Your worst moment at a Disney park?

I swear that is my biggest pet peeve... snapping wires in bras (this is a regular occurance for me haha) and to happen at a Disney park? that's just cruel and unusual punishment :lmao:

I have had this happent to me several times, which is why one of the things that lives in my purse is a seam ripper with a tight cover. Duck into a ladies room, rip open the top of the channel the wire is in and pull it out. You won't have as nice of support, but you will be a lot more comfortable. In fact I keep one bra with the underwire removed just for flying. I am of a size that it will set off the metal detector.

By the way, if you do this, do not emulate a friend of mine who thought she could save some time. You must remove the wires on both sides. People will notice. :rotfl2:
i know you should never let someone else's attitude affect you, but i swear the moment my husband is "DONE" because he is hot (sissy little fellow, lol) or he is feeling trapped by the crowds, I LOSE MY MIND.

so, almost every trip has one of these, various parks, various days. it happens at least once.

I just posted a thread regarding mentally preparing for our Easter trip, lol. I want it to go well. We haven't been in almost two years, and we are very anxious to get there. I can already feel the "we have to get it all done" girl coming out in me and i know that is a disaster waiting to happen, lol
Arrival day - heading to MK for the first Park of our much anticipated trip!!!! :goodvibes Got off the monorail with DH and the 2 kids...soooo excited! We are finally HERE! We walk up to the entrance of MK - And a woman comes running right down the middle of the entrance vomiting every few steps!!! :scared1: DH and I do a quick look between us and he says to the kids "Hey! Look at those clouds! They are shaped like Mickey!" - and takes them over to the side before they noticed anything. YIKES!

ETA: I didn't read all the previous posts - I hope there isn't one from some poor woman saying "I went running down the entrance of MK vomiting every few steps".
I have several:

One was when my grandma's ECV broke down like TWO FEET FROM THE BUS RAMP! My family had to wait an hour or so and eventually a van took us to our resort

The worst was when I got a migraine headache- IN THE MAGIC KINGDOM! Besides when I got my appendix out, it is probaly the worst experience I have ever had in my life.
My DH and I took our first trip to WDW as a family with DD3 and DD18 months. I was pregnant with our third child. For whatever reason, DH and I were having a rough morning. We weren't seeing eye to eye and I was very emotional. I remember breaking down in tears as we sat waiting for our ADR at Hollywood & Vine. As soon as we were seated, I volunteered to get food for the girls and myself (just so I could get a little break!) As I was returning to our seats, with full plates, I slipped on something and fell. I was embarrassed and a little worried that I had hurt myself (or the baby!). I left the restaurant to head back to the resort. I was so upset and just wanted some time to myself. Once I left the restaurant, I couldn't find my way out of the park! Every avenue I tried seemed to be a dead end. It was an awful afternoon. Luckily, with a little rest, I felt like a new person and the rest of our vacation was as magical as I had hoped it would be! :wizard:
I have several:

The worst was when I got a migraine headache- IN THE MAGIC KINGDOM! Besides when I got my appendix out, it is probaly the worst experience I have ever had in my life.

Migraines are THE WORST. especially in Disney! I don't get them too often, but one surfaced last week two days before a midterm :sad2: Needless to stay, much studying did not happen that day.

ps.. go blue :thumbsup2 hail to the victors!
Mine was the monorail breaking down and us stuck on it for over an hour. Add to this the fact that before we got on , I had gotten on the wrong monorial and we all had to get off and get on again so everyone was already super grumpy, then when the monorail started to move, we just wanted off(it had been moving and stopping and moving and stopping/breaking down), so we decided to get off at MK and take the boat to GF, only to stand and wait in a torrential downpour. We were soaked, freezing, and tired. It had been in the 80's that day but the rain brought a cold front and we all froze the next day. :confused3 Moral of the story, if there is a lightning storm, try to use other mode of transportation instead of the monorail!!!
Migraines are THE WORST. especially in Disney! I don't get them too often, but one surfaced last week two days before a midterm :sad2: Needless to stay, much studying did not happen that day.

ps.. go blue :thumbsup2 hail to the victors!

yeah it was pretty bad.. needless to say I suffered the rest of it with the lights of in our room at Saratoga Springs... the moral is that if you feel a headache or migraine coming at Disney, don't be afraid to take a motrin.

Ps- hopefully Michigan will actually do something this year:sad2:
I can add to the sickness stories! The first trip with the kids we drove the long drive from northern indiana starting at about 1 pm on Thanksgiving day and arriving in Orlando at 8 am on Friday. I did most of the driving and was a zombie by time we got there. My kids were DS 4 years and DD 18 months. It was great for them, bad for mommy.
Well by the end of the first day my DD starting throwing up. By the next day it was coming out both ends (eww, TMI! :sick: ) So the rest of our 10 day trip she was having an accident of some sort every 3 or 4 hours. It was the weirdest bug because she acted fine. She was drinking pretty well, but wouldn't eat much (we joked that at least she was a cheap date since we never really fed her except a few bites here and there off our plates!) But there were lots of clothing changes throughout the day. At least I had taken a ton of diapers and a ton of clothes. I'm also glad we made it a 10 day trip since we planned on taking it slow anyhow. By day number 9 I called home to the doctor (again) and said they needed to give me something that would stop it from at least one end for the long ride home. LOL. I could handle one end in the car, but NOT two. So we made a trip to the drug store and got some medicine.
The next trip a year later, I was nervous about flying just because what if we needed to go to the drug store??!?!?! LOL
There have been times of disappointment or negativity, but I can only think of 1 that really stands out as qualifying as the 'worst.'

