Your worst moment at a Disney park?

It is a toss up. Doing the parks commando style at 7 months pregnant, and dealing with my 7 month old's constipation. When I was pregnant, I was fine all day until the end. My ankles were so big, and swollen it hurt to walk! A CM asked me if I wanted a wheel chair, but I declined. On the monorail back to the car I had to stand, which wasn't that big of a deal, but I was in so much pain that I gave an evil glare to the three grown men sitting the entire time while my pregnant self held on for dare life.

When dd was 7 months we had a great day until she had to poop, and could not. I cried in the bathroom at MK because I didn't know what to do. I could see the poop, but it would come out! A nice woman helped me out, and my dd felt much better. (I will spare the details) My poor baby! It was all my fault because I fed her chicken noodle dinner, and she wasn't ready for meats yet. (of course it was baby food). My poor baby!
I have posted this story before, but my worst experience would be when my then 7 year old son was bitten by a water moccasin at CBR. We had only been at Disney for 2 hours and spent the next three days in the pediatric intensive care unit at Florida Children's Hospital. What a nightmare!! Thankfully the little guy is alive and wonderful!!!

Oh my gosh, that would be scary! Can I ask how it happened? Was he near the water? We stay at CBR soon, and I would like to know more so I can avoid this.

but I was in so much pain that I gave an evil glare to the three grown men sitting the entire time while my pregnant self held on for dare life.

... It was all my fault because I fed her chicken noodle dinner, and she wasn't ready for meats yet. (of course it was baby food). My poor baby!

Jeeze, I guess either they were not paying that much attention, they had invisible disabilities that made sitting a requirement, or they just were not raised right.
:hug: I would have stood for you!

Secondly, I have to wonder if that was really the cause, or if it was caused by heat and dehydration, which can happy pretty easily. ::yes::
I think her little one reached into some well-manicured plants that covered the area next to the sidewalk, to pick up a toy he dropped, and the snake bit him. The snake was in the plants!!!!!!!

(If this isn't the same story, I know the story I described has been documented here on the disboards).
It would be difficult for me to remember a moment at Disney that was not fun and happy. The first thing that came to my mind when I thought of worst moments was leaving.
Our worst was probably the last trip to Disney, in January, MLK weekend. We were staying at BCV, arrived around 9 or 10, got checked in, head back to parks. Get a text around 2 with our room number, we show up at 4 and door does not work. Flashes red. Walk all the way back to the desk, told we are doing it wrong, go back and try again. Doesn't work. Go back again, they say go back and wait, someone will come show us how to do it (like we can't open a door?) Well, no one came. Go back to the desk, (of course there's a line every time!) and this time I told them I was waiting there for someone to physically walk with me to open the door. Someone walks with me, they cannot get the door open either. He says they have to call maintenance, go enjoy the parks (we had dinner reservations), it will be fixed. At this point the only way to get into the room is with the actual metal key, they let us in, but what a pain! We could not leave the room so hauling in our stuff was a real pain b/c only one could go while the other watched the room. They of course did not give us the key, so we cannot get back in if we leave.

We go have dinner and enjoy epcot, get back at midnight, guess what, KEY DOESN'T WORK! I was so lady at desk will not give us the key or get someone to let us in, says we have to wait for maintenance, except they were supposed to leave for the day already. I asked if we can have a different room, she says it's too late, like apparently opening a new room makes less sense than sleeping in the hallway. So now it's around 12:30 and my kids are sleeping in the hallway on our jackets. A maintenance guy was called in from somewhere, and HE can't get the door open either. So he leaves to go get the real metal key as well. Finally he has the key and gets it open. This is after 1 am now. At least we are in the room, but door is still not working, so maintenance guy is still there. Turns out the whole issue was a DEAD BATTERY, and after changing that it was fine. So we finally had a working door at 1:30 in the morning. Oh and the maintenance guy was nice, but was talking about how much he didn't like working for Disney the whole time.

We talked to the manager in the morning and he was apologetic and gave us a $100 credit (dinner on them, was how it was put), a special fastpass to use on any ride (yay toy story! this works for any time and even if they are all out of FP for the day), and a ride to the park we were going to, but it really affected our plans for both days due to not getting in the room and lack of sleep. We just let it go and enjoyed the rest of our trip but we won't be rushing back to BCV either, I'm ready to go back "home" to Kidani!

BTW, I will never take those magnetic key card entry things for granted again! And in case you ever wondered, the room doors are set to lock in power failure, and safety doors (like exits) will stay unlocked, something we learned :)

Anyway, that was our worst caused by Disney, we've had other not so magical moments, but really we've had a great time overall every time we go!
my worst moment at a disney park took place at animal kingdom. When i first rode kali, i didnt not get wet in the least. so me and my sister decided it would be a good idea to go on it without a poncho. well, i went on it and came off traumatized. i got so fricken wet it wasnt even funny. the only other thing we could do was eat lunch and then go home. But of course we came back because we had two fastpasses each for everest!!

