ugh, society continues its sad downward spiral. FYI, once, a couple of very rude tourists shoved past me in line for Test Track. I did NOT scream or shove them but I really wished there were CMs who would keep an eye on the lines so people don't do that.

What's so odd about it is that I delayed her checking in by a total of like 30 seconds. So in the time it took her to scream at me I could have been done and her up there.

I can understand though that emotions could have been running high since this was a Make A Wish trip, kwim? So, I put my embarrassment aside after that night and moved on. It was just HIGHLY awkward eating in the same dining room afterwards.
On our second trip to WDW, I was celebrating my 40th birthday. We had invited my parents, and it was our first trip using our DVC. One evening, my parents offered to watch our DD11 and DS6. When we came back, we learned that DS had gotten sick, not once, but twice, on two different beds. Mousekeeping was very helpful in bringing clean linens, but my mom was the one who had to deal with all of that. The next day, I got equally sick and was out half a day. The next day (my b-day) DH and DD got sick and stayed in all day. The biggest blessing of the experience is that my parents didn't get sick on the way home. Other than that, it was a great trip.

Although not at Disney, I had one of the worst vacation experiences in Custer State Park cabins in late October. It was the last weekend that the cabins were open for the season, so it was cold. About 2 AM, the electricity went off, and that caused the smoke alarm to go off. After waiting a few minutes in disbelief, I drove up to the lodge to inquire about what they were doing to stop the alarms. The guy on duty said, "I guess the good Lord didn't think we needed electricity tonight. There isn't anything I can do about the smoke alarms." Believe it or not, we all fell asleep with the alarms blaring and woke a couple hours later when the electricity came back on and the alarms were shut off.
My worst moment was back in 06.

My brother, SIL, niece, mom, dad, DH, and I all went to Disney.

To make a very long story short, SIL wanted to control the enitre trip. She was in a perpetual bad mood (which was only worsened by my suggestion that they get a fast pass for RnRC if they want to ride it - she refused and had a hissy because getting a FP wasn't in her "plan", and to this day refuses to use FP).

It all culminated on Main Street USA on the last day of our trip. She said the cashier was rude; I didn't think that she was. We were standing near Crystal Palace, and SIL is screaming, cussing, and causing a huge, embarrassing scene. Nothing was going to make her be quiet. Finally, a higher-up walked by (probably called by a nearby CM). She wanted to know if everything was okay. I said yes; SIL said no, and proceeded to inform her in so many words about how rude all the CMs have been and what a rotten time that she has had. The manager, in an attempt to spread some magic and smooth over the situation, comped our meal at Crystal Palace, and gave us fastpasses for Peter Pan (the ride my niece picked).
My worst moment was back in 06.

My brother, SIL, niece, mom, dad, DH, and I all went to Disney.

To make a very long story short, SIL wanted to control the enitre trip. She was in a perpetual bad mood (which was only worsened by my suggestion that they get a fast pass for RnRC if they want to ride it - she refused and had a hissy because getting a FP wasn't in her "plan", and to this day refuses to use FP).

It all culminated on Main Street USA on the last day of our trip. She said the cashier was rude; I didn't think that she was. We were standing near Crystal Palace, and SIL is screaming, cussing, and causing a huge, embarrassing scene. Nothing was going to make her be quiet. Finally, a higher-up walked by (probably called by a nearby CM). She wanted to know if everything was okay. I said yes; SIL said no, and proceeded to inform her in so many words about how rude all the CMs have been and what a rotten time that she has had. The manager, in an attempt to spread some magic and smooth over the situation, comped our meal at Crystal Palace, and gave us fastpasses for Peter Pan (the ride my niece picked).

Wow. I tend to be a planner and have our moves sketched out. But, you know there are going to be 10,000 other people there that day and my plans could very easily go down the toilet. Sometimes you just gotta let that stuff go. Hell, you're on vacation. Save the spreadsheets for the office.
To make a very long story short, SIL wanted to control the entire trip. She was in a perpetual bad mood ...

Your SIL seems badly in need of professional help and medication. Her sickness is making everyone sick. Especially harmful for her kids. :guilty:
i have 2 "worst day" stories.

1st time I had a bad day I was with my mom & sis in MK.
Sis and I waited for 2 1/2 hours in line for Splash Mountain. Mom waited on the bridge. the ride was stopped several times while we waited to ride. By the time we exited the ride and met her on the bridge she was so panicked that she made us leave, at 2 PM!:mad:

2nd time - waiting on the dock loading area for The Jungle Cruise, my son Pat, 3 at the time, wiggled away and ran for the water. he managed to step off the edge of the dock as a boat was edging up to it. If it weren't for his favorite overalls, he would have been crushed between the dock and the boat. :idea: We left the park right after our ride and got a kid harness and leash.
People who want to expose their emotional issues by putting stains or graffiti on there bodies have the right to do so. People also have the right to express opinions about same as well. If my daughter came home with a tramp stamp, it would be removed by force if necessary. I know where this is heading, and it's not going to end
well, so I'm not going to comment
any further on this

Wow. I imagine a place like Disney World that attracts such a large diverse crowd, would be a miserable place for such a judgemental person as yourself. I feel bad for you. That much negativity must be exhausting.
Last August while on our week Disney vacation my drs office called with some results of some recent medical tests that I never thought twice about . We were about to walk into Epcot and took a few minutes in the bathroom to compose myself then joined my family . It has been a rough road since then but each day is a new day and looking forward to our trip this August . Not sure how I will feel when walking into Ecpot .

My heart goes out to you and what you bravely dealt with. Wishing you much luck in what lies ahead.
I have posted this story before, but my worst experience would be when my then 7 year old son was bitten by a water moccasin at CBR. We had only been at Disney for 2 hours and spent the next three days in the pediatric intensive care unit at Florida Children's Hospital. What a nightmare!! Thankfully the little guy is alive and wonderful!!!
People who want to expose their emotional issues by putting stains or graffiti on there bodies have the right to do so. People also have the right to express opinions about same as well. If my daughter came home with a tramp stamp, it would be removed by force if necessary. I know where this is heading, and it's not going to end well, so I'm not going to comment any further on this subject.

I am EXTREMELY offended by your choice of words. :sad2: While I do respect your opinion, an opinion you have every right to have, this could have been voiced in a much better way.

Back to our regularly scheduled program...

The only "bad" time I've had at WDW was when I got heat/sun stroke (at least that's what I think it was). The first time it happened it was my first trip to Florida and I was in the MK near PoTC. That ride kept me from passing out :worship:
I have posted this story before, but my worst experience would be when my then 7 year old son was bitten by a water moccasin at CBR. We had only been at Disney for 2 hours and spent the next three days in the pediatric intensive care unit at Florida Children's Hospital. What a nightmare!! Thankfully the little guy is alive and wonderful!!!

OMG! That's horrible! Even worse than my broken leg story! I'm glad your son is ok now.
Wow, I had a very rude Photopass photographer outside the Tusker House.....but that's so silly compared with some of these stories.

I've been very fortunate.

Water moccassin mom, THANK YOU a bunch for sharing your story. I think you were the one who posted the pics of your poor DS too, right? I knew ahead of time (again, thanks to you) to warn my kids not to cut through the plants at the Poly (not that they'd do that anyway ;)


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