It was our first family trip to WDW, ever. My dad had died from cancer in April and my mom took us to WDW for Christmas so we could be away from home. I was 16 and my sisters were 14 and 11. We were in line for Mickey and were so excited. It was Christmas, lines were long, etc... and this woman behind us was getting impatient. She then proceeded to 'go off' on my sisters and I because we were 'teenagers' (we're tall, so even my sister who was 11 looked older) and she said we had no right taking up space in line for the kids who really should be there. I was devastated. Here we were, having been through the worst year of our life and all we wanted was a little Mickey happiness and this lady made us feel AWFUL! It was terrible :( It was the first and last lesson I ever needed in "don't judge anyone based on how they look because you don't know what they've gone through."

:mad: I would have gone psycho crazy at her! Ignorant woman
Ps- hopefully Michigan will actually do something this year:sad2:

I know right? Took long enough to get rid of Rich Rod.

Another story to add:
One time I was in Epcot with my friend, it was PM EMH and we had decided to split from our parents and hit Soarin one last time before the park closed at 2 am. Of course, the ride breaks down for what seems like forever. On top of that, no cell reception, so we were unable to tell our parents. But obviously we NEEDED to ride Soarin, so we came strolling out an hour later to some not so happy parents... there was no way we were getting out of that line!
We went to tigers vs braves spring training game and my bf decided to get ground seats but it spent the entire day raining so my butt got soaked and smeared with grass stains!! Then after the game it was the worst wait ever for a Disney bus it took us an hour to get from world of sports to pop which is so close. Good thing I love him and his obsession with the tigers!!!
Would probably be the trip I was planning on buying new crocs in the park, and my feet paid the price!
My current crocs were very well worn, and offered no support. So I REALLY needed new ones. I figured I'm going to Disney World, I'll just get some there. Apparently, the Mickey crocs are sized smaller than standard crocs, they were way too tight, so I had to wear them flip-flop stlye- without the back strap. After the first half of the day my feet were in so much pain I borrowed my mom's sneakers (which are a size too small) and downed Motrin like tic tacs the duration of the trip!
my father thought my son had left the camcorder on the JC so my mother is screaming to run and get it and he hits one of the poles and has a bad muscle pull and limp the rest of the visit
Let's see if I can make a long story relatively short. Last May, DS (who was 11) had a bad reaction to somewhat warmer May temperatures (we're talking low to mid 80's - not unbearable, but warm enough that it got the best of him AND caught me completely off guard.) It was also DD's 9th birthday. We had a 2:30 ADR for Yak & Yeti and arrived about a half hour early. I was thrilled to find a couple of empty chairs in the area up front where you wait for your table. It was air conditioned; I thought, "Great, we can cool off for a bit while we wait for the table." Sat DS & DD down in the chairs and walked over to the podium to check in. DS began to vomit loudly...AND prolifically. I couldn't get to him fast enough...and I certainly couldn't take him back outside in the heat. One of the managers, Matt, acted quickly. He was just phenomenal. Got us a garbage can, tons of napkins and ginger ale. I felt so bad - a violently ill child in lobby can't be great for the restaurant business. All he while, DD is sitting quietly, and thinking, "my birthday is ruined." Matt called for a wheelchair because there was no way DS could walk all the way back to the entrance. But we knew we needed to get DS back to the hotel. It took over an hour to get the wheelchair...seemed like even longer. I guess we weren't the only ones caught off guard by the heat that day. Throughout the whole ordeal, Matt was just a saint. You can bet I sent guest services an email singing his praises (though he's actually a Landry's employee...I sure hope he was recognized for his kindness.) We returned to Yak & Yeti later in the summer and DD finally got to check out the food...I asked the waitress if Matt was working...he was. He stopped by and instantly recognized us. Took one look at DS and said, "you look a whole lot better than the last time I saw you!"
Ok....last May first trip ever to WDW....with my DHubby and DSon....been waiting a very long time for this......I was fine when we left the airport and changed plans in GA...started to get a little biggy....I grabbed a snack and went on the plane for FL.....and once we landed....OH MY....I felt HORRIBLE.....hubby and son are fine by the way.....I just couldn't cut the feeling.....I Threw Up the entire time we were there! For Seven days I did this!!!! After we came home from our trip I made a Dr. Appt to find out what had happened.....she said it was possible Jet Lag on top of food poisoning. But My Mom has said when she goes down south where the swamps are.....she throws up the entire time she is down there too....I ask the Dr. about this....but she couldn't link anything....So I don't know what happened.....we are going back this May....and the Dr. is going to prescribe something to take with me.....we will see......I just can't believe I have talked myself into going back....but after all....I'm DISNEY ADDICTED!

So in May if you are there and see a Girl that looks green in color....It could be me!:sick:


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