And that was my experience
That one reminds me of a problem at Rainforest Cafe. We had reservations for something like 5:00PM. Not thinking we decided we should go on Kali in the afternoon. By the time we get to the front of the standby line it is clear that we would go on and then have to go to dinner.

All four of us get soaked:thumbsup2 I don't know how our luck could be that all four ended up getting the tidal wave of water in our laps and shoes.

So we waddle off to Rainforest and they have the AC cranking to arctic freeze. DW and DD go off to the ladies room and dry their socks on the hand drier. We ate dinner freezing the entire dinner.
That one reminds me of a problem at Rainforest Cafe. We had reservations for something like 5:00PM. Not thinking we decided we should go on Kali in the afternoon. By the time we get to the front of the standby line it is clear that we would go on and then have to go to dinner.

All four of us get soaked:thumbsup2 I don't know how our luck could be that all four ended up getting the tidal wave of water in our laps and shoes.

So we waddle off to Rainforest and they have the AC cranking to arctic freeze. DW and DD go off to the ladies room and dry their socks on the hand drier. We ate dinner freezing the entire dinner.

Yeah. That sounds like a one-time-only bad move. I used to live in FL. And I loved getting out of the heat into the A/C. Except if I was wet, like from rain. Then I would be so cold my teeth would chatter. I have been known to wear a cloth restaurant napkin or two over my shoulders. I looked foolish, but it helped.

I feel for ya! :)
Actually my two "worst" experiences were at Disneyland.

-As a child, I can remember playing in the caves of Tom Sawyer island. I was on one of the rocks above, and lost my footing. I fell back onto the rock which was maybe about 8 feet from the ground. It scared me to no end that I was so close to a really, really bad fall. (PTSD you think? :eek: )

-DH didn't properly stow away our digital camera while on SM, and let's just say the camera got soaked. TG for PhotoPass because otherwise we wouldn't have had many pictures from that trip.

Does having your vacation end qualify as a bad experience? :rolleyes:
Mine was a situation many years ago dealing with rude people. It was around noon and my group decided to get a quick bite. I saw a table with some folks that were in the process of leaving, but taking their sweet time. I went and stood by that tabel for about 5 minutes waiting for the people to finally leave. Right as they were walking away this family of a woman a her two kids walk up and plop down that the table that I had just been waiting for, so I sat down too.

We all sat there staring at each other for a minute or so, and then her husband walked up and she told him that she guessed they would have company at "their table". Now I was just a young teen at that time and was afraid the stand up for my self, so I just got up and walked away. Thinking back, I wish I had not been such a push over.
Ok, it's not AWEFUL aweful, but it's probably our worst trip.

We had been planning a trip to The World for fall of 2010 for the Food & Wine Festival. Had a day picked out, trip booked, etc. I was talking to my husband's best friend about Disney and how much fun it would be if they would come with us since they've never been there. They really wanted to, but spring of 2011 was more financially feasible for them, so I switched our date. I acted as consierge for this entire trip, making all the ADR's, emailing them all the information on hotels, our personal favorites, pictures, reviews, you name it. We decided upon May 2010 and we planned to stay at POR. So for the entire 6-8 months before our trip, I'd loaned them my vacation planning DVD from Disney (they never watched it), had them decide what restaurants they'd like to go to based upon their tastes (they're or he more particularly is a steak eater so we got Le Cellier and Yachtsman, Boma, etc). Everything was geared around them having the best time possible, I let all of our ADR's know it was their anniversary and their first trip, I handled all the money exchange and making sure everything was paid for. They didn't have to do a thing other than put luggage tags on their bags and show up at the airport (we ever handled that for them). I had gotten the feeling all along that they were excited to go and really looking forward to this.

We get down to Disney and they like POR, a plus. Outside of that, they (particularly him) griped about the price of this, the price of that, the burgers aren't as good as such-and-such place back home, the steak at the Yachtsman was an end cut, Dinosaur ride was ok, but the Mummy at Universal was better, Spaceship Earth was too slow and boring, Mission Space was good, but apparently not enough for another ride, every meal with the exception of maybe one wasn't as good as something else, somewhere else, too much walking, waiting too long for buses, didn't like the crowds (crowds were very do-able), Soarin' should be in HD, pizza at Via Napoli didn't have enough cheese on it and it's not like take out at home, everything. By day 2 of 7, we realized they were just phoning it in. I'd make suggestions like, "hey we could do this over here"...I'd get a luke warm, "eh, maybe" from them. "Hey guys, let's go have our pictures taken with Minnie and Mickey!", "I don't do pictures". Hey, let's go see Festival of the Lion King, it's a really great show!". "We don't do shows". " What do you guys want to do next?" "I don't know, what's cool around here?" Every time something was offered to them, it was poo-pooed. Nothing was fun, nothing was magical, nothing. It got to the point one day while we were walking around at the World Showcase at Epcot and nothing sounded like a good idea to them for lunch. I'd told them that we've got dining reservations at 7:05pm at Le Cellier and we're going to split up now. They can do whatever they like (they don't do shops either) and we'll meet up in Canada for dinner. They were apprehensive to do that because, "well you guys know where all the cool stuff is". Really? Nothing we're doing or showing you is "cool" to you two. I felt sorry for the wife, she seemed game for pictures, having fun, checking out everything and having some fun shopping, but her husband stands outside of a shop with his hands in his pockets and a scowl on his face because he's got to wait and it's the "same crap, different store" to him.

My husband and I are trying to remain friendly and keep things entertaining and fun, but it's just rolling off them in sheets. We were there for 7 days (they wanted 7 instead of our usual 5) and by day 6 we had spent the entire day alone at Epcot, taking our time, looking at everything we wanted and telling ourselves that under no circumstances would we ever go on vacation with these two again. I got home and asked my brother if he had experienced the same thing with them when he and his wife went to Universal with them in 2005. "Yup, same thing" was his answer to our questions. Nothing was ever good enough, worth the money, tasted good enough, big enough portion, made the way he wanted, or interesting enough for the two of them. My brother said, " he sucked the fun out of the entire trip". Exactly.

Now we're just going to go down there with other Disney lovers like ourselves that we've been with or we'll go alone. I just want to go back down there and have a re-do to get the joy back into my vacation.[/QUO

Hmmm I think you were on vacation with my FIL! :rotfl2:
It was our 2nd park day. I had some bathroom issues the night before, but thought it was from a desert I had eaten. We had gone to Chef Mickey's that morning and I had felt fine. I was hungry and ate until I was full.

While watching my daughter in the playground I began to feel nauseated. I didn't have time to grab her, and get all the way to Pete's Garage where the bathroom was, so I grabbed my son and went to the trashcan right outside the playground.

Only it wasn't an open top. It was one of those with a swinging door and the door was too small for me to get my head into. So there I was heaving in the middle of Toon Town with my 10 month old under one arm hanging on for dear life. By the time I was done he was almost on the ground and for as much of my stomach contents that actually got into the trash can, I might as well just found a corner to bend over instead.

In hindsight I believe we passed a bug around. My son had puked on us the morning before on the bus. At 10mo, he didn't spit up anymore and it was a lot, but he'd had a lot of milk and I just thought he was too full. It was when my daughter woke up puking the next night I realized what was really going on.

But I guess puking at WDW is nothing new. I could see out of the corner of my eye between heaves and no one batted an eye, just looked at me and went about their business.
My worst moment is the end of my trip...when I'm sitting on the Magical Express bus in front of my resort waiting to head to the airport.
In 2006 10 of us were staying at CBR. Every morning we would go to the busstop and sit on the bench waiting for the bus. On the morning we were going to EPCOT we arrived at the busstop to find the bus was there. Everyone jumped on and we were off. 50 feet down the road I realized my 2yo daughter was not with us. I yelled to stop the bus,and ran back to the busstop to find her sitting on the bench unaware that anything was wrong.5 yrs later I still get a little sick thinking about what could have happened.
-my first trip ever as a kid was also my parents' and little sister's 1st time. It was a huge deal. I have fuzzy memories, but I recall being in the MK and my then 5 year old DS was in a stroller and crying. The next thing I recall is the Dr. coming to our room at CR to examine her. She turned out to just have a severe flu, but we spent far more time in our CR garden wing room than at the parks that trip.

-my last trip, me and DBF checked out of CSR and took a cab to AKL on our last day to have breakfast at Boma before heading to MCO to fly home. We got inside, checked in at the podium and got a buzzer and I went to take photos for my dining report, but my camera was no longer in my pocket! I hadn't downloaded any pics - our whole trip was on a camera that was now lost in a cab. We called CSR - maybe it was in our old room? They were great and checked, it wasn't there, but they connected us with Mears cab co. and they tracked it down and brought it back to AKL. Crisis averted.
1) The first time I went to Disney with my family was when they still had the cable cars that went over the park. We were riding in one when my brother decided to be an idiot and toss something (a box of raisins, I think), over the side. When we got off the ride security was waiting for us. I was seven and convinced I was going to jail and was a huge blubbery mess. My parents yanked us out of the parks for the rest of the day and we spent the afternoon sitting in our hotel room glaring at each other.

2) We took DD for her first trip 2 years ago when she was 2 on a day trip to the Magic Kingdom. DH is stubborn. I kept telling him that Florida sun is hot and he needs to wear sunscreen (he never wears sunscreen). He refused so by the time we left that night he was severely burned. He had blisters. So we left WDW for our beach vacation and I spent the rest of our vacation going to doctor's offices, picking up burn cream prescriptions, and running oatmeal baths instead of enjoying the beach with my family. I would have slapped him, but it would have only made things worse.